
The Mirror


My name is Lucia Antonia Sweet and am the youngest princess of the Sweet Kingdom. I am the 3rd child and I have two energetic older brothers.

Every since I was born, l have received everything with just a call. The commoners are filthy and dirty people always commiting crimes to eat or to satisfy their greed. It always pisses me off when am told to judge such cases. I always pass death sentence or life imprisonment.

The nobility always act like they are one with us the royals but in their eyes, you will see jealousy and disloyalty.

Since birth, l was blessed with magic which helped me learn magic at a faster rate compared to my peers. On my 16th birthday, l decided to check out every nook and cran of our big castle.

I wandered everywhere knocking down any person who stood in my way. I had a great time but there was a place, where I hadn't checked out. It was the uppermost room in the castle. I entered the room out of sheer curiosity. I noticed the room was dusty and lacked modern furnishes a castle must have. But in the middle of the room stood a full dressing mirror.

I got closer to it and looked at my reflection, l had grown into a beautiful young lady. My hair was dark and long. My skin was fair and smooth and my curves were perfect for seducing men. My face had no blemish and my purple eyes made me look like a goddess. I wasn't surprise because most of the men look at me with lust in their eyes. As I stared at the mirror i noticed a bright light emitting from it. The light grew brighter and brighter in the end blinding me.

When I opened my eyes, l saw myself in a small room on a small bed. The first thing I taught of was a kidnapping incident. But when I looked around the room the artefacts I saw were strange.

I was wondering were i could be until I heard the strangest of sounds going " bizz, bizz, bizz". I closed my eyes and covered my body with the blanket. I opened my eyes after the sound ended. When I looked at what made that noise. It was a small mirror with a smaller version of me trapped in it. I threw the mirror away out of fear and heard my name being called.

" Lucia, you have to get ready for school". Strangely the voice sounded like my mom the queen. I followed the voice which led me to a room filled with many mysterious items, l have never seen before. Strange of all my mom was cooking. I was surprised so I asked" Mom why are you cooking and we're the maids who are supposed to do this."

Surprisingly she laughed and said" Lucia you should stop reading too many fantasy novels and start getting ready for school. Today is your first day in highschool. I know it will be tough but I want you to relax and study hard for me. After all you are a genius."she said smiling. I went back to that small room trying to understand what was going on but i couldn't. I took the small mirror and assumed the mirror was a portrait. While touching it many small boxes appeared on it. I touched one of the boxes and saw many portraits of me and my family . I noticed one thing, none of us used magic in any of the portraits.

The portraits on the walls of the palace all had one of my family member performing magic in it. Also i couldn't sense any magic in the air or from my mother. I sealed the magic l had deep into my body to prevent it from leaking out. I looked around the room again and noticed another door in the room. I entered it and noticed a small bathroom there. I bathe myself for the first and to be honest it didn't end well😑.

" Lucia the dress on the study table in your room is the uniform hurry up and wear it." My mom said. The dress was a white shirt with a blue skirt and long black socks. It had a beautiful black flat shoe to go with it. I wore these clothes and rushed to where my mom was.

She lead me to the dining room where I saw my father reading some paper whiles drinking coffee. My brothers weren't around and l still could not sense any magic from my parents or in the air. I ate my breakfast majestically and followed my dad outside.

I saw a black four-wheel monster outside worse of all you could see it's insides. I was afraid but my dad wasn't so I followed him into it. When my dad saw l having a hard time using the mirror he took it and showed me how to use it.

At the end l got to know it is called a phone and the black monster is called a car. These names were strange but they didn't hurt me so l was cool with it.

When l was in the car I couldn't sense any magic at all from the people or from the atmosphere. I asked myself' Where the hell have l been sucked into😑'.

A.N: Infact Lucia's house and room are huge but compared to a castle it is insignificant.