
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 35 The Big Boy Who Lacks Love

I think tenderly of the distressed expression on Tingren's face at that time.

And the sentence "Is it because I was born and the Huo family?"

She turned to look at the kitchen door, even more guilty.

Thinking of the last time, when he asked her to work in the company, the only condition he put forward was to let himself cook for him.

At that time, she thought he was playing tricks on her.

But she didn't think so, but his words made her feel a little nervous for a while.

He just said, I'm also human, don't treat me differently, when I long for love and care more than others, there is bitterness in my eyes.

She exhaled, wiped her hands with a towel, turned and opened the door and left the kitchen.

She went out with her mobile phone, quickly entered the elevator, and went downstairs.

When I came to the door, the dazzling Maybach was still parked at the door.

She bent over slightly, seeing him sitting in the car, she didn't know why, and she was inexplicably relieved.

She went to the passenger seat, opened the car door, sat in, and looked at him.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "what?"

Warmly pursed his lips and scratched his eyebrows: "that..."

Don't know what to say.

She thought he must have been pissed off by her.

"Hmph, you woman, you have a certain conscience, and you know how to come down to find me. It seems that I don't have any weight in your heart."

Warm eyebrows: "did you do it on purpose?"

"Who said that, I was really angry just now."

Seeing that she still didn't speak, he rubbed her head dotingly.

"It's alright, I'll make peace with you."

She turned her head away awkwardly, "Well, why haven't you left yet?"

"Wait until you come down and apologize to me."

She rolled his eyes at him: "Childish."

"Who told you to drive me away first, I am so big, and I have self-esteem."

Warm eyes and smile.

Huo Ting said deeply, "don't you want to tell me something?"

"I don't have anything to say," she said tenderly.

"Really?" He started the car and drove away.

Warm and anxious: "I want to get off."

"Do you think my car is the one that gets on when you say it's on, and gets off when you say it's off?"

He gave a bad smile: "Since you have nothing to say to me, then go for a ride with me."


"Objection is invalid." His voice was sinister.

Warm and speechless, you can't jump out of the car.

He drove her to the beach where she invited him for coffee last time.

Sitting tenderly in the car, he smiled at the U-shaped stone not far away.

Huo tingshen opened the car and turned it into a convertible.

With the cool sea breeze blowing on his face, Huo Ting said: "don't you say that you will feel better when you come here?"

"Well, yes."

"I'm in a better mood now."

She pursed her lips tenderly and smiled: "I'll just say it, this is a very magical place."

"The reason why I feel better is because the person who came here with me is you."

Turning to look at him tenderly.

Huo Ting has a deep smile on his lips: "just now, I want to tell you that I really need people's care. When I leave in anger, it doesn't matter if you don't pull me. I want to go, it doesn't matter if you don't chase me out immediately. . But you must come out to find me after I leave, because I will wait for you for a long time."

After listening to his words, the guilt in his tender eyes was even more abundant.

This is not at all the decisive and inhumane third master Huo that others call him.

She was sure that Huo tingshen was a good person, a very kind and sensitive person.

In her eyes, he was just... a big boy who lacked love.

But this love, she can not give him.

She came to the company very early the next day.

She cleaned her table, sat down, and was about to read the materials when Pei leren walked in.

He went to the warm table specially and knocked on her table.

Look up tenderly.

Pei leren gave her a warm smile: "good morning."

Warm and expressionless nodded: "group leader Pei, good morning."

But it was just such a simple thing that caused the whistles of the colleagues around him.

When Yang Qing came in, everyone was making fun of Pei leren.

Yang Qing didn't know why, so he didn't ask any more questions.

At noon, just like the previous two days, Chen Zino took the initiative to come to her and ask her to go to the cafeteria together.

Thinking of what Yang Qing said to him yesterday.

She smiled at Chen Zinuo tenderly and said, "I'm sorry, Zinuo, I won't go to the cafeteria for the lunch I brought today."

Chen Zinuo showed a look of envy: "Wow, you are amazing, you can even make bento."

"It's just a regular meal I cook."

"Then... can I eat with you?"

