
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 38 You Have Me

After eating with Tong Hao, the two walked around the school hand in hand.

At this moment, the four green years that the two have walked together seems to be flashing before their eyes.

Tong Hao leaned on the warm shoulder: "time flies so fast, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, dazzling is four years."

"Are you still going to graduate school?"

"Well," nodded tenderly, "you know, with my current diploma, even if I stay in school to teach, I'm not qualified to be on the podium. I can't be in an administrative position and be a counselor for a lifetime, that's against my rules. original intention."

"However, it is very hard to stay in school and study for graduate school at the same time."

"Life itself will be very hard. Besides, I work in the school, and the learning environment is relatively good. I like this feeling very much."

Tong Hao is speechless: "I really convinced you. When others go to college, they start to relax in various ways. It's better for you to live more tiredly. Don't you know, have you missed the best four years of your life? "

"Let's see what you think, at least for the past four years, I've known you."

"Yo, the little mouth is so sweet, if I hadn't made a private interview tonight, I would have turned your cards over."

"That's really an honor for a concubine."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the college time when they were teasing each other was really over.

When Tong Hao left in the evening, she really didn't see her off.

She is not afraid that Tong Hao will cry, but she is afraid that she will not hold back her tears.

After all, Tong Hao accompanies her to experience the most beautiful youth for four years, and that is the good friend she really likes.

In the evening, when Huo tingshen came to eat, she was sitting on the holly table at the entrance of the building, looking up at the sky in a daze.

He got out of the car and walked to her side: "what are you looking at?"

She pointed to the air: "Airplane."

"What's so good about planes?"

"Aren't you curious about what kind of people are sitting inside, where are you going, what secrets are in your heart, and what relatives do you have at home?"

"Tong Hao is on the plane now?" Huo tingshen sat down beside her.

She shook her head: "She goes by high-speed rail."

"Then you still watch the plane?"

"I envy her," she said calmly: "Every year during the holidays, when my classmates leave school one after another to go home, I am especially envious that they have a home to go back to. When the school starts, they will bring a lot of specialties from home. Said, this is what my father prepared, this is what my mother made, and I feel ashamed every time.

Now that I have graduated, everyone has gone their separate ways, only me, still the one standing in the same place, with no home, no relatives, no thoughts and no dreams, the warmth of life, it's really…"

She said and looked at him: "by the way, don't pity me, I said this, not to make people pity me, I'm just jealous and envious of others."

Huo Ting stretched out his hand deeply and put his arms around her shoulder naturally: "no one pity you, how can you pity you? Do you think those people with more relatives must be very happy? Not necessarily, they also have a lot of troubles. , Who said you don't have any relatives now, don't you still have me?"

I was moved by the warmth, and my eyes were a little red.

People who have been lonely for a long time probably like to hear the words 'you and me' the most.

Huo Ting looked at her deeply with a doting smile.

"Tenderness, I hope that one day, you will be able to disarm me in front of me, take off your armor, and hug me for warmth. At that time, we will not be lonely anymore."

The warmth was almost forgotten. Huo tingshen is also a lonely person.


Early on Saturday morning, before Wen Qing woke up, her cell phone rang.

Thought it was an alarm clock, she turned it off.

But after a few minutes, the phone rang again.

Her mind was hot, didn't she turn off the alarm clock last night?

She opened her eyes, picked up her mobile phone and put it in front of her eyes. It was Huo Tingren who called.

This kid, on the weekend, what to call her.

She picked up the phone and said in a lazy voice, "Hello."

"Sister-in-law three, why did you hang up on me just now? You haven't woken up yet?"

Three sisters?

This name is really very harsh.

"Tingren, my brother and I are not married yet."

"It doesn't matter, you fall in love with you, I'll call mine first, when will you come over?"

Warm frown: "in the past? Where to go? "

"You're sleepy, didn't my brother say, did he tell you? Today we're going to a suburban resort for vacation."

She was stunned by the warmth, and she had long forgotten about it.

Originally, I planned to wake up and clean up after sleeping until I woke up naturally, and then go out for a walk to relax.


"I'm still not going, I have other things to do today."

