
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 32 She will definitely marry me

After Yang Qing left, Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and chuckled.

She remembered what she saw on her phone before, the title 'the principal's silly son'.

He couldn't help shaking his head, this woman...

After a while, Lin Shaokang knocked on the door and came in and gave him the warm mobile phone.

"Third Master, this was sent by Yang Qing just now, saying that it was what you wanted."

He took over the phone and said to Lin Shaokang, "Starting today, I will investigate Yu Chengwei, and I will deal with him on his basis."

"Okay, third master."

He put his mobile phone in his pocket and got up: "I'll go first, call me if you have anything."


Huo Ting went downstairs deeply and drove to Wenqing's house.

The warmth at the moment is returning from the vegetable market with vegetables.

When he walked to the door of the building, he saw Bai Nancheng from afar.

Seeing her, Bai Nancheng walked over quickly, "Xiaoqing, I'm sorry for you."

"Brother, look you're here again, I said it before, don't say sorry."

"But yesterday..."

She interrupted him: "It wasn't you who brought them to see me, besides, they are them and you are you."

"Then why didn't you answer my call today?"

Warm nuzui: "I'm busy."

"You girl, it's really worrying. I really thought you were mad at me. Come on, give me a warm hug and calm my hurt heart."

As he said that, he stepped forward and hugged her into his arms.

She was in pain and shouted, "It hurts."

Bai Nancheng hurriedly released her: "what's the matter?"

She took two steps back, put the dish down, and gently covered her belly with her hands.

"Brother, you are so savage, I am sick now."

Bai Nancheng's heart tightened: "what's the matter? Show me quickly. "

Warm and speechless: "Okay brother, don't get too excited. I just accidentally scalded with hot water today, wiped the medicine, and wrapped it in gauze. It doesn't hurt so much when I don't touch it."

"You're such an old man, why are you so careless? Did you go to the hospital to deal with it, or did you deal with it randomly?"

"Go to the hospital for treatment."

Between the two pushing and pulling, Huo tingshen's car had already driven in.

He got out of the car and walked towards the two of them.

The moment he saw him, Bai Nancheng's face instantly turned cold.

How did this man know about this place.

Could it be...he has been here before?

Huo tingshen walked to Wen Qing and said to Wen Qing as if he didn't see anyone else: "how is it, is it better?"

Nodding tenderly: "well."

Bai Nancheng turned sideways, pulled warmth behind him, and looked at Huo tingshen.

He actually knew that warmth was hurt.

It seems that the warmth didn't listen to him, and was still dealing with him.

The two men stared at each other, blazing like arrows.

Not to mention how embarrassing it is.

She knows that her brother is very taboo against Huo tingshen.

"elder brother..."

"You go upstairs first," Bai Nancheng's voice was a little cold.

But tenderly knows that he is talking to himself.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "Mr. Bai, it's not appropriate for you to order Mr. Wen like this."

Bai Nancheng smiled coldly: "how I talk to her is my business, and has nothing to do with Mr. Huo."

"She is the woman I like, do you think it has anything to do with me?"

Bai Nancheng gritted his teeth and looked at him with hostility in his eyes: "then Mr. Huo is afraid that he will be disappointed. He will be warm to her and not marry the Huo family."

"This, I'm afraid it's not your white family who has the final say."

Huo Ting smiled charmingly: "she will marry me."

"Third Master Huo is too conceited. Although I am from the Bai family, she will listen to me with tenderness. As for the reason, isn't Third Master Huo very clear?"

Huo Ting sneered deeply: "just because you are his unjustified brother? Bai Nancheng, I think it's you who is conceited. "

"Whether it's not right or not, it's not what Mr. Huo has to say."

Huo Ting took a deep look and said: "when your Bai family is beautiful, happy and happy, she will always be alone. When she needs family, the Bai family is her enemy. Now, she doesn't need family, but you jump back. Come out and pretend to be a good brother, right?

Bai Nancheng, you can't be too despicable. I might as well leave my words here for you. It's not really a matter of warmth, from your Bai family. "

Bai Nancheng clenched his fist: "no matter whether it is announced or not, there is no doubt that she has the blood of the Bai family on her body."

