
Don't Divorce Me, My Dear HUSBAND

"I Love You Amyra," he said while cupping her cheeks. "But I hate you, and Don't you even dare to touch me," she said after swatting his hands away rudely. "I am your husband Amyra," he said feeling hurt. "Yes, but I will never accept you as my husband," Amyra said and left the room while Zayn dropped onto the sofa with tears in his eyes as his heart shattered into million pieces. "I accept that I am mistaken, but please forgive me, Daddy," Amyra said pleadingly, "Don't you even dare to call me daddy," Nazeer Ahmed said with hatred in his voice. "You never loved and you will never be, then what is the use of staying with each other under one roof. So I decided we will file divorce in court, I already signed it and now it's your turn. Sign tandend this so called show off relationship" Zayn said to Amyra in a stern voice, then gave a file and left the room with no emotion on his face. While Amyra slided to the ground and felt numb as she didn't even know how to react on this. Zayn Ahmed is 27 yrs old, Handsome, fun-loving, honest, and dedicated to his work, h doe always makes others happy, he believes in LOVE but never fell in love. Amyra is 23 yrs old, a complete introvert, shy, but fun-loving, cute, she can do anything for her parents, she always spread a smile until one incident which shook her to the core, once she believed in LOVE, But now she even hates that word. The person who believes in LOVE and the person who doesn't even want to hear the word LOVE is going to be bound together for a lifetime. Will Zayn divorce Amyra? Will Amyra accept Zayn as her Husband ever? Why does Amyra hate the word LOVE? Will Zayn regret marrying Amyra? Come, let's join and witness their roller coaster journey.

Ehana · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs



I clicked on the notification which was sent by Saira sister-in-law, my heart is beating louder and louder as if it might burst within no time. The photo opened and I saw my girl, Did I just say, MY GIRL. Well, what should I say? The moment I saw her, my heart skipped a beat and I sighed a huge breath which I don't know that I was holding for so long.

I can feel the warmth just looking at her picture, I am smiling like an idiot while looking at her picture. Who would do that? unless he is some teenage lovesick pup or the teenager who is looking at his crush. Wait, is it some sort of a crush? maybe!! Or else who will feel like this after looking at a girl's picture within an instant!

I got attracted to her black doe eyes, sharp nose, plump lips, pink-tinted cheeks, her face, her beautiful soul which can I see through her deep black doe eyes, and her curved body. She is not a slim type but a thick curvy girl if I am not wrong!!

What the heck am I even thinking!! I had maintained a good friendship with a lot of girls who use to be in my college, I have seen so many girls who are way more beautiful than this girl but I never felt this ever before. Might be they are not beautiful as her to my eyes!! I let out a chuckle while thinking about how stupid am I thinking right now!!

Once again I saw her picture, I was simply staring at her picture as my life depends on it. I don't want to off my mobile because I want to stare at her, not for some time but a whole lifetime. I took a deep breath and clicked on another picture that had her biodata. I quickly went through it she had completed her MBA from a very good university and her name is AMYRA.

Her name is like sweet bells to my ears. It feels like her name itself fulfills my unfulfilled heart with full of Love, emotions, and warmth. She is 5'5". whereas I am 6'2", which I can feel like she perfectly fits into my arms like my lost puzzle piece. I again started looking at her picture keenly and there I had seen some sort of pain in her eyes which is too deep but I can see her soul through her eyes and the thought itself made me so restless, I don't know what has gotten into me, because I have never been so restless. And that hurts my heart with a heavy pang...

While thinking about her, I slowly drifted to sleep. And a loud knock on my door woke me up. I went and opened it, I saw Yasir and Sophia were there with teasing looks. "Brother you forgot it's already dinner time, just having our soon-to-be sister-in-law's picture on your mobile made you forget dinner time!! then what will happen if she comes to our home Zayn Bro" Yasir started teasing me and said to me with a smirk.

While Sophia is also giving me a teasing smile, and here I was being dumb and being a fool in front of these kiddos. Meanwhile, mom came and scolded these two bratty kids for pulling my leg and said us to join for dinner. As we three reached the dining hall, remaining all were already present, and no one asked me about my decision. we all had dinner in complete utter silence.

