
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 52 duplicity

He only sent seven words: "Everyone, be quiet."

Not a single person in the group responded.

Including warmth, everyone waited for a minute before Huo Tingren sent another message.

"Everyone is human. Let's compare our hearts. Teacher Wen is not much older than us. She must have a lot of private matters to deal with. Therefore, in Mr. Wen's private time, if you can not disturb her, try not to disturb her. Of course, Except for emergencies where life is at stake."

Looking at his reply tenderly, he smiled. This is the first time this kid has left a message in the group.

A girl who has a nympho Huo Tingren frys the pot in an instant, and agrees with Huo Tingren.

It's a pity that Huo Tingren didn't reply a single one, as if the message just now was not sent by him.

Looking tenderly at a group of girls, they were so excited, they threw their mobile phones aside and started to get busy.

After work in the afternoon, Li Beibei and Liu Shu left first.

Huang Ya was also busy at half past six.

She packed her bag and looked at Wen Qing: "Mr. Wen, aren't you finished yet?"

She pursed her lips tenderly and shook her head: "not yet, Mr. Huang, walk slowly."

"You, don't work too hard. In our business, all we do are trivial things. Not everything can be done on the same day. This thread is too messy, and it has to be a little bit tricky."

Looking at her tenderly, she smiled kindly: "thank you for the reminder."

Huang Ya patted her on the shoulder: "we will be colleagues in the future. If you need any help from me, just tell me, and I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you, Mr. Huang."

"Then... I'll go first."

"it is good."

Huang Ya pursed her lips and went out first.

She left the office, shook her head and smiled. It seemed that this girl really didn't remember her.

After the warmth is done, it is already half past seven.

She looked at the time and thought that Huo tingshen said she was going to eat at her place. After she got up and cleaned up her desk, she trotted away from the school.

When she walked to the school gate, she ran to the bus stop without any distractions.

But there was a car beeping on the side of the road.

When she looked back, it was Huo tingshen.

Warm footsteps stopped, surprised, turned around to open the car door, and got into his car.

"How did you come."

"Pick you up."

"Then why didn't you call me?"

"I came in person, wouldn't it be more sincere?"

She pursed her lips and smiled, and naturally fastened her seat belt.

"I'm here to pick you up, you seem very happy."

She shrugged tenderly: "is it necessary for me to be unhappy that I can save a bus fare?"

"The tongue is not the heart."

Huo tingshen started the car and left: "I won't go back to cook tonight. I'll take you out to eat."

"Where to eat?"

"Don't you like to betray me? I'm betraying me today."

"Then can I make a condition?" She looked at him.


"I'm very hungry, can we not go too far, just go to the nearest place to sell the customs."

"Extremely hungry? Why, didn't you have enough to eat at noon today?" He said, his eyes turned, and he said badly: "Or, you have an inexplicable appetite when you see me?"

Warm and speechless: "can you stop joking with me? You don't know how wonderful my day was today. Because of some unexpected events, I didn't eat at noon at all. "

Huo Ting frowned deeply: "the big thing, can it be more important than your own body?"

"If you don't eat a meal, you won't die, you're just hungry."

She said, looking at him with a bright smile: "Tonight, I may eat a lot."

"Okay, then I'll let someone prepare it for you according to the amount of pigs, let's go."

He gave him a tender look.


He is the pig, his whole family is...

Forget it, if the pigs are so handsome in their family, who can go down?

Huo tingshen asked while driving: "what happened today?"

"It's nothing, it's just one of my students who had diarrhea last night. I accompanied her to the hospital this morning. When she came back, her parents came again. After going back and forth, I was too busy to eat."

Huo Ting sighed deeply.

He glanced at him tenderly: "it's me who is hungry. What are you sighing for?"

"I feel bad, don't you?"

Looking at him tenderly, my heart warmed, but on the surface, I still pursed my mouth: "Anyway, you feel bad, and I'm still very hungry, so don't feel bad, just speed up on your feet."

Huo Ting shook his head and smiled, and the speed of the car was indeed increased a lot.

He took her directly to the Huo family villa.

Sitting tenderly in the car, he pouted: "did you temporarily change the place to sell customs to your house, or... originally planned to come to your house to sell customs? "

"Guess," he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, went around to the passenger seat to open the door, and looked at her who refused to get out of the car.

