
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 41 have a date at night

The warmth and Chen Zinuo looked at each other. Her righteous look made Chen Zinuo look away indifferently.

Yang Qing said: "You are right. For those who don't like it, ignoring it is the best solution."

She smiled.

When she was about to finish her meal, her phone rang.

It was Bai Nancheng who called.

She picked up the phone: "Hello."


"I'm eating at the place where I work."

"You're going to work again?" Bai Nancheng said helplessly, "you're going to start working soon, can't you give yourself a vacation for a while? Xiaoqing, you said that you girl, why do you have to live so hard for yourself. "

"I like this, this kind of life, I feel very fulfilled."

"Could it be that if you stay at home for a few days, your life will change?"


"You," Bai Nancheng was helpless. He smiled and asked, "Has that Huo tingshen been to you again these few days?"

Warm and guilty, if her brother knew that she was working in Huo tingshen's company, she would be angry.

"Brother, I can handle my affairs myself, so don't worry about it."

"I'm your brother, how could I not care about your business?" Bai Nancheng said and sighed, "I just want you to protect yourself, you know?"

"I will."

"Let's have dinner together tonight."

"But, I have an appointment tonight."

"More important than a date with my brother?"

Warm hesitation: "I'm mainly afraid of your parents talking nonsense."

"They're them, I'm me, I'm going to have a meal with my own sister, they don't care."

"Well... that's fine."

Hang up the phone and sigh tenderly.

Yang Qing looked at her and asked casually, "Have you a date tonight?"

Nodding tenderly, pursing his lips and smiling: "well."

"Last time, you told Le Ren that you had a boyfriend. Is it true? Is your boyfriend the one upstairs?"

She shook her head tenderly: "Director Yang, you have misunderstood. I don't have the kind of relationship you think with him."

Yang Qing wondered, how is it possible, seeing Mr. Huo nervous about her.

They clearly have that kind of relationship.

Did she guess wrong?

After eating, I returned to the office tenderly.

When she went to the tea room to pour water, Chen Zinuo also chased in.

She looked at Wen Qing, looked in the direction of the door cautiously, and said unhappily, "Wen Qing, you said that you don't want to stay in the company, it's a lie, or why did she go so close to Yang Qing? You are I know that Yang Qing has gained power recently, so I'm going to hug my thighs, right?"

Looking at her tenderly, her expression was also a little indifferent: "what do I think, does it have anything to do with you?"

"We are both at the same time. I'll tell you the truth, how can you be like this, you are really bad to the core."

Looking at her tenderly and sarcastically, he shook his head and smiled.

The environment in which she grew up was not very healthy.

But even so, she was able to tell the difference between black and white.

But this one in front of him is really good at confounding right and wrong.

If Song Ruo is a graceful and graceful type, then this one is really a domineering and revealing type.

After she received the water, she went out of the pantry.

Chen Zinuo stretched out her arms to block her way.

"Tenderness, I need this job very much. You don't even know what I have paid for this job. I won't let you succeed. I won't give you this job anyway. Let's go. Let's see."

At this moment, someone pushed in the door.

Chen Zinuo's hand moved forward and patted the warm shoulder.

"Look at you, there are things on the shoulders of your clothes. Okay, now it's clean. I'll go out first."

She turned and went out.

Warmly stood in place and smiled silently.

This acting is simply... speechless.

After get off work in the afternoon, she sent a text message to Huo tingshen tenderly.

"Don't go to my house tonight, I have an appointment with my brother to have dinner together."

Soon, her cell phone rang.

After getting out of the elevator tenderly, he picked up: "Hello."

Huo Ting was deeply displeased and said, "I think this Bai Nancheng is too idle, otherwise why would he have time to invite you to dinner."

"You are too broad."

"Because of him, I don't have a place to eat tonight, can I leave it alone?"

She lowered her eyes tenderly and smiled: "I'm going to take the bus, I'll hang up."

Huo Ting was deeply upset.

Damn Bai Nancheng.

Warmly came to the door of the restaurant designated by Bai Nancheng.

Bai Nancheng has arrived first.

"Brother, why are you so early?"

"In order to eat with you, I set aside time in advance, let's go, my seats are already reserved."