"Everything is delayed. My third brother and I will drop by to pick you up in a while. You wait for us at home."

After Huo Tingren finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Warm and speechless, when did this boy learn to make his own decisions?

She was speechless, and after rubbing her long hair irritably, she got out of bed and started to wash.

Just after breakfast, the phone rang again.

Seeing that it was Huo tingshen calling, she was helpless and picked it up.


"Go downstairs, I'll wait for you downstairs."

"Can't I go?"

"What do you think?" Huo tingshen said calmly: "do you come down by yourself, or do I go up and hold you down?"

After hanging up the phone, I went downstairs with my bag tenderly.

She got into the car, and when she saw Huo tingshen driving by herself, she was surprised: "how come it's just you?"

"To pick you up, I'm not enough by myself?"

"That's not what I mean. What I mean is that Tingren called just now. Didn't he say that he was coming too?"

Huo Ting gave a deep hum: "I asked him to follow the car directly. The two of us are together. What kind of light bulb is he?"

Looking at him tenderly, he said silently, "light bulb? Did you say that about your brother? "

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "I thought you would mind me saying that the two of us are together."

Warm eyebrows: "this... also mind. "

"Late." He smiled.

She rolled his eyes at him: "Can we come back earlier this afternoon? My sheets and quilts should be washed today."

"I can't come back today."

"Ah?" Wen Qing was stunned for a moment: "what does it mean that you can't come back tonight."

"Our trip is two days and one night."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier," she said in a hurry.

"I said earlier, let you free up two days on Saturday and Sunday."

"But you didn't say you were going to go out for two days. I thought you didn't know which day passed."

Warm and depressed: "turn around, I want to go home."

"That's too late."

"But I didn't bring luggage, so I came out with this small bag on my back."

"What more luggage do you want to bring? It's only two days and one night, and you have to move your house out?"

"I don't even have pajamas to wear at night."

"Then wear mine."


Warmth has a feeling of being coerced.

The car drove for an hour and a half before arriving at the resort in the suburbs.

As soon as his car stopped, two rows of waiters greeted him respectfully.

"The third master, the second master, the second lady and the fourth master have already gone first."

"Well." Huo Ting replied coldly and walked towards warmth.

He stretched out his hand and took her hand, and in the surprised eyes of everyone, he walked towards the single-family villa by the lake.

Feeling a little awkward, I looked sideways at him and asked softly, "Aren't you here to play? Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

"Where is the exaggeration?"

"It's not an exaggeration to be greeted by so many people? Or do you like the feeling of being surrounded by people?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "what do you think is the purpose of customers spending so much money to stay here for one night? It is to enjoy, enjoy the air environment here, and enjoy the services here, one of their service items is to be surrounded by others. ."

Warm pouting: "so, we don't understand the world of rich people. For people like me, vacation is to find a city to travel, eat local snacks on the street, play with local characteristics, and what services are there? Not serving, I don't have that concept."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply, "then get used to this concept from now on."

While the two were talking, they had arrived at the lakeside villa.

Huo tingchi and Huo Tingren are fishing by the lake.

Ye wanluo sits between the two.

Hearing footsteps, the three turned back.

Huo Tingren beckoned to the two of them: "third brother, third sister-in-law, come on, my second brother and I are in a fishing competition."

The waiter brought Huo tingshen's small luggage into the villa.

Huo Ting came over with a warm hand.

Looking at the clasped hands of the two, ye wanluo's eyes narrowed, and then he looked away.

Nodding to several people tenderly: "Second Master, Miss Ye."

Ye wanluo stood up and smiled at Wen Qing: "Miss Wen, you are here too."

"Yeah, I'm bothering you."

"Don't say that, aren't we a family now?" ye wanluo asked after finishing speaking, "tingshen, do you want to go fishing?"

Huo Ting asked deeply: "didn't you say it's a game? What will be the reward for the winner? "

"The one who wins has the right to choose the room first," Huo Tingren said with a smile, "third brother, I'm participating in the competition on your behalf. Anyway, I'm only one person, and it's the same wherever I live."

Huo Ting deeply disdain: "no need, I'll do it myself."

