
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 60 flower heart

Warm and speechless, rogue.

He naturally pulled her into his arms: "I'm sleepy, go to sleep."

Warm eyebrows: "are you not leaving again?"

"Otherwise, do you think I'm a snail girl who came to see you quietly at ten o'clock in the middle of the night and left? I'm not a person with few desires, so I don't do that."

I am saddened in my heart. What is this?

She is an unmarried big girl who is kissed and slept by him every day.

If this goes on, can she really get rid of him?

The next morning, when the alarm went off, she rolled over and turned off the phone.

Hazy opened his eyes, and found that the person who slept beside him last night had disappeared.

She got up and came to the living room, where the sound of rustling water came from the bathroom.

She went to drink a glass of cool white, and was about to enter the kitchen when the bathroom door opened.

Huo Ting wrapped her kawaii bath towel with Pikachu under her body.

He was naked, looking at her while wiping his hair: "Awake?"

Warmth hurriedly looked away from his abdominal muscles.

When her eyes fell on his left shoulder, she clearly saw a large bruise.

She frowned and stepped forward: "Your shoulder..."

He glanced sideways and hooked his lips: "I feel distressed? Would you like to give me a comforting kiss."

The warmth is a little annoyed: "Huo tingshen, you are... Which one of your words is true and which one is false? "

Huo Ting was calm: "what I said to you is true, the injury is true, and it is true that it is not so serious."

He pointed to the kitchen: "What's for dinner this morning?"

Yunguo snorted: "Eat."

She turned around in displeasure and went into the kitchen to cook.

When eating breakfast, he said as if thinking of something tenderly: "what do you think... what about Bai Yue, the wicked person."

"Bai Yue? Who?"

Warm nuzui: "Bai's eldest daughter, Bai Yue, haven't you seen it before?"

"How? What do you want to ask?"

"It's just standing in the position of a man and watching a woman."

Huo Ting said with a poisonous tongue that he didn't want to think about: "face-lifting, mean face, and pretentious speech."

Warm and surprised: "how do you know she has had plastic surgery."

"Her facial features, aren't they fake?"

She smiled tenderly: "it looks like you don't think much of her."

"Why would you mention her?"

He shook his head tenderly and smiled, "nothing."

Inexplicably, the bad mood just now disappeared.

After breakfast, the two went downstairs together. Huo tingshen wanted to take her to school.

The car drove out of the community, and I saw the pharmacy by the road with warmth.

She hurriedly asked the driver to stop, got out of the car and ran into the pharmacy to buy a bottle of medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

She got back into the car and handed him the medicine.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "bought it for me?"

"This medicine is for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Go back and wipe your shoulders."

Huo tingshen took the medicine and held it tightly in his hand.

The feeling of being cared for... very warm.

Although the injury was given by her, the jujube she made up afterward was very sweet.

Does this prove that she still cares about him?

Because I told Huo tingshen before that I would not let Huo's family deliver lunch in the future.

Therefore, I can finally eat with my colleagues at noon.

She appeared in the staff canteen with Ms. Huang, who was in the same office. After ordering the meal, the two sat down.

Before she could start eating, behind her, Gao Muran also came over with a dinner plate.

He put down the dinner plate, sat down beside her, turned to look at him tenderly, and frowned.

On the opposite side, Teacher Huang was also embarrassed.

In this case, should she avoid it first?

Gao Muran ignored the warm sight, picked up chopsticks, and started to eat.

Before waiting for the warmth to say anything, he said while eating, "have you seen the news last night?"

She takes her eyes away from him tenderly, bows her head, and eats.

Huang Ya hesitated for a moment, thinking that if she left now, she would be embarrassed by her tender position, so she didn't move and started to eat.

"This is the real life portrayal of a rich man. I made a mistake. I can apologize and repent, but some men, their lives are so colorful."

He put down the chopsticks tenderly and said coldly, "what do you want to say?"

"He's not really sincere to you at all, otherwise, he won't go out with other women. If you don't want to be hurt in the future, bury your spring heart as soon as possible, or once it sprouts, you will suffer."

