
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 44 I'm not a mage, I don't accept demons

Hearing what the other party said, Chen Zinuo looked back at Yang Qing.

No wonder Yang Qing left for so long just now, so he went to help Wenqing.

They are all here for the internship. Why is Wenqing so lucky? Yang Qing is there to escort her.

She was really unconvinced.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the human resources manager left with his own people.

Chen Zinuo fell into the chair, his face pale.

In the eyes of everyone, she packed her things dully and left silently.

When it was time for get off work, everyone went downstairs and left.

Warmly put away the documents and went downstairs.

In the elevator, someone pointed at her.

She knew very well that even if the post was deleted, so many people saw it, and the chatter would never stop.

She really felt a little fortunate. Fortunately, there were still a few days before the construction period ended.

Go downstairs and walk to the bus station tenderly.

Not long after she walked, she heard a familiar voice calling her from behind.

She turned around and saw Chen Zinuo.

Chen Zino stepped forward and looked at her: "Are you happy now?"

"I have nothing to be happy about, but nothing to be unhappy about either."

"Tenderness, you are so despicable. You clearly said that you don't want to stay in the company, but you still stabbed my secret into the forum at the last moment, so I had to leave the company. You didn't do much well yourself, but Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you harm people behind your back like this?"

"Oh," said a warm and speechless smile, "if I told you now that your post has nothing to do with me, you probably wouldn't believe it."

"Of course I wouldn't believe it. In this company, who else knows about it besides you?"

Chen Zi Nuo said, bowed his head and shed tears sadly: "You don't know at all, what I have paid for this, do you think I am willing to be the third child of others, do you think I am willing to live in my life? Do these things that destroy other people's families during the best time in China? But I can't help it.

My dad had cancer, and I urgently needed money to save his life. At that time, I was desperate. A sister I knew introduced me to Yu Chengwei. He said that as long as I followed him, he could help me pay for my dad's surgery. fee. I was really desperate, to save my dad, so I got into his bed.

I thought that after the operation, I would be able to leave him, but I didn't expect that after my father's operation, he would have to spend a lot of medical expenses every month to save his life. My mother doesn't have a job, I have a younger brother studying, and I am the only breadwinner for my family.

Yu Chengwei came to me again. For money, I compromised again. I know that the salary of Dihui Group is very high. As long as I can become a regular worker, I can support my family. You know how much I need this Is it a stable job?

I know what happened between you and Bai Nancheng, but I didn't expose it first because I didn't want to make myself a worse person. Before, when I quarreled with Su Pei, I also knew that I did something wrong, but I had no choice. I have come this far, and I have no way out. I have to keep my job.

I scare you against you because I am afraid that you will rob me of a job, and because I have the handle in your hands, I am guilty. After all, this is the stain of a lifetime, and it cannot be washed away. But warmth, I have no grievances with you. Why do you want to harm me? "

Look at her tenderly, with a touch of sympathy in her eyes.

I didn't expect her to have such a story.

The makeup on Chen Zinuo's face was covered in tears.

Warmly took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to her.

Her voice softened a little: "since you don't believe it, it's useless for me to explain, but I really didn't do this. Bai Nancheng is not my lover, he is a brother who is very close to me. I never thought about it. I want to stay in the company, so I will not be boring enough to block your future. No matter what you think of me, in short, I have a clear conscience for you. "

Chen Zi Nuo didn't pick up the tissue she handed over, but after wiping away her tears, she gave her a cold look, turned and left.

Standing in the same place tenderly, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

It was clear that she really did not do this, but she felt very guilty.

After hesitating for a moment, she followed up: "Chen Zinuo."

Chen Zi Nuo stopped and looked back at her, with tears on her face.

"I will ask Bai Nancheng if there is any suitable position for you in his company. If so, I will introduce you to his company. Will you accept it?"

Chen Zinuo was stunned for a moment: "Are you serious?"

Nodding tenderly: "I'll try my best to ask. If it doesn't work, I'll help you find another way."

"Why...why are you helping me?"

