
Doomsday Base Building

It was early in the afternoon. Dark as pitch-black, and the land was damped with silence. Only the cold breeze whispered amidst the calm and soundless skies. Though below it was a small settlement burning in crimson flames. Decimated beyond relief with rubbles everywhere. Cold corpses were strewn throughout the settlement, with some bodies ripped apart into bloodied pieces. Puddles of velvet blood formed, and chunks of flesh dangled along the concrete walls in gory ways. It was a horrifying sight, but this was the reality in the world of Terra.  Near the building where the former leader of the settlement resided was a young man leaning on the concrete wall. There were no emotions on his face as he held a revolver tightly under his fingers. His name was Duke Shepherd. Before the end, he was but a humble college student.  Duke was the only remaining survivor in the small settlement after it was overrun by an aberrant flood. He initially wanted to rest eternally using the revolver when he gazed upon what was left. But he couldn't find the strength to do so. Despite the unending tragedies and suffering... He wanted to live.  | Initializing... |  "Huh?"  | Connecting to the Bio-Apparatus... Bio-Apparatus connected! | | Activating Doomsday Base Building Protocol... Protocol activated! | | Enlisting Unit #01 Codename: Director... Unit Enlisted! | | Congratulations on the Protocol Activation, Director Duke Shepherd! | | Let us start building, shall we? |  ―――――― | Genre: Apocalypse, Kingdom-Building, Army-Building, Zombies, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Horror, Violence, Military |

Savant_Paragon · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Hero Unit: The Administrator

A pleasant and feathery voice escaped the supple lips of a gorgeous young lady. The Director of Cerberus, a young man with jet-black hair and sapphire-like irises, glances at her as if he had seen a mythical unicorn in a forest. The Sentinels also intensely gazed at the newly arrived guest.

'A beautiful woman!?' It might seem repulsive, but the thought was more inclined to astonishment. The Director, or perhaps Duke Shepherd, never thought the Administrator would be a lady. Though, it's not like he was against it. He was merely confused by the circumstances.

The Administrator, noticing the intense state of the Director, felt a bit proud of her beauty. Although, she knew there was no lust in his gaze. She could feel his admiration that had no malicious traits. As expected, the Director was beyond the grasp of mortality.

Things like the primordial instinct of lust would never affect the enlightened one. 

Anyhow... The Director and the Administrator stared into each other's eyes, resembling that of lustrous gemstones. The Sentinel could feel the atmosphere tensing up as the two appeared to be examining one another. Quite an unacceptable thing to do towards the Director, but the instigator was a hero unit.

'I can already feel it from her eyes. Cold, cunning, and controlling. Although, it isn't pointed at me. This might be a primal personality trait of an Administrator. So it should be unavoidable. And this is to be expected from a hero unit. No matter what game, they would always be special.'

Duke quietly thought after sizing up the Administrator from her golden eyes, which slightly glowed like a brilliant jewel. Meanwhile, the Administrator also had numerous thoughts regarding her Director.

'Kind, loving, yet ruthless and cautious... My Director has a good foundation. Even without the inherent loyalty of the Cerberus units, the Director should be able to gain their loyalty. I am honored to have been called upon by the enlightened one.' 

"Do you have a name, Administrator?" Duke questioned since calling her new hero unit, Administrator, would be problematic in his eyes. It's too long. He wanted something simple. At least, a name that could only be pronounced with two or three syllables. 

"I have no name, Director. The Director can give me a name if he wants to." The Administrator tilted her head and unleashed a smile after giving her a response. If others saw her, they would have already fallen. But the Director was currently thinking of a name. 

Unfortunately, he missed such a pretty scene.

'A name, huh... Sarah? Nah! Eliza? No... Althea? Perhaps not. Well, what about Aurora? It's a good name with an interesting meaning.' After concluding the ongoing thoughts inside his head, the corners of Duke's lips rose as he gave the Administrator her name.

"Administrator, your name will be Aurora. This name symbolizes the long-awaited dawn of this world. I hope you like it." 

