
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter Thirty Seven

Xiao Yi can do everything to implement the second method and kill all the people in this gathering place. He doesn't even need to do it himself.

You only need to put two C-level zombies on it, and you can easily destroy this gathering place.

But Xiao Yi didn't do this in the end.

He wants to build another gathering place outside Sin City.

At the end of the world, he wanted to establish his own slave kingdom.

So he wanted to go to this gathering place to see if the people here were worth letting them live.

Watching the arrogant Scar Man slowly approach, and several other men behind him were staring at him.

Xiao Yi suddenly felt a little boring.

When Xiao Yi was about to end the game, the woman who brought Xiao Yi up suddenly stood in front of Xiao Yi.

"Scar! What do you mean? This is my man. If you want to touch him, kill me first!"

The woman took off her helmet and showed her heroic but delicate face.

This is a short-haired beauty, and her dress is also very neutral.

If it hadn't been for the short-haired beauty's too conspicuous and proud female symbol, Xiao Yi might even have mistakenly thought that she was a beautiful man.

The melon seed face, phoenix eyes, straight nose, tight red lips, and a pair of heroic sword eyebrows give people a very firm and courageous feeling.

It was the first time that Xiao Yi saw such a heroic and heroic beauty, and she couldn't help but have a little interest in her.

Several team members behind the woman also picked up their weapons and stood behind the woman without hesitation.

The scar on the scar man's face squirmed like a centipede, and he smiled awkwardly and said, "Officer Si, I'm just kidding. There's no need to take it so seriously, right?"

It can be seen that the scar man is still afraid of this woman.

"Officer Si, you just said that wrong. What about your people and mine? We are all our own people! In such an end of the world, only by uniting and unifying leadership can we live better!" Zhou Zhengyu raised the crossbow in his hand and came out with a smile.

Xiao Yi was a little surprised. It turned out that this heroic woman was actually a beautiful policewoman.

"It's a little interesting."

Xiao Yi smiled evilly in his heart. What he is thinking now is the policewoman uniform he just got in Victoria's Secret Store.

The woman snorted coldly, turned her head and pulled Xiao Yi and said, "Little brother, you can follow me in the future. Don't worry about them! Come on, I'll take you to pick up the supplies.


Pulled by the beautiful policewoman and looking at the heroic posture of the beautiful policewoman, Xiao Yi suddenly felt a little admired for this woman.

Obviously, the Zhou Zhengyu and the Scar Man just now are not good things, and those people are all scumbags who are co-in-class and bullying.

This gathering place can exist so peacefully, and the vulnerable groups can not be bullied. Xiao Yi is sure that this beautiful policewoman must be trying to maintain it.

It is because of the personality charm of the beautiful policewoman that many people gathered under the command of this beautiful policewoman.

I have to say that this police officer is still very leading.

"My name is Si Ruoqing. I'm a criminal police officer in the Jiangcheng Criminal Police Team. It's nice to meet you." The beautiful policewoman pulled Xiao Yi out of a warehouse made of plastic cloth and introduced herself.

Xiao Yi also stretched out his hand and shook it with Si Ruoqing and said with no expression, "My name is Xiao Yi."

"Hey, why do you look like a normal person all day long? Sister Si helped you just now. Why don't you even say thank you?" A girl behind Si Ruoqing said unconvincedly.

Xiao Yi sneered in his heart: "It's you idiots who should say thank you to Si Ruoqing."

If Si Ruoqing had been a little later, all the people here would have been turned into corpses.

"Xiao Liu, don't talk nonsense!" Si Ruoqing scolded the girl, and then said to a short middle-aged man who came out of the warehouse, "Arrange a tent and a sleeping bag for the new little brother, and give him food and water for another three days."

After hearing Si Ruoqing's instructions, the middle-aged man in charge of the warehouse looked a little contradictory and seemed to stop talking, but finally turned around and entered the warehouse.

Xiao Yi looked into the warehouse curiously and found that there was a lot of food and mineral water in the small warehouse.

In addition, there are many clothes and all kinds of daily necessities, which are simply everything.

In addition, Xiao Yi also found that there was a closed escape door behind the warehouse.

The escape door was held by an iron cabinet and deliberately tied an iron chain.

Although it was tightly closed, it kept shaking, and there were bursts of roars.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, which should be a direct escape passage downstairs.

"Oh! This is our warehouse! All of these have been saved through everyone's efforts! The materials here are enough for us for three months!" When Si Ruoqing saw Xiao Yi looking at the warehouse, she explained in an understanding way.

"But if it goes on like this, we will be in big trouble in three months!" The short man who managed the warehouse complained that he pushed something out of a shopping cart from the warehouse and reluctantly pushed it to Xiao Yi's front and said, "We are now trapped here and have so many idle people. When the food and water are used up, we can only wait here to die!"

When the warehouse manager said this, he looked at Xiao Yi with some contempt. The meaning of this was that Xiao Yi was an idle person who wasted food and supplies.