
Don't Mess With An Angel

They say we're all angels but we just don't have the right person to bring out the angelic part in us. we live in a world where we don't have time to think about doing good. Meet Tasha Elliot, definitely not your regular high school girl who have everything at her fingertips, she literally has to work for everything she wants; money, good grades, confidence including... love. what happens to her when she's been paired on a ridiculous project with Chris Williams, the school basketball king whose name is on everyone's lips. why don't y'all join me in this crazy ride and find out what happens to this teenagers/high schoolers and BTW we're not just talking about your regular high school story. we're talking about psycho ex, psycho mom, popular spoilt rich kids, mean queen bee, low self-esteem nerds, agonizing past, underage parties and whatever you can imagine.

Goodness_vanessa · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Life isn't fair

It's not until you're faced with death that you realize that you really don't want to die, no one really wants to die. No, no one. As I felt the cold metal placed on my skin, my forehead to be specific, I shivered instantly.

"Please." I pleaded feeling the tears well up on my eyes; he smiled at that leaning closer.

"What did you say?" Mark said sneering, I could feel his breath on my skin which was once appealing but now appalling to me, how cliché is that. How did I ever love this guy? one month ago I could give my life for this guy in front of me. Did he ever love me?

One minute he said he loved me the next he was the most dangerous person I've ever met.

I guess life was never moving in one direction, because it's that very moment you think it was moving in this direction, it suddenly makes a curve and you wonder if you should go with the flow, push it, or walk away.

I chose the safest. I walked away.

When people say love is wicked, I usually shoved it off perceiving it as a short satirical expression or a lampoon. I never viewed it as a meaningful personification until now.

I looked into his eyes with so much disgust and hate wishing I had never dated the monster in first place.

"Please." I pleaded again.

"Yes that's it, you beg for mercy while I think if I should show mercy."  He sneered pressing the gun on my temples.

"How dare you break up with me? Yes I cheated on you, because you  were no longer fun. You think you're an Angel that I'd stick to for life? it's all good though cos you're going  to pay twice the amount you borrowed from me else I'll go to that hospital and blow your dad's head myself."

I was no longer fun? The words stung me like a bee. I was no Angel, that I knew but hearing someone say it was painful.

He dug his hands into my skin, I screamed as blood dripped from my skin.

"Shut up!" He yelled landing a slap on my skin, the force of it threw me off balance to the hard floor. I immediately felt faint with my world spinning as he kicked and hit me multiple of times. 

Just when I thought I was going to pass out he stopped and tucked his gun into his pockets, he smiled at the damage he had done.

"When next we see I need my damn money or I blow your head off." He said and walked out.

That's when I let the tears fall, maybe I should have just died, maybe I shouldn't have begged when he placed the gun on my head. I was better off dead than living a miserable life. This was hell on earth. I forced my tired body up heading for home. 

Another hell hole.

"Tasha, is that you?" my mom slurred, I frowned realizing she was drunk. Isn't it the mother that is supposed to be the strongest in times like this, somehow I feel everything in my life was exactly the reverse.

"I ha-d  f- u-n  tod- ay." She said stammered as she struggled to gain balance, I caught her arm wincing slightly as my body hurt too. I dragged her to her room hissing when she said some gibberish, I  placed her on the bed gently making her comfortable, satisfied with what I had done she grabbed my hand and said,

"Tasha, life isn't fair. No, it isn't." she went back to sleep, that was perhaps the most meaningful thing she had said all day.

Taking a cold shower, I let the tears that I've been holding slide down my face mingling with the droplets of waters pouring down my body. Every inch of my body hurts reaching to my heart and soul. Slipping into some comfortable clothes, I heard my phone ring beside me I groaned in agony at the caller 'hope hospital', I picked it up hoping not to hear what I was dreading.

"Miss Elliot, we called to inform you that if you don't make some payment by the end of this week, treatments will be stopped for your dad." The nurse said. I placed my hand on my forehead feeling depressed with the message.

"Please, do not stop the treatment. I'll be there before this week ends to pay." I pleaded over the line.

"Very well, we'll be expecting you." She said and cut off the line.

I really don't know if I could raise a good amount of money before then.

I have to work a lot harder I guess, I hopped on my bed and said the prayer I say every day.

That the next day is better than the last and the day after that better. Yeah, that's how tough life is.

Three words kept echoing in my head.

"Life isn't fair." I muttered as I let sleep take over my tired body.

Life truly isn't fair!

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