"Sorry, I brought very little, not enough for two people." Looking at Chen Zi Nuo's harmless face, she could never imagine that she would be the one who pulled her back.

She was a little emotional, what happened to this world.

Although Chen Zi Nuo looked disappointed, she still smiled at her and went to the cafeteria first.

Wen Qing picked up the lunch box and was about to leave when someone said, "Wen Qing, do you want to eat together?"

It was Pei leren who spoke.

There was another boo from the office.

Warm and embarrassed, "no, team leader Pei, I like to eat by myself."

After she finished speaking, she went out with the bento box first.

Seeing this, Pei Leren was about to chase him out when Yang Qing in the corner said, "Leren, I have something to talk to you about."

Pei leren stopped, turned around and walked to Yang Qing's table: "Director Yang, what instructions do you have?"

Yang Qing got up: "Come out with me."

She took Pei leren out of the office and found a secluded corner.

Yang Qing asked, "What's your situation?"

Pei leren wondered, "what's wrong?"

"There are so many people in the office, why do you think of making a warm gesture?"

"How can this be trouble? I want to invite her to dinner."

"There are so many people in the office, who can't you eat with? Why do you have to choose her? Did you like her?"

"Yeah." Pei leren didn't hide his thoughts.

Yang Qing stared at him for a while, this guy is crazy.

"There are people who are warm and like."

"So what? As long as she doesn't get married, I'll have a chance. Sister Yang, don't worry, I'm looking at unmarried young women, not married young women. I won't go against the principle of being a human being. There are some things. , I have it in my mind."

He said, patted Yang Qing's arm, and returned to the office first.

Yang Qing looked at him speechlessly. If he knew that warmth was someone who knew it, would this kid dare to be so calm?

The warmth went all the way to the 36th floor to deliver meals.

In the stairwell, she called Huo tingshen to make sure that his secretary had left, and then she went out of the stairs.

But when she walked to the elevator door.

The elevator door dinged open.

Lin Shaokang came out of the elevator.

The two met face to face, and at the moment when their eyes met, they took a step back warmly and instinctively.

Lin Shaokang thought, isn't this the teacher Wen whom the third master asked her to investigate before.

He swallowed tenderly.

Lin Shaokang asked, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Sorry, I went to the wrong place."

She said, turned around and walked to the stairwell, opened the door, and left quickly.

Lin Shaokang wondered, did he go wrong?

This is the 36th floor, who could go wrong?

Besides, why did she take the stairs? Is it possible to go for a walk?

He shook his head, turned back to the desk at the door of the CEO's office, took out his car, and prepared to go downstairs again.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of the food placed on the third master's table at noon yesterday.

I thought of the weird cell phone ringtone in the third master's lounge.

He patted his head and it was broken.

No wonder these few days, as soon as the off-duty time came, the third master let him go, and his feelings were secretly with the woman just now.

Then didn't he ruin the good thing of the third master?

He struggled for a moment, turned and walked to the door of the president's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Seeing Lin Shaokang who came in, Huo Ting frowned deeply: "how is it you?"

Sure enough, the third master is waiting for someone.

"Third Master, I forgot to bring my car keys when I left. When I just came back to get my car keys, I met the teacher Wen you asked me to investigate before I met at the elevator door."

Huo Ting frowned deeply: "what about her?"

"She said she went the wrong way and left the stairwell."

Huo Ting's face was cold: "if you forget to bring your car keys after dinner, what is your brain for?"

Lin Shaokang is wronged, can people stumble if they stumble.

Huo tingshen took out his mobile phone and made a warm call.

After the phone was connected, a warm and urgent voice came from the other end: "it's over, I was just seen by your secretary. Fortunately, I was wise and said that I was going wrong. Now I have slipped downstairs first, and I don't know. Will he doubt it?"

Huo Ting gave Lin Shaokang a deep white look.

Lin Shaokang hurriedly lowered his eyes.

"He's gone, come up."

"I don't, I'm scared to death, you can make your own lunch."

After the tender words, he hung up the phone directly.

She stayed at the head of the stairs, sat down on the steps, opened the lunch box, and started to eat.

Huo tingshen threw his mobile phone on the table and stared at Lin Shaokang.

