
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 68 Push me into the fire pit

Huo Ting gave a speechless smile: "Grandpa, look at you, you have given me a problem."

"Don't worry, I just want to repay the favor. Then Bai Antai thinks that the two of you have some grudges, and it's not good for him to speak, so he wants to find a middleman to help mention it.

Probably after thinking about it, no one is more suitable than me, so I came to me. As for me, I am responsible for saying that. As for whether it will be successful or not, it is not something I can manage. My favor is paid back, so you don't have to be embarrassed. Do you understand what Grandpa means? "

Huo Ting nodded deeply and smiled: "I'll just say, you can't see me hating the Bai family so much and push me into the fire pit."

"This kid, your grandfather is not so blackhearted, it's not like I didn't see that girl from the Bai family just now, tsk tsk, look at her, from the beginning to the end, she looks like a serious person, what is she wearing.

When the elders spoke, she had a look of incomprehension, she was not smart enough at first glance, but her eyes were sharp, and she looked around blindly. It's still the girl you brought. She is well-behaved and well-dressed. I think her temperament is also very stable. I like it very much at first glance. You have a good eye. "

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "what's the use of good eyesight, other girls have high eyesight."

"What's the matter, that girl didn't like you?"

Huo Ting gave a speechless smile: "Grandpa, it's not good for you to gossip like this."

"No, look at you kid, you have to look good, you have to have a figure, the key is to be the CEO of a listed company. If I have a granddaughter, I want to put it in your house, how can this girl look down on it? you?"

"This girl doesn't look down on my people or my money. It's not uncommon for her to arrange a job in the company. That's why I think it's very valuable."

The old man laughed twice: "it's really rare. I am an old man who is alive and can meet anything. Such an excellent Huo tingshen can also be disliked by women."

"Grandpa..." Huo Ting smiled helplessly.

Seeing this, the old man joked: "I think otherwise, you can just introduce her to my family, Fu Jingchen. I think that girl has a good temperament. Maybe, she and Jingchen..."

"Grandpa, if you really say that, I'm not happy," Huo tingshen pretended to be angry: "friend's wife, don't bully. If this kid Jingchen dares to hit the woman I like, I'll beat him."

"You kid, are you serious this time?"

Huo Ting nodded deeply and smiled: "it's serious."

"Okay, then I'll be waiting to eat your candy."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips, "Grandpa, don't worry, it won't take long for you to drink this wedding wine."

"On the Bai family side, you don't have to say anything. I'll figure it out. I didn't mean to cause you trouble."

Huo Ting nodded deeply, "OK."

He took the teacup from the old housekeeper and poured a cup of tea for the old man.

In the courtyard, seeing the warmth alone, Bai Xue and Bai Yue got together and whispered a few words.

Bai Yue nodded again and again, and then the two walked towards warmth together.

She held her warm arm with a kind face, smiled and said, "Xiaoqing, I have a few words to tell you."

"I don't have anything to tell you," she dragged her arm out.

But aside, Bai Xue also followed.

She held the other arm of warmth, with a smile on her face, but the voice of gnashing her teeth came from between her teeth: "warmth, don't toast, don't eat and punish you, we are falling out here, the Bai family Not to mention the shame, third master Huo's face has also been shamed by you."

No longer earning warmth, go around the front yard with them and walk to the back yard.

Entering the backyard, warmly throw away the two of them.

Bai Xue approached the warmth and poked her shoulder with her finger: "bitch, do you really think you're amazing, don't you, you dare to occupy the third master Huo, I think you want to follow in the footsteps of your mother."

"Bai Xue, keep your mouth clean for me. Huo tingshen is not your daughter's. Your daughter is shameless. When you see Huo tingshen jumping up, you have the nerve to talk about others? I think you should take care of your own daughter first. Bar."

When Bai Xue heard her talk back, she raised her hand to throw her ear.

But warmth is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

She grabbed Bai Xue's wrist and took a step forward, looking at her sharply.

"Bai Xue, widen your eyes for me to see clearly, I'm Wen Qing, not Wen Yingying, Wen Ying Ying will be beaten and scolded by you, but I can't be affectionate. When you see me in the future, you'd better show me some respect, After all, when the two sides go to war, the one who has less will lose less. If you don't believe it, just tear it up, and you'll see if I will shoot you."

