
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 71 The reason for not letting me come in and sleep

"Do you want to ask for sick leave for you tomorrow?"

"Sick leave?" she said, raising her arms. "Because of this?"

"Otherwise, you go to work like this, in case you get infected."

Warm and speechless: "I'm not doing hard labor, and my work doesn't need to touch water. Besides, these few afternoons, there are basketball friendly games between departments. As a counselor, how can I be absent."

Huo tingshen has something to say, and he said warmly and hurriedly: "Tingren is also participating in the basketball game. If I feel uncomfortable, I will tell Tingren. Isn't Tingren your spy next to me? Your own younger brother can't believe it."

Spy... Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and smiled: "you can go to school. Tingren will take care of you during the day, and I will take care of you at night."

He said and walked to the door: "I'm going to take a bath, I'll be with you later."

"I'm going to bed soon, don't come here for a while."

The warmth is in a hurry. No one sleeps with a strange man every day. This is obviously inappropriate.

"Do you think your objection is valid?"

"It works," she nodded. "You're not an unreasonable person."

Huo tingshen walked back to him again: "then tell me why you don't let me in and sleep."

Warm and righteous words: "first, I'm a big unmarried girl. Is it appropriate for me to sleep with men every day?"

"I am your man."

"That's not appropriate, and I'm not married."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "so, when are you going to marry me?"

"Hard to say."

"What about the second?"

"Second, I'm used to sleeping alone. You always sleep beside me when you have something to do. I feel awkward, and I don't have a good rest at night."

Huo Ting's face has turned dark: "is there a third?"


He interrupted her with an unpleasant voice: "Really?"

"Well, then these two."

Huo Ting nodded his lips deeply: "give me a good night kiss, and I will fulfill you."

Warm and speechless, how can anyone be so shameless.

Seeing that she didn't move, Huo Ting said deeply, "then I'll go to bed and lie down."

She hurriedly stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips lightly.

Anyway, a kiss is a kiss, and a kiss is a kiss ten times.

When he was about to leave, Huo Ting hugged her waist deeply, held her head, and deepened the kiss.

He closed his eyes tenderly and nervously, and was a little caught by his kissing skills.

Huo Ting released her deeply, hooked her lips successfully, rubbed her head, turned and walked to the door: "good night."

With a warm breath, his voice trembled slightly: "good night."

Huo Ting went out of the door and took the door with him. The infiltration strategy must continue.

The next day, I came to the school with warmth. In addition to Mr. Liu and Mr. Huang, there were two female teachers in the next office.

As soon as the warmth came in, Mr. Liu waved to her and said gossiply, "Mr. Wen, have you heard that our principal is hospitalized."

"Really," Wen Qing pretended not to know: "she's sick?"

"I don't know the specifics, but it must be very serious, because the principal issued a statement overnight last night, saying that he was not in good health and could no longer continue to serve as the president of Beicheng Normal University. , will leave work as soon as possible and concentrate on recuperating."

A little surprised by the warmth, Lin Youle is going to resign?

She was in a trance for a moment. Could it be that she was really sick?

But... how is that possible.

Thinking of the aura when Lin Youle cleaned her up yesterday, she looked like a sick person.

Mr. Huang looked at her arm and asked caringly, "Mr. Wen, is your arm okay?"

Teacher Liu hurriedly said: "I heard that you had a conflict with the principal yesterday, and she pushed you into it. That's what was hurt at that time? You said that you were unlucky enough. On the last day before her resignation, you could also be beaten by you. catch up."

Warm and speechless, she pursed her lips: "I accidentally didn't stand up and fall."

Hearing what she said, the two teachers at the opposite door gave Teacher Liu a wink and then left.

Mr. Liu returned to his seat, looked at the warmth and said, "actually, Mr. Wen, speaking of it, the resignation of the principal is also your luck. In the future, no one will torture you again, right?"

She shrugged tenderly, "probably."

She really hasn't come out of the trance yet, why did Lin Youle resign?

She didn't leave the office all morning. During lunch, the entire staff cafeteria was talking about the principal's departure.