Lin Shaokang was even more guilty: "Third Master, I'm sorry."

"I want your excuse, can I eat it? Order me lunch."


Lin Shaokang left his office with a guilty conscience.

Halfway through the warm meal, someone pushed the door at the stairs and came out to smoke.

Seeing her there, the other party closed the door again and left.

But a few minutes later, the stair door was opened again, and Pei leren came.

He walked to the warmth and smiled.

"So you're eating here."

I was embarrassed for a moment, wiped the corners of my mouth, and planned to put the lunch box up.

It is said that dogs who are eating should not be disturbed.

These people are really...

"Group leader Pei, you didn't go to dinner."

"I wanted to invite you to eat, but if you didn't answer me, I didn't go downstairs, did you eat?"

"Well, I'm full." She was about to put the lunch box away.

Pei leren has already taken her lunch box from her hand: "then you don't mind, let me pick it up. After all, it's not good to waste food, right?"

Reaching out tenderly, I will take the lunch box back: "group leader Pei, I've already eaten this, it's not good."

"Everyone is a colleague, it doesn't matter." He said, holding the lunch box with a smile, avoiding her hand, and sitting on the floor beside her.

Warmly stood up, went down the stairs, and kept a distance from him.

Seeing this, Pei leren said disappointedly, "warmth, do you hate me?"

Warm hands clasped behind him with a calm expression.

"Group leader Pei, I understand what you meant last night, so I hope we can keep some distance. After all, I am a guy who has a boyfriend, and I am responsible for my boyfriend. If your If your girlfriend is behind your back like this and flirts with other men outside, you will also feel uncomfortable, right?"

After she finished speaking, she bent over and took the lunch box back from him, "I'm not used to letting others eat the rest of my meal, so I'm sorry, I'll take this, I have to go back and carry things, I have to go first."

Seeing such warmth, Pei leren felt more and more satisfied.

After all, these days, there are not many girls like Wenqing.

If he was her boyfriend, he would really love her very much.

In the evening, no accident, Huo tingshen came to her house again for a meal. The reason was that he didn't eat lunch.

I feel tenderly that I really provoke a piece of dog skin plaster.

Can't even tear it off.

When the two of them were eating, they said as if thinking of something tenderly: "by the way, I will tell you in advance that from noon tomorrow, I will no longer deliver meals to you."

"Just because I was afraid of being seen by my secretary? Should I fire him?"

Huo tingshen was joking, but the warmth took it seriously and stared at him: "it's not because of your secretary, every time I go up, I'm scared, I feel more nervous than taking a big exam, I don't want to live every day so tired."

"But you have promised me to cook for me."

He pointed to his rice bowl tenderly: "then what you eat now, didn't I make it?"

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "so, our lunch time has been changed to evening? OK, I agree."

I think tenderly, anyway, even if she goes to deliver food to him at noon every day, he will still come to rub it at night.

In that case, why should she do this.

A week later, Wen Qing officially began to teach the company's salesmen.

It may be because, because of her previous tutoring, she was the best performer among the four temporary lecturers.

At the end of the morning lecture, the warmth felt very enjoyable.

At noon, just as she was about to leave, Chen Zinuo stopped her.

"Tenderness, let's have dinner together."

Her voice is not small.

In the office, most people heard it.

It's not good to reject each other in front of so many people.

Simply, she nodded.

As usual, the two came to the company's restaurant together.

During the meal, Chen Zino asked, "Have you noticed that the atmosphere in the office is weird recently?"

She shook her head tenderly.

"Ah, no, you really don't listen to things outside the window, and you only read the sage books. I heard that in the past office, Su Pei was the center. , but these days, haven't you found that Su Pei is very honest? Everyone is praising that Director Yang. "

He smiled tenderly: "we still don't Talk about other people's business, after all, it has nothing to do with us. "

"It doesn't matter. In fact, since that Su Pei bullied you a week ago, I also hate her very much. I think that she deserves to be bullied by Director Yang now. Are you right?"

Before waiting for the warmth to say anything, Su Pei's ironic voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Yo, it's okay for the two of you to get down and talk about me behind my back, is it fun?"