"This name... I will etched it in my heart, Director." Aurora lightly bowed towards Duke with a genuine smile on her face. Her golden eyes glinted with satisfaction as if she had gained a treasure she would never stop holding onto. 

While Aurora lightly bowed, Duke noticed her ample bosoms having their own gravitational pull. It was hard to not look at them. But as a respectable gentleman who wouldn't want to be called out by his subordinates as a creep. He decided to try ignoring it. 

"Then, Aurora. Why don't you explain your capabilities to me? I want to know why you're amongst the hero units of Cerberus." He wasn't questioning her abilities. He was just curious about it. After all, it was clear that Aurora's skills weren't pointed at the military. 

"Curious about my capabilities, I see... Well then, Director. I shall entertain you." Aurora grinned before continuing to speak with her soothing voice. "My skills are primarily associated with logistics, governing, and judgment."

"I can handle the logistics of Cerberus, and the efficiency might increase at least 40%. Regarding governing, I can assist the Director in compiling management files for proper evaluation. I might also aid in cleaning out the rest of trivial decisions outside of the military."

"And lastly, judgment. I have a passive ability that lets me confirm whether something is true. I can also feel the hostilities of others towards Cerberus or the Director, no matter how well they keep it inside them. There are also many services I can do. But I'm a bit inexperienced in such subjects."

The Administrator carefully explained her specialties to the Director. Though, one would notice her last words being somewhat seductive. Nonetheless, Duke couldn't help but feel that a blessing had descended from the heavens. It was his hope in human form. 

Logistics and governing. These were areas that Duke was inexperienced in. He had no idea how to efficiently do such things and planned to rely on the Sentinels for the decisions. It might sound shameful, but he planned to use their reverence for his sake. Pretending to already have something in mind. While having actually nothing. 

At any rate, Duke got out of his trance and wanted to thank Aurora for arriving before him. But before he could do so, a digital notification rang in his head. He raised an eyebrow and noticed a digital display materializing. The information within it was the personal status of the Administrator.

――<◉ >――

|| Aurora ||

●| Profession: Administrator |

●| Combat Ability: [Can fight against a level 2 aberrant tyrant] |

●| Passive Effects |

-| +40% Logistic Efficiency |

-| +75% Utility Units Morale |

-| +50% Military Units Morale |

-| +50% Increased Production |

-| -10% Resource Consumption |

-| Balancing Scales of Truth |

●| Special Skill |

-| 50% Discount |

――<◉ >――

Reading through the digital information, Duke was deeply in shock. He didn't dare to underestimate Aurora anymore, and there were no doubts deep in his mind. This seemingly gentle and gorgeous lady was a couple times more powerful than anyone in the Cerberus. 

As expected of a hero unit.

But it didn't even end there. The passive effects of an Administrator were too powerful. Logistic Efficiency? Utility Units Morale? Increased Production? Negative Resource Consumption? And a grand lie-detecting passive? These passives were already enough.

Though... A hero unit wouldn't be a hero unit if it didn't have a unique skill. The skill of the Administrator wasn't combat-oriented, but it was the most overpowered ability that Duke had ever seen. Who cares about skills that eliminate armies.

50% discount was da wey! 

The prices within the Doomsday Mall becoming half was incredible. Duke felt like an ordinary human waiting at the front of a mall during Black Friday. He kept imagining the things he could buy from the Doomsday Mall. The Vehicles, Buildings, Units, and Supplies...

Duke soon shook his head and calmed himself down. He needed to maintain his image as the Director of Cerberus and not drool in front of a gorgeous lady. Besides, another digital notification materialized out of nowhere. It gave detailed information about the Administrator's ability.