Ye wanluo said to warmth, "Miss Wen, sit with me for a while."

Huo tingshen took his tender hand and said, "that's not possible. She has to sit beside me. She is my lucky star."

Hearing what he said, Huo Tingren sat there: "yoyoyo."

He poked his head tenderly and embarrassedly: "don't make trouble."

Huo Tingren laughed: "sister-in-law three, I'm not making trouble, I just think it's fresh. I've never seen a woman given such a good position by my third brother. Second brother, have you seen it?"

Sitting in a wheelchair, Huo tingchi, who has been silent all the time, smiled lightly: "no."

Ye wanluo bit the corner of his lips, took two steps back, and sat back in his chair.

Huo Ting sat down deeply and pulled the warm seat by his side.

Warm and embarrassed to sit down.

It's humiliating to be teased by a stinky boy.

This Huo tingshen does too. In order for her to cooperate with him in acting and show his family, she should be so nauseous.

Lucky Star?

If he can't catch a single fish for a while, let's see if he is ashamed.

Warmth was originally going to watch the play, but inexplicably, Huo tingshen came last, but he really became the first person to catch a fish.

He really won.

Huo Tingren said speechlessly: "third brother, what do you mean, does Xiaoyuer know who is useful?"

Huo tingchi was willing to admit defeat and said with a smile, "isn't there a lucky star beside your third brother?"

Huo Tingren looked at Wen Qing: "sister-in-law three, come and sit with me for a while, and be a lucky star for me."

Huo Ting deeply disdain: "don't dream, she only wants me."

After he finished speaking, he got up and said to the warmth: "go, go into the room and pick it up with you."

Feeling a little embarrassed by the warmth, Huo Tingren waved to her: "sister-in-law three, come with my third brother."

This one is a three sister-in-law, and I really don't want to hear the warmth.

After she nodded to Huo tingchi and ye wanluo, she went into the villa with Huo tingshen first.

The two saw the third floor from the first floor. Huo tingshen asked, "have you made your choice? Which room do you want to live in? "

Looking at him tenderly and mindfully: "can you tell Tingren to tell him not to call me third sister-in-law, how awkward."

"Then what's your name? Teacher Wen? You're not his teacher anymore, and ... you admitted in front of him that you were going to marry me. What's wrong with the third sister-in-law? I can see this kid very clearly," he said. After he finished speaking, he pushed open the door of the room in front of him: "How about this room? The lakes and mountains are beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, and most importantly, the bed is very big, roll away."

Wen Qing walked in and took a look: "wow, I finally understand why everyone is fighting to be a capitalist. It's too pleasing to the eye."

"It seems that you like it very much, then, we will live in this room tonight."

After Huo tingshen finished speaking, he turned from the window and looked at him tenderly: "us?"

He calmly said, "Yes, we are."

"There are so many rooms here, you said me and you are going to live in the same room?"


"Right?" She was surprised: "Are you still right?"

"In the eyes of others, we are a couple."

"So what, we're not married, why do we live in the same room?"

He held his arms: "I'm Huo tingshen. In front of my brothers, do I have to tell them that I haven't even got my woman? When I go on a trip, I have to live separately from my woman? "

"Who is your woman!" She hugs her tenderly and looks unhappy.

"You're not my woman? You won't forget who was your first man."

Stomp your feet tenderly: "you bring this up again."

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, Huo Ting laughed softly: "it's settled."

"I disagree."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "we live in the same room. I won't touch you. That's all right."

What else would you like to say tenderly.

Huo Ting said: "let's go, go downstairs, I'll take you to play golf."

The two came to the first floor, just as ye wanluo also came in.

Seeing the two of them, ye wanluo had a stiff smile on his face: "have you made your choice? I'm also coming back to choose a room. "

"We've picked it up, you go pick it up."

He said, pulling the warmth to stagger from her, to go out

Ye wanluo looked back at him and said softly, "tingshen."

Both stopped step, look back at her.

Ye wanluo smiled and said, "can I chat with you alone?"


Ye wanluo nodded.

Warm and knowledgeable, he took his hand out of Huo tingshen's: "then I'll go out and wait for you."