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154 Chs

Chapter 6: What Are You The Mob?


Stiles runs into trouble, but the trouble are idiots.

Chapter Text

I've been contemplating telling Nick I'm a Grimm. Though I don't know, so I'm getting a second opinion. Obviously from my only confidant, Daniel. It was Sunday afternoon, just before Daniel closed his book shop. I strolled in like I owned the place. But I've been here so many times that even customers know who I am.

I walk straight to the back not even pretending I'm here for something else. But I didn't really expect to walk into a 'suspicious' meeting. I say suspicious because, leader boy and his strong looking goons are there, along with an even scarier looking dude that's all leather jackets and scars. Of course, Daniel is in the think of them.

He never looks to be comfortable around them, it's partially the reason why I didn't want to leave last time. I paused in my steps the moment I realized everyone was staring at me.

"Bad timing?" I say awkwardly.

I can almost feel the annoyance from Daniel, I feel like he'd facepalm if he could.

"Yeah bad timing, just comes back another day okay," Daniel tells me.

I nod but don't quite move. I don't really like these guys. But I can't exactly pry into Daniel's life.

"Scram kid, unless you want to be forced out." The leader guy from before tells me when I don't exactly leave.

I just glare at him.

"Hey this kid thinks he's hot shit, glaring at you, Mike, you're gonna let that slide." Says scar guy, great just great.

Daniel steps up, "Just let it go. Stiles, just go alright."

I grumble under my breath but begrudgingly move out as Daniel pushes me toward the door.

"Wait." The scarred guy calls before we pass the threshold into the actual store.

"I've seen you before. You were outside the precinct. Are you a cop?"

Daniel froze, "Jack he's too young to be a cop."

"Did I ask you? Kid, Stiles was it? Are you a cop?"

I just turned, "No."

"Then explain to me why you were at the precinct."

I glare, "I was arrested."

The scarred guy, Jack laughs and the other idiots laugh except Daniel.

"Tell me the truth or I'll break your face. Are you a cop? If I ask again, you may live."

What is this? It's like their acting like mobsters or something. Daniel looks really nervous.

I just sigh, "Fine. I'm not a cop but I'm doing this stupid internship program my dad signed me up for during the summer, and I have to do cop paperwork. Happy?"

"Don't get cheeky. But hey he could be useful." Jack says.

"But he's a kid." Daniel tries to insist.

"Who has access to a police station, the police station I've been trying to infiltrate. So he stays. Congrats kid, you earned yourself a seat."

Daniel sighs but just pulls out another chair and places it next to his own. I sit, semi-curious and semi-laughing. Like what's to stop me from just telling the police after.

After 20 minutes of listening to the worst plan I ever heard, they start to leave. One by one, just getting up and leaving. Like I didn't even hear one threat to keep my mouth shut. These guys are amateurs, stupid, stupid amateurs. Their plan is to find out who the fabled Grimm is, that resides in the police station. Their goal is to kill him for money or some stupid thing like that. Also, the few unspoken things they left out, but it was obvious that they planned to just blame it all on Daniel and I guess now me.

Once they were all gone and it had been a minute I turned to Daniel,

"Those guys are idiots, I mean if you really wanted to kill a Grimm I think trying to stab him in a room full of cops is by far the dumbest thing I ever heard. Also, you really think he's just gonna let you stab him. This is stupid. Who would ever hire these guys?" I say sitting in my usual chair that Daniel used to be sitting in.

"Stiles, just… tell you, friends, you overheard this conversation and get uninvolved."

I sat back, "What about you? Your really gonna do that stupid plan?" I ask.

"Listen I can't avoid it, I owe Jack money. So even if it is the dumbest plan in the world I gotta do it."

"How much do you owe him?"

"100,000. It was to open this store."

Well, I don't have a hundred thousand, but I could illegally get it. Hmmm. If I get caught no cop in the future, well no lots of cops in the future just not how I wanted it. But if I tell Nick that I'm a Grimm, then tell him of the plan, I save myself, but Daniel is basically saying he'll still go through with it.

I groaned, "I'll get myself out, but you're not doing it. I need a friend. And you are it, so I can't abandon you now. Also, where am I gonna get all these wonderful books from?" I say as I grin at him.

Daniel sighs, "You're going to do it either way, aren't you?"

I just grin, I guess I got an answer to my question, either way, I guess I'll let Nick know I'm a Grimm.

I leave the shop shortly after. I was just gonna grab some lunch, then to see on my phone if there is a job online, maybe less than legal, possibly hack worthy, and high paying. Before I left Beacon Hills I got bored one day, like so so bored cause Scotty boy ditched me for Allison for like a week and I may have learned how to hack things, and of course, I perfected it since I had sooo much time on my hands. Long story short I can hack really well. So getting 100,000 dollars could be possible but I don't really want to give to those idiots. Hm, so much to do so little tim-. I crash headfirst into this shorter pudgy man. Who also falls with me to the ground.

"Oh my bad," I say but the guy didn't even hear me.

"Oh man, sorry I didn't mean to hit you. I just didn't see you there. I'm so clumsy, don't be mad. You can't be mad. Well, I guess you can b e mad, but I hope you don't." Mid spew of word vomit the guy shifts or woges into a were-bever?

Oh, I actually think I've read about these guys, they are called uhh no no wait, Eisbiber, yeah cool. My first one. I stare at his face and suddenly he notices me.

"OH MY GOD, You're-you're-a-a Grimm!" The Eisbiber guy says woging back and promptly running to his truck and running off.

Okay that is getting old. I watch as the guy hastily drives away. Well, now I've met a Skalengeck and an Eisbiber and whatever that were-mouse is called, cool.