
The Thrill Escape

Awoke was killed by the combined attack of two hunters! However...

"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots echoed in the air. A layer of awakened force shield instantly appeared on Sea's body.

"There's another assassin!"

Sea's face turned pale as he quickly fled towards the back of the car. Not only because the sturdy car body could withstand the shots of awakened force guns, but also because the last hunter, Meteor, was there!


He was about to shout for help, but was shocked to see the hunter suddenly turn around and escape without looking back!

"I can't believe..."

At that moment, Sea was filled with endless anger and confusion: the hunter he had hired to protect himself actually fled before him?

From the moment Alden ran towards him, he made a decisive decision: to escape! Forget about the employer, the hunter, the mission - everything was thrown aside. Judging from the sound of the gun, at least three more killers were lying in wait. Since the first servant who approached was an awakened, and dared to make a move with hunters escorting, how could the others be ordinary humans? Facing three against one, only a madman would choose to confront them head-on.


Sea was so furious that his nostrils were smoking: not only did this kid look unreliable, but he also completely disregarded the professional ethics of a hunter. At this critical moment, he actually chose to escape! As long as he survived this time, Sea vowed to report him to the Hunter Association and have his hunter qualifications revoked. However, now he didn't have time to think about it, let alone scold him...

Escape! Since this hunter was unreliable, they had no choice but to escape! The two of them quickly passed through the rear of the car. Almost simultaneously, four men in black rushed out from behind the woods. Three of them lightning-fast approached Sea.

"Stop!" The bayonets and menacing looks on their faces indicated that these were four awakened! As experienced hunters, they were extremely sensitive to the presence of awakened individuals. They could discern that these four men were awakened just from their aura!

"Thank goodness..."

The two men's gaze was deeply drawn to the scene over there.

"Although this kid's actions may seem somewhat immature, at certain moments he unexpectedly shows maturity..."

"To choose to retreat with the employer at such a time undoubtedly forces the opponent to divide their attention!"

Indeed, in the eyes of these two experienced old hunters, Alden's actions seemed to be forcing the opponents to divide their attention. Three one-star hunters, all awakened. Alden alone escorted the employer to retreat, making it difficult for a single awakened to strike, barely possible for two, but if it's three, it's almost certain! Therefore, the two men did not hesitate and resolutely stood in front of the four.

They were both seasoned old hunters, even facing two against four, it would not be easy to win easily. As long as Meteor could successfully lead the group to retreat, they would have a chance to leave the battlefield.

The Hunter Association would provide them with temporary contact information for executing the same mission.

"Hmph, so cunning!"

The awakened assassin sneered coldly, also seeing through the opponent's "strategy", but remained unfazed. With a signal in his eyes, one of the awakened immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Dagger and Petal.

"Get out of the way..."

Seeing the other three preparing to break away from them, Dagger and Petal were ready to intervene. However, at that moment, they suddenly felt their bodies grow heavy, and their movements became sluggish.

"This is... gravity manipulation abilities!"

The two of them were surprised, wanting to continue their actions, but felt an invisible barrier blocking their path, making it difficult for them to move.

Awakened force barrier! This awakened individual simultaneously used his abilities and an awakened force barrier, directly trapping the two of them!

"This is bad!" Dagger and Petal watched as the three awakened individuals quickly overtook them, feeling uneasy: although this person's ability level was only one star and couldn't be maintained for too long, facing three opponents alone, how long could that still-inexperienced Meteor hold out?

Danger was approaching! Not only did Dagger and Petal feel this, Sea also sensed the imminent danger! He ran with all his might, feeling the pursuers closing in behind him. At this moment, the only comfort seemed to be that Meteor's speed had slowed down and was about to catch up with him soon. However... this wasn't something worth being comforted about at all!

"This Meteor's speed is actually slower than mine, what kind of awakened is he!" Sea was almost bursting with anger. Sea had a fairly high awakened force value and decent physical qualities. However, he wasn't an awakened, so his physical enhancement was limited. Compared to awakened individuals with average physical attributes, he was at a disadvantage in terms of speed and burst power. Yet now, he was about to overtake this one-star hunter! It was simply unacceptable! Despite feeling like he might spit out blood, Sea didn't have time to dwell on it. Sensing the pursuers getting closer, he gritted his teeth and reached into his pocket...

