

It could have been minutes. It could have been hours. You had no idea, and you really didn't care. Your life could have slipped through your fingers, turning you old and gray, but you wouldn't have known.

Your entire being was focused on something you couldn't even see. You ached to be there with him, to give him some sort of solace in the end. To let him know that you would never forget him, that you would always be by his side no matter what.

But you had promised him, and everyone else that you would stay here. That you wouldn't watch your boyfriend hand himself over to the devil. That you wouldn't fight to bring him back. And it frustrated you. Screaming in frustration, you slapped your hand on the dash, before curling back into a ball and letting the tears fall.

You weren't sure how much more time passed before you heard the door of the van squeak open. Rubbing your red and sore eyes, you looked out the window, watching as Bobby climbed out of the car, walking towards the front of the alley. His shoulders were stooped, an air of defeat making him seem older. Without thinking, you climbed out, quietly shutting the door behind you. Following Bobby, you saw a lone figure standing at the edge of the alley. He stepped closer to you, and you choked back a sob.

It was Dean, and he was alone, which meant that Sam either had succeeded, or had fallen prey to Lucifer. Either way tore your heart in two. But, you were hoping for the first, wanting nothing more for his sacrifice to not be in vain. You saw Bobby pull Dean into his grasp, pounding his back, trying to comfort Dean in a masculine and rough way. Dean's eyes connected with yours, and even in the darkened light, you could see the pain, the loss that had turned his usual shimmering green orbs into nothing but a dull green shell.

"Y/N." He muttered, and Bobby pulled back, tears shining in his eyes. Dean stepped around him, grabbing you roughly by the shoulders, pulling you tight to him. You clung to his flannel shirt like it was a lifeline, letting your tears fall freely into it. He rested his head on the top of yours, and you could feel his warm tears soaking into your hair. "He fought, he fought so hard. I thought he had won,..." He sobbed, and you pulled back, trying to grasp his meaning through your emotional haze.

"What do you mean you thought?" You asked him through your sniffles. 

He stared down at you, such sorrow filling his eyes. "It seemed like he had Lucifer in control. I opened the cage, and he was forcing his body that way. But then he turned, and his eyes were so cold, so unlike Sam's. He laughed, before closing the portal, and vanishing out of the room. It didn't work. And now it's the end of the world." 

You closed your eyes, trying to get a hold of yourself, knowing you needed to be strong for Dean. "What do we do now?" You asked, hearing Bobby scoff at your words.

"Well, I guess you can go back to your boss, while us humans wait out the end of the world." Bobby muttered, taking out his frustration on you. It hurt, badly, but you weren't going to argue with him about it. You understood that he felt as if he had just lost one of his sons.

"I suggest we imbibe copious amounts of alcohol." Cas said next to you, startling you. You had forgotten the Angel was still around.

"I agree with the Angel for once." Bobby said, and both turned to go back to Bobby's van. You turned towards Dean once again, who was standing there, his hands shoved in his pockets, his shoulders slumped. Looking nothing like the strong, willful hunter you called your friend. And you knew exactly how he felt, because you felt the same way. He had just lost his brother, and you, a piece of your soul, at least if you had one.

"Dean..." You started, but then your voice quit. It was alright, because you weren't sure what you would have said anyways.

Dean turned his green eyes on you, his face etched with pain and a need for someone to help him, to have his back in what was possibly the worst moment of his life. "Dean, what are we going to do?" You asked him, not wanting to put more pressure on him, but unsure where to go from here.

"Cas, wait!" Dean yelled, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him as he rushed off after the Angel. "What do you think happens next?"

"You mean with Lucifer?" Cas asked as he turned back around. "Lucifer and Micheal will meet on the battlefield, and the end of the world will happen."

"Do you know where that will happen?" You asked, but the Angel shook his head sadly, and Dean's shoulders fell. 

"Listen, even if I did, what could we do? It's going to happen, and there is nothing we can do to stop it." Cas said, before turning back to Bobby. Dean grumbled something under his breath, before turning to his car. You followed him, knowing he shouldn't be left alone. He pulled out his phone, and you sat there quietly, waiting and watching.

"Hey Chuck." He said, and your eyes widened. You hadn't met this Chuck yet, but you've heard of him, the prophet. You listened to Dean's conversation, watching as a grim smile spread on Dean's face before he hung up. He turned back to Bobby, who was standing there uncertainly by the edge of his van.

"Chuck knows where. It's all going down at Stull Cemetery." Dean explained, but Bobby's eyebrows just narrowed in confusion.

"Boy, if you go down there, all you're going to see is Michael killing your brother." Bobby argued, but Dean just shrugged. He had already made up his mind, and you could see the wheels turning.

"Bobby, he's my brother. I can't just let him die alone." Dean choked out, before sliding into the seat of the Impala. You glanced between the two men, before opening the passenger door and sliding in. Dean looked over at you, surprised. "You do know if you're coming with me, you're pretty much signing your own death warrant, right?" Dean pointed out.

You nodded, your heart beating erratically, but you had made your decision. "I know. But I'm with you Dean. Sam means a lot to both of us, and I don't want him dying alone either. Even if I die, at least I'm there for him, in the end."

Dean stared at you thoughtfully for a moment, before grasping your hand quickly. "I'm so sorry you and Sammy didn't have much time together. You two were perfect together."

Without another word, Dean gunned the vintage car down the alley, pulling out on the busy road, and you heard a menagerie of horns honking behind you as Dean made his way back to where it all began. Back to Lawrence, Kansas.