Warm and sharp eyes, staring at her face.

Seeing such warmth, Bai Xue was inexplicably nervous.

This bitch is indeed different from her mother's soft persimmon.

The firmness in her eyes was terrifying.

Seeing this, Baiyue stepped forward and pulled her warm hand.

"You shameless woman, let go of my mother."

With a warm backhand, Bai Yue stumbled back several steps because she was wearing high heels, and fell directly into the pool behind her.

Although the water was not deep, she was instantly wet.

Seeing this, Bai Xue hurriedly screamed: "Oh, warmth, what are you doing? You child, how can you push people when you are not happy."

Her screams drew crowds to watch.

Bai Yue stood in the water, cried and patted the water twice: "Xiaoqing, I just don't want you to go against my mother, what have I done wrong, you have to push me down, you are really going too far, do you know?"

Look at the position where you are standing tenderly, and then look at the swimming pool that is four or five meters away from you.

She sighed, this good play, directed and acted by the mother and daughter, is absolutely amazing.

She sneered coldly.

The people around started pointing, Bai Antai came over, saw this scene, and hurriedly took off her suit jacket and gave it to Bai Yue: "Yue'er, put it on quickly."

Bai Yue lowered her head, only to realize that because she was wearing a tube top dress, she was wet with water at the moment, and her shawl was transparently attached to her shoulders. The meat is exposed.

Such a beautiful lady was seen in public for half a light.

She grabbed Bai Antai's clothes and put them on her body. After being pulled ashore by the servants of the Lian family, she sat on the ground and burst into tears.

She used her father's clothes to hold herself tightly, looking at warmth, "Xiaoqing, why do you push me into the water, do you really hate me so much?"

Bai Antai was annoyed and walked to Wen Qing: "there is a big contradiction, you shouldn't push people into the water. Seeing Yue'er so embarrassed, are you satisfied?"

He clenched his fist tenderly and tightly, bit his lips and looked at him. When he was about to speak, Huo tingshen in the living room had heard the servant's report and rushed over from the living room.

Seeing Wenqing standing in the crowd and being pointed at by others, but looking at Bai Antai with a stubborn face, he passed through the crowd and came to her side.

"What happened?" He said softly, looking at her tenderly.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard Bai Xue say sadly: "Third Master, your female companion is too rude, I just wanted to say a few words to her alone, and she tried to tease me like she was blown up, My family Yue'er saw it and came to persuade her, but she also pushed her into the water."

Because there were no eyewitnesses at that time, some words were not just for them to talk about.

After Bai Xue finished speaking, she walked to Bai Yue's side and hugged Bai Yue into her arms distressedly.

"Yue'er, it's all a mother's fault. If I knew earlier, my mother would rather be pushed into the water by her than implicate you."

"Mom, don't say that," Bai Yue cried heavily: "How could I do such an unfilial thing."

Because the mother and daughter play well, the warmth instantly stands on the side of the bad guy.

Someone in the crowd said, "Girl, just apologize for doing something wrong. It's not that difficult to say sorry."

"Yeah, this is a party organized by the old man, so it's not okay to mess around like this."

Looking at Huo tingshen tenderly, if she doesn't do anything, I'm afraid it will hurt him.

However, to ask her to admit the mistakes of the mother and daughter of the actress is not admitting that she pushed them into the water.

She obviously didn't do this, so why should she admit it.

She was very sad.

Huo tingshen pulled her behind him, turned around, and asked firmly, "don't listen to others, I only listen to you. Is what they say true?"

The warmth was already thinking that she would rather have a deep well with Huo Ting today than committing river water, and there is no way to apologize.

But Huo tingshen asked her suddenly, and she hurriedly said, "no, I didn't push her, really didn't, do you believe me?"

"I believe."

The warm eyes are a little moist in an instant.

Bai Yue was anxious and shouted: "Third Master, how can you listen to her one-sided words? Although no one was present to testify for me at that time, was it because I was crazy that I jumped into the water by myself? Although it was summer, But the water is still cold."

Huo Ting put his arms around his warm waist confidently: "because I know her, of course I have to listen to her side of the story. Is it possible that I believe in you who are strangers?"

