

"You.... you will be stopping by?" You stuttered, Sam's hand tightening painfully around your arm as the words sank in. "But..."

"This is too important for me to sit in my apartment, twiddling my thumbs. I will take an active role in this child's life, just to make sure she grows up the way I want her to." Death insisted. Peering to the side of you, you could see both Sam and Dean's jaws clenching, and you knew they weren't happy about this turn of events. "Interesting..." Death muttered, surprising all of you. "You've even made friends with a prophet. Maybe he can write down your story. After all, this is the first of its kind."

"I don't even know how to be a prophet yet, let alone write..." Kevin started to argue, but a glance from Sam had him shutting up. You could see Cas off to the side, literally shaking as the conflict in front of him unnerved him.

"Hmm, interesting. A prophet who is useless, and an Angel who has lost all of his nerve." Death spoke softly as he tilted his head. "Y/N, you've found quite the lopsided family. I sure hope they don't lead you astray."

"I've never felt more at home." You muttered, wincing as your daughter kicked hard against your stomach. Death noticed your discomfort, his hand wavering in front of you.

"I must go. But your daughter, she's growing fast. Be careful, don't push yourself too much. She will be joining our world soon. Sam, come here." Death ordered. Sam, with wide eyes stepped up to Death, who leaned forward to whisper in his ear. But with your wonderful Reaper hearing, you could still hear Death's words, and they were exactly what you had feared. "I just hope your daughter doesn't send Y/N to her death."

Before Sam could react, Death vanished from the cabin. "What the hell just happened?" Dean exclaimed, everyone letting out the deep breath they didn't know they were holding.

"That was awkward." Kevin muttered, as Cas came bounding up to you.

"I don't like this, not at all. I'm going to...to..." He stuttered before vanishing from the room as well.

"Well that sucks." Dean muttered. "The main one that could have helped us vanished because his screws are loose."

"Y/N, did you hear..." Sam mumbled, his eyes wide as he glanced your way.

"Did I hear that there is a good possibility I won't make it out of this pregnancy alive?" You said darkly, a tear slipping down your cheek. "Yeah, Death didn't quite hide that from me."

Cursing under his breath, Sam pulled you into his arms, pressing a rough kiss to your forehead. "It's not gonna happen."

"But Sam, we don't know that for sure. And Death is usually scary accurate." You argued.

"No, we will figure out a way to stop it. I've lost you before, I'm not going to lose you again." He insisted. "And you heard him. This has never happened, ever. So he has no idea what he's even talking about!"

"It's just so scary." You whispered, as the other men found themselves in other places in the cabin. "I was more than ready to spend a lifetime with you. To have our own family. But there's always something ready to ruin it, isn't there?"

"We will have all of that, and much more." Sam tried to assure you, but you could hear the crack in his voice, and you could tell he was trying to talk himself into it just as well. "We're just going to take things easy. You're going to take it easy. No arguing."

"But Sam, there's so much going on right now. You and Dean are trying to end the Leviathan. There's Kevin and the tablets to worry about. How can I just lay in bed and let you guys take care of it?" You argued, but he placed his hand on your lower back, guiding you down the hallway, towards the bedroom.

"We will take care of it. If nothing else, Kevin can spend time with you, the two of you working on the Tablet, together. As long as you don't wear yourself out." He continued. Sighing, you let yourself be guided back into the bedroom, staring with dismay at the small, lumpy bed that you were going to be spending quite some time in.

Settling the pillows up, you climbed onto the bed, frowning when you realized you had nothing to occupy your time. No TV in the room, no radio to listen to. Not even books to read. "Sam, I'm going to need something, anything to occupy me or I will literally go insane."

His eyes widened when he realized what you meant. "Dean and I will head to town, see what we can scrounge up. But for right now, why don't you just try taking a nap?"

"Seriously?" You grumbled. "It wasn't too long ago that I slept. And I'm a Reaper, remember?"

"I know, I know!" He apologized. "We'll figure this out, I promise."

Rushing out of the room, he left you lounging there, wondering exactly how long you would have to be in this predicament. If it was a normal human pregnancy, that would mean months. Horrible, long months that would go on for ever and ever. But since you were a Reaper, it could end soon. Or go on longer.

As you contemplated your future, you felt a tear trickling down your cheek as frustration and fear set in. There was nothing but uncertainty in the future, and it scared you. Turning on your side, you wrapped your arms around your swollen middle, your daughter finally quiet.

Staring out the window, you watched as the trees gently moved in the breeze, the day slowly turning to dusk. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, you closed your eyes when your entire body tensed and froze. Unable to blink or control your body in anyway, you were a passenger in your own body. The black faded away into gray, before turning a bright white, almost too blinding for your eyes. As quickly as the white came, it faded, turning into a vibrant green field, full of yellow daisies that waved in the slight breeze. The sun felt warm on your face, the wind ruffling your hair. Even though you knew this was a figment of your imagination, you had a tough time believing it wasn't real.

"Mommy?" Came a small voice, innocent and childlike. As you slowly turned around, your bright blue skirt swirled around you, a piece of clothing you had never owned. Standing in front of you was a little girl, no older than four. Her mahogany colored hair, so similar to Sam's was braided into two pigtails, slightly curly at the end. Her eyes were exactly like Sam's, and you just knew, deep down in your heart that this was your daughter. Somehow, you were meeting your daughter for the first time, in some sort of dream.

"Are you..." You stuttered, overwhelmed by the need to pull her to you in a hug. She took care of that, running towards you, throwing herself into your arms. She smelled of sunshine and hope, and you couldn't control the tears of happiness that slipped down your cheek.