
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 55 The tug-of-war between reason and animal nature

Huo Ting thought deeply without thinking, and said calmly: "if you are here, keep breaking it, if you are not, you will get closer."

She curled her lips and smiled: "You men are really superficial."

"Shallow? How do you say that?"

"If I'm not good-looking, black, short and fat, and have nothing, will you still tell me you like these two words?"

"It should be said that your innate conditions first attracted the attention of men. Men are a species with more impulsive vision and lower body. You have the conditions to automatically prioritize men's vision, which will make men have the urge to commit crimes.

But these conditions will only make you attract the attention of men first. There is still a gap between wanting to sleep with you and marrying you. I don't deny that your external conditions first attracted me, but now, even if you don't have these conditions, I will still like you, because I like you and stinky Hard personality, but also because we understand each other. "

He paused tenderly and looked at him.

I understand... this word, she likes it very much.

There are billions of people in this world.

Not many people know her.

There are not many people she knows.

Huo Ting looked at her dotingly and smiled, raised his hand and rubbed her hair: "you don't even know how hard I'll try to restrain myself in front of you. Every time I kiss you, my rationality and bestiality show They're all doing a tug-of-war. Geez, if this goes on, my tadpoles will probably be ground into foam."

It should be rare to see people who can express their desires so straightforwardly with a slight blush on their warm faces.

After dinner, Huo tingshen sent warmth home.

Because it was late, Huo tingshen didn't go upstairs with her.

He stood downstairs, watching her house light on and a figure on the window.

He waved to her, then got in the car and left.

When he got home, he asked Butler Tong to find Huo Tingren.

Butler Tong went to the front yard to take a look, only to find that Huo Tingren was not there.

Huo Ting snorted coldly, found his mobile phone number and dialed it.

Soon, the phone was connected: "Third brother."

"where did you go."


"Don't mention it to others tonight. Also, the grievances of the Huo Bai family, don't let the warmth know, otherwise, I can't spare you."

"Brother, why are you doing this, you didn't see it with your own eyes..."

"Shut up," Huo Ting said in a deep voice, "I'll say it again, Tingren, don't embarrass Mr. Wen, do you hear me?"

"What if I don't listen to you?"

"Then try it."

Huo Tingren was angry: "third brother, you are so in love with tenderness that you can't help yourself? I don't believe it. You are a person with self-control. You know that your choice is wrong. Why don't you pull back from the precipice. "

"It's not your turn to take care of my affairs. You just need to remember my warning. Well, rest early."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Huo Tingren exhales angrily.

Could it be that what happened 20 years ago is going to happen again?

No, he must never let the Bai family ruin the third brother.

His chest heaved violently because of anger.

He should think about how to let the warmth leave the third brother.

This is really a big problem.

Early the next morning, Huo Tingren was waiting at the door of Wenqingjia Community.

Wen Qing went downstairs to buy vegetables. When he saw him at the gate of the community, his pace slowed down a lot unconsciously.

There was an indifference in his eyes when he looked at her.

She walked to him and smiled at him laboriously: "Tingren, do you have something to do with me?"

Huo Tingren said indifferently, "that's right."

Seeing his attitude tenderly, he was already prepared: "let's talk."

Huo Tingren looked at her: "Mr. Wen, you are from the Bai family, that's right."

Tenderly clenched his fist: "I never feel that I belong to the Bai family, Tingren, my surname is Wen."

Huo Tingren was stunned for a moment. Yes, Mr. Wen's surname is Wen. How could he have anything to do with the Bai family.

Moreover, the Bai family never said that the Bai family has a young daughter.

Is it...

"You are the illegitimate daughter of the Bai family? You take your mother's surname?"

Warm and silent, no words.

"Wow..." Huo Tingren embraced: "I didn't expect Mr. Wen's identity to be so wonderful, but even if you are only an illegitimate daughter, you are Bai Antai's daughter after all. Since it is his daughter, you should know that you It is incompatible with our Huo family.

Our Huo family can't tolerate the daughter of the Bai family as a daughter-in-law. Also, you are an illegitimate daughter. If my third brother marries you in the future, he will definitely be laughed at. "

"Tingren, don't talk about it," her eyes were no longer as restrained as they were just now, but full of cold eyes. After all, Huo Tingren hit her bottom line.

