
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 58 Huo tingshen, are you crazy?

Huo Tingren lowered his eyes and said nothing. Hearing this, he felt somewhat guilty.

Turn sideways tenderly and come out of Huo Ting's deep arms.

She said to Huo Tingren, "I don't say this to sympathize with me and pity me. I hope you don't blame me for the Bai family, because I hate the Bai family as much as you do.

In front of you and your third brother, I can promise that I will never meet your third brother again, but I don't want to bear too much hatred that shouldn't belong to me. After all, I'm also very innocent. "

Huo Ting's face is cold, this woman, until now, can still say the words that can never see him?

In her eyes, is he really so dispensable?

Huo Tingren raised his eyes, glanced at the third brother who was full of anger, pursed his lips, forgot his tender look, said nothing, turned and left.

As soon as he left, Huo tingshen said to Guanjia Tong, "you go out first."

Butler Tong left respectfully.

With a warm sigh, Huo tingshen still didn't find anything wrong.

"I won't eat, I'll go back first."

She cast her eyes on his face.

But before he could see his expression clearly, he was already close, hugged her tightly, bowed his head and kissed her domineeringly.

His kiss, no, it wasn't a kiss, it was a bite.

The corners of her lips he bit her hurt a little.

She was in pain and reached out to beat his shoulder.

Huo tingshen released her, and she stomped: "Huo tingshen, what are you doing?"

"Can you never see me again? Huh?"

Warm eyes turned.

Huo Ting said deeply, "speak, can you?"

Warm eyes: "I can."

As soon as her voice fell, Huo tingshen kissed her again.

This time, his punishment was even worse.

He moved his hands up and down on her restlessly.

Pat him tenderly: "Huo tingshen, don't do this."

"Can you never meet me?"

Looking at him tenderly, tangled, uneasy, afraid to speak.

She knew that if she said 'yes', the next time the punishment would be even worse than the current one.


He pinched her chin with her head down and let her meet his gaze: "Yes, or no, if you don't answer, I will carry you upstairs."

"Huo tingshen, I..."

"Yes, or no."

She clenched her fist, and a good girl didn't suffer the loss: "No."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "I thought you were going to be stubborn to the end."

"What good is it for me to be stubborn to the end. So, can you let go of me now?"

Huo Ting lowered his head deeply and licked her lips before releasing her.

"Go, let's eat."

"I want to go home, I'm a little tired in the car."

"After dinner, I'll take you back."

He didn't say let her stay here, and she was slightly relieved.

After eating, he took her words seriously and sent her back to his home in Dacheng.

But when she came to the door, her key couldn't open the lock.

She wondered, and tried countless times to no avail.

Huo Ting, who was standing with his arms in his arms, deeply hooked his lips, calmly took out a key, and opened the door lock in front of her.

Look at him tenderly and speechlessly, what's the situation.

"Why can your key open the lock of my house?"

Huo Ting's deep hand patted the doorknob lightly: "don't you think this lock is very new?"

She suddenly said, "you changed the lock of my house? It's not my house, it's rented by me. Huo tingshen, are you crazy? "


Huo Ting has a deep look in his eyes. This woman is really not afraid of him anymore.

His face was close to hers.

"Then do you know that insanity is a crime against the law, and it is different from the common people?"

She frowned: "You...what do you mean by that?"

"It means that even if I rape you now, you deserve it."

He said, opening the door with one hand and holding her hand with the other to enter the room.

She was busy hugging the door: "I mean, you shouldn't change someone else's door lock without their consent."

"Are you someone else? You are mine."

He said, and pointed to the next door: "Are you sure you want to clear up this matter with me at the door?"

Warmth is also afraid of embarrassment, okay?

She released her hand and entered the door.

After the door was closed, she leaned against the door and said calmly, "Let's talk first, we will convince people with reason and don't do anything."

Huo Ting gave a deep and evil smile, turned and walked into the house.

As soon as the warmth was about to keep up, she was surprised to find that this was still the house she rented?

She stared at the room, all kinds of new furniture that had been replaced, and she was dumbfounded.

"This...is all your masterpiece?"

"Your original sofa is too hard and uncomfortable to sit on, the coffee table is too small and not spacious enough to eat, and your bed is too small to turn over when you fall asleep, so I replaced it."