"Because I don't want to feel guilty."

"Didn't you just say that you have a clear conscience for me?"

"Before I knew about your situation, I hated your behavior. After all, as you said, it is really shameful to do something like destroying other people's families. Although I have no way to recognize your behavior until now, your Filial piety touched me, I hated you before, and I felt very guilty, so I am willing to help you."

Chen Zinuo choked up and looked at her gratefully.

Looking tenderly at the bus coming not far away, he said, "my car is coming. I have to leave first. I will call you when there is news."

After she finished speaking, she walked around Chen Zinuo first.

Chen Zinuo paused and said, "tenderness, thank you."

The warmth didn't respond anymore, but just trotted to chase the car.

She got out of the car and went to the market behind the community to buy vegetables.

When he got home, Huo tingshen's car was already downstairs.

Seeing her come back, he got out of the car and helped her carry the dishes upstairs.

While eating, her phone rang.

Seeing that Bai Nancheng was calling, she hurriedly picked it up: "brother."

"Well, Xiaoqing, I just saw the text message from you when I was in a meeting. You said you asked me to do something?"

"Well, I have a friend who really needs a job now. Can you help her arrange it in your company?"

Bai Nancheng wondered, "it's not you, but your friend?"


"Xiaoqing, you never begged me. It seems that your friend is very important to you, so tell me, is your friend a man or a woman?"

"Woman, the same age as me, she has something to do at home and urgently needs a stable job to earn money. As long as you give her this opportunity, she will definitely do it well."

"Okay, for your own sake, I'll accept it. Let her report to the company tomorrow."

Feeling warm, I smiled happily: "brother, thank you."

"What more can I say thank you."

"Then I'll invite you to dinner another day."

"Okay, then I can wait for my sister's dinner."

She smiled: "Yeah."

After hanging up, she put the phone aside.

On the opposite side, Huo Ting was deeply upset: "there is something wrong, why do you beg him instead of me?"

Huo Ting's deep face is very long.

This woman, who makes a bad face with him every day, but talks and laughs with that surnamed Bai, is she mad at him on purpose?

Warm food, stuffed into the mouth: "because it's not appropriate to ask you."

"I think you just don't want to mess with me."

After thinking about it tenderly, "you know, who am I helping to find a job for?"

He was really angry: "You didn't ask me, how could I know."

"Chen Zinuo."

"She hurt you on the company forum today, and you actually helped her?"

"The reason why she hurt me is because she thought that her post was sent by me, and her experience was very pitiful, so I had to help her."

Huo Ting was deeply upset. For her sake, he had the woman fired.

But this unconscionable changed hands to help that woman introduce a job?

How big of a heart do you have to have to do such a thing?

"What happened?"

Without hiding the warmth, he told Huo tingshen about Chen Zinuo.

"Actually, thinking about it, her choice was wrong, but her original intention was good. She didn't want to be someone else's mistress just to pursue a famous brand and a vain life. She wanted to save her father's life.

Although... I don't quite understand the relationship between father and daughter, but I feel that if I don't give her a hand at this time, she will sink deeper and deeper in this circle in the future. After all, doing this business Make money quickly, and it is easy for people to sink. "

"Then why is it inappropriate to ask me?"

"I know that you will agree to my request, but there are too many rumors about her in the company. Even if she stays in the company, she can't raise her head. Since she wants to help others, why not help?"

Huo Ting raised her eyebrows deeply. Well, she was very thoughtful.

Seeing that Huo tingshen was no longer angry, she was a little unhappy and said: "do men these days like to steal fishy? I heard from Director Yang that Yu Chengwei's wife is not only beautiful, but also works very well. But Yu Cheng Wei is not satisfied with this, and he has to come out to steal, is this a man's inferiority?"

"The inferiority of men is not used here. People like Yu Chengwei are cheap, and he can't represent all men."

"But now men cheat with a little money, like crucian carp crossing the river."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and smiled: "that's why it seems that a good man like me is invaluable. You are a woman who has no vision. I've sent it to my door. Are you sure you haven't taken me in?"