"I didn't think about marrying your third brother, so please don't talk to me in this tone."

"You turned my third brother's fans around, and you said you didn't plan to marry him?"

He breathed tenderly: "I don't think I need to explain to you. I still have things to do. You can go back too."

She turned to go.

Huo Tingren said lukewarmly: "yesterday, your ex-boyfriend is the son of Gao's group, and the principal's son Gao Muran is right. Mr. Wen, the man beside you has a complex identity. You dare to say that you Haven't really thought about marrying into a wealthy family?"

His tender eyes were full of injuries, and he looked back at him: "Tingren, please, please go back?"

She really didn't want to talk about such a subject with a child.

She also has dignity.

Seeing the warm eyes, Huo Tingren felt inexplicably guilty.

He knew that Teacher Wen was not a bad person, but there was nothing he could do. She was from the Bai family.

"Mr. Wen, then I also ask you to stop pestering my third brother, okay?"

Nodding tenderly: "OK."

When she left, Huo Tingren was depressed. How could he feel like a bad person when he did so.

Warmth did not go to the vegetable market, but went to the park after a circle outside.

She sat in the park, trying to calm herself.

The phone rang, she took it out and glanced at it, seeing that it was Bai Yue calling, she hesitated for a moment, then picked it up: "Hello."

"Sister Xiaoqing, where are you?"

"Don't pretend, just say something."

"Oh, it seems that there is no one else around you, then, you can come to the house now, I want to see you."

"I'm not the kind of woman you can call on and off."

"Tenderness, don't toast, eat and punish."

"Don't take yourself too seriously," sneered tenderly.

"You... well, I won't argue with you, I tell you, I want to get the third master Huo, you help me," Bai Yue's tone was imperative.

"Oh, so Miss Bai is here to find a man with me? Then you're probably in the wrong place. I'm not a prostitute, and I don't sell men."

"Tenderness, don't play stupid with me. Huo tingshen is around you now. You know your identity anyway. You are not worthy of him, so giving him to me is your only choice."

He smiled tenderly and disdainfully: "Huo tingshen is not mine. If you want, go for it yourself, but a woman like you is not worthy of him."

"Oh, at least I'm more qualified than you. I'm the real eldest lady of the Bai family. You're just an illegitimate daughter."

"That's what you think. I'm not from the Bai family at all. How can you say that you have an illegitimate daughter?"

"Tenderness, why are you being hypocritical. You know very well, I'm right, you have to figure out the current situation. The Huo Bai family has a feud, and only when I marry the third master can this hatred be resolved.

If I become the young grandma of the Huo family, it will be a win-win situation for the Huo family and the Bai family, but what can you change? You will only make Huo tingshen hate the Bai family even more.

Don't you feel sorry for Brother Nancheng the most? The future Bai family, but Brother Nancheng's, is it difficult? Do you want to use Huo tingshen to destroy Brother Nancheng? "

Warm sneer: "I don't care who the Bai Group will be in the future, I only know that the Bai family owes my mother, so I wish the Bai Group would go bankrupt tomorrow. As for your thoughts, I'm still the old saying, you deserve it If I don't get on him, I won't introduce a vicious woman like you to him, because he's a good guy."

"I see that you clearly want to occupy him by yourself. You don't really think that you can do anything with a fox-like face. Warm, you don't pee to take care of yourself, you are dead. Your mother, your frustration can kill passers-by from ten miles and eight villages. If I'm not worthy of Third Master Huo, then you are even more unworthy. "

"I'm really not worthy, so I've never had such a bold idea. I'm different from a woman like you who wants to eat swan meat. I have self-knowledge. I think the person who should pee and look in the mirror is not me, but you. .

In terms of money power, Huo tingshen is a hundred times stronger than you. In terms of appearance and character, if it wasn't because you didn't want to see your face, would you spend money to fix it so many times? You despise yourself, and expect Huo tingshen to take a fancy to you? Don't be funny, wake up.

Also, in the future, don't just call me with an aloof attitude, you are not qualified. "

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Bai Yue heard the busy tone on the other end of the phone, and lay on the bed angrily and screamed twice.

