
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 43 Huo tingshen hates you

She glared at him: "So, you mean, I'm your prey?"

Huo Ting smiled deeply: "no, you are my baby."

After he finished speaking, he smiled evilly at her and turned to leave.

Warm and speechless.

Baby... nonsense.

That ye wanluo is his baby.

Lies don't make drafts, she doesn't support the wall, she just obeys him.

As soon as Huo tingshen came to the company, he called Lin Shaokang into his office.

He took out his phone, found a photo, and handed it to him.

Lin Shaokang took it, glanced at it, and wondered, "Third Master, this is..."

"Find a reporter to visit this store unannounced. It's a black store. Give it to me."

Lin Shaokang wondered.

Huo Ting squinted at him deeply: "still not going?"

"Yes, I'll go right now." Lin Shaokang transferred the photo to his mobile phone and turned to leave.

He couldn't figure it out, how did this takeaway shop offend the president of his family?

At half past ten, Huo tingshen came out of the office.

Lin Shaokang got up, and Huo Ting said deeply: "I'll go first, call me if you have anything."


Huo tingshen left. He frowned. There seems to be no activity this morning.

The president is mysterious, well, there must be something wrong.

Could it be related to that teacher Wen?

Huo tingshen returned to the hospital.

Warmth is falling asleep. Maybe it was too much tossing last night, so I didn't get enough sleep.

Huo tingshen asked Butler Tong to go back first, and he stayed with her in the hospital by himself.

When I woke up tenderly, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

She was awakened by hunger.

After all, porridge is not very hungry.

Butler Tong has brought lunch, and Huo tingshen ate it by himself.

Seeing Huo Ting deeply, I was a little surprised: "why are you back again."

"When I was hospitalized, I didn't have a close person by my side, and I felt very sad and lonely."

Hearing this, my heart warmed.

Fact... it is.

She was grateful that he had this heart.

However, she would not admit it.

She nuzui: "who is close to you, I'm not close to you at all, okay?"

"In this world, is there anyone closer to you than me? I am a man who has been in your body back and forth."

Warm face instantly turned red, sat up, grabbed the pillow and threw it at him.

She shouted hard: "Huo tingshen, you hate it."

Unfortunately, she was too weak, and the pillow hit the ground two meters away from him.

Looking at her arrogance like a little wild cat, Huo Ting laughed softly.

In this world, she is probably the only one who can make herself laugh so unbridled.

Huo tingshen in front of her is a real person, a real and complete Huo tingshen.

Not the devil in the mouths of others, a cold god-like existence, and not a profiteer who only makes money.

In front of her, although he has no sense of existence, he feels very comfortable.

She covered her cheeks with blushing tenderness and looked at him aggrieved.

"Huo tingshen, can we stop talking about this in the future? Isn't this what we said at the time?"

"You are so taboo about having a relationship with me? In your eyes, am I a bad person? Or do you really hate me so much?"

She put down her hand and said seriously: "I don't hate you, and I don't think you are a bad person. On the contrary, I think you are very good, a very good good person. What I don't like is for a man who has hurt me. , I do that kind of thing, it has nothing to do with you."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply and smiled. It wasn't enough to hate her. He wanted her love.

After the infusion in the afternoon, Wen Qing said that he would be discharged from the hospital.

But Huo tingshen doesn't allow it.

Looking at the domineering him tenderly, he looked unhappy: "I'm hospitalized, why do you have the final say?"

"Because you're not a doctor."

"The doctor has said that I can be discharged from the hospital, as long as I have an infusion every day."

"Now, ask him again to see if he dares to say that."

"So, you are too domineering."

Huo Ting held his arms deeply: "stay for three days, you can only leave after the infusion here. There is no discussion about this. Anyway, as long as I don't nod, you can't get out of this hospital. Do you want to try?"

Staring at him tenderly.

Huo Ting sneered deeply: "only at this time, do I feel that money can really be willful."

A warm snort.

Seeing that she was angry, Huo Ting coaxed: "don't you think so too, that's why you work so hard to make money?"

"I'm not like you."

"Then why do you like money so much?"

She curled her lips: "Because money can give me a sense of security."