The two entered the restaurant together and sat in a quiet position by the window.

Because it is a Chinese restaurant, he specially ordered tea for her.

After two sips of warmth, Bai Nancheng asked, "where have you gone to work recently? I went to the cafe where you worked the day before yesterday to find you. The boss said you resigned. "

She swallowed: "It's not convenient to tell you from a friend."

"You are so mysterious every day, why don't you go to the bar again?"

He shook his head tenderly: "no, I'm going to work at the school soon. I definitely won't go there again. I'm afraid I'll cause trouble for myself."

Bai Nancheng smiled: "you girl, you can do everything clearly. That's what makes you different."

He said, took out a bunch of keys and put it in front of her.

She frowned: "What is this?"

"I bought a house for you in the Oasis Community next to your school, congratulations on your successful entry, in the future, you don't have to squeeze in the staff dormitory with everyone, and live in your own house. The house is written by you. The name was bought with my own money from working in the company, and it has nothing to do with the Bai family."

With tender lips, he pushed the key back in front of him.

Bai Nancheng frowned: "why, are you rejecting me again?"

"Brother, I have healthy limbs, I can share the five grains, and I work hard to make progress. Why don't I get what I want for nothing? I really lack a house right now, but I will buy it myself, believe me, one day, I will With a real estate license, I have confidence in myself."

Bai Nancheng looks at her.

He really liked her stubbornness that was different from other girls, but he also hoped that her stubbornness was aimed at others, not him.

"You don't get something for nothing, this is an inauguration gift for you as a brother."

She shook her head firmly: "This gift is too precious for me."

"Xiaoqing, I'm not forcing you to do anything else, but this house... you accept it, okay? Even if you earn money in the future and give it back to me, I'm willing, I don't want you to grow up and graduate Now, but there is still no fixed place to live, I hope to be able to give you a home."

How he hoped that the last sentence was not spoken in the capacity of an older brother.

But...not yet.

Looking at him tenderly, he smiled lightly and shook his head.

Bai Nancheng was helpless: "why are you so stubborn? If I'm not from the Bai family, can you accept the gift I gave you?"

"No, if you're not from the Bai family, then you're not my brother. In this case, how could I know you, and how could I sit here to eat with you? Anyway, brother, you Put away the keys, don't do this anymore, I'm too embarrassed to be like you."

Bai Nancheng took back the key in a deep voice: "it doesn't matter if you don't want it. Anyway, your name is already on the property certificate. Even if you don't go to live, it's yours."

After he finished speaking, he gave her food: "this issue, we will not continue to discuss it, let's eat."

Nod and smile tenderly, and eat with vegetables.

The two were about to leave after eating, and before they could leave the restaurant, they met a pair of acquaintances head-on.

Yu Chengwei and Chen Zino.

When she saw these two people together, she was not surprised. After all, she already knew their relationship.

On the contrary, the two people on the opposite side, especially Yu Chengwei, looked surprised with a warm expression.

In order to cause unnecessary trouble, Wen Qing did not greet them.

After all, Bai Nancheng is so smart. After chatting like this, doesn't he know where she works.

She took Bai Nancheng, bypassed them, and left on the other side.

Walking out a few steps, Bai Nancheng wondered, "is that someone you know?"

Nodding tenderly: "that woman is the one I hate."


Warm shrug: "colleagues who work part-time together."

In the back, Yu Chengwei stopped and looked back.

Chen Zinuo asked in confusion, "Who is that man? He would bring warmth to such a high-end restaurant for dinner."

Yu Chengwei murmured, "Bai Nancheng, the heir of the Bai family, the eldest son of the Bai family."

Chen Zinuo was dumbfounded.

"Is that the Bai Group that the Emperor Hui Group is dealing with now?"

"Otherwise, are there many Bai Groups in this North City?"

Chen Zinuo was even more surprised.

Seeing how she said that she covered her ears and sneered at her that day of warmth, I thought she was so aloof, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

It's just that she didn't expect that it turned out that such a powerful character would be surrounded by warmth.

It seems that the ambition of warmth is much bigger than hers.

She let go of Yu Chengwei's hand, quickly took out her mobile phone, and when the two were about to go out, she took two photos of their backs.

