
a bit of gym

The night had been long. The faura's absence was unsettling and awkward. Jin kept waking up over nothing. Though, it's not like it was his first time sleeping somewhere else than his room so he already knew how it would be. This year wasn't going to be easy. When he got up, he felt drained as if he had been awake all night. Jin dressed in the plain uniform and removed his piercing. It was nearly 8am now, he had to hurry. He left the empty house and headed to the cafeteria. Once he was arrived, he noted that although there was more people than the day before, it was still pretty empty. There were few students and a bunch of teachers. He quickly spotted Kyo and sat in front of him.

"good morning sir."

The teacher looked up and answered with a smile

"Good morning. You have to learn and understand the content of these three books before the start of the year. Also, here's you additional two demons for today and your student card. You can get your third demon over there."

He pointed a nearby place and handed him thick books and two bottles containing a shining liquid. Jin frowned, what's that supposed to be? Some protein juice? He took one in his hand and inspected it while saying

"Sir Wan, What is this? Also, you said you're giving me the two demons, but were are they?"

"It's demon juice... how come you don't know about this? How did you ingest the demons before?"

Jin raised his eyebrows, impressed. Demons didn't actually have a body, it was only energy and condensation of it. How did they make it liquid?

"I don't have a particular way of eating them? I take them and eat it in one bite. Demon juice... does it taste better than live ones?"

Kyo was once again surprised. Eating demons alive wasn't very convenient and most people didn't like how the demons were always struggling to escape, making eating them harder. Also, who would give live demons to a 9 year old kid? At least it explained his appearance... but this was suspicious. He hoped that the director was making a thorough background check on that boy. Though, live demons did taste better than the liquid. Tired of how complicated it was, he said quickly

"Sadly, live ones do taste better. Now, please study seriously and don't cause trouble. Goodbye."

After saying that, Kyo went away. Jin didn't bother feeling bad for being avoided and quickly ate to go back to his room.


For days and days, he patiently studied. It was honestly very boring and he missed eating the live demons. He also constantly felt the urge to eat more demons along with a headache. What he learned in the books was information that wasn't accessible to the public along with the history of how the demon eaters society came to be. One of the three books centred on that and also gave extra information about different rules and events. His interest was picked when it mentioned a tournament for the students. It apparently was all the universities in the world that would participate. Of course, it wasn't for the second or first years. Though, when he read all those books, he felt something was off. They often mentioned wars and losses but they didn't explain what it was talking about. Since order has been established, wars were strictly forbidden and it didn't sound like a war against beasts. Or maybe he was just too dumb to get it? He quickly stopped thinking, as he didn't really like thinking.

Four weeks was about to be finished and the school year was slowly coming closer. As he got out of his room, he glanced at the other room's doors.

What kind of people would live in this house? Jin only hoped they would get along. He could already see himself laughing while hanging out with his friends.

Sadly, he knew that was very unlikely. Yesterday, Kyo had told him to join him and the director at the fifth gymnasium to do some tests.

So Jin was now on his way there. The morning air was fresh and slightly humid due to the rain of the day before. The sun was still hidden behind clouds and he could hear his own footsteps.

He wondered what the tests would be about. Probably to see how he was adapting to his diet. He pushed the door and silently walked in. Kyo and the director were already there waiting in front of a shaking box. Seeing he was there, the director waved his hand and directly cut to the chase.

-"Good morning. I've called you here today because classes will start soon and we need to test your fighting abilities."He then pointed at the shaking box." In this alloy box there's a healthy and raging Kiya. I believe you will easily win a fight against it, but if anything goes wrong we will intervene. You are also given no weapons, good luck."

Saying that, Kyo and the director went to the cage and opened it.