He looked at her and smiled speechlessly: "Security? Isn't security given by others?"

"No, I think you have to give yourself a sense of security. Girls are more confident if they save a little money. After all, it's a long way, and the only thing that can accompany me is money."

What is this... Strange theory: "So, are you planning to live alone for the rest of your life?"

"Of course not, I never thought I'd be alone in my life."

"Since you are going to get married, why only money can accompany you? Don't you think that your future husband will not give you this sense of security? Then what are you looking for with such a man? Is it to help him solve his physical needs? "

"I want financial independence, I don't want to be constrained by men in the future because of money, and I don't want to be humiliated by men because I want money from men in the future."

"I don't agree with your point of view. If a man humiliates you because you spend his money, it proves that you have found the wrong man. Since you are willing to marry each other, you are entitled to share everything about him, including his Property and him. If you find the right man, the only thing you can rely on in the future is not money, but your reliable husband."

Looking at him tenderly, after a moment of silence, he shook his head and smiled: "there are many kinds of men in this world, all of them are good at acting, and girls... are often more emotional, so in the end, what I entrust to is people Or a ghost, you can only find out after marriage, there are not many girls who can determine whether a man is reliable before marriage."

"Hey, I found out that you are a woman who likes to be unfounded."

She pursed her lips and smiled gently: "because this is my future, of course I have to be cautious. I don't want to cry in a luxury car, but I don't want to cry on a bicycle. I don't have parents to help me check my future. , I can only rely on myself."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply. Sometimes, he really felt that they were very similar.

Especially, that kind of loneliness.

Warmth stayed in the hospital for three days.

On the fourth day, she went back to work in the company.

After all, this part-time job fee was a lot of money for her, and she didn't plan to give it up.

At noon, she went to the cafeteria to eat and came back, and found that there was something wrong with the anger in the office.

Everyone gathered together to discuss something in front of the computer.

She heard someone say, "I'm going, it's been a long time, we've made such a big oolong, it's really a dog that can bite people and won't bark."

The person next to her said: "That's right, looking at her usual kind and well-behaved appearance, I thought she was so clean. After a long time of trouble, she is the third child under Yu Chengwei."

Warm eyebrows, Yu Chengwei's third son?

She sat down, not meddling.

Next to it, the temporary workers of the same period came over and whispered: "warmth, do you know what they are looking at?"

He shook his head tenderly: "I don't know."

"Today, in the company's forum, someone posted a few photos of us going in and out of the hotel and the hotel with Mr. Yu and the little three. The face is clear. Do you know who the little three is?"

Wondering warmly, he didn't make a sound.

A colleague at the same time exaggerated: "Hey, I know you can't guess, let me tell you, it's actually Chen Zinuo."

I am a little surprised by the warmth. How was this known?

The colleague said: "Now that the truth of the matter is revealed, I dare to tell you secretly. In fact, before, everyone in the office suspected that it was you who was with President Yu. Now that I think about it, it is indeed very suspicious.

When you were arguing with Su Pei before, you brought Chen Zinuo with you once. At that time, President Yu's attitude towards Chen Zinuo was obviously better than towards you, right? Gosh, you're offended by this. "

She scratched her eyebrows tenderly and smiled: "let's not discuss this matter. After all, it is someone else's privacy and has nothing to do with us."

Colleagues were embarrassed when they saw her light-hearted appearance.

"Well, that's true. We're actually just complaining for you. After all, you've been blamed for nearly a month, and you've been rectified by Su Pei. You're unlucky enough."

She shrugged tenderly and didn't speak.

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about this, her colleague left angrily.

Yang Qing went out with others to do errands on the way back, and someone called her to tell her about it.

As soon as she entered the office, when she saw the noise in the office, she said to everyone: "It's alright, let's stop talking about it, it's time for a lunch break, keep busy, don't make the office like a vegetable market. , Mr. Yu will come back in a while, maybe how can he lose his temper."

After hearing her words, the crowd dispersed.

When he was about to go to work, Chen Zino came back with red eyes.

When she passed the warm desk, there was anger in her eyes.

It's just that warmth is not seen.