"Then I really want to thank Mr. Gao for his suggestion, but it's my business, and I don't need Mr. Gao to be so concerned," in a warm and cold voice.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Huang Ya and said, "Mr. Huang, do you mind changing your seat?"

Huang Ya glanced at Gao Muran and said nothing.

She got up tenderly, held her referee in one hand and Huang Ya's dinner plate in the other, and walked to the table next door with no one.

Seeing this, Huang Ya got up and followed.

Gao Muran threw the chopsticks into the plate dully, got up, walked to Wen Qing, pulled her wrist and walked out.

Warm and anxious: "Gao Muran, what are you doing?"

This is the staff cafeteria. He is doing this now, and most of the teachers have seen it.

Gao Muran didn't care about this. He took her by the wrist all the way and left the restaurant.

Take her to the open space behind the restaurant building and bang her against the restaurant wall.

"Then why are you doing this to me, why?"

"Gao Muran, why are you bothering? As I said, the two people after breaking up can't be friends. What I do to you now is no different from a stranger. I don't think it's any good for me to do it. wrong."

"I've said it all. I really know I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Anyone can make mistakes. Can't you give me a chance to make a change? I investigated last night. That Huo tingshen used to bring that Actress Cheng Fei has been to Bali together. Do you think they are in Bali just to enjoy the sea breeze? He and the actress have a real hammer.

Why is his behavior, you can be partial, but you are so indifferent to me? Warmth, I was wrong, but in the past, my attachment to you and my kindness to you were all from the heart, why can't you see my sincerity. "

After a moment of tenderness and silence, he said: "Huo tingshen's scandal with the actress was first, but I was behind. But you are different. You spent so much time and energy that I let go of my grudge against you, but you... …"

"I was really drunk that day. I didn't know what happened. I woke up and lay beside her. What can I do? I hate myself, really."

"But do you remember, the day after the accident, we met at the gate of the school, under the heavy rain, you and Song Ruo got out of your car side by side, and you were holding an umbrella for her.

If you really feel sorry for me, you will get rid of all relations with Song Ruo at the first time, instead of continuing to walk so close to her, the picture of the two of you appearing together, to me, is originally hurt, you are the real don't know?

Gao Muran, the reason why I hate you is because you once gave me heaven, but you also pushed me to hell. It was you who started this relationship first, why is it me who paid for the hurt? "

Back in the office, I held the mobile phone tenderly in my hand.

After hesitating for a long time, I opened the search engine.

I was looking for the keyword 'Cheng Fei'.

As a result, Cheng Fei's name has always been on the search rankings.

'Cheng Fei and a billionaire surnamed Y are suspected to be in love, and fans pick up that the two have worn couple accessories many times. '

In the news, there are still pictures with the truth, and the Weibo screenshots of the real hammer photos of netizens are released.

Huo tingshen wears a ring on the little finger of his right hand, which is almost the same as the ring on Cheng Fei's right ring finger.

After a warm and careful recollection, Huo tingshen, whom she knew, had never worn a ring.

Could it be that this is an old photo?

After all, she didn't know what Huo tingshen looked like before.

But looking at this kind of photo makes people feel inexplicably bad mood.

She curled her lips tenderly, and she read countless pieces of news one by one.

I haven't finished it yet, when the phone rang.

Seeing that it was the principal's call, her heart sank, and she picked up the phone: "Hello, hello."

"In half an hour, come to my office."

Warm and depressing, if you want to talk about who can make trouble for her the most in this world, that person is really Gao Muran.

According to the agreed time, she came to the door of the principal's office and knocked on the door.

The headmaster's serious voice came from inside: "Please come in."

The moment he opened the door tenderly and walked in, he was stunned for a moment. How could Huo tingshen be here.

Huo Ting looked at her deeply and smiled.

He nodded to him tenderly, and went to the principal's desk depressed.

"Headmaster, look for me."

"I'm looking for you. I think I don't understand something between you and me, so I'll get Mr. Huo. We'd better clarify it together."

Warm and silent.

Lin Youle said: "Listen to Mr. Huo, you are his woman now, so you should know that women shouldn't be rambunctious."

"Headmaster, if you have something to say, let's say it clearly. It's not your style to be circumspect."

Being scolded in front of Huo tingshen, Lin Youle couldn't hang on his face.

