
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter Thirty Four

Xiao Yi suddenly felt a little ashamed.

It seems that the beautiful professor not only did not expect his help, but also planned to take him in...

Moreover, the beautiful professor was really lucky to find a way to kill the zombie virus in the water, and by chance, he stored a large amount of food...

The possibility of luring Lu Yurou with food and water is now almost zero.

And if he is strong, the kindness of the beautiful professor really makes him unable to do it.

Although Xiao Yi thought he was a villain, he could not repay kindness in the face of the kind Lu Yurou.

"Since you have food and water, why do you ask for help..." Xiao Yi said helplessly.

"There is always a time when food and water are finished. I'm just a woman. If I want to live, I have to cooperate with others." Lu Yurou said seriously:

"I can give you food and water, and you can also use me here as a shelter."

"But I have a condition that you can't think bad about me, and you have to protect me until the rescuers come. If the rescuers haven't come after the food and water are used up, we will go out to find a new place of refuge and continue to wait for the rescue.

Lu Yurou was very serious about the conditions of cooperation with Xiao Yi.

"I don't lack food and water, and I don't need a shelter. I have my own shelter..." Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

Lu Yurou looked at Xiao Yi seriously.

"The purpose of my coming here is just to let you be my woman."

"If you want me to protect you, or to go to my shelter, you must be my woman..."

Xiao Yi was too lazy to turn around the bush and said bluntly.

"You!! Don't think about it!!"

Lu Yurou suddenly turned red and took a step back angrily. He took out the long-prepared fruit knife from behind and said to Xiao Yi, "I'm wrong about you. If you dare to touch me, I'll die to show you now!"

Even the first son of Jiangcheng City, she doesn't like him, let alone Xiao Yi, a loser like him!

Yes, in Lu Yurou's opinion, the student in front of him is a little kid.

Although she is only ten years older than Xiao Yi.

But in her opinion, Xiao Yi is a childish child!

A little kid wants to get her?

She can never agree!

Xiao Yi shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Your food can only be eaten for more than two months at most, right? What about more than two months later?

"Don't expect any rescue. If there was really a rescue team, it should have come long ago."

Xiao Yi wanted to scare Lu Yurou.

However, Lu Yurou didn't take this: "Do you think I will be scared by you? I'm not afraid of death!"

With that, Lu Yurou leaned the fruit knife against his neck.

"Famn it!" Xiao Yi couldn't help swearing and suddenly knocked Lu Yurou unconscious.

Then throw the fruit knife away from the window.

To deal with this weak woman, with Xiao Yi's current agility, it is simply not too easy...

Xiao Yi took a look at the beautiful female professor lying in his arms and couldn't help but be a little excited.

Xiao Yi controlled his evil impulse, just gently wiped a handful of oil, then left a note on the table, turned around and left Lu Yurou's dormitory.

The note says: I mean no harm to you. I will give you three more days to think about it, and I will come again in three days.

The woman who enters the city of sin must be a woman who submits to herself.

This is the principle that Xiao Yi has always adhered to.

Even if Lu Yurou is a kind and good woman.

But Xiao Yi will not change his principles for the sake of Lu Yurou.

He won't think about anything for a woman and slowly change it.

There are millions of women in the whole Jiangcheng City. With this kung fu, he might as well look for other tricks.

After coming out of the teacher's dormitory, Xiao Yi took another look at the otaku who were still staring at him in the boys' dormitory and walked out of the school by himself.

Those zombies who rushed up towards Xiao Yi were killed by Xiao Yi at will, and it was as easy to cut melons and vegetables.

This picture deeply stimulated these boys.

However, they have experienced the power of zombies, so they are not full of confidence in themselves like Shen Jiabin because of Xiao Yi's leisure.

On the contrary, several of them were full of admiration for Xiao Yi.

"Idol! Do you accept my little brother? We are willing to hang out with you!" A little fat loser shouted to Xiao Yi in a loud voice.

Another boy who had been jerking off to Lu Yurou before climbed to the window sill and kowtowed to Xiao Yi.

"Idol! Master! I want to worship you as my teacher! One day as a teacher, life as a father! You are my father!"

Xiao Yi looked at these otaku and smiled. These guys were quite interesting and very similar to his loser roommates.

However, Xiao Yi has no time to pay attention to these fat houses now. He now wants to go to the mall outside the school to harvest the burly zombies.

By the way, let's explore the situation of this gathering place.

Although there is no shortage of food and water in Sin City, there is not enough other living materials.

Xiao Yi plans to go to the mall to find some living supplies.

The five girls in Sin City are now his women. In the past, he may not be able to buy some luxury goods for his women.

But now, there should be no problem in preparing some international brand cosmetics, skin care products, brand-name clothes and bags for each of them.