"Enough." Tenderness interrupted the conversation between the two.

She exhaled, "Are you two finished?"

She went to Huo tingshen: "Huo tingshen, I thank you for your help these days, but I hope you can remember that my original intention will not change, and I will not marry you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Nancheng looked at Huo Ting with a challenge and evoked a sarcastic smile.

He took a deep look at Huo Ting with warmth and guilt, then turned back to Bai Nancheng.

"And you, brother, I admit that you are my brother, but that doesn't mean that I will listen to everything you say, you are just the brother I admit, but I won't let you change my life.

I hate the Bai family, so don't say anything anymore. I have the blood of the Bai family on my body. If I can, I really want to put the blood of the Bai family on my body. It doesn't matter if I die. . "

After she finished speaking, she walked over and picked up the bag: "You two, I'm not feeling well, so I won't accompany you. You two will argue slowly, goodbye."

Warmth went directly into the building and went upstairs.

When she got home, she threw the dishes by the door, walked to the sofa and sat down, covering her forehead with her hand.

How did the two of them meet together?

The picture just now is really scary.

I'm really afraid they will fight.

Five minutes later, the doorbell rang suddenly.

She was shaking her head, and when she heard the doorbell, she was inexplicably nervous.

She walked over and looked out of the cat's eyes.

It's Huo tingshen.

She opened the door and looked left and right.

Huo tingshen came in: "don't look at it, I'm the only one."

She wondered, "my brother is gone?"

"Or do you still want him to come up with me?"

"Then why didn't you leave?"

Huo Ting turned around deeply and leaned towards him: "you don't like seeing me so much?"

Biting her lips tenderly: "I..."

Huo tingshen took out her mobile phone and handed it to her: "in the future, don't reject me in front of outsiders, especially if the other party is the Bai family."

"If you are afraid of losing face, don't come to me again in the future. What I said just now is sincere."

He looked at the warmth and said calmly: "I said it before, we will have a long time in Japan. The more you say some things, the more shame you will get in the future. I'm afraid that you will be embarrassed and want to find a mouse hole. ."

She blushed slightly, this man was afraid that he was going to laugh at her about what happened last night.

Just thinking about it, he asked seriously, "what's Bai Nancheng's name in your phone?"

Warm stunned for a moment: "ah?"

"I ask you, what name did you give Bai Nancheng on your phone?"

She pursed her mouth: "Why ask this?"

"I'm curious if you only call the man you hate. After all, I'm not very satisfied with the name of the third young master of the landlord's family."

He swallowed tenderly: "what are you... did you just peek at my mobile phone? "

Huo tingshen didn't say anything, but stared at her face.

Warmly pursed his lips and said, "big brother with money."

Huo Ting sneered deeply.

Warm eyebrows "what are you laughing at?"

"This title is not much better than mine."

Warm and embarrassed for a moment: "if you have nothing to do, go back early."

"Just because I have nothing to do, I didn't plan to go back early. After all, you are sick now, and I have to take care of you."

"I don't need anyone to take care of me."

"You don't have to say that," he said, pointing to the dishes on the floor at the door: "Are you going to cook?"

"Otherwise, are you going to starve to death?" She looked at him unhappily.

"Speaking with emotion, it sounds like a quarrel."

"I'm not happy, can't I be emotional?"

"Okay," Huo Ting looked at her calmly: "anyway, it's me who likes you now. You can be willful, and I won't make trouble with you."

With a warm face, he can really say such a thing so casually, and his face is not blushing or his heart is beating.

This is indeed the legendary Huo tingshen, right?

Could it be that she knew a fake third master Huo?

I care about him tenderly and lazily, go over, pick up the vegetable bag, and walk to the kitchen.

Huo tingshen said: "no need to add vegetables. I'm seventy percent full just now, and I can't eat too much."

She turned her head and stared at him. Who said that, she wouldn't make trouble with her?

Saying one thing and doing another, he really is... invincible.

Warmly went to the kitchen and simply made two bowls of tomato and egg noodles.

Mainly because she really has no appetite.

The two were nestled on the small coffee table, and Huo Ting was eating with relish.

