
Don't touch me Mr. J

Stolen at birth, abandon by her fake family and friends, Emilia has to face everything head-on without backing down. She begged Jason the most richest man in the world to serve him in exchange for the betrayal of her family and friends.

flobabe9090 · Urbano
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60 Chs

Chapter 41: Face slapped

Emilia looked at the two people that killed her in her last life with disgust. She didn't answer them, "Please ma, can you ring my things so I leave this place. "

"Wow a dumpster child is taking stuffs from me. That means you are cheap." Celine Miller said, "I will call my bodyguards here so they stop you. I don't no the man you sleep with that makes you think you can take my stuffs and walk away."

"Yes drop those things you can't afford them who knows if your sugar daddy can buy them for you. " Susan added.

"Emilia I thought you are a beautiful girl but now you are vile, how can you have a sugar daddy?" Jake spoke out in anger. He was angry because he wanted to sleep with Emilia when he found she was a beauty no lady could be compel to her that's why he wanted to help Emilia but when Susan said she has a sugar daddy he was mad.

"Ah haha! Our store doesn't sell to mistresses" The Manager added.

Meanwhile outside the shopping mall, Linda and Jason Sinclair were talking about Emilia's birthday party. Emilia would be sixteen years old in next week, she never cared about it but Jason, Linda and Gavin where preparing to throw her a sweet sixteen birthday party. They came to the mall to get a one of a kind gown and pick up the customize ring Jason design for Emilia for their marriage and engagement from a shop close to the clothes shop.

Jason saw Emilia been surrounded by a group of annoying people, he also held the words Susan and Jake said about Emilia that made him angry. Before he could call his mother, Linda walked into the shop, "What is going on here manager?"

The owner of the mall ran into the shop when he was told Linda and Jason Sinclair are at the mall, he knew them and he never want to offend the Sinclairs. He saw held the question Linda asked the manager. He also added, "Why is the store like this when customers as suppose to buy and staffs are to help them out?"

The manager said, "Boss this dumpster child can't afford the things she took from the shop so I am telling her to drop them so out VIP customer can buy them."

When she said those words Jason and Linda want to kill her immediately, he asked the manager, "Who are you calling a dumpster child?"

When Celine saw Jason, she happily walked up to him saying, "That cheap thing over there."

"Emilia why did you just stand there to receive insult from all these ants? Didn't I tell you to call me if you run into any trouble or am I not strong enough for you?" Jason spoke angrily.

"My child you should have broken their jaw when you heard those words don't keep quiet again OK." Linda said to Emilia.

Celine was surprised Jason's mother knows Emilia. The crowd started to asked themselves, "Who is this girl? She is close to the demon and his mother."

Susan was jealous, she just couldn't stand Emilia having the love of others, "Madam don't let her fool you she is a child picked from the dumpster site my father picked her up and she has been chased out of our house for 2months now. How can she afford things like these unless she is selling her body at an early age, how disgusting."

Jake saw Jason holding Emilia he couldn't stand it, "Young man let her go she is a cheap slut."

Jason punched Jake so hard that his nose broke for saying those words about Emilia.

The owner of the mall said, "Manager you are fired can't you tell they are Jason Sinclair and his mother Linda Sinclair, they own half of the mall and this young lady you are insulting is his fiancee."

"What? Sir I didn't know. I won't do it again."

"You will do it again I have always warn you about your character, haven't I?"

Jason brought his card out swipe it on the cash register after that they picked the close and left the store.

"The two of you I am coming for you big time." Jason told Susan and Jake.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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