"But you're not fair to us. She really pushed me just now."

Huo Ting's deep voice is firm: "warmth will never lie. Since no one saw it here at that time, everything is possible. I don't believe that Wenqing alone can push you into the water in front of your mother. You are two, and she has only one, which is based on realistic reasoning."

"I..." Bai Yue felt aggrieved and began to cry again.

It's too unfortunate. She jumped in the water. Does Huo tingshen know how to pity Xiangxiyu?

Huo tingshen took the warmth away from the backyard with a little force on his arm.

After he asked the servant to say hello to Old Master Lian, he left first.

When he came to the door of Lian's villa, he said tenderly, "did I cause you trouble?"

"What kind of trouble is this?"

"Others will probably say that the woman you brought is messing around in the backyard of Mr. Lian's house and doesn't give Mr. Lian any respect."

"Oh, what other people say, when have I ever cared."

"But... what if even the old man thinks this way?"

Huo Ting touched her head deeply: "don't worry, although the old man is eighty-one, he is not confused. He can tell right from wrong. You don't need to be under psychological pressure. Let's go and go home."

Looking at him tenderly, she was so grateful. She hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and hugged him gently: "thank you for believing in me."

It was the first time that she took such initiative, and Huo tingshen was a little flattered.

He bent his arms and hugged her naturally: "It's really rare."

Sigh tenderly: "I'm very aggrieved and worried. If it was like that, even you wouldn't believe me..."

"Why don't I trust you?" He patted her hair dotingly: "Is it possible that you don't even trust me at all in your eyes?"

He pursed his lips tenderly and smiled, but when he was about to come out of his arms, he tightened her ring.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Didn't you say you want to go back?"

"I'm going back, but I'll have to wait until I've had enough."

Warm nuzui: "then when can you hold enough?"

"It's impossible to say."

Looking up at him tenderly, "someone will come out later."

"Are you afraid of being seen? Why, am I so embarrassed?"

"I mean, this is not good, the impact is not good."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips, lowered his head and licked her lips quickly, and succeeded in stealing incense.

He let go of her, "Go, get in the car."

On the way, the two were sitting in the back of the car. Huo tingshen asked, "why did you go to the backyard with them?"

"The mother and daughter were driving me. At that time, I felt that I couldn't fight them in public. If I knew this was the case, I might as well fight them."

Huo Ting smiled deeply: "if you fight with them, you can't guarantee that you won't suffer."

Looking at him tenderly, he pursed his lips: "but no matter what, it feels really good to have someone on my side. This is the first time someone has unconditionally believed me in public. "

"Similar things have happened before, but no one believes you?"

"When I was nine years old, my mother took me to Bai's house once. At that time, our mother and daughter were desperate, and my mother went to ask Bai Antai for alimony.

I remember very clearly. At that time, my mother and Bai Antai and his wife went to the study to talk, and Bai Yue was in the living room. When she saw our mother and daughter coming, she was very angry. She smashed Bai Antai's favorite antique vase in front of me.

When my mother and the others came out, Bai Yue pointed at me and said, I smashed the vase, and Bai Antai didn't even ask me a word, so he was going to beat me. My mother came up to protect me and apologized to them repeatedly.

All of them didn't even give me a chance to explain. Bai Xue said that the vase was very expensive, but since it was broken, it should be compensated with my alimony.

That day, my mother took me away from Bai's house. She didn't say a word to me for the whole day. I thought my mother was angry with me, but at night, when I apologized to my mother, my mother said that she Sorry, I.

She knew that I didn't smash the vase, because I wouldn't walk around in that room, but she didn't dare to help me, she was afraid that if Bai Antai became angry and asked for custody, I would be taken away. Under the oppression of my mother and daughter, I could not survive.

That time, it was the last time my mother went to Bai's house to ask for money. Since then, no matter how hard it was, my mother would rather eat only one meal a day than extend her hand to Bai's house.

This matter has been hidden in my heart for many years, and I often wonder why I was so wronged at that time, probably because I couldn't even defend myself, and because at that time, I felt that this world And no one believes me. "

Huo Ting frowned deeply. The white family has a lot of sins.

He held her hand: "in the future, even if the whole world turns its back on you, I will be on your side."