
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 72 Do You Love Me?

It's a little fortunate that this is a dark restaurant.

Because of the darkness, she didn't have to face his words in embarrassment.

Seeing that the warmth didn't speak, Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "you are always escaping problems, but there are some things that you can't escape from the first day of the new year but not the fifteenth day. You don't understand the truth?"

"Then... let me ask you a question."

"You ask."

Biting her lips tenderly: "do you love me?"

Huo Ting smiled deeply: "love more and more."

"Then For you, who is more important, Ye wanluo and I. "

Her question made him suddenly silent.

"Do you have to compare with her?"

"Is this difficult to choose?"

Huo Ting made a deep voice and said after a long time, "of course you are important to me."

"Huo tingshen, the reason why you hesitated just now is because you are not sure who is more important to me and her. After weighing, you think that ye wanluo has your second brother, so you will say that I am more important, yes wrong?"

"Tenderness, everyone has a past. It's not right to grasp the past of others and face the future."

"Yes, I have it too, and my past is not so bright. Therefore, I will no longer give myself to me because of a momentary touch, a moment of gratitude, and an inexplicable but suppressive feeling that pops up for a while. A man who hesitates to choose between me and another woman.

What I want is not because of attraction, but a little love, even more and more love in the future. I don't want to be sure, I am... very insecure about men, in other words, I don't trust men.

Because I didn't believe it enough, when I saw Gao Muran betray me, I was in pain and sadness, but instead of tearing up with Gao Muran and Song Ruo, I digested the pain myself, and then didn't give Gao Muran any chance to explain , break up with him directly. He said I was determined, but only I knew that I was determined because he, who used to give me a sense of security, has destroyed this sense of security.

I know that I'm not doing well in terms of love, but the shadow Bai Antai brought to me is so terrible that you may not understand it. I can only tell you that if I hadn't let go of all my anxiety and fear in my own heart, even if I knew I was in love with someone, I wouldn't have taken the next step easily.

This is why I can clearly feel your goodness, but I have never responded positively to you. It's not because you're not good enough, and it's not because you have someone else in your heart, how much I care. It is because you have someone else in your heart, and you will never be able to completely forget it. Such a you makes me feel insecure.

Huo tingshen, people are selfish, and I am even more selfish. Yesterday, you said that I didn't know how to love myself, but in fact, you were wrong. I love myself very much. Because I love myself, I will not give myself to any man easily, because I am too afraid to face the uncertainty of the future, I am afraid that one day, I will give you my heart, but you will give this Broken heart. "

After she finished speaking, Huo Ting was silent for a long time.

He knew that warmth had always been insecure, but he never thought that the fear in her heart was so deep...

He looked at her in the dark, and the light suddenly came on.

She closed her eyes tenderly, and when she opened them again, she had adapted to the light.

She looked at him and slowly put down the knife and fork: "So, just now, I will make the choice that I couldn't make."

She got up, picked up her bag, and left.


Huo tingshen came back a little late.

Sitting on the bed tenderly, staring at the door.

After a while, there was no movement at the door. It seems that Huo tingshen went back to the room.

Presumably...he was angry.

After all, he should have never been rejected by a woman like this again and again.

The next day, Huo tingshen went downstairs. Seeing that Wenqing was not there, he looked at Butler Tong and said, "what about Wenqing?"

"Miss Wen left half an hour ago. She said that there is a basketball game in the school these days and she has to go early."

Huo Ting's face was cold and silent. He went to the table to eat alone.

I came back from get off work at night, but the warmth hasn't come back yet.

Huo Ting's face was cold and cold: "did you call her?"

"Old Chen said that he called Miss Wen. Miss Wen said that he would work overtime, and he might be busy until late. He asked him to come back first."

Huo Ting's face was a little annoyed: "let Lao Chen come back."

Butler Tong said respectfully, "OK, third master, are you eating now?"

"No," he turned away without even changing his clothes.

This tender woman, after saying those words last night, is she planning to never see him again?

He got in the car and drove directly to Beijing Normal University.