"Damn warmth, I'm not finished with you."

With a warm breath, she felt that she was about to suffocate.

She got up and went home, packed her suitcases, and went downstairs to the station.

After buying the ticket, her cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Huo tingshen's call, she didn't answer, but hung up the phone.

After hesitating for a moment, she replied to him with eight words, "Don't contact me in the future", and then turned off the phone directly.

She didn't want to suffer any grievances because of any man.

She will no longer be disconnected, and everything will end today.

Huo Ting saw these words deeply and rushed with qi and blood.

When she took her home last night, she was fine, why did she break up with him now?

He went downstairs and drove to Wenqing's house by himself. No matter how he rang the doorbell, no one answered.

In the end, he directly asked someone to pick the door lock.

Seeing that there was indeed no one at home, he was upset for a while.

Sitting on the sofa, he called Lin Shaokang: "Shaokang, two things, first, give you an hour to investigate the whereabouts of Wen Qing. Second, go and check immediately, Dachengjiayuan No. 3 Whose house is Building 909, I want to buy it."

"Yes, third master, I'll do it now."

Huo Ting gritted his teeth deeply and was tender. He wanted to get rid of me. You were dreaming.

Within half an hour, Lin Shaokang called.

"Third Master, the house has been settled. After the holiday, we can go to transfer the property for you. Miss Wen's whereabouts have just been found out. She is now on the bus to Linhai City. "

"Linhai City?"


Huo Ting frowned deeply. On the other end of the phone, Lin Shaokang wondered, "but third master, there is something I don't know if I should talk about it or not."


"When my people investigated Miss Wen's whereabouts, they found that this morning, the fourth master went to the gate of the community and met Miss Wen. After that, Miss Wen went to the park and came out more than half an hour later before she packed up and left."

Huo Ting was deeply annoyed, "send someone to Linhai City to block the warmth."

"Need to bring her back?"

"No, send someone to follow her first and wait for me to contact her."


He went downstairs, got in the car and left.

On the way, he called Huo Tingren with anger in his voice.

"Have I ever said that you should not provoke warmth? Do you take my words on a deaf ear?"

"Third brother, I..."

"Shut up for me," Huo tingshen was really angry: "what do you know, you dare to mess around. I'll tell you Huo Tingren, if you disobey me again, go abroad for me as soon as possible. You can't get me out of here. Before you pull down from this position, you'd better be honest, otherwise, don't blame me for not recognizing six relatives."

Huo Tingren shouted: "you no longer recognize your six relatives, third brother, you have never scolded me like this before."

"That's because you used to be very sensible."

"I am doing this for your own good."

"How old are you, when did I need you to have a child in my life?"

"Third brother, she is from the Bai family. The women of the Bai family are duplicitous. She clearly said that she never thought about marrying you, but in a blink of an eye, she went to complain to you."

Huo Tingren was angry, but he felt sorry for her in the morning. It turned out that she was such a person.

"Complain? Oh, if she would come to complain, I wouldn't be mad at you."

"Impossible, otherwise how would you know, I went to her."

"When you do things, don't you use your brain? There is surveillance at the gate of the community. As long as I want to investigate the whereabouts of that woman, I can find you in minutes."

Huo Tingren became nervous and fell silent.

"I tell you, you'd better pray that I can find warmth. If she does successfully escape from Beicheng, see how I can deal with you."

"She's gone? Where has she been?"

"What do you think, didn't you drive her away? Are you happy now?"

"I didn't say let her go, I just let him leave you."

"What else did you say? Did you say what I told you to shut up?"


Huo Ting snorted coldly and hung up the phone directly.

Tong Hao received the warmth at the station.

The two hugged tightly, and their warm and aggrieved eyes were red: "OK, I really miss you."

"I miss you too, really, really."

Tong Hao let go of her, "I don't care. You can't leave this week. You have to stay here with me. I will take you to eat all over the streets and alleys near the sea."

He smiled tenderly: "then you have to keep your word. I came here hungry."

Tong Hao looked at his watch: "Let's go, let's go, now is the right time. Today at noon, I'll take you to my favorite Sichuan restaurant for dinner."