<◉ >

| 50% Discount |

➤| A unique ability of the Administrator that lowers the prices of anything associated with the Doomsday Base Building Protocol. It is a powerful skill that can turn the tides of fate and might be considered a trump card. With a 50% discount on everything, the ability will only have a 24 Hours Duration. It has a cooldown rate of 6 Months. |

<◉ >

After reading the information regarding the 50% Discount, Duke still felt ecstatic about it. Although it was regrettable to have a cooldown rate of 6 months. He knew it was reasonable since it would be too overpowered otherwise. It was already good to have this skill, so there was no need to be greedy for more benefits.

Feeling the intense stare of desire from the Director, Aurora felt confused. After all, she couldn't feel any lust from his gaze, so where did this desire come from? Why does the Director appear like a man who would ravage her if given a chance despite having no passion for desire? 

Duke stepped forward as Aurora didn't make a move. As the Director stood before her, he hugged her tightly under his arms and patted her head. The gorgeous lady was obviously surprised by the bold move of the Director. 

"You must never leave my side, Aurora. I'll have you beside me forever." Duke whispered through Aurora's ears while inside his head were raging thoughts. 'She is a treasure that must be protected no matter what. With her by my side, I can finally see a path into the future.'

The only thing Duke could think of was the 50% discount.

"As expected of the Director, quite bold and assertive. Though, there's no need to worry, my Director. I will always be beside you." Aurora knew that there was some misunderstanding between the two of them. She understood that Duke didn't see her as a potential lover.

But it was interesting to burrow the misunderstanding deeper. Aurora wanted to see the reaction of others, which was already there. The Sentinels were looking at the two with envy under the crimson lenses of their gas mask. 

How could this random yet superior woman be hugged by their Director? No one should touch the magnificent body of their Director. Otherwise, it might stain his divine skin.

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*

One of the Sentinels began coughing, and the rest swiftly displayed indifference. Aurora internally grinned as their reactions pleased her. On the other hand, Duke, hearing the cough, decided to stop hugging the Administrator. He knew it was shameful for a boss to hug their subordinates for no reason. 

"Apologies for that, Aurora. I hope you weren't bothered." Duke calmly apologized to the Administrator, who was hugged by him tightly. Aurora just gave a sly smile and replied. "Your touch is a distinguished honor, Director. I, Aurora, will accept the Director's warmth no matter the time."

The Sentinels furrowed their eyebrows upon hearing this. A serpent was trying to devour their Director, and they must aid him no matter what. 

"Well, then. What about we leave this place after taking information-related materials." Duke suggested, which the Aurora calmly agreed to. The Sentinels started gathering the files scattered in the room while placing them into containers for management and separation. 

It took some time, about ten minutes. But during the examination, Duke explained the world's situation to Aurora. Hearing his words, Aurora couldn't hide her frown. The whole planet had fallen into eternal darkness, where monsters roamed indefinitely. 

The circumstances weren't advantageous for the Cerberus.

"Director, the preserved files have been taken." A Sentinel reported the conclusion of their examination. Duke nodded at them and decided to leave the command base of the southern shelter to return to the Cerberus's FOB.

"Director, does this world have a future?" Aurora coolly questioned with her soothing gaze. It was nothing more but a mere question. Duke glanced at her with a smile and answered. "Of course, as long as the Cerberus resides in this world, it will always have a future."

"We, the Cerberus, guard the gates of hell. We prevent humanity from entering it."

With his words, Aurora genuinely smiled. The vision her Director had over the world must be accomplished. That was why the Cerberus exists. His wishes were their command. Whether he would destroy everything or save it, they would follow him until eternity. 

"Then, I will work hard for the gates of hell to remain closed. The Director can rely on me well." Aurora chuckled as she walked forward in front of Duke. Having her as the hero unit was enough to give him a good image of their existence. Strong, ruthless, sly, and loyal. 

He didn't doubt that there would be many others like her. And he was looking forward to it. The Heroes of Cerberus.

The future seemed endless and hopeful despite the darkness that shrouded it. While thinking about it, Duke thought of an intriguing proverb. 

'A long journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. I wonder how many steps I have taken in this lengthy journey of mine... Heh~' 


Savant_Paragoncreators' thoughts