
Don't forget world history

i need $10 for better grammar patreon.com/Tante_hilda Reincarnate in another world and start a new life. There is a country full of imperialism, a world different from the world where he lives. The boy's hobby during his life was researching history and studying many heroes. However, the boy was unable to investigate the history of his favorites in the new world. There is a law that becomes a big wall. The boy is bound by the law that "history must not be replayed" , but the boy still spends his days thinking about the heroes of his previous world. One day, the boy made a prediction that a war with a neighboring country would soon occur. He told his two friends about his prediction and begged them to be careful, but someone overheard their conversation. This causes the boy and his best friend to leave the village in the worst possible way. He flees to a neighboring country and meets a person traveling with the boy, but that person is a hero in a past world that the boy also knows about. A story of historical exploration tracing the mysteries of this world in different worlds woven by a boy and the heroes of the past. What is history? What do people think? Through his adventures, he meets various people and gets to know their feelings. The boy uses his knowledge to face the darkness of this world.

Tante_Hilda · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

hand to hand conversation

``...Even if you don't ask me that way, Kai has always thought of us and told us.Even if Kai feels bad and is worried, if there's something he thinks he needs to tell us, Please tell me. After hearing this, if we're going to be worried, it would be better to experience the same feelings as Kai. I don't want you to have to bear all the pain. We're friends, right?"

"That's right! We're friends, so don't worry about it. Tell your friends, 'Do you still want to ask? "Don't ask me that. I want you to trust us more."

 I look up and look at their faces.

 ...let's talk. She honestly thought so.

 Even though these two have trusted me so much, I can't betray their feelings.

"Okay. It might sound like a cruel reality to both of you, but I'll say it."

 I'll make up my mind too.

"It's a simple story. If you order the subordinates who have asked you to collect information, and if they are caught, they will kill themselves, so there is no worry that the information will be leaked."

"... What!?"

"...That's a lie... There's no excuse for doing something like that! I can't allow you to order such things to an important citizen who has sworn allegiance and is highly educated and has a strong sense of loyalty. !!"

 The two were surprised at the answer, which they had never thought of.

 The expression on his face told me that this was something he should not have done and was not allowed to do.

 It would be so. An answer that would be inconceivable to a twelve-year-old child.

 When I was a child, I enjoyed just learning about history.

 Before entering junior high school, I came to know about the behind-the-scenes part of history, the inhumane acts, while doing my own research.

 At that time, I was thinking the same thing as you two.

 Moreover, thanks to the moral classes in my previous world, I was able to learn more socially unacceptable moral standards than in this world.

 And through history lessons that back up that fact, children my age who went to school in Japan can learn that ugly human conflicts have been unfolding from ancient times to the present day. Ta.

 On top of that, I was shocked to learn that in the midst of constant conflicts caused by wars and political disputes, history has been accumulated with inhumane acts.

 A country like the empire mass-produces people who have a "stronger loyalty" to the nation that Irene was talking about earlier through its educational process.

 In the hearts of the people of the empire, the existence of the empire will be elevated to an absolute existence.

 I don't think it would be possible to develop such strong loyalty if we were to educate people like us.

 ...But what happens if you receive more and more advanced and special education?

 Perhaps in the educational process that produces excellent people, there should be some kind of brainwashing education that inspires patriotism in addition to gymnastics and classroom lectures. I think it's certainly a wonderful thing to feel patriotic.

 However, it is not a pure patriotism that naturally sprouts on its own. In a way that instills patriotism, it creates an artificial loyalty with an education that imposes a false loyalty.

 ...It's a method that I can only truly hate.

 …I knew the ugliness and ugliness of human beings.

 After a while, I was finally able to try to repair my thinking rather than overcome it.

 As someone who loved history and heroes, this was difficult for me to accept, so it took me all the more time.

 ``Such a thing is natural for human beings to do, and it's a matter of course in history.

 But for me, the fact that my favorite heroes had built up such a history was a huge shock to me.

 Even though my thinking has become a little tainted by the idea that ``it's inevitable in order to survive,'' I still don't understand it deep down in my heart, and I'm still trying to understand it on the surface.

 join tContactadd and add, Sewing To this day, he continues to carry out his idea of repairing his works, which he calls "additions and repairs."