"You don't get out of the car, do you think my food is not delicious? Then what do you like to eat, tell me, I will open all my cooks and find a few more cooks?"

Wen Qing hurriedly got out of the car and looked at him: "Huo tingshen, don't mess around. Who said your food is not delicious? I mean, it's a little embarrassing to come to your house to eat."

"What's there to be embarrassed about, it's not that you haven't lived with me before, do you still eat less of my family's food?"

She glared at him: "Who is living with you, can you stop talking nonsense?"

"At that time, you said that living in my house is illegal cohabitation."

She was dissatisfied: "But you also said that you hired me normally. If we live together illegally, then so many people in your family are living with you?"

Huo Ting couldn't help but smile: "well, I won't argue with you. Anyway, we have done it and slept. You are already my woman. A good man doesn't argue with his own woman, but depends on you."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to her: "Come on, woman, come home for dinner with me."

When he said this, the warmth was even more angry. She hugged her angrily: "I won't go back with you, you will send me home."

"No delivery."

She got out of the car angrily and put the bag close to herself: "Okay, you don't need to send it, I'll go by myself, hum."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the bus stop.

But how could Huo tingshen let her succeed.

He walked a few steps quickly, stepped forward and directly picked her up.

With a warm exclamation, in order not to fall off and be ruined, she had to wrap his neck around him.

"Huo tingshen, you're too much, let me down."

"Don't let it go."

"You...you're shameless."

Huo Ting sneered deeply and squinted at her: "if you dare to resist again, or scold me, I will throw you back in the car and show you what real shameless is."

Hearing it tenderly, he immediately fell silent, looked at him, and swallowed.

Seeing her instantly obedient expression, Huo Ting couldn't help laughing deeply and said proudly: "do you want me to throw you into the car? Huh? Mr. Wen. "

She shook her head and pointed to the door of the villa: "Go to your house and have dinner."

Huo Ting smiled proudly. He seemed to have found a way to clean up this woman.

The arrival of warmth made Huo's back kitchen a mess.

She really felt very guilty, after all, it was getting late.

On the other hand, Huo tingshen on the side, with his legs crossed, watching TV with a comfortable posture.

The maid brought the cleaned pineapple berries.

Huo tingshen directly together with the fruit bowl, handed it to her: "eat some fruit first."

She took it tenderly, and after the servant left, she restrained herself and ate the fruit.

Huo Ting thought for a while, approached her and asked, "by the way, what fruit do you like to eat?"

"Me?" After thinking tenderly, "bananas."

Huo Ting gave a deep and ambiguous smile: "what you really like is It's big and long, but unfortunately, it's too soft. "

She blushed tenderly and slanted her: "what do you think?"

"Aren't bananas big and long?"

Warm and sullen: "I also like to eat mango."

Huo Ting could not bear to laugh.

She was unhappy and was about to put down the fruit bowl. When she didn't want to eat it, Huo tingshen directly helped her to protect the bowl: "in exchange, let me tell you, I like cherries the most."

Looking at him tenderly: "I thought that your favorite food is durian."

"Are you mocking me?"

He smiled tenderly and snorted, and continued to eat.

Finally pulled a game back, cool.

After she finished eating a pot of pineapple berries, Butler Tong came over behind her.

"Third Master, Miss Wen, it's time to start eating."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply: "let's go and eat."

When the two came to the table, they were startled and warm.

In less than an hour, the aunties actually cooked more than a dozen dishes...

She swallowed and looked at Huo tingshen.

He winked: "Sit down and eat."

Warm and embarrassed to sit down.

Tong Guanjia said: "Miss Wen, we don't know what you like to eat. The young master said, you are hungry, let us prepare a small amount of various kinds of preparations, you can see if there is anything that is not to your taste, I will remove it for you ."

"No, no, I'm sorry to bother everyone, thank you."

"This is what we should do. Miss Wen is welcome."

"Butler Tong, take everyone out first." Huo Ting knew that she didn't like being surrounded by so many people when she was eating, so she sent everyone out first.

As soon as the person finished walking, the warmth immediately said: "how can you let people prepare so many dishes, we can't finish it."

"I said, prepare according to the amount fed to the pigs. If you pour it into the pig trough, these may not be enough for the pigs to eat."