She took two bites, looked at him, wanted to say something, but didn't say anything.

Huo tingshen finished the noodles quickly and looked at her: "what do you want to say?"

She grunted and swallowed her face whole: "How do you know what I'm going to say?"

"It looks like a thief with a guilty conscience. At first glance, there is something to say. Okay, I've finished eating anyway. You can confess."

"Whoever makes me feel guilty, I just want to ask you if you are really targeting the Bai family."

"Yes," he raised his eyebrows: "that Bai Nancheng told you?"

"It's not him, I heard from other Bai family members. Why are you targeting the Bai family?"

"Do you need a reason for this? The Huo family and the Bai family are not in harmony. I think they have been unpleasant for a long time."

Wondering warmly, this is indeed the truth.

"But the Huo family and the Bai family are not in harmony. It's not a matter of a day or two. The two companies have never targeted each other before. This time, it's the Bai family that you unilaterally attacked."

"Do you care?"

"That's not true, I'm just curious, why did you suddenly decide to do such a thing."

"If there's a reason, it's for you."

Warm eyebrows, is it really because of her?

"I want you to see the real faces of the Bai family."

"What... the real face?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "just wait and see what to do if you ask so much."

The next morning, Wenqing came to the company, and after wiping his desk, he went to pour himself a glass of water.

When he came out of the pantry, he happened to meet Su Pei who came in from outside.

Su Pei looked at her, walked in front of her, and hugged her: "Yo, young people nowadays are really incredible. In order to be lazy and absent from work, because of a little injury, they have to wrong others, tsk tsk, it seems that people really can't Life is too simple."

The warm expression was calm, and he walked past her as if he didn't see her.

Su Pei was left to dry by a small temporary worker, went back to his desk unhappy, threw his bag on the table, and looked coldly at the warmth not far away.

"My dears, I also want to miss a day from work today. Did anyone accidentally touch me in the tea room? I beg to be splashed with water."

A few people around echoed her words and laughed softly.

"Sister Pei, forget it, why are you angry with a little girl."

Su Pei shook his head: "I've lived for nearly thirty years, and I can really encounter anything. To be honest, I think this world is disgusting."

Wen Qing took out a few invoices from her bag, came to Su Pei, put them on her table, and said calmly: "Su Pei, this is the certificate of diagnosis and treatment and the invoice for medical expenses that I checked in the hospital yesterday, because My injury was caused by you, and you can no longer feel the pain for me, but this cost cannot be borne by me alone."

Su Pei stood up quickly: "warmth, are you sick? Why should I pay for your medical treatment?"

"Then why should I keep silent after being injured by you for no reason, and bear the cost myself? Who am I provoking?"

"That's what you deserve, who made you walk without eyes."

"Su Pei, don't think that you are a contract system, you can bully people at will, yes, I am a temporary worker, but because I am a temporary worker, I am barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. If you are unwilling to bear the cost you bear, then I can only go to the company and sue you. I would like to see who will suffer in the end. Anyway, I am only a temporary worker. If it is a big deal, I will I no longer work in the Dihui Group."

Su Pei gritted his teeth and stared at warmth.

She probably didn't expect that she would encounter such a bar head.

"Also," raised his eyebrows tenderly, turned around and walked to his desk, picked up the water glass, and poured water on Su Pei unceremoniously.

She received warm water, not hot.

But even so, Su Pei screamed.

"Tenderness, are you crazy?" She shook her clothes and pushed Tenderness.

After standing tenderly, he said solemnly: "just now, it was obviously you who begged to splash yourself. Now I'm helping you. Why are you so angry?"

"You..." Su Pei pointed at her.

She raised her hand and swept away Su Pei's hand: "Su Pei, listen carefully, you should be glad, I'm out of breath today. Yesterday you splashed me with hot coffee, causing me to get burned. Today I only It is my kindness to strike back at you with warm water.

Also, my dress yesterday was a new item of the season from Manliton. You ruined a piece of my dress with a cup of coffee. I didn't ask you to pay for it. I already gave you a lot of face. You'd better stop being arrogant because of this, otherwise, I really don't mind fighting with you to the end. "