After she sat back in her seat, people around her started to talk secretly.

Chen Zinuo bit her lip, and with a look of resentment, she took out her phone, opened the company's forum, and uploaded a few photos.

In the afternoon, the company was shocked by another piece of material.

Someone secretly reported something to Yang Qing. Yang Qing quickly opened the forum and saw the photos taken secretly when Wen Qing was having dinner with the president of Bai's Group.

Although it's only the back, but because of her warm, slender and tall figure, she still recognizes it at a glance.

She can recognize it, and so can others.

She was very surprised. What was the situation with warmth? Why did she get involved with the president of Bai's Group again?

She looked at the tenderness not far away who was looking down at the document with lingering fears.

This matter... Should I report it to President Huo?

The person who posted the post has already pointed out the department and name of the protagonist in the photo. I'm afraid that I want to hide this, but I can't hide it.

After thinking for a moment, she stood up, left the office, and secretly dialed the number upstairs.

Upstairs, Lin Shaokang knocked on the door and entered Huo tingshen's office.

"Third Master, in the company forum, someone posted a post saying that Mr. Wen is the lover of Bai Nancheng, the heir of the Bai Group, and attached a photo of Mr. Wen and Bai Nancheng leaving the restaurant chatting and laughing."

Huo Ting frowned deeply. He hated the person who linked warmth with Bai Nancheng.

It's annoying to hear.

He said coldly, "Who sent it?"

"Not sure, it was posted anonymously."

"Notify the technical department, find out who posted it, and delete the post in the forum for me by the way."

"Yes, I'll do it right now."

After a while of warmth, he raised his head and moved his neck.

Out of the corner of the eye, she saw that many people were looking at her, and she wondered what the situation was.

A few desks away, she saw someone opening a photo on the computer.

Seeing that photo, she frowned slightly.

She quickly opened the company's forum on her mobile phone and saw the post that had been clicked hundreds of times.

She frowned and looked across the table at Chen Zinuo who was not far away.

The two looked at each other, sparks flying.

I really didn't expect that this woman was so despicable that she was smeared because of her own affairs, right?

Yang Qing came back from outside at this time.

She walked behind Wen Qing and was about to tell her about it when she saw her looking at her mobile phone.

Seeing this, she patted the warm shoulder: "Xiao Wen, come out with me."

Get up tenderly and go out.

The two came to the corridor with no one, and Yang Qing said, "You saw the post just now. I'm afraid this matter won't affect you very well."

She nodded: "I know."

"I don't know who is so blackhearted. I'm really fed up with what you are doing as a temporary worker. I have already reported this to Mr. Huo, and the post will be deleted soon, don't mind too much. "

He breathed tenderly: "it doesn't matter, I don't care what others say. Anyway, my temporary construction period will end soon."

She forced herself to smile: "Director Yang, let's go back, otherwise people should talk about you because of me."

"I do not care."

"But I don't want to affect you." After she finished speaking, she pursed her lips and smiled, and turned back to the office.

When it was time to get off work, the manager of the human resources department came downstairs in person.

As soon as he entered the training department, he asked, "Who is Chen Zinuo?"

Chen Zinuo was nervous for a moment, and stood up: "I am."

The manager stepped forward and said, "Pack up your things, go to the finance department and get your salary for today, then get off work. From tomorrow, you don't have to come to the company to work again. Your temporary work period ends today."

Chen Zinuo's face turned pale when he heard it: "Why?"

"We found out that you maliciously spread posts on the forum this afternoon, slandering her, because you are not a regular employee and do not need a dismissal contract. We are just here to inform you."

She refused to accept: "But I am also a victim, and I have also been slandered in the forum."

"This afternoon, we have called Yu Chengwei to the human resources department for verification. What you have done with Yu Chengwei is true, so you are not slandered."

"What about her warmth? I saw her with Mr. Bai with my own eyes. Why do you say my news is untrue? "

"Because we checked, Miss Wen and Mr. Bai are friends who have known each other for a long time, not lovers."

"Where did you verify it? Why is what you verified valid?"

The manager of the human resources department said coldly, "this matter was verified by the third master upstairs, do you have any opinion?"