
Chapter 4 more human than demon

30 minutes ago

With Tetras

Tetras was carrying around his temporary teammate, Luis, with him around the facility, looking for his gauntlet. Tetras and Luis had already checked two storage areas and now went to check the first room and on the right.

The room was as big as a normal storage area and was stacked full of crates and different weapons. The crates mostly contained swords and guns, lots of different guns. Luis was too week physically to handle the guns, while Tetras was too proud to use a weapon made by a human.

Abyss demons pride themselves with physical combat. Never has there been a single abyss demon who used anything but their fists to fight. They didn't use bows, swords, guns, cannons and etc. the only weapon they created was the abyss gauntlet. The abyss gauntlet was crafted do to necessity.

When a dimensional link was formed between the abyss realm and Middle-earth, they couldn't do anything to the magicians and Qi users. The lack of mana and Qi made them weakest of all the races living in middle-earth. They were forced to develop a weapon to transform their biological energy into a unique type of mana, which they use to defend their bodies and mind against magic.

The storage room was once again worthless. They didn't find anything useful, but Luis did managed to find her old toolbox. It still contained her multitool and different bizarre tools. Luis put her old tools in a storage pack, she found in another storage area and put it back on her back.

Storage pack is like a normal human backpack, but it has a five by five storage space inside of it. This type of thing isn't uncommon in middle-earth, but it is extremely useful and is highly valued by PIA.

Tetras put Luis back on his back and left to look elsewhere. Luis pointed to another storage area which had the number 17 above the door. They went inside of the storage room and they struck gold. The gauntlet they had been looking for was there.

It was sitting on top of a crate in the middle of the room. Luis felt suspicious about this whole thing and was about to warn Tetras when, suddenly, Tetras hurriedly ran towards it. Tears of joy threatened to stream down his face.

This gauntlet was his partner. The only weapon he had and the thing that made him complete. He felt immense joy upon finding it. The joy clouded his mind and judgment. Never did the thought that a trap might have been set up came across Tetras's mind. Tetras was about to close in and grab the gauntlet, when all his sense told him to jump as high as possible.

Tetras has the instincts of a combat veteran. He has been fighting since the day he turned 1 year old. The life and death battles he had experienced had given him some kind of sixth sense, which informed him of the dangers to come. Jack liked to call it "Spidy sense". Tetras always felt infuriated when he did that. The wording wasn't inaccurate, just the way he said it made Tetras feel the disdain and mockery in his speech. It infuriated him,but he couldn't argue back as Jack was completely right.

The insight he had developed from all those fights wouldn't trick him. He jumped and over 400 bullets passed the space he was standing on just now. Tetras had cold sweat on his forehead. His skin might be tough enough to survive rocket blasts, but destabilizing bullets are common ammunition handed to all the containment force members.

Destabilizing bullets may sound like only stronger bullets, but that is not the case. Those bullets are the only reason earth is in a somewhat peaceful era. Destabilizing bullets contain antimatter.

Antimatter is a special type of metal unique to earth. It is humanities ultimate weapon. The PIA guards it's stash of antimatter at the head quarters. The most heavily defended and impenetrable facility in existence.

The whole facility was completely covered in a thin spray-on layer of antimatter. Not even the whole of middle-earth combined with all the forces across all dimensions could get in there. The moment they just touch the outside or inside is the moment their atoms disintegrate.

The metal known as Antimatter has an unique power. It can make anything unstable. If the thing it touches isn't something from earth, it will instantly absorb all the atoms it touches. It can pierce through anything. It is a bullet that can completely destroy anything from any other realm.

The moment it touches Tetras, is the moment he will have a permanent hole through a part of his body. Those holes will not heal. No matter how much time passes, they will not heal. Tetras has such a hole in his right foot. He got it over 10 years ago and it is still a gaping hole. Not even magic can mend it. It is the perfect anti paranormal weapon, as the PIA call it.

Tetras was now in a free fall to the ground. He was a sitting duck for the containment force. All they had to do was pull the trigger and he was dead. All the containment force aimed at him and got ready to fire.