According to some reliable sources, the resignation of the principal was not due to physical reasons, but was coerced by a force.

Eating slowly and tenderly, I was thinking, Lin Youle, a cadre at the main hall level, has the ability to intimidate her?

But after thinking about it, a name popped into her mind, Huo tingshen.

She put down her chopsticks and said to Teacher Huang across from her, "Mr. Huang, I'm full. I'll go back to the office first and look at the schedule for the afternoon basketball game."

"Okay, you go first."

She got up tenderly and trotted away. As soon as she left the restaurant, she called Huo tingshen's number.

Huo tingshen answered her phone call very quickly.

"Huo tingshen, have you heard that our principal has resigned."


"Well, she said it was because she was sick and wanted to recuperate, but others were talking that she might have been forced away. Who do you think this person would be?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips, little girl, to test him: "you believe in gossip? Since your principal said that he is going to recuperate, it must be because of some serious illness? Trust the parties."

Warm and relieved.

Huo tingshen asked again: "she is going to resign, what do you think? How do you feel? "

"I'm very happy to say, will you laugh at me gloating?"

"With her strong character, she resigned. I don't know how many people are secretly laughing. You can't be gloating. For the sake of God's help, let's go out to dinner together at night to celebrate. ."

"And celebrating for something like this?"

"Anything can be a reason to celebrate, depending on the mood."

He smiled tenderly and silently: "well, let's celebrate."

"your treat."

"I choose that place."


After hanging up the phone, I went back to the office in a warm mood.

In the afternoon, the game on the playground was in full swing.

Because Huo Tingren has played several times with his classmates from the same department, he understands each other's strengths and weaknesses, and leads the freshmen in the department very well.

Several counselors around her said that Huo Tingren, a classmate, is very capable of leadership.

There is a sense of pride in the warm heart. How could the children of the Huo family not have two brushes.

But wait, why should she be proud.

Tingren calls her the third sister-in-law. Does she really consider herself the third sister-in-law?

Really... speechless.

She was thinking wildly when the words of several counselors who were whispering next door entered her ears.

"By the way, Young Master Gao didn't come to school today."

"I heard that it is estimated that because his mother resigned, he can no longer cover the sky in the school."

"Hopefully, he can also resign."

"That's right, he's gone, why is he still here, is he annoying?"

The two of them whispered and laughed softly.

The tender brows frowned lightly, but shook his head and didn't think about it any more.

At the end of the competition in the department, Wen Qing took several of her students out of the playground.

Huo Tingren walked beside Wen Qing and said in a low voice, "sister-in-law three, if our school can win this competition, do me a favor."

She looked at him: "what can you do?"

"It's something you can do anyway."

Warm nuzui: "how do I think you are tricking me."

"How could it be, who would not dare to follow my third brother's routine? My third brother, Hou'erjing, Hou'erjing, was found out by him. In the end, it wasn't me who was unlucky? Don't worry, I'm doing it right. to make a deal with you."

He gave him a warm look: "then let's talk about it when you can successfully enter the basketball team and win the game."

"You have to promise me this condition first, otherwise I won't come to the game at noon tomorrow."

Staring at him tenderly: "you kid threatened me."

"While my third brother is away, I'll show off my prestige first. Sister-in-law, please promise me quickly. Don't worry, my business is definitely something you can do. It's a family, and I won't embarrass you."

After thinking about it tenderly, "then You come on. "

Huo Tingren was proud: "you can take a look."

After he finished speaking, he quickly caught up with a few classmates and left first.

After work in the afternoon, while walking to the school gate tenderly, he called Huo tingshen: "what do you want to eat at night?"

"As long as you ask for it."

"Aren't you very picky? I can't afford it if it's too expensive, and you don't like roadside stalls."

"As long as it's not a roadside stall and there is a private room, it's ok."

"Why do you need a private room?"

"Recently, my popularity is pretty good. If you're not afraid of being photographed, then it's ok if we don't eat private rooms."

After thinking about it tenderly, he said with a bad smile, "I won't eat the private room. I'll send you an address in a while, and you can come to me."