After dinner, Dad asked me about my decision as everyone looked at me with soo much curiosity to know about my answer. I took a deep breath and said "Yes Dad, I liked her, and I am ready to go forward", I said Dad in one go. Of course, why the corpus hell would I even think anymore. This is IT, I can see my whole life with her in one frame with Love, affection, and care.

Dad nodded and gave a proud smile as he know me well and he already knew that I will agree to this. Everyone started hooting for me. But I forgot to ask one thing which is so important for me. " But, Dad umm- I me-mean wh-what", why the hell am I stuttering here, I don't know. How can I ask? How? How? "Zayn, you can ask me, anything son, don't hesitate," Dad said in a bit serious tone. I nodded and took a deep breath. " I am ready for this, but I want to know first whether she liked me or not Dad!" said me.

"Who the hell won't like my lovely grandson?! you are so precious and lovely Zayn sweetheart," Grandma said with so much love. "True, no one can reject my Zayn as you are one in millions son." mom also said in a bit serious tone. "And don't forget he is handsome too mom. by the way, now only if you are being highly concerned about her before marrying itself, then what will happen after marriage Mr.Zayn Ahmed Bro". Yasir said in a teasing way with an idiotic smirk and everyone started laughing at me.

Ugh. That's it, now I have to stop them, or else they are not going to stop. it is very important for me and they are taking it in a silly way just because they love me too much, I faked a cough to grab the attention of my family. " I know you all love me so much, but it doesn't mean everyone should love me right! Maybe she might not like me! maybe she loves someone! maybe she is being forced to get married! I don't want neither me nor her to suffer especially HER, I just want to be sure before getting into it" I took a deep breath and said everything as everyone kept staring at me with an undefined look.

"This is why I always feel proud of you Zayn son," Dad said. "Yes, Zayn we are all proud of you to think that way," Saira sister-in-law said with tears in her eyes while all came and the group hugged me. This is my so emotional but cute family.

"YES, Zayn," Dad said out of nowhere and I couldn't understand. "Huh what Dad," I asked. "Don't worry Zayn, son, I have already talked to Nazeer Ahmed just before dinner and they said Yes to this MARRIAGE ALLIANCE also I took a clarity as I know, you will ask this question. So I asked him about Amyra's decision too! And he said that Amyra also said YES and asked her father about your decision, exactly the way you asked me about hers, Hence it is proved that you both are made for each other." Dad said everything goodly to me.

I was trying to digest everything. Like, is it for real!? How can we think in the same way? Is it even possible! frankly, I kinda liked it, to be the fact I loved it. I was beyond happy after listening to Dad. I can feel goosebumps on my skin, my heart is thumping so hard and I took a deep breath to calm myself.

Here I am Screaming inside my heart and all are giving me teasing looks where Ismail big bro and Yasir are smirking at me, Ugh. "They invited us to their home tomorrow for lunch so that we can discuss engagement and marriage, so you all be free for tomorrow lunch, if any works are there, then postpone it ok?" Dad said to the whole family. "Ok Dad," Ismail big bro said. "Alright Dad," said me.

"Okay then, I will inform Nazeer Ahmed that we will reach their house tomorrow on time," Dad said calmly and left to his room. As remaining family members were shouting, teasing, and screaming at me. Everyone started congratulating me and I was beyond happy which has been visible on my face from the evening.

"Zayn, I am so happy for You, I hope Amyra brings all the happiness you deserve in life zayn." Saira sister-in-law kept her hand on my head and with teary eyes she said it. She is the closest to my heart after Mom, as I always felt like she is my second mother as Ismail bro is my second father to me. She always gave that love to me, even though we both were classmates and friends at first in college but we always had that warm feeling in between us and she showed motherly love to me always.

One day we got a marriage alliance for Ismail big bro of Saira sister-in-law's picture. I was beyond happy that big bro always had a little crush on her while I was pursuing college, as he always used to come to college to pick me up and he always used to stare at her with hearts in his eyes. And finally, She became my sister-in-law and a second mother. "Bro, I am so happy for you. Congratulations Zayn bro" Sophia said with a huge wide grin on her face.

"Thank you doll," said me. All dispersed to their respective rooms. I lay on my bed and just thought about MY GIRL, My soon to be WIFE Amyra.

"Get ready for our FIRST MEET my dear soon-to-be Mrs. Amyra Zayn Ahmed," I said and smiled to myself as sleep consumed me and I finally drifted to sleep.

[To be continued]...