
Chapter 2 the MTF, STF, CC and CF

"What was that noise? Captain Dan! Captain Dan! Do you copy?" The person who picked up the emergency call from the STF captain, Dan, kept asking for the situation when commander Dan went silent. The only thing she heard before it went silent was someone screaming SASHIMI!

"Captain Dan is not responding. He must have been killed by one of the prisoners. Was it one of the 6 that escaped? Or was there another breach? What should we do about this chaos?"

"Our job is to keep the STF, MTF and CF in check and informed. It isn't our job to go out there and fight those... Those Monsters! Forget about that and inform the STF of the situation going on in containment sites 2 and 3 and tell them to let the MTF deal with those idiots outside, while the STF and CF go deal with the prisoners." Said the man, who looked to be in his late thirties with a tired and empty look in his eyes.

He is the chief of the command center, Oliver walker. He has been working in this facility for over 10 year and has experienced multitude of containment breaches, but this was the first one of this caliber. Not even this old veteran of countless breaches knew what to do in this situation.

Over 50 prisoners have breached containment and are rampaging around the facility, killing staff and each other. "I am 100% going to be held responsible for this mess!" Oliver and the command center continued to observe and inform the staff of the different situations happening around the facility.

"Stationary task force commander Jon listening! What's the situation, commander center."

"Jon, we need your men to Handel those weebs outside on their own. The have been over 13 containment breaches in containment sites 2 and 3, sections K2, A2 and 3, D3 and E3. Over 50 of them have escaped and are roaming the facility. Some of the more dangerous ones like prisoner 666 name Tetras, prisoner 486 name Megamind, prisoner 299 name Shackle, prisoner 88 name Specs and prisoner 4857 name Jack have escaped and jack, Tetras and Specs have teamed up to storm the facility. We need as much of the MTF and CF to be in the facility to keep those monsters in. Do you think your men can handle the situation outside on their own?"

"It will be hard but we will hold them off for a long time. I'm 99% sore we can give you at least a few hours. Those idiots only have numbers." One of the men next to Jon just fell down with a hole in between his eyebrows. "Scratch that, they have guns. They have weaponry like knifes and guns. There are some snipers and some are in cars. Okey, now I'm 99% sure the best we can do are 2 hours. They will manage to break in in about 2 hours. Get at least some of the monsters contained before they enter the building. The moment those doors are broken through, is the moment humanity lost. Jon out, hope you relay our situation, command center."

"Good luck, soldier!"

Oliver disconnected the call and went to contact the MTF and CF.

"MTF, do you copy?"

"Mobile task force leader Ben hears you Loud and clear! What's the situation?"

"Forget those idiots outside and have your entire task force fall back. The STF will hold them off for about 2 hours. We need your team back in the facility to get the escaped prisoners recontained!"

"Isn't that the Containment forces job?"

"Yes it is, but when there are over 50 supernatural and highly deadly monsters running around, 500 humans hardly stand a chance against them! Did I mention the top 5 have escaped as well?"

"The 5 are out! This is bad! Really really bad! Alright, I'll get my men to fall back and help the CF to recontain the prisoners!"

"Good, I'll have my men send you the full list of all the escaped prisoners. Get your men informed and back as soon as you can!"


"Chief Oliver, what are the top 5?"

"They are the five most dangerous prisoners we have in this facility. Number 5 is a shapeshifter. He has no form and can transform into anything. He is almost unkillable because of this ability. We call him Specs. Number 4 is a man named jack. He he posses the all seeing eyes, which allow him to have perfect memory, speed up his perception to the point of slowing down time to 1/10 of the original speed and memorizing everything in greater detail than a camera. Number 3 is known as Shackle. He is extremely powerful. He is basically immortal. Every time he dies, he will wake up , unharmed and without a scratch, in the last bed he slept in."

"That sounds an awful lot like a minecraft character."

"It does, but he is real and a highly dangerous threat. Number 2 is Tetras, a demon from the abyss realm. He is the son of the abyss realms lord and is one of the strongest daemons. Not even a rocket is strong enough to seriously damage his tough skin. #1 is the most dangerous of them all. He is known as Megamind and he his abilities are extremely catastrophic. He can use his persuasion and calming voice to brainwash you and manipulate you into doing whatever he wants. Not even a digital format can save you. The moment you read or hear a command/request he said/wrote, you will do almost anything he asks. Not even a man with an iron will can resist him."

"How did we contain him and how do we even communicate with him?"

"Conversation not written with letters aren't affected by him. He can use shapes and emojis to relay what he wants to say."

"What about the others?"

"There is a file over there containing all the information about the prisoners. Read it and find out for yourself. It is your job to know that and not mine to teach you."

"Chief, team A, consisting of 27, 88, 666, 4957, 768 and 37, have left the heavy containment area and are heading towards the weapons stash in the light containment area!"

"This is getting way out of hand! Inform the CF and let them send at least a hundred men to take them down. Don't forget to mention that 3 of the top 5 are in that."

"Understood, Sir!"

The command center soldier contacted the CF commander and started explaining the situation to him.

"Containment force commander Ains on the line! This isn't really a good time, command center."

"What's wrong?"

"We found a team of prisoners that have just escaped and we are trying to sedate and recontain them."

"Have your team finish it up quickly. The top 5 have escaped and are on the run. Numbers 5, 4 and 2 have formed a team with 27, 37 and 768 names Luis, Specs and Farsight. They are on their way to the light containment area, most likely for 666's gauntlet and Jack's claymore. Finish up quickly and send as much men as possible to intercept them and recontain them. Killing is allowed. You may kill any one of the 5 if it is necessary."

"Wow, for the killing protocol to be initiated. We must be in quite the deep shit. Anything else?"

"There are other containment breaches, but the chief has sent out the MTF to deal with them. Also, be extremely careful of the MTF and STF. We believe this whole thing is a setup of 487, Megamind. We haven't informed the STF and MTF of this yet. We don't know if we can trust those units yet. If you come into contact with them, use your scanners and check if there is some abnormality. If it yes, kill. On. Sight. The chief has personally issued this command. Don't worry about the aftermath and just catch the prisoners."

"Understood sir! I'll get my men straight on that!"

"Alright. I wish you luck, commander Ains!"

"Chief, the containment force has been informed and the it is on it's way to intercept team A. Any other commands?"

"Observe the situations around the facility and direct the mobile task force and the containment force. We can't afford a single mistake is a situation like this!"