Hearing what he said, she hurried to the bedroom door and took a look inside.

Oh, this bed is really big enough.


She turned to look at him: "you don't say hello, just finish all these things, is it appropriate?"

"I want to say hello too, didn't you run away?"

She was upset: "Whoever ran away, I just went to find someone to relax."

"If I remember correctly, before you left, you left a message to cut off friendship with me."

"I..." She froze for a while.

Huo Ting squeezed her deeply and went into the bedroom.

He lay down on the bed and patted the position beside him: "Would you like to come and try?"

Warmly frowned, glanced at his mouth, turned back to the living room, and sat down on the sofa.

She has a headache. This Huo tingshen, when is he going to lose interest in her?

During the entire eleventh holiday, Huo tingshen and Huo tingshen spent with her at her house.

For the first time, she knew that it was quite scary for a man to stay in a house.

On the afternoon of the first day of school, Huo Tingren gave her a big problem.

She was busy in the office when the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Gao Muran came in with a cold face.

Everyone in the office was very surprised, how did Gao Shao come.

Gao Muran's eyes fell on Wen Qing and said coldly, "Wen Qing, come out with me."

Warmly put down the pen, got up, and followed out of the office: "Mr. Gao, what's the matter?"

"Come with me to the police station."

"What are you going to do at the police station?" she wondered.

"Heh, a few students you brought injured a sophomore in the foreign language department when they were playing on the basketball court. The other party called the police. Your students are all being held at the police station now."

Startled in her heart, she hurriedly said, "wait for me, I'll go back and get my bag."

She ran back to the office quickly, grabbed her bag and left the school with him.

When she came to the police station, she saw Huo Tingren sitting on the stool and talking to the police at a glance.

Beside him, there were also four big boys in basketball uniforms.

These are the students she brought.

Gao Muran looked at her coldly.

Confused, she walked over.

Huo Tingren felt that someone was coming around. He turned his head and glanced at it, it was actually tender.

He stood up, looked at the warmth, and frowned.

If it was in the past, he would definitely think that this was a savior.

But now... why is he inexplicably afraid of her.

"How did you come."

"Can I not come, what's going on?"

Another boy got up and said, "sister Wen, it's really not our fault, those seniors are too bullying, and they were the ones who made the first move, we can't blame us for the fault just because we've done too much. on it."

Winking a wink at the boy, she turned to the police and said, "comrade police, I'm sorry, I'm their counselor. They are all good students in school. This time, they're probably in a hurry, and the students fight each other. It's normal, you see, can you be accommodating."

The police said: "We can only handle this kind of thing according to the law."

Gao Muran stepped forward and said to the warmth: "you go talk to a few children and leave it to me here."

Nodding tenderly, he called a few students aside.

After a while, Gao Muran came over with the police.

The policeman said: "This matter, let's forget it this time, don't fight again in the future."

"Thank you, comrade police," said warmly and hurriedly.

Gao Muran and Wen Qing took a few students out of the police station.

He said coldly, "Mr. Wen, I'll deduct four points from you this time. You're okay with that."

Looking at him tenderly, there was a touch of displeasure in his eyes.

But then she thought about it, if it wasn't for him this time, she probably wouldn't be able to bring these children out so easily.

She exhaled and suppressed the anger in her heart: "I see, you guys, go back with Teacher Gao's car."

One of the boys said, "sister Wen, aren't you going back?"

"I'm going to the hospital."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Gao Muran looked at her back coldly and walked to his car with a cold snort.

Huo Tingren asked the male classmates around him, "what do they mean by deducting points just now?"

"Haven't you heard about it? This perverted teacher Gao has set up an assessment point deduction system for the counselors. If the counselors do something wrong, they will be deducted points. If the deduction is 12 points, they must be dismissed. .

I heard that Teacher Gao specifically targeted Teacher Wen, because he failed to pursue Teacher Wen again, so he became angry. It seems that this time, we are the one who has implicated Sister Wen. "

Hearing this, Huo Tingren caught up with Gao Muran, pushed him to the side of the car, and pressed him against the car with his right arm, with anger in his eyes: "if you have anything, come at me, don't talk to our teacher Wen. Evil fire."