After having dinner in the school cafeteria, Wen Qing went directly back to the office.

At this time, teachers leave work early.

She plans to spend one night in the office tonight, and return to Dacheng home tomorrow to see, there are no reporters there.

If there are no reporters, she will go back to live. If there is any, find another place to rent.

Since she and Huo tingshen have made it clear, it must be inappropriate to live in his house so vaguely.

The night in early November was already a bit cold.

She went to the bathroom to wash her face. When she came out of the bathroom, the sensor light in the corridor suddenly turned on and off, which made her nervous for a while.

In the past, Hao Hao often told the legendary ghost stories of Beijing Normal University in the dormitory.

The most talked about is also the most famous in the school... Nothing is more than the ghost image of the female teacher in red twenty years ago in the office building in the middle of the night.

Before, when she was talking well, she took it as a joke.

But now... in the corridor of an office building.

The sound of Hao Hao, who was pretending to be gloomy at the time, ran through her mind.

"Twenty years ago, a female teacher fell in love with her student. After being discovered by the school, the boy refused to admit it in order to have a good future, but instead said that the teacher had seduced him. In that era of simple folk customs, female teachers could not bear it. Everyone's eyes, on a dark and windy night for a month, dressed in red, hanged in the office at twelve o'clock midnight.

It is said that if a person hanged at twelve o'clock happens to be dressed in red, he will become a ghost. After the teacher died, he turned into a ghost and harassed the male classmate every night. In the end, the male classmate had to ruin his bright future because of mental illness and dropped out of school.

But since then, many teachers have seen this red figure in the corridor when they were working overtime, as well as her da da da... the sound of leather shoes. So... in the teacher's office building of Beijing Normal University, there is a tradition not to work overtime in the office. "

She couldn't help shivering and muttered, "Tong Hao, you stinky girl, you know that making up stories is scary."

She sighed and walked to the door of the office.

But at this moment... the sound of da da da footsteps came from the stairs.

Her heart was tight, and she felt the hairs all over her body stand up inexplicably.

She ran two quick steps, hurriedly entered the office, and locked the door.

There are dozens of offices in the entire corridor, but... the footsteps stopped behind her.

She was terribly afraid.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

She covered her mouth and gave a startled burp.

The knock on the door came again.

She hurriedly released her hand covering her mouth, clasped her hands together, and shouted anxiously, "Senior, I... I have no choice but to do nothing. I am staying here tonight. Seniors please go around, tomorrow, I will definitely burn paper for seniors and pray for seniors."

At the door, Huo Ting frowned deeply, what did this woman say.

"Open the door, it's me."

Hearing this voice, the tension in Wen Qing's heart just disappeared instantly.

She turned around and opened the door. When she saw Huo tingshen, she was relieved: "how is it you?"

"Otherwise who do you think it is? What were you talking about just now?"

"No...nothing," she shook her head, trying her best to be calm: "Why are you here?"

With a cold face, he said, "I'll pick you up from get off work."

"Ah? I... work overtime."

"With ghosts?"

He stamped his feet tenderly and covered his mouth: "don't talk nonsense."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "so, you just thought that the person at the door was a ghost?"

He raised his hand and knocked on her head: "I always thought that you are not afraid of the sky and the earth. It turns out that you also have weaknesses."

She squinted him tenderly and released the hand covering his mouth: "I don't."

"Otherwise, what did you just say about burning paper?"

Warm face slightly red: "say, nothing."

She hurriedly opened the cabinet, took out her bag, and walked towards him: "let's go, let's go."

Warmly turned off the lights in the office and pushed him out of the office.

Maybe it's because I just frightened myself, and I still have lingering fears.

She took two quick steps and followed closely beside him.

Huo Ting looked at her deeply.

She looked back from time to time.

He gave a wicked smile and called in her ear, "Hello."

The warmth was startled, screamed, and grabbed his arm.

When he reacted, he realized that he was deliberately frightening himself.

She pinched his arm unhappily, snorted and walked down the stairs quickly.

When she came to the door of the office building, she raised her head and exhaled, and she would never work overtime again.