Warm pouting, I have seen narcissists, but I have never seen such a person who feels good about himself.

"I'm not a mage, and I don't accept demons."

Huo Ting made a deep hiss and took a look at her.

Warm drooping eyes and laughing happily.

Seeing her smile, Huo Ting raised the corners of his lips naturally.

Indeed, she still looks better when she smiles.

After dinner, I called Chen Zinuo tenderly.

Knowing that he could work for Bai's Group, Chen Zinuo happily thanked him warmly on the other end of the phone.

"Tenderness, thank you very much, especially thank you. You know, you saved our whole family. When I left the company, I already thought about it, even if I go to that kind of place and sell my body, I must make money To pay my dad's medical bills, I was really scared when I made this decision, thank you, you saved me, I really thank you, and, this afternoon, I posted such a post, I'm sorry."

"We... it's not surprising that the other party is ignorant, Chen Zinuo, shall we be even?"

"No, I owe you a big favor, and one day, I will definitely pay it back."

return? She doesn't need it, she just wants peace of mind now.


This is the end of a month's work.

In Huo tingshen's view, warmth can't be idle.

So over dinner, he invited her to continue working in the company for a while.

But this proposal was warmly rejected.

"I don't have much time next, because I'm going to attend college counselor training."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply and shook his head: "I wonder what it means to be a teacher in a school. The salary is not high, and there are a lot of things to worry about. The most important thing is that you are not qualified to teach now."

"Huo tingshen, please respect my dream."

"Your dream is really..."

He raised his eyes and stared at him tenderly.

Huo Ting looked at her deeply and smiled: "well, I respect your dream, do whatever you want."

"There's one more thing," she looked at him, and naturally helped him with vegetables.


"We agreed, I'll go to your company to work for a month and cook for you for a month, and now..." She said, hesitating.

Huo tingshen put down his chopsticks: "so, you have cooked so many dishes tonight, is it a meal for a casual meal?"

He smiled tenderly and nodded.

Huo Ting deeply white her: "you are really a white-eyed wolf."

Put down the bowls and chopsticks tenderly and look at him seriously.

"Huo tingshen, you are an entrepreneur who keeps your word. Since what you said, you should do it."

"You want me to agree to disagree? What if I just insist on coming to eat?"

"Then I can only think about moving," said warmly and lightly.

"You think I can't find you if you move? Are you underestimating me?"

"I mean, you shouldn't be a person who is willing to cause trouble to others."

Huo Ting looked deeply at the woman in front of him.

She had a harmless smile on her face: "Also, I'm going to training next, I'm very busy, I don't want to waste my limited time in the kitchen."

He could accept her remarks, but he was unhappy in his heart.

"Then we have decided that every weekend, you will have dinner with me."

"Why?" She frowned.

"Because I'm afraid that if you don't see me for a long time, you will forget my existence. I want to brush my presence in front of you. This matter is settled."

He wanted to say something more tenderly, but he happily ate the food.

She pouted, forget it, see you once a week... It doesn't seem to be difficult.

The training of counselors is much easier than expected.

But she knew very well that being a tutor would not be too stressful.

She did not forget that her tutor in her freshman year was depressed by the anger of the students, so she resigned in order to live a good life.

The more superficially easy things are, the less sloppy they are.

In the few days she left from the Emperor Hui Group, she felt very happy every day.

It seems that she is really not suitable for office work, and the oppressive atmosphere makes her dislike it from the bottom of her heart.

After the training was over on Thursday afternoon, she was invited to tutor an English class for a female student she had previously taught.

When I got home, it was past seven o'clock in the evening.

She leisurely returned to the door of the building and saw the familiar car at a glance.

Huo tingshen got out of the car, looked at her, and frowned: "why come back so late."

She walked towards him, "Why did you come here?"

"Why, I can't come here?"

"No, last time, didn't you say see you on the weekend?"

He put his face coldly: "rules are dead, people are alive, I miss you."