Gao Muran sneered: "I advise you, it's better to let go of your hand honestly, otherwise, if I can rescue you, I can still send you back."

"Really? Then I want to see if you really have the ability to step on our Huo family and send me to prison."

"Huo family?" Gao Muran frowned and looked at him: "are you the Huo family?"

"Yes, I am the fourth child of the Huo family, Huo Tingren. Remember, you and Mr. Wen have broken up. She is now the woman my third brother likes. In the future, you should stop provoking her and come to the Huo family if you have anything. Otherwise, my third sister-in-law will have a hard time, and neither should your Gao family."

He released his arm against Gao Muran, rolled his eyes at him, and turned to leave.

Gao Muran stood there, frowning slightly.

Therefore, it is not because she has an improper relationship with him that she is close to Huo Tingren

Thinking of the last time he humiliated warmth and wanted to buy her for one night, he was suddenly annoyed.

This woman will never explain why she is in trouble.

Huo Tingren chased out all the way, just in time to see Wenqing take a car and leave.

He reached out to stop a taxi and chased after him.

Wen Qing got off at the entrance of the hospital, bought a bunch of flowers in the service agency at the entrance, and came to the emergency room.

Just now, she was in the car, and through other counselors, she found the student counselor who was beaten and inquired about the students' situation.

He came to the emergency department and found the beaten student in the observation room.

She took a deep breath and walked in.

The student who was beaten had a bandage on his head and sat on the observation bed. She walked over and the student's counselor stood up: "Mr. Wen is here."

"Mr. Qin, I'm so sorry for causing you trouble, classmate, how is your situation?"

The student looked at Wen Qing and was surprised: "Sister Wen, why are you here?"

"The one who fought with you today unfortunately happened to be my students. They are at the police station now. I'm here to apologize to you."

The boy looked at the warmth for a moment, and quickly looked away, because the senior sister was really good-looking.

Huo Tingren at the door looked into the observation room, but did not come in.

After a while, Wenqing came out of the ward. When she went out, she saw Huo Tingren with his hands in his pockets and standing coolly against the wall. She frowned: "why did you run here too?"

Huo Tingren stood still, took his hands out of his pockets, and pouted at her embarrassedly: "then why did you come?"

"What do you say?"

Huo Tingren didn't say anything. He turned back and glanced at the observation room tenderly. Then he walked to the door and said, "let's go."

Huo Tingren followed up, "you can't really blame us for what happened today."

"I know."

"You know? You're not there."

"A slap doesn't make a sound, and I don't think you're going to lie to me."

"Then I'll discuss something with you."

She looked at him: "what's the matter."

"Can you not tell my third brother about today's affairs?"

She lowered her head and smiled.

Huo Tingren frowned: "what are you laughing at?"

"It turns out that you are also afraid sometimes."

"I'm not afraid. My third brother and I are still arguing. I don't want him to find excuses to scold me again."

She was silent for a while, the so-called awkward, she naturally knew why.

After Huo Tingren finished speaking, seeing the guilt in his warm expression, he pouted and scratched his eyebrows: "say, that Gao Muran bullied you so much, you really don't plan to tell my third brother."

She was a little surprised and looked at him.

Didn't he tell her to stay away from his third brother?

"I heard that the point deduction system he made is specifically aimed at you. You tell my third brother, my third brother will definitely help you clean him up."

"I won't tell your third brother about this, and neither should you."

There was a bit of seriousness in her expression.

Huo Tingren was upset: "you don't have feelings for him, right?"

"Just because I've been with him, I don't want to waste too much time and experience targeting someone who no longer has anything to do with me. If I really find your brother, it's not just me and your brother. The relationship between them is even more chaotic, so why not with him?"

Hearing what she said, Huo Tingren thought about it and said, "then we'll be even. In front of my brother, we will keep each other's secrets."

She smiled and nodded.

She came to the side of the road and reached out to stop a taxi.

After she got in the car first, she looked at him who was still standing on the side of the road: "Aren't you going to get in the car?"

Huo Tingren pressed the car door with his hand, hesitated for a moment, and said, "sister-in-law three, a few days ago I'm sorry, I won't make trouble again in the future. "

He was stunned for a moment. Before he could say anything, he had closed the car door, turned around and walked away.