
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 92 think of countermeasures

On Saturdays and Sundays, the warmth did not waste a lot of time, and read books for two days at home.

Among the women that Huo Ting knows deeply, warmth is definitely the one who loves to read. There is no one.

The woman who was deeply attached to him by Huo Ting did not try her best to seduce him in front of him.

Only she... doesn't take him seriously at all.

Not to mention being flamboyant, in front of him, she really didn't want to even dress up.

Sometimes, he even suspected that the ancients said that a woman is a person who pleases herself, and she is just a joke here.

I was used to seeing her sloppy appearance, so I went out and looked at the women with heavy makeup and miniskirts outside. He suddenly felt that it was not pleasing to the eye.

On Sunday afternoon, he came back from the company early and wanted to take her out for a walk.

As a result, she nestled on the desk in his study and said without raising her head, "No."

His chair was very large, and she squatted on it, lazily like a cat.

He walked over and asked, "You don't want to go shopping, buy bags, buy new clothes or something? The new winter clothes for this year were just released the day before yesterday. Let me show you."

She raised her eyes and glanced at him tenderly: "I don't want to go, and I don't lack clothes."

"You've been wearing those clothes for a few years. I'll take you to change them."

"I bought clothes based on my own ability. Why do you want to change them? I don't."

"You..." Huo Ting pulled a chair and sat down opposite his desk.

"Wen Xiaoqing, why don't you make up or dress up in front of me? Do you think I've been seduced by you, so don't you need to worry about it? "

She raised her eyes again, stared at him, and said casually: "How can I seduce you, I don't dress up because it is the most comfortable and most comfortable in front of you. When you are at home, don't you also wear loose furniture Why are you talking about me? Also, I'm a counselor, and I dress up every day, is it necessary? I'm not going to school to seduce anyone."

He felt very happy when she said that. After all, she was willing to show her casual side in front of him, which was an affirmation to him.

He also liked her look of upside-down makeup.

But...will this make him feel too insignificant, he really has money and can't spend it for her.

Warmly moved forward: "by the way, you can help me read a question, I have encountered difficulties again."

Huo Ting got up and walked behind her: "which one."

Tenderly turned two pages forward and pointed it to him: "I specially set it aside. I wanted to ask you when you came back at night. I didn't respond when you came back suddenly."

Huo Ting looked down at the question deeply, and then explained the question to her.

She sat and looked up at him.

He stood bent over, looking down at her.

This picture looks very seductive from a distance.

Looking at it tenderly, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot.

From this angle, he looks really handsome.

After Huo Ting finished speaking, he asked, "do you understand?"

"Ah?" The warmth returned to God, it was over, and I just lost my mind.

She frowned and pursed her mouth: "That...let's say it again."

Huo tingshen's head was lowered a little more, and his lips stopped two or three centimeters from her lips: "you said, were you fascinated by my beauty just now?"

Warm blushing, "nonsense, I didn't keep up with the train of thought, you should say it again soon."

He fondly rubbed her hair: "Listen attentively, don't let your mind wander. I have more time to appreciate my beauty, so don't be in a hurry."

She lowered her head, looked at the title in the book, and lost her face to her grandmother's house.

... On Friday, the school was extraordinarily lively.

Outside the multimedia classroom where Huo tingshen is going to class, there have been people waiting in line at the door since ten o'clock in the morning.

After the students in the classroom finished the morning class, most of them chose to stay in the classroom to eat bread and milk and wait for the afternoon to come.

The students who waited in the corridor for half the morning were very unconvinced. Why did the students in the hall directly occupy their seats after class.

The students on both sides had their own reasons, and finally they just fought.

This matter has attracted the attention of the school.

After all, the impact of large-scale fights on schools is extremely bad.

Because of this incident, Principal Peng called Wen Qing and the other three teachers in her office to the principal's office.

His request was obvious: "In response to this incident, the four assistants must come up with a solution. If there is a riot in the school every Friday because of this kind of thing, isn't the school going to mess up?"

After the principal finished speaking, Liu Shu hurriedly said, "Principal, we will definitely try our best to solve it."