Yu Chengwei glared at her: "what are you doing, don't be too busy."

"Brother Yu, that warmth sees us together, so you don't have to worry about her going back to the company to talk nonsense. After all, you know that she has caused a lot of trouble after she came to the company. I don't care, but I don't want you to affect your work because of me. With these photos as evidence, I think she should not dare to talk about it."

Yu Chengwei smiled and stroked her hand: "It's still thoughtful of your little baby."

Chen Zinuo kissed him on the cheek without smiling, and the two took their seats and went to eat.

Came to the company the next day.

Chen Zino is coming out of the pantry.

Seeing warmth coming, she smiled and pulled it into the tea room.

"Xiaoqing, I have something to share with you. Come here."

At this moment, everyone in the office is preparing for work, and no one notices them.

Chen Zino closed the door of the pantry, leaned against the door, and looked at her with a smirk.

Looking at her calmly and tenderly: "is there something?"

"I thought you were arrogant, but I didn't expect that the inferiority in your bones is no better than me, but you are luckier than me, and the man next to you is very high-quality."

She said and stretched out her hand to Wen Qing: "now, we can be regarded as people who know each other's secrets. Do we want to be an alliance? We will help each other in this company in the future. I think you will be close to the dead enemy of Dihui Group. If you want to stay in the company, I misunderstood you before, and I apologize to you."

Looking down at Chen Zinuo's outstretched hand tenderly, he smiled contemptuously.

Chen Zinuo frowned: "What is your expression? You look down on me?"

"Chen Zinuo, don't use your dirty thoughts to speculate on others, let alone compare others with you. At least there is no comparison between me and you. Also, don't do this with me."

She said lightly and swept away Chen Zi Nuo's hand.

"I wouldn't be friends with someone like you."

"Oh, you don't pretend to be arrogant for a long time, and you think you are really arrogant. You and I are obviously the same kind of person. Wherever you get your confidence, you feel that you are superior to others."

"The clearer is clear, I don't like to do things that hide my ears and steal bells. Also, I'm not a kind of person with you, and I'm not higher than you. I keep a distance from you, just because, what I learned from playing children is, Dear gentleman. You hurt me so badly last time, I won't heal the scar and forget the pain."

After she finished speaking, she gave her a cold look, bypassed her, walked out of the pantry and returned to the desk.

There are ten days left to leave here.

She made up her mind.

During these ten days, keep a good distance from anyone.

Chen Zinuo was disdainful and pouted, "Pretend."

At noon, Pei leren, who came back from outside training, passed by the warm desk.

He tapped on her desk.

Looking up tenderly, she was a little wary when she saw that he was smiling at her.

"Group leader Pei, are you okay?"

"Let's have dinner together at noon. There is a new restaurant opposite the company. I heard that it is not bad."

His enthusiasm attracted the attention of several people in the office, including Chen Zinuo.

She glanced at her mouth and thought to herself.

How can someone like Wen Qing who has eaten swan meat still love chicken.

This Pei leren is really over his own mind.

He shook his head tenderly: "group leader Pei, I won't go. I have an appointment with Director Yang to go to the restaurant together."

She stood up, cleaned up the documents on the table, and looked at Yang Qing in the corner.

"Director Yang, should we go?"

Yang Qing smiled at her and got up: "Let's go."

When she passed behind Pei leren, she patted him on the shoulder: "you can find someone else, and I will take over the lunch time of this tender girl in the future."

The two went out of the office, looked at her tenderly and smiled: "Director Yang, thank you just now."

"What's there to thank for this kind of thing, do I have to eat anyway?"

Go to the restaurant door.

Her cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Huo tingshen calling, she asked Yang Qing to go in first, walked aside and picked up the phone.


"where is it?"

"What, is something wrong?"

"Can't I call you if I'm okay?"

She pouted, he was idle.

"I'm eating at the company's restaurant. It's a bit noisy. I won't tell you, I'll hang up."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and turned to enter the restaurant.

Huo Ting was deeply upset and shouted to the door, "Shaokang, come in."

Lin Shaokang pushed open the door and came in: "Mr. Huo, do you have any orders?"

"How does the food in our company restaurant taste?"

"I heard it's pretty good."

"Really? Then let's go to the restaurant to eat today."