At that moment, he suddenly saw Meteor stop in his tracks. Then, he saw the young hunter swiftly dart into the gap between two newly grown giant trees. Without much thought, Sea followed suit. Now, he could only rely on this unreliable hunter!

"Attack!" The three awakened individuals showed no signs of stopping, charging forward together. They thought their opponent was just a one-star hunter, showing clear disdain! However, they failed to notice the two giant trees' corner where Alden was hiding. But Sea noticed. As soon as he turned the corner, he met Alden's bright eyes.

"What's going on? Could there be a dangerous-level mutant hidden deep in the jungle?"

The three men grew suspicious.

A dangerous-level mutant was far more powerful than a threatening-level one, with strength comparable to a human second-level awakened!

At such close range, it undoubtedly posed a huge threat to them...


A flash of light, and Alden's face appeared.

Along with the blade in his hand.

"A high-forged alloy blade?"

They quickly glanced at Alden's weapon, recognizing it.

As hunters, they could choose to advance part of the mission reward and borrow hunting tools from the Hunter Association. They could even use awakened force guns!

However, high-forged alloy blades were not common.

Most awakened individuals chose awakened force guns to deal with crises or borrowed armor to ensure safety. Borrowing bladed weapons, especially in awakened battles, was not considered a wise choice.

They paid no mind to Alden wielding a bladed weapon. Therefore, initially, they didn't choose to retreat.

Little did they know, this decision ultimately led to their demise...


Alden uttered a word lightly and swung his blade.

"Too naive..."

The awakened closest to him sneered, quickly condensing a high concentration of awakened force in front of him. At the same time, a surge of heat flowed in his palm.

"I'll turn you into charcoal in the next second..." he thought to himself.

However, that became his final thought.


The flash of a blade... and blood splattered!


Two awakened individuals felt a cold liquid splashing across their faces.

What's going on?

The third one... is dead?

Watching the flying blood and the awakened individual with his throat slashed, the two of them shuddered:

Trouble! They encountered an awakened individual specializing in close combat! And his awakened ability is probably very rare and powerful!

"Damn it!"

"We don't have time to create distance!"

After exchanging glances, the two made a decision that they might regret: fight to the death!

"Hmm?" Alden keenly sensed something and quickly lowered his head.

"Bang!" The bark of the tree behind him instantly exploded, creating a deep pit.

"Does he have the ability to shoot or explode with explosive awakened force? It seems more powerful than awakened force guns!" Alden's thoughts raced.

"How did he move so fast?" The killer who had just activated his ability turned pale. Normally, awakened individuals at this distance couldn't evade his ability attacks! Though first-level ability users are powerful, they're also quite fragile. Awakened force can only enhance the body to a limited extent, and many abilities cannot be defended against or evaded. However, the other party easily dodged... "Oh no!"

He hadn't even realized it yet when a moment later, intense pain struck, and the world in front of him split in an instant... "Ah!"

The third killer, whose ability activation was slightly slow and hadn't attacked yet, was full of shock: this speed and explosive power were definitely not possessed by a first-level ability user! "Could the intel be wrong...?" "Could the one who took the mission be a two-star hunter?" A huge question and fear made him hesitate for a moment.

"No! I must activate my ability immediately! Otherwise, there's danger!" After a start, he came to his senses, but his chest and neck quickly split open. His ability was to generate huge sonic waves! At medium range, it could severely disrupt an awakened individual's balance, and up close, it could even injure them! Just... now it was too late to use his ability. "Pfft!"

At that moment, what came was not his usual earth-shattering roar, but a dull thud. His eyes became hollow, and his voice abruptly stopped. His throat had been pierced by a blow. That blow came from the hand of the man behind that strongman, their target, Sea. And the young man who had brought them great threats, seeming like a second-level awakened, now collapsed like a deflated balloon, instantly limp on the ground.

"He... paid a great price to gain such astonishing speed and explosive power." The killer suddenly realized: This young man lured them close, then counterattacked with his ability. Even so, after killing two companions, he had reached his limit. If he had activated his ability in time, the one who would have died would be the other party. It's just a pity...

"What a shame..." Two more gunshots! The third killer, filled with unwillingness, lay on the ground, and life passed away in an instant. With that, all three killers pursuing Sea met their end!

"Thank goodness, I still have this awakened force gun..." Sea removed his compact awakened force gun, looking pale: this was his lifesaving treasure! It's just that the situation was too urgent before, with no time to spare for its use. However, this Meteor created a turning point for him!