"Everyone will do their best. What I ask is not for you to do your best, but to solve it. Okay, the four of you hurry back and think of a solution, don't waste it here."

The four of them left the principal's office together.

Returning to their office, Teacher Liu said speechlessly: "Isn't the principal creating a dilemma for us? In this case, how can we solve it? Let the students in the classroom who have attended classes in the morning come out. They are definitely not willing. Let the corridor wait. After half the morning, the students went in to find a seat, and they would definitely be even more unhappy, no matter what we do, we will definitely offend people."

Li Beibei gave her a white look: "then what did you say just now?"

"If you don't speak, then it's up to me to express my position. Could it be that the principal finished speaking by himself, and none of us spoke? Then the principal is still so angry that he just swiped us from the position of assistants? ."

When Li Beibei thought about it, it was the same: "But what should I do now, how should I do such a job that offends people? I really don't want to be brushed off, I really want to get close to the man who was carved by God... God Oh, I had a dream last night, and it won't be broken today."

Listening to what Li Beibei said, Huang Ya looked at the warmth.

Warm and speechless, the man who was carved by God...

Well, the face is carved, after all, it is so handsome.

But this heart... tsk, it must be crooked.

Otherwise, how could he have so many crazy ideas to take advantage of her.

Just last night, she just turned over, and he put her under him, kissed and hugged, and said that she seduced him.

Just turned over, where did she seduce him?

He was clearly just making excuses for taking advantage of her.

When he molested her in the morning, he said that men are "tough" guys in the morning, which is a normal reaction.

At noon, he said he had an appetite just looking at her.

In the evening, she said that she had the scent of medicine on her body.

For the first time, I found that if a man wants to take advantage of a woman, he can make excuses.

Thinking of this, she was a little unhappy.

Huang Ya asked, "Mr. Wen, you have a flexible mind. Have you thought of any good way?"

Several people in the office all looked at the warmth.

Returning to God tenderly, after thinking about it, "the way It's not impossible. "

Li Beibei came to her side: "Mr. Wen, speak quickly, what can I do?"

Warmly said: "isn't the multimedia classroom small and crowded? The basketball court is spacious."

As soon as she finished speaking, both Li Beibei and Liu Shu gave her an unrealistic look.

Liu Shu said: "This is absolutely impossible. What kind of person is the third master Huo? You let him give lectures in a place like a basketball court? This is not a village meeting, let alone the third master, we can't convince ourselves. "

"What's impossible, our basketball court has a large capacity and is air-conditioned. The most important thing is that it is open and has good vision. From any angle, you can see the face of the third master clearly, which can satisfy the hobby of the third master. The heart of the person, I feel very good."

Li Beibei hesitated: "the point is, how do we tell the third master about this?"

Warm shrug: "look for the principal."

Liu Shu shook his head: "How could the principal agree to us? He said it all, let us think of a countermeasure. Let's go to the principal now, and then throw the pot to him. Isn't that going to scold him by ourselves?"

Looking at the two of them tenderly: "other than that, what other good solutions do you have?"

Both of them were silent, and Huang Ya said, "I also think this is feasible."

Liu Shu looked at Huang Ya and said, "why are you making fun of you? If you want to go to the principal, you can go. I don't dare to go."

Li Beibei was embarrassed: "I don't dare either."

He said tenderly: "then we will act in two separate ways. I will talk to the principal with Mr. Huang. Mr. Liu and Mr. Li will go to the multimedia classroom and tell the students about it. If the principal is to blame, then I will say yes. My idea alone will not implicate you. If the principal agrees, I will call you and you will enter the multimedia classroom to clear the room.

By the way, when you clear the field, the students who occupy a good position will definitely make trouble. Don't say it, this is the decision of the school, just say it is the intention of the third master, so that even if they are not convinced, they will not dare. Complaining, anyway, who dares to question the meaning of the third master. "

Liu Shu and Li Beibei looked at each other, Liu Shu said, "Can you do it?"

"I've said it all, something happened, I'll take it."

The two of them didn't say anything.

The four men acted in two separate ways. She and Huang Ya left the office. Huang Ya asked, "do you really need to go to the principal for this?"

