
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 4 Eat a meal with him

At noon, with warmth against the sun, he appeared in the hall on the first floor of Dihui Group.

The driver pulled her into the underground parking lot and pointed to the car she had been in.

"Miss Wen, this is what I gave you. I'll give you the car key first."

I took the car tenderly and had a headache.

On the phone before, Huo tingshen asked her, "do you have a driver's license?"

She answered truthfully, "Yes."

She didn't lie.

As a result... having a driver's license and not being able to drive seem to be two different things.

She turned around the black sedan, which suddenly made a sound, ready to get in.

Press your own airport and check the rear door.

Huo tingshen got out of the car.

Warm and surprised: "Mr. Huo, why are you in the car?"

"Isn't this my car? Can't I be there?"

"Oh, I'm not this English, isn't this car going to be sent to me for washing?"

Huo Ting's deep and cold face: "can't drive?"

Look at him tenderly, with an expression like how do you know.

Huo Ting spread out his hand deeply: "give me the key and get in the car."

He got into the driver's seat and she was going to sit in the back row. Huo Ting said calmly, "I never let anyone be a driver."

She thought about it, stepped back, opened the door, and got into the driver's seat.

He started the car and left, and said warmly and politely: "I soiled your car and asked you to take me to wash it. I'm really sorry."

"Well, just because I don't want you to be sorry, before washing the car, I'll give you a chance to help me and me to do something to make it even."

"What's up."

"Come with me for a meal."

She looked at him: "Eating? Forget it, I'm not hungry, and it's not appropriate for me to go out to dinner with you alone."

"My car is very expensive. The blanket you stained yesterday was worth hundreds of thousands. It's no longer usable. I'll give you a 50% discount, 50,000 yuan. Do you want to lose money, or accompany me to dinner?"

"You are taking advantage of the fire."

"I just learned from you yesterday, don't you like to sit on the ground and raise prices?"

She looked at him with a displeased expression, "Are all capitalists as fussy as you are?"

"Haven't you heard that the richer you are, the more stingy you are, so what's your choice? Lose money or eat."

"Eat." She is also a person who can bend and stretch.

Seeing that the corners of his lips were raised, there was a bit of evil in the smile, why did she feel that something was not right.

The car was suddenly quiet, and she exhaled, a little uneasy.

"Need music on?"

She shook her head: "No need."

"Then relax."

"I'm very relaxed."

"Really?" He curled his lips as if mocking.

She was upset, she was really relaxed.

"Mr. Huo, it's not because of what happened the night before... Did you fall in love with me?"

Huo Ting squinted her deeply.

Seeing his gaze, she pursed her lips, it seemed that she was being affectionate.

"Oh, it's not good."

The car stopped at the door of the restaurant. Huo Ting pointed to the back seat of the car and said, "there is a set of clothes in the back, you can change them."

"In the car?"

"It's safe in this car."

He got out of the car, leaned against the door and waited.

Soon, she got dressed and got out of the car.

He looked at her with satisfaction in his eyes.

He pulled up her wrist and tucked it into his arm naturally.

The two went upstairs together: "Your task today is to laugh and eat, don't talk nonsense."

She wondered how she felt that today was more than just eating.

Entering the restaurant's private room, I only knew tenderly that today, the object they want to eat together is a woman.

The woman in the private room is beautiful and elegant.

Seeing that Huo tingshen brought a woman, she froze for a moment, stood up, and showed a soft smile.

"Ting Shen, this is..."

Huo Ting naturally hooked his lips: "this is Tingren's tutor, you can call her teacher Wen."

Hearing this, the woman smiled: "it's Mr. Wen, hello, I'm ye wanluo."

Nodding tenderly to the other party: "Hello, Miss Ye."

Huo Ting sat down deeply, "sit down."

Sitting tenderly beside him.

Ye wanluo looked away from warmth and looked at Huo tingshen: "I'm still worried that asking you out for dinner will affect your work."

"No, but I'll bring Mr. Wen here. You don't mind. After all, I made an appointment with Mr. Wen first."

Ye wanluo shook his head and smiled: "no, it's fine if Mr. Wen doesn't mind. I have ordered all the dishes you like just now, but I don't know what Miss Wen likes to eat. I'll ask someone to bring the menu to Miss Wen. have a look."

Warmly waved: "no need for Miss Ye, I'm not picky eaters."

Huo tingshen's deep hand naturally stroked the top of his tender head twice, and said with love: "she's not picky about food, she likes to eat what I like."

His actions made Ye wanluo's smile froze on the opposite side.

But she quickly smiled: "that's good, Miss Wen will have to eat more later."

The warmth is even more embarrassing. The sudden head-touching and killing startled her.

During dinner, Huo tingshen served her vegetables from time to time, as gentle as her boyfriend.

Ye wanluo doesn't talk much, just eats gracefully.

But from time to time, she will look at warmth, but she can't see any emotion in her eyes.

After eating, the three left the restaurant together.

Huo tingshen took ye wanluo to the side of the car with one hand on his warm shoulder.

Ye wanluo looked back at Wen Qing and said softly, "Miss Wen, can I have a few words with Ting Shen alone?"

"Okay, then I'll go back to the car first." Turn around tenderly and walk towards Huo tingshen's car.

After she left, ye wanluo bit her lips and looked at Huo tingshen with red eyes: "how are you recently?"

"pretty good."

"Don't be angry with me in this way in the future, I don't want to make you feel bad."

Huo Ting looked sideways and didn't look at her: "I'm not angry with you, I really think that Mr. Wen is very good, don't you think?"

"Ting Shen, I know you, I know you are because of me..."

Huo Ting raised his eyes deeply and hooked his lips: "go back early. I have to send Mr. Wen back to school. There will be a meeting in the afternoon."

He helped her open the car door.

Ye wanluo sighed, lowered his eyes, said 'sorry', got in the car, and left.

Back in the car, I hugged him tenderly and looked at him with a wicked smile.

Huo Ting frowned deeply, displeased: "what are you laughing at?"

"You like that young lady just now."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply with a sharp look in his eyes.

She pouted: "It's clear that you brought me to stimulate that Miss Ye on purpose, right? Actually, you don't have to do that. She clearly likes you very much."

"What do you know, don't talk nonsense in front of me in the future." With a cold face, he started the car and left.

Warm nuzui, later? They will never see each other again.

She didn't want to have too much association with such a big man.

My mother said that rich men are unreliable. When you meet a rich man, you must hide as far as possible.

With Gao Muran's lessons learned, she doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Of course, in Huo tingshen, she may really think too much.

Knowing that he has someone he likes, he actually feels a lot more relaxed, at least, there is no need for first-level alert.