Warm and angry: "Huo tingshen."

Huo Ting laughed heartily: "okay, I won't tease you anymore, just eat it."

As he said that, he helped her pick up vegetables.

She curled her lips tenderly and took a big bite.

Huo tingshen only took a few bites, then answered a phone call and went to the study.

When he came out, the warmth was full, her bag was on her body, and she looked like she was going to leave.

Huo Ting wondered: "are you full?"

"Yeah, it's getting late, I have to go back quickly."

"How can two people eat, and only one person has enough to eat, so he has to go first? I haven't finished eating yet, come and accompany me."

He said, walked to the table and sat down.

Warm and speechless: "this is your home. Do you eat by yourself? In ten minutes, there will be no bus."

"It's not right, you're not leaving tonight."

"I don't," Wen Qing firmly rejected his proposal.

She was determined not to live with wolves again, it was too dangerous.

Huo Ting took a deep look at her and looked at her: "but tonight, your objection is invalid, you must stay."

Warm and vigilant: "Huo tingshen, what do you want to do bad?"

"Missing?" Huo Ting shook his head deeply and smiled: "what are you thinking about? I found that in your little head, you are really thinking about something dirty all day long. Don't worry, I won't let you get me tonight. Let you stay, so that you can help me with some work."

She was speechless, why would he not let her get it, she didn't want to get him at all, okay?

She pouted, unhappy: "What are you doing?"

"I just answered a phone call, and I have to deal with a very important cooperation case temporarily. Shaokang will come over later. When that time comes, you can help him to assist me together. There are many people and great strength."

Only then did the warmth take off the bag and nodded: "okay then."

She sat down at the table again and ate with him.

He asked with a smirk, "When I said just now that I'm the man you can't get tonight, your expression was disappointed."

She glared at him: "if you talk about this mess again, I'm leaving."

He looked at her and smiled dotingly: "Do you know what I like most about you? Your character is really a stone somewhere, stinky and hard, but you say, why do I like it so much?"

She left him: "you are sick, you like to seek abuse."

"Probably," he laughed heartily.

More than half an hour later, Lin Shaokang came.

Holding a stack of documents, the three of them went to Huo tingshen's study together.

The three of them divided their work, and each found a comfortable position and started to get busy.

In order to cope with their temporary overtime, Butler Tong asked people to prepare supper in the kitchen.

The three started at nine o'clock and were busy until one in the morning.

When Huo tingshen looked up from the desk, he saw warmth like a cat lying on the coffee table and fell asleep.

He walked over lightly, slowly pulled out the document that was under her arm, and handed it to Lin Shaokang.

After that, he gently hugged her horizontally.

Seeing this, Lin Shaokang hurried to help open the door.

Seeing that Huo tingshen carried the warmth upstairs, Lin Shaokang tutted twice.

This teacher Wen must have more than saved the Milky Way in his last life.

The next morning, I woke up warmly and dimly.

She looked at the unfamiliar environment and sat up abruptly.

Isn't this Huo tingshen's room.

Hearing the sound of water splashing in the bathroom, she seemed to be dreaming. When did she come upstairs?

Her eyes touched the clock on the wall, and her whole brain thumped.

It's over, it's over, it's a quarter past seven and I'm going to be late.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, but she couldn't find her cell phone and bag. Then she remembered that it was in his study.

No wonder the alarm clock didn't go off.

She quickly left the room and went downstairs.

When Huo tingshen came out, he found that the warmth was not there.

He changed his clothes and went downstairs. Butler Tong just came in from outside.

"Third Master, are you resting?"

"Well, what about Teacher Wen? Why haven't I seen her?"

"Mr. Wen just ran down in a hurry and said that she was going to be late, and she didn't wash her face. She said she was leaving with her bag on her back. I brought her breakfast and sent a car to take her off."

"Okay, I know, go to the guest room and call Shaokang up."

"Okay, third master."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and smiled, and he could already imagine her panicked face.

It is the peak period of traffic jams, and the warm and anxious hearts that want to cry all have.

When the driver drove the car to the school gate, it was just 7:50.

She sprinted like a sprint and ran into the office building in seven minutes.

But unfortunately, when she was about to enter the office, Gao Muran just came out of the office.