
Don't leave me, please

nata_8686 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter one - Middle School

The first day of middle school... this scares me. From the start I didn't have much friends, you can say I was a ''outcast''. There wasn't anything I can do now. I tried to convince my mom and dad to homeschool me, they refused. Was I that much of a pain? People look down at me with disgust, was I that disgusting? I feel they're pity. I would pity myself too.

She's weird, why is she here?

I would always hear stuff like this back then, Not much I can do. The school bell rings, guess I'll have to get into school now. 

I look around, It's so lively, students chattering, students laughing, all of them are in a group. Except me. I can imagine arrows pointing at me ''Hey! Look here, bully this helpless girl!'', ''Useless nothingness! Bully here FOR FREE!''. ''Hey,'' I turned around, a boy no older than 15 with brown curly hair and light blue eyes, ''Hello.'' I replied, there was silence, how awkward, i thought to myself, I turn back around, suddenly someone grabs me by the arm, ''He-hey, uhm do you know where classroom 201 is? I searched everywhere here-'' I pull my arm back, that's not a way to treat a woman. ''It's upstairs I suppose.'' I whispered, I glance down at my paper.

Period 1: ENGLISH - CLASS 201, Mr. Wilson

 ''Are you going to English, Mr. Wilson's class?'' I asked, ''Yeah.. But I have no idea where the classroom is..." said the boy, ''Alright, I'll get you there, I'm going to the same class anyways.'' I replied, ''Oh my god thank you!'' the boy flashed a gleaming smile, ''Yeah.. no problem.'' I grimaced, It's been so long since I talked to anyone other that ''family''.

First chapter, No idea what I'm doing! Yay!

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