After all... it's true that people have died in this building, even if there are no ghosts, some things feel infiltrating when you think about it.

Huo tingshen came to her side and looked at her calmly: "if I don't come, do you plan not to go back tonight?"

Warmth didn't make a sound.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "I heard from you just now that you were desperate and had no choice, so you decided to stay here."

She looked at him: "I heard it, what else do you ask?"

An evil smile hung on the corner of his lips: "Then why did you decide to go back with me now? Afraid of ghosts? Or do you not want me to worry?"

Gouging out him tenderly, can she die without laughing at her?

On the road not far away, someone was walking towards this side. Afraid of being seen, he hurried down the steps and walked to the car: "Aren't you going?"

Huo tingshen came over and opened the door to get in the car.

He started the car, but didn't drive away, "Are you trying to avoid me tonight?"

She nuzui: "I really have a job, so I have to work overtime."

"In the whole building, you are the only one working overtime. Is it because you are the only one who can do it, or because you are not handling things in a timely manner, so you can only work overtime?"

He said, raising his eyebrows: "In my opinion, neither, so there is only one result. You are trying to avoid me. If I don't come tonight, what are you going to do in the future?"

Biting her lips tenderly: "I don't plan what to do in the future. I just think that since it's made clear, we should keep our distance. Between us, we can only stop at friendship and will not go further."

"So, do you plan to sleep in the office in the future? Even if you are afraid, you will stay at the school?"

"I originally thought that I would go back to my home in Dacheng tomorrow. If there are paparazzi there, I'll find another place to rent and move out of your house," said tenderly, and looked at him seriously: "after all, I I can't stay at your house all the time."

"Do you think that after what I said last night, I'll let you go?"

"At least, you understand what I'm thinking. I think you won't be hard on others."

Huo Ting smiled calmly, "warm, when I met you, I picked up a hard bone, but since I have all the bones in my hands, I won't lose them. If you think I put a lot of pressure on you, I can hold back a little bit, but don't run away, the more you run away, the harder I'll get, eh?"

Looking at him tenderly, so that night, what she said was in vain?

"Do you really think that there is hope between me and you?"

"You should believe that it's up to people, not repeated rejections," Huo tingshen started the car and left here: "since you're afraid of ghosts, don't work overtime alone in the middle of the night in the future. If you want to avoid me one night, then you Just tell me, I can give you private space."

Warm nuzui, no words.

Huo tingshen continued: "most schools are built on cemeteries. Why are there only hospitals and schools with the most terrifying elements, don't you have any idea?"

He swallowed tenderly, turned his head and gave him a white look: "can you stop talking?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "I only know that if you are wandering around the school alone at night and see a classmate in white with disheveled wandering around, it's best not to approach him to avoid messing with unclean things."

The warmth shivered, because on the lawn not far away, there was a girl with disheveled hair and white clothes walking slowly.

She instinctively raised her hand and shook his arm: "oh, Huo tingshen, don't scare people, okay?"

Huo Ting laughed deeply.

This was the first time in his life that he was beaten by a woman, and he even thought it was very interesting.

Warm eyebrows: "you still laugh."

"Knowing your weakness, I think it's funny, Wen Xiaoqing, you can be careful in the future."

"What kind of weakness is this? I'm not afraid of ghosts at all. Is it because you spoke too suddenly? I've heard anything scarier than this before."

On the skill of telling ghost stories well, it can really scare people into bed.

I still remember that after telling the ghost story well, in the evening when Song Ruo wanted to get up to go to the bathroom, she didn't dare to go alone, she always took her with her.

In those years, in the middle of the night, she didn't know how many times she went to the toilet with Song Ruo.

But in the past, probably because she knew it too well, she felt that a story was a story, and she was not too afraid.

But now, Huo tingshen's serious nonsense is easy to have a sense of substitution.

"Do you know where is the best place for feng shui in Jeonbuk City?"

Looking at him tenderly, "where?"

"My family's villa is the best place for Fengshui in the entire North City, so you don't have anything to say?"