"How could it be possible to find the principal? If I found the principal, he must be furious. I'll call Huo tingshen."

She dialed Huo tingshen's number, the call was connected, and she smiled tenderly: "third master Huo, let's discuss something with you."

"Well, say it."

"This afternoon's class, can we be on our school basketball court?"

Huo Ting stopped deeply, and then asked, "what's the reason?"

"In order to listen to your class, two groups of classmates started fighting. The trouble was terrible. The principal asked us to think of a solution."

"So, you came to find me through the back door?"

Warm nuzui: "it can't be regarded as going through the back door. I just want you to cooperate with us."

"I cooperate with you?" Huo Ting couldn't help laughing deeply, and pretended to be angry: "I'm a lecturer and you are an assistant. In turn, the lecturer needs to cooperate with the assistant? Where does it come from? "

"Don't reason with women. In this world, how many women can understand reason? Just say, you can do it or not."


He's a hooligan again.

She was about to get angry when she heard him say with a smile: "I will do whatever you ask."

Grit your teeth tenderly and give her a side ball, okay, let's play.

"Master Huo, we'll be waiting for your big fight that afternoon."

She hung up the phone, upset.

On the side, Huang Ya said in surprise: "I always thought that the third master was a difficult person to approach. It turns out that he would also chat very friendly with those close to him."

Friendly... no, he just had fun with her.

She pouted, no, in the afternoon, she will take care of this stinky man.

In order not to make the principal make a fuss, Wen Qing also called him to report it and told him that the third master took the initiative to ask to go to the basketball court after learning about the situation.

With Huo tingshen carrying this cauldron, she really felt that she was like a fox riding on a tiger's back, and she was invincible.

I thought the place for class was changed to a basketball court. There are so many seats in it, and everyone should queue up earlier than before.

Unexpectedly, at 1:30, Mr. Li, who came back from the basketball court, said: "Fortunately, we have become the assistants of the third master. This time, it is not like going to grab a seat. Otherwise, now, really... there is no place to go. , I can only sit at the back and can't see anything. Some students are smart and even bring a telescope. Those without a telescope are really cool."

Wondering warmly, what?

At two o'clock, the warmth originally wanted to wait a little longer before going to the basketball court.

But Mr. Li really couldn't hold his breath, and shouted to go to the door ahead of time to wait for the third master.

After all, he is an assistant, so he has to show his face in advance.

Seeing that Liu Shu and Huang Ya are following, she can't be lazy.

The four of them came to the basketball court together and waited.

She is really drunk, although the weather is a little cold, but the sun is still very energetic.

After waiting for an hour, six black Audis finally appeared outside the basketball court.

Four bodyguards in all black suits got off each car.

Then, the car drove away, and Huo tingshen's car drove over.

He got out of the car gracefully, causing Mr. Li on the side to grit his teeth excitedly and whisper: "What should I do, will I be excited to turn around in a while?"

Teacher Liu endured and said, "Hold on, it's alright."

Huo tingshen went up the steps surrounded by bodyguards and looked at the four women standing at the door.

Teacher Liu took a step forward and said first: "Hello, third master, we are the assistants sent to you by the school. My name is Liu Shu."

Teacher Li's nervous voice trembled a little: "Hello, third master, my name is Li Beibei."

Seeing this, Huang Ya also said, "Hello, I'm Huang Ya."

Wen Qing pouted and looked at him: "Hello, my name is Wen Qing."

"The four of you have worked hard, come in with me."

After he finished speaking, he walked forward past the four people.

Mr. Li grabbed her arm excitedly and said softly, "Mr. Wen, how was my performance just now, did my voice tremble?"

"No, you did well."

Mr. Liu glanced at Mr. Li: "Mr. Wen, don't comfort her, she is clearly shaking."

Teacher Li leaned towards Teacher Liu: "You talk a lot."

As soon as Huo tingshen appeared, the entire basketball court became restless in an instant.

Some people screamed, some people shouted the name of'Huo tingshen'.

Following the bodyguard tenderly, I was speechless.

This is not here to listen to a class, it is clearly here to chase stars.