
A New Plan

**New Chapter requested by  and . Happy Thanksgiving!!!

"He's soulless?" Dean reaffirmed with Cas, both of you completely shocked. You had known something was wrong with Sam, but you hadn't expected it to be something like this.

"I'm afraid so. I think when he was pulled out of hell, his soul was left behind." Cas explained, before coming over to stand next to you and Dean. "And as much I want to be here, I need to get back to heaven. Can I have my coat back."

Dean shook himself out of his shock then, taking off his flannel shirt and handing it to you so Cas could have his coat back. Turning your back on them, you switched coverings, your hands still shaking. Glancing down you saw bruises and scratch marks on your chest, and the sight had you hyperventilating. "Woah, Y/N, calm down." Dean said, helping you slide on his shirt, keeping his eyes on your face. 

Taking deep, steadying breaths, you took your mind off of what had just happened, and back on Cas who was getting ready to leave. "But what does that mean Cas? Can you go down there and get it back?"

Cas tilted his head down, his stance already giving you your answer. "I wish it was that simple. But I cannot go down into the cage. I don't there there are many who could. And even if I did, who knows what shape his soul is in. It could kill him." He said, before vanishing.

After checking on Sam, Dean guided you out of the room, and up the stairs just in time to meet Bobby, who was back with grocery bags in his hands. "What's up?" Bobby asked, immediately noticing the disheartened looks on your faces, and the way you were clutching Dean's shirt to your chest.

"Sam just attacked Y/N, and Cas told us he's soulless." Dean explained quickly, ignoring Bobby's gasp. "And Cas can't get his soul, which is probably being tortured right now by Lucifer. Damn it!" Dean cussed, slamming his fist against the wall.

As he and Bobby continued to talk, you went up to the spare room, pulling out your spare bra along with a sweater. It wasn't cold, but your body was in shock, and you couldn't stop shaking. As you methodically got dressed, your mind was on Sam's predicament, and you knew what you had to do.

Rushing back down the stairs, you heard Bobby and Dean still in the kitchen, Bobby trying to calm down a distraught Dean. "Bobby, can I borrow your car?" You asked, seeing as how yours was still hours away from here in storage.

Both of their heads snapped up, and Dean strode over to you. "Y/N, I know what Sam did wasn't right, but we need you here. Please don't run away." He pleaded with you. "Sam needs you, hell even I need you."

"Dean, I'm not..." You started, just as Bobby joined the two of you. 

"Y/N, why in the world do you need my car?" Bobby asked.

"I think I know how to fix this. But I can't do it here." You told them, grabbing your jacket off of the coat hanger, your distress forgotten in your haste to make Sam better.

"Then I'm coming with you." Dean announced, grabbing his coat. 

It was your turn to stare at someone in shock. You had expected a fight, especially from Dean, but you hadn't expected him to volunteer to go with you, without even knowing your plan. 

"Dean, I can't have you do that. It wouldn't be safe for you." You tried arguing, but he wasn't budging.

"If it's not safe for me, then it's not safe for you. So either I go with you, or you don't go at all." He told you, standing in front of the door, blocking your way. 

"What about Sam?" You tried, but he shrugged his shoulders.

"He's safe. He's locked in the panic room. Bobby can keep an eye on him." Dean explained, and you knew you had no other arguments that would work. Sighing you nodded, and with a wave to Bobby you followed Dean out to the Impala. As soon as the two of you were sitting down, the engine running, Dean turned to you, waiting for directions.

"I need to go to a cemetery. A big one." You specified, and he turned the Impala around.

"I know just the place." He answered, heading down the highway, both of you silent in thought.

About fifteen minutes into your road trip, you couldn't handle his silence anymore. "Aren't you even a little curious as to my plan? I told you it wasn't safe for you, and you haven't even said a word about it!"

He turned the radio down, glancing your way before turning his attention back to the road. "Y/N, you were a Reaper. You've lived a long life, seen more things than Sammy or I could ever imagine. And you love him, and I know you will do anything to help him out. So I wasn't worried."

"I'm going to talk to Death." You said simply, and the car swerved for a moment before he gained control once again.

"Really? But he hasn't even tried contacting you ever since the whole showdown at the cemetery. What makes you think he's going to want to talk to you?" He asked, switching his gaze between you and the road.

Fiddling with the button on your coat, you thought out your words carefully. "I've been wondering about that too. For someone who said he cared about me, I figured he would try to find me. But I have no other choice. I figured he would be our best bet, and I need to try."

"Okay. I'll be there to help you." Dean comforted you, and you reached over, squeezing his hand.

"Thank you for that. I know we didn't get along well at first, but you've been a great friend to me, and I don't thank you enough for that." You told him, just as he pulled up in Sioux Falls main Cemetery. Stopping the Impala about halfway through, behind some huge trees, he climbed out, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Well, you're pretty cool too." He smiled at you, before gesturing around the cemetery. "Now what do we do?"

"I have the supplies here." You told him, pulling out your ever present messenger bag. It had your main weapons and necessities, along with simple herbs and items needed for the spells you still remembered. "I need to mix them together, say the words, and poof, he should show up. But just a heads up, he hates being summoned like this. But it's the only way I can think of."