
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter Forty Nine

Xiao Yi now has a limited understanding of this organization, but it is certain that this group not only has sufficient weapons and ammunition, but also has discipline.

It is even possible that there is a hidden shelter!

Now it is obviously not a wise choice for him to rush to attack the gathering place of these people.

After all, he is still mortal, and he is still afraid of the attack of thermal weapons.

But the time to settle accounts with these people is not far away.

As long as the doomsday coin reaches 300 and summons the hangler armored vehicle, it is time for these people to go to hell!

With the grangler armored vehicle, Xiao Yi didn't care what kind of gathering place the other party had, just drove the armored car and pushed it over!

Even if he can't beat it, with the protection of the armored vehicle, Xiao Yi can at least return safely.

As for now, we must find a way to get doomsday coins as soon as possible.

After summoning the hunter's crossbow, the remaining doomsday coins were all used on the crossbow, and now the remaining doomsday coins are 0.

The speed of ordinary zombies increasing doomsday coins is too slow, and more C-level zombies must be hunted as soon as possible!

Xiao Yi calculated it simply.

Burying a C-level zombie can produce 20-30 doomsday coins.

If you are lucky, you need to bury more than ten heads, and you can generate 300 doomsday coins.

It takes 2 hours to bury a Class C zombie. At present, there are two Level 2 tombs to bury.

If there are enough C-level zombies, plus the doomsday coins generated by the burial of ordinary zombies, it only takes about a day to have enough doomsday coins to summon the stranger off-road vehicle.

If you rush to work overnight, you will have enough doomsday coins before noon tomorrow!

This speed is not slow!

Now it's just a few C-level zombies missing!

Xiao Yi jumped down the tower and rushed towards the community with many zombies.

He should collect as many C-level zombies as possible and quickly improve his strength!

Xiao Yi is a person who must retay. For him, a gentleman has no overnight hatred. Since the other party provoked him, he must eradicate the other party as quickly as possible in a short time!

After hard work in the middle of the night, even if Xiao Yi surpasses the 90 attribute point, he can't stand it.

Throwing the bodies of more than a dozen C-level zombies to the women, Xiao Yi dragged his tired body back to the dark castle, and fell asleep in **.

"Ding-dong! The C-level zombies have been buried!"

"Add 25 doomsday coins."

"Get 3 agile attributes."

"Get 1 physical attribute."

"Get 1 endurance attribute."

"Get the material: biochemical claws."

"The level 2 tomb has been emptied. Please bury it again."

"Ding-dong! The C-level zombies have been buried!"


"Congratulations to the host, the power attributes and agility attributes have reached the peak of the human limit!"

A series of electronic sounds woke up Xiao Yi, who had finished resting.

Xiao Yi got up and looked at the sky. It was already noon.

"System! Smot up my attribute value!"

[Name of the City of Sin (Intermediate) City Owner: Xiao Yi]

[Gender: Male]

[Physique: 92]

[Spirit: 70]

[Power: 100]

[Endurance: 93]

[Agility: 100]

(The average of adult males is 60)

[Skills: proficient in Xingyiquan.]

[Item: Knife of Evil (Primary) Space Package (Primary)]

[Material: biochemical claws*6, biochemical mustache*5.]

[Doomsday Coin: 308]

"Have both strength and agility reached the limit of human beings?"

Looking at the strength and agility attributes that have reached 100, Xiao Yi is quite satisfied.

His current strength and agility have reached the limit of human beings.

That is to say, if Xiao Yi now participates in Olympic competitions such as weightlifting or running and high jump, he can easily abuse other athletes.

Even those world-class records can be easily broken.

"System, after the attribute point reaches 100, can it be increased again?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

Since 100 attribute points are the limit of human beings, can't you add more attribute points in the future?

[Burying B-level zombies can continue to increase attributes.]

[100 attribute points are already the limit of human beings. If you exceed 100, you will enter the extraordinary level.]

More than 100, is it extraordinary?

That is, Superman?

Xiao Yi's pupils contracted slightly.

The word Superman, for him, is full of **.

After all, the human body is too weak. Even if it reaches the limit, it may not be absolutely safe in this end of the world.

[Yes, extraordinary level is the existence of transcending human beings. If you enter the extraordinary level, you will get extraordinary ability.]

This Xiao Yi is a little exciting. If he enters the extraordinary level, he will gain extraordinary ability.

"What kind of ability is extraordinary ability?" Xiao Yi asked excitedly.

Extraordinary ability, just listening to the name, feels extremely powerful.

[I'm very sorry, host, I can't reveal the extraordinary ability for the time being.]

[Only when you reach the extraordinary level can you open the extraordinary ability column.]

"All right." Xiao Yi nodded helplessly and continued to order the system: "Upgrade the knife of evil!"

The number of biochemical claws and biochemical mustards is enough to upgrade the knife of evil.

[The upgrade conditions have been met and meet the upgrade requirements.]

[Consumption of biochemical claws*5, biochemical magic whisker*2, upgrading...]

[Upgrade completed!]

When the electronic synthesis sound fell, Xiao Yi felt that the evil knife in his hand suddenly trembled.

Then, "Bang!" A flame lit, and a secluded blue ghost fire ignited on the blade.

Xiao Yi touched the flame without any burning feeling.

This flame seems to be a special effect, and it has no substantive effect?

Or is this flame ineffective for you?

Can only hurt the enemy?

Xiao Yi asked strangely, "System, has anything changed after the upgrade of the evil knife?"

If it's just a good-looking and cool appearance, it's a little tricky.

Although these materials are not troublesome, at least I have spent some effort.

In this cruel end of the world, the most useless thing is morality and coolness.

Xiao Yi only wants to be practical.

[1] The sword of evil has become sharper and stronger.]

[2. The knife of sin naturally carries soul deterrence. When human beings see the knife of sin, they will instinctively generate fear.]

[Soul deterrent is also effective for ordinary zombies.]

[If there is no special stimulation, ordinary low-priced zombies will avoid the evil knife and will not take the initiative to approach the deterrent range of the evil knife.]

[The deterrent range is five meters.]

[3. The sword of sin will automatically collect resentment during the ordinary attack. When the host is furious, he wields the sword of evil fiercely, which will have a certain chance to stimulate criminal sanctions.]

[Crime sanctions: Instimulation can produce a wide range of soul strikes, ignoring any physical defense.]