She hung up the phone and came to the door to get into Master Chen's car.

"Master Chen, let's not go home. We will go to a restaurant on Houhai Road. I know the way. When you walk to Houhai Road, I can show you the way."

"Okay, Miss Wen."

Huo tingshen came to the door of a dark restaurant according to the address given by the warmth.

He curled his lips and walked in.

The waiter warmly greeted him: "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"She has already arrived at the No. 3 seat reserved by Miss Wenqing."

"Okay, sir, please put your hand on my shoulder and I'll take you in." The waiter put on night vision goggles and led Huo Ting into two doors.

He was led to sit down at No. 3. His tender eyes had adapted to a little darkness. She looked up at Huo tingshen with a cute smile, but unfortunately, Huo tingshen couldn't see it.

"I've already ordered."

Huo Ting sat down deeply, "OK."

When the waiter left, Huo tingshen moved forward: "you can choose a place, and you can't even see your face. What kind of meal are you inviting me to eat?"

"Isn't this to not eat the private room and to prevent you from being photographed secretly? You don't understand my painstaking efforts."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, got up and touched the edge of the table, and turned to Wen Qing.

Startled tenderly, she said softly, "why did you come here?"

"Just to remind you, some things are easier to do in a dark place."

He put his arms around her shoulders and kissed her cheek sideways: "You really chose a good place, I'm very satisfied."

With a warm hiss, "Huo tingshen, don't make trouble. I took me here for a good meal last time, because no one can see anyone, I feel very relaxed. I wanted to invite you before, but I have been No chance either.

It just so happens that your exposure is too high and it is easy to be recognized by others. I think this place is very suitable for you, so I invited you here. Oops, go back quickly, this chair is small, you're about to push me to the ground. "

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips, got up and returned to his seat.

His eyes adapted to the darkness, and through the weak light on the dining table, he could clearly see the outline of his tender face.

The waiter brought her steak and pasta wings.

Warmly said: "although it can't compare to the star-rated restaurants you went to, the atmosphere is really great, right?"

"not bad."

"To put it well, this is the best place for men and women who can't see each other's minds to confess. I think back then, another roommate of mine wanted to confess to the boy he liked, but he was afraid that he would be rejected after confessing, so I gave it to her. Recommended here.

My roommate invited the boy to this restaurant for dinner. At that time, she said to the boy, 'I like you very much and want to be with you. If you happen to like me a little bit, then after five minutes, the light will turn on once. , you can hold my hand. If you don't like me, then, after the light is on, don't look at me and just leave, okay? '

As a result, after the light was on, the boy took her hand. She said that she never thought that she would be the boy's girlfriend in her life. Because of the darkness in the restaurant, it gave her the courage to confess. If she didn't come here, she might regret not having confessed in her life. "

Huo Ting looked around deeply: "well, so, it's really suitable for confession here, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Me?" Tenderness wondered for a while.

She said so much, he would not mistakenly think that she invited him here because she wanted to confess to him.

"I invited you to dinner."

"It seems that you didn't plan to confess to me. That's just right. I'll confess to you."

He smiled wickedly: "Although you have heard this many times, I still have to say it a few more times. I want to marry you and make you my Mrs. Huo. Would you like to?"

Just as he finished speaking, the lights in the dining room suddenly turned on.

Stabbed by the light, Huo Ting frowned deeply and looked at warmth.

At this moment, warmth also looks at him.

He hooked his lips: "how, do you want to hold my hand, or do you want to leave?"

Looking at him tenderly, with entanglement and struggle in his eyes.

These were things that she had never seen before.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply and leaned forward: "Wen Xiaoqing, do you dare to admit that you like me a little now? Huh?"

The light went out, closed his eyes tenderly, and breathed softly.

Huo Ting smiled deeply: "you didn't leave. It seems that you are going to accept me."

"I just haven't finished my meal yet. Huo tingshen, don't be bored. Hurry up and eat."

Huo tingshen naturally changed the steak he just cut to her, and brought her steak to him.

"Tenderness, our bet is too long. I believe that I can take you down in less than half a year. Do you believe it?"