 It was a terrible truth for me, but I forced an idea that I couldn't help but hate on both of them.

 A little truth and lie mixed in there.

"The two of you know that I had a master… I was shocked when I heard about it from my master, but it's definitely true. It seems that he was ordered to keep the information secret.They told him to take his own life rather than divulge the information.However, one day, my master got scared and ran away.Since then, the empire has given me orders. Even now, I live in fear of the empire, and if I stay in the same place all the time, it's easy for my life to be targeted, so I have no choice but to move from place to place. He's not here anymore. It's like he's left for another land."

yes. When he came to this world, he had a shocking encounter with a certain person.

 That is the person I unilaterally call my master. he doesn't know the name.

 Most of the time, I lie to them and say that I learned what I'm talking about from that person.VomitOneKu.

 My knowledge is always second-hand from my masterbodyattitudeSpeak in

 Because it gives you more credibility.

 This time as well, I will use the title of master as a shield to convey my thoughts to the two of you.

 I continued to talk while looking at each other's faces.

"... That's why I don't want you two to get involved with those merchants. There's the danger of getting involved in strange ways and getting information about the empire from those people and being killed. If it is judged that you are a child, there is a possibility that you will be killed.

 He suddenly grabbed both of them by the shoulders and begged.

 I was so desperate that my body moved into action before my thoughts.

 Not an involuntary movement. Thinking that from the bottom of my heart, my hand grabbed the shoulders of the two of them without permission.

 ...I suddenly came back to my senses, and my gaze, which had been frantically focused on the two's faces, gradually turned downward, wondering if they would believe me.

 Before he knew it, his gaze shifted to the hands of the two people in his field of vision.

 As time passed, their hands slowly seemed to be sucked upward... Before I knew it, my hands were gently covering them, and heat gradually gathered in my hands.

 It felt as if our hands were having a conversation, even without hearing their answers.

"It's okay. I promise. To be honest, if what I just said was true, I'd be extremely shocked, but that conversation and this promise are two different things. I don't want to put myself in that kind of danger, and I don't want to lose my life in a place like this." I won't pretend to throw it away."

"I also promise. I was curious about what kind of people the merchants were, but I won't sacrifice my life for curiosity. Besides, if Kai's master's words are true, it's too dangerous and I don't want to get close to him, and Kai is very personal to me." I could tell from what you said earlier that you went out of your way to say this because you were thinking about us.I promise I will never do something like that, even if it means throwing away your feelings.''

 More than the warmth that came from their hands, their words changed my heart into something calmer.

 The lines he spoke were gratitude and promise.

"Thank you... Thank you both. I also promise. There's not much I can do, but I'll protect you two no matter what. They're my precious, important friends. They're my comrades."

"Thank you... but since Kai is weaker than me, doesn't that mean I have to protect you guys? It can't be helped, I'll protect you guys instead of Kai, who is weak."

"I told you so! Okay, then let's hike. We'll race from here to the river near our house. It'll be a race to see who has the stamina. Physical stamina is also important for protection. I also train regularly. hey!"

 Saying that, I started running on my own.

 If you fight legitimately, you will lose, so it's a long-distance race where you can win even a little.

 It's not cowardly to start running faster than you can hike.

 I just gave him the right handicap.


"Ah, it's Zuri Kai! You're that one, you can't beat me with martial arts, so you're fighting because you think you can. Besides, you're cowardly running on your own!"

 There wasn't even a grumbling sound.

 However, I keep running without listening or speaking to that truth.

 Ignore, ignore. It was definitely better to just keep running with my feet than to waste my ears and words in response.

"Hey! Listen... Shit! Wait!"

 Haiku also throws out his lines and starts running.

"So, you both forgot! You forgot about me!"

 Irene also runs after us.

 …it won. This composition of Haiku chasing and Irene chasing more will surely feel like a correction for the main character, and I should be able to be the first to triumph over the two of them.

 I've seen a lot of cartoons where the main character starts running and his companions chase after him.


 Saying that, I let out a useless roar, and the sun filtered through the trees.OverflowingI ran through this forest feeling the refreshing breeze.