The moment the containment force members pulled the trigger, an RPG rocket collided with Tetras's back and sent him flying forwards. Tetras collided with the wall. He felt minor pain but didn't care much about what Luis had done. That single rocket the little lady shot had saved his life.

Tetras looked towards where the little Girl was only to see her getting launched back from the recoil of such a high powered weapon. Tetras looked in horror as he realized what was about to happen.

They were aiming to kill him. They were given authority to kill. Just that single fact made it almost guaranteed that he would die if he didn't surrender. He had something that the other party needed. But Luis? She was just an insignificant little girl. She possessed high intelligence and some comprehension of mind arts, but she wasn't a fighter.

Her physical body is so weak she looks like a 13 year old when she is definitely in her mid twenties. The moment the bullet touches her, even though she is from earth, she will instantly die from either shock or loosing too much blood.

Tetras has been with her for 5 years and had a certain fondness for the little girl. She wasn't scared of him and even taught him. Tetras was someone with high intelligence, but the violent race of his didn't have a way to enhance it. He could only show it by outsmarting his opponents during combat.

Luis taught him how different interesting things, like biology and physics. She wanted to try teaching him other thing, but these were the only subjects he was good at. The things he learnt even helped him enhance his physic and combat potential.

Tetras rushed towards Luis at full speed he wanted to save her. The containment force were trained to obey any orders and to not show mercy. The enemy are monsters. Showing mercy was the least of their concerns. They instantly pulled the trigger... And... Luis's dead body, riddled with 100 holes all over her body, fell down.

Tetras felt anger. She was his companion, his best friend. He didn't care anymore. All he wanted was to kill the humans who did that. Tetras slammed his left foot on the ground as hard as he could. His momentum got redirected and he instantly appeared next to the gauntlet.


Tetras picked up the right handed gauntlet and was about to put it on his hand when


A gunshot was heard and he had a bullet straight through his heart. The destabilizing bullet had left a permanent hole through his heart. Tetras caught up blood. His eyes felt dull. The pain of having a part of his heart disintegrated was too great. He was loosing consciousness when his life flashed before his eyes.

The childhood he had spent with his family, the day he was imprisoned by the jailers and the time he spent with Luis. At first he hated her for her weakness. Overtime, he grew fond of her. She was so warm and friendly. He couldn't help but start liking her and treating her as a friend.

The last thing he remembered was the moment she died and the rage he felt. He realized what he felt towards her wasn't what he would feel towards a friend. He realized it wasn't fondness, it was love. If only he had realized this sooner an not on his death bed.

His anger, rekindled, burst through and he regained consciousness. All pain and fatigue had gone away. All that was visible was nothing but pure anger. The Containment force even felt a slight bit of fear. Tetras put on his gauntlet and screamed a bloody cry with tears streaming down his eyes.


Tetras, having learnt his lesson about giving them any bit of extra time, didn't dwindle and charged at the nearest containment force squad. His rage and adrenaline fueled his gauntlet. It produced high quality power and gave an enormous strength boost to Tetras.

"Disintegrate him!"

Ordered Ains. The whole containment force started shooting at the single target. The total shots fired numbered in the thousands per second, but only Tens of bullets were hitting Tetras every second. The pain was great, but his rage suppressed the pain.

Tetras ran into the squad and bunched one of the Containment force members on the head. His head got broken off his body and launched into another members head. Upon collision, both of the head shattered. He had killed two people with one punch.

Tetras continued his rampage, killing 100 containment force members before his body was too damaged to move. Oddly enough, his gauntlet was still intact without a single scratch.

Tetras fell over and couldn't move. "At least i took out the ones that managed to hurt you." And, true to his words, all the containment force members he had killed were the ones that had accurately shot Luis.

5 second later

With Jack

"*Tetras took out 100 of them and died."

"*I see." A smirk could be seen on the 19 year old man's face. No one noticed it. Not even Farsight, someone with the ability to see into the future, had seen the smirk on Jack's face.