Jin knew the beast was the wolf sized raccoon the moment he said Kiya since he learned a lot of beasts name. So he wasn't surprised when the thing came out and rushed in his direction after having spotted him as his opponent. Normally, he wouldn't be phased by such an opponent but he didn't have any weapon on him and he was weakened by the rash (demon) diet. So he momentarily froze. He came back to his mind when the Kiya was meters from him. Seeing the beast so close, he immediately Jumped back and pushed out a wave of concentrated faura. When the wave of energy hit the Kiya, it felt dizzy and was a bit stunned. Jin didn't waste his time and concentrated faura in his brain, thighs and arms. The faura in his head was to accelerate his thinking process and boost the "slow mo" effect. When people are in immediate physical danger, the brain produce a lot of adrenaline and the brain works faster, giving the impression that the time has slowed down. The beast quickly recovered from the stun and jumped at him, all claws out. Even if the slo-mo effect doesn't make you physically faster, it made Jin able to make rapid choices and let him control his speed and movement to be very precise. Since both Jin and the Kiya are abnormally fast, he wouldn't be able to keep up with what was happening, but with the boost, he could. When it was close enough, he swiftly caught its "wrists" and pushed his foot against it's chest. Before the beast could attack with it's rear legs, Jin violently pulled the arms towards his back while his leg pushed away the body. At that moment, you could hear a 'clunk' sound as the shoulders got dislocated and the beast howling in pain.

He dropped the beast and it stayed down, crying in pain. He put his foot in its mouth, nailing the lower jaw to the floor while his hands grabbed the rest of its head and tore the beast in two. A puddle of dark blood was spreading on the ground and Jin took a few steps back. He looked at the director and saw his pensive expression. The director soon spoke.

-" The way you fight is original, but dangerous. You only push a dense amount of faura in the parts you want to boost and it's dangerous as it could go wrong, even more for your brain. You do not want to be brain dead, do you? You will have to learn the demons arts to make better use of your faura. As for the way you fight, anyone can see you are experienced. Though at first you froze, you quickly recovered and after wards you made swift decisions and confidently executed your moves. Still, you will need to be taught how to use weapons. More importantly, you faura is very high, so you can use loads of it at the same time and your recovery speed is amazing. I think you are ready for the classes. Good." He said with a satisfied expression.

For a second, Jin honestly hoped that he would be rewarded with an extra demon as a reward. Sometimes, that was all he could think about. But he shook his head, he wouldn't be given one. Jin then glanced at Kyo who was looking at the dead beast with a complicated expression. The director walked forward to the exit and told Jin about the room mates.

-"Oh, and two students will arrive in your dormitory tomorrow. I hope you will get along. You can go now." He told him while walking.

Jin also exited the gym and headed to his dorm to change his blood stained clothes before going to the cafeteria. While walking, he thought about the arrival of his dorm mates.


After having revised the content of his book all day, Jin decided to practice controlling his faura before going to bed. He wondered what exactly he would learn during the school year. He later fell asleep with these thoughts in his head.


The next morning, he was coming back from eating lunch at the cafeteria when he entered the dorm and heard voices. He understood the two students had arrived. When he was upstairs, he could hear two voices chatting in one of the rooms. Jin decided he would greet them later and walked to his room. But before he could open his door, someone walked out the room and greeted him.

-"Hi! you must be our dorm mate?"

Jin turned around and saw a a guy with dark brown hair and a tall frame waving at him. He nodded.

-"Yes, I am. My name is Jin Maki. And you? "

-"I'm Neo Reng." as he said that, another student slightly smaller that looked like him walked out the room."And that's Dan Reng, my cousin."

As Jin didn't know what else to say he stayed silent, hoping they would say something to fuel the conversation. But they both just stood there in silence not knowing what to say either. There was an awkward silence hanging in the air. As he couldn't take anymore of this, Jin spoke up.

-"Well, I hope we spend a nice year together. See you later."He said walking to his door.

Well, not the ideal introduction. At least it went relatively smoothly, like they didn't just hate each other at first sight. He would not have to spend too much time with them anyways. He sighed while throwing himself on his bed. These past days had been very boring as he had been trapped in the school grounds without means of communication as his phone had been returned to his family. After all he was a criminal, they didn't want him trying to escape or get his hands on more live demons. So, all he could do to distract himself was study. He could only see and talk to his family in four days, the official opening of doomsday academy for this year. He wasn't sure they were actually going to come, but it was kinda his family's style so he would check at the gates just to be sure. He put this matter aside and glanced at the books on his shelf. He had thoroughly read them but he knew it wouldn't compensate for the knowledge the other students gained the year before. He will need to pay extra attention during classes if he wants to catch up with the others.