She said displeased: "I heard that you went to provoke Muran again today. I remember that we agreed at the beginning that you should stay in school and don't have anything to do with Muran in the future. You should still remember this. Bar."

Oh warm and angry, this Lin Youle deliberately put a shit pot on her head.

Knowing that Huo tingshen has declared her sovereignty, but Lin Youle also said that, this is obviously to tell Huo tingshen what an unruly woman she is.

If it was normal, she could endure it.

But thinking about what Lin Youle did to her in the past, and thinking about Huo tingshen's presence, he would not let himself suffer. If so, why should he bear it? Just, let it go.

She pursed her lips and smiled: "Principal Lin, I don't think you have heard everything. Since you want to hear my right and wrong from other people's mouths, I hope you can be fair and impartial. There are surveillance cameras in the restaurant. , you can go and call up the surveillance to see who is pestering who today.

Also, I really want to tell you again, your son, in your eyes, may be excellent, but for me, it has long been worthless. To use an inappropriate analogy, I think there should be no one in this world who is so disgusting that they are willing to pick up the sugar that fell into the cesspool and stuff it into their mouths. "

"You..." Lin Youle was angrily, clapped the table and stood up, pointing his finger at Wen Qing: "you are a young girl, how can you speak so ugly, an orphan without parents, can you go out without education?"

But Huo tingshen said coldly at this time: "Principal Lin."

Lin Youle was very angry, but when he heard Huo tingshen's voice, he turned his eyes to Huo tingshen.

In Huo Ting's deep eyes, there is no anger and self-righteousness.

"If you don't know anything, you call people who are busy talking about business. Is this the upbringing that you, a person with a father and mother, gave you?"

Lin Youle hurriedly said: "Mr. Huo, you heard it just now, this girl's words are really ugly, she..."

"I only heard that she said that she used an inappropriate metaphor, which is very reasonable. If you don't take the right seat, then this so-called metaphor is not harmful at all.

On the other hand, President Lin, you are disrespectful to your teacher, your words are vicious, and you hurt people everywhere. As the president of Beicheng Normal University, don't you feel that you are humiliating the etiquette of being a teacher? "

Seeing that Huo tingshen is helping the warmth, even if Lin Youle has anger in his heart, he has no way to vent now.

She gritted her teeth and reminded herself that she had to endure.

After all, the Gao family is not the opponent of the Huo family.

Huo Ting walked towards the warmth, and put his hand on the warm shoulder naturally.

"This matter is only this time, and it will not be an example. Also, my woman, I know it myself. In the future, if Principal Lin wants to sue me, he will first find out the situation. Since you raised a son who is not promising , don't throw dirty water on other people's heads every day.

As a person, the biggest point of me is to protect the calf, and the biggest disadvantage is also this point, so if you point out your fingers to the warmth, then I can only be rude to you. "

After Huo tingshen finished speaking, he hugged the warmth, turned around and left the principal's office.

The two came downstairs, shook their shoulders tenderly, shook the hand that was on his shoulders, walked aside, and kept a little distance from him.

She looked at Huo tingshen unhappily.

He poked her forehead: "angry?"

Warm and unhappy, he didn't speak.

Huo Ting smiled evilly: "you are pulling with your ex-boyfriend, I'm not angry, why are you angry?"

"What qualifications do you have to say to me, you yourself are not hanging shoulders with big stars."

It occurred to her that she had brought up this topic last night.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "don't you say you're not jealous?"

"I wasn't jealous at all."

"People who are not jealous will talk about this over and over again."

"Who said it over and over again, I'm just at the right time, using your actions to fight back against you, why should you, the state official, be allowed to set fire, and the people like me are not allowed to light the lights? I'm not you."

"The last sentence, say it again."

His eyes widened and he took a step forward.

Seeing him like this, he is going to use the old way to clean up her again.

She hurriedly said: "Also, I didn't pull anyone. Today in the restaurant, he was the one who dragged me out. I was the passive one."

"Then you can't let go."

"Which time did you pull me away?" She was speechless: "I'm not a man. When a woman comes over, she can't shake it."

Seeing her with a gun and a stick, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

This woman is clearly jealous.