
Drink Yourself To Death

"Hey! Hey he- hey bartender. yeah can I get 3 shots of jack and 2 shots of vodka." a skinny pale, tattooed covered guy drunkenly stammered. His long blonde hair covered most of his face, but you didn't have to see it to know that he was clearly drunk.

"Hey you've clearly had too much to drink. Here take this instead. It's my version of vodka," the bartender said. She slid a small clear shot glass to the drunken man. He quickly drank it and became irritated.

"Hey! This- thi.. is water! If...if I wanted water, I'd stand out slide and drink that. I came...I came to drink." He said sliding the glass towards the bartender.

"How about you sit in the restaurant in the back, order some food with your friends for 30 minutes. Then when you feel a little better you can come back here and I'll determine if you're alright to have another shot." She said with a small smirk on her face.


"Sure." the drunk man said as he stumbled across the bar, he reached a door with a large hamburger sign and walked into a restaurant.

5 minutes passed as the bartender served other somewhat sober customers, when something caught her attention.

"Aye who the fuck is smoking in my bar." she yelled as she quickly scanned the room. She locked eyes with a man that was smoking a cigarette.

"Hey asshole, read the sign," she yelled as she pointed at a no smoking sign.

"Calm down lady, it's raining outside. I can't smoke out there, just let me stay in here for 5 minutes." The guy calmly asked as he sat lazily on a long couch, his feet perched onto a table. His long dreads hung over his dark skinned face.

"While you're sitting there smoking, you're actually killing me, I've got stage one lung cancer. So I dont give a shit if its raining or a tornado. You will not smoke in here, you either put the cigarette out or I'll put you out," she sternly said.

"Alright alright, damn, a man cant smoke anywhere. I'm going outside," the guy said, he got up slowly and sat against the bar entrance window smoking a cigarette.

"Risk getting sick from the rain, all because you want to smoke a cancer stick," the bartender mumbled as she mixed up drinks for another customer.

10 minutes later four guys and the drunken man from before stumbled back into the bar.

"I'm going to need everyone to leave now," a big burly man barked. People quickly left the bar, leaving the bartender and the five drunk guys.
