
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 20 Reconciliation

Sitting in the car tenderly, Bai Nancheng got in the car and looked at her with a gentle smile.

"Where are you going?" She looked at him: "I'm about to defend my thesis, I want to..."

"You'll be back in half an hour, so you have the right to relax."

He started the car and left without speaking tenderly.

He drove the car to the overpass in the south of the city and got off.

Looking around tenderly, this place is very empty, so it's not a good place.

She got out of the car and walked to him: "Brother, is this the good place you said?"

"I want to surprise you, wait a moment."

He took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Let's start."

After hanging up, he said to her, "Look at the sky over there."

Look tenderly into the sky in the distance.

Just as he was about to say, when there was nothing, he suddenly saw fireworks launch into the air.

Fireworks exploded in the air at the same time, and the gorgeous fireworks were pieced together into three words, sorry.

Although it is not so neat, from this angle, you can still recognize the three words clearly.

She frowned, until the traces of fireworks disappeared completely in the air, and then she turned to look at him.

"elder brother..."

"I thought about it carefully," he interrupted her. "That day, what you said was right. We have differences because everyone has different positions. I should not interfere with your right to make friends."

He smiled tenderly at him.

Seeing her smile, Bai Nancheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"In the past two weeks, I feel really sad that my dearest sister ignores me. I always think, although I was a little heavier that day, but I was doing it for your own good, why would you So angry.

It wasn't until later that you told me what you said that I realized that I was using my thoughts to morally kidnap you. Your relationship with the Bai family is inherently bad, and the Bai family is sorry for you, so before you do anything, you should not think about the Bai family, and we shouldn't force you. Xiaoqing, my brother will never do this again. This time, can you forgive my brother? "

He turned his head tenderly, looked at the sky ahead, shrugged slightly, and said with relief: "I know you are doing it for my own good. After all, Huo tingshen is indeed not something that people like me should provoke."

"He's not worthy of you."

He smiled tenderly: "brother, don't say worthy of the word, between me and him, we don't want to be a couple."

Bai Nancheng looked at her profile attentively, this girl, no matter from which angle, was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

"I'm angry just because, like your father, you see me as a woman who is indistinguishable. You never thought about the relationship between me and Huo tingshen without any purpose."

"It's because he treated you like that that day, so I was misunderstood. Xiaoqing, I support you to make all kinds of friends and support you to be yourself, but I hope you can learn to protect yourself , you have to remember that in this world, you are the most precious, no matter at any time, do not be hurt by men, or I will feel distressed, can you promise me?"

She looked at him, nodded moved, pursed her lips and smiled: "brother, don't worry. In the future, Huo tingshen and I will never have any intersection."

She had just finished speaking when the screen of the mobile phone in the bag lit up.

The words 'the third young master of the landlord's family' are clearly displayed on it.

It's just that her phone is in silent mode, and she doesn't know it.

After the fourth call was ignored, Huo tingshen's patience also reached the limit.

The employment relationship ended this morning, so she won't answer the phone tonight?

Oh, this woman of warmth is really ruthless.

It was the first time he had seen a woman who was so eager to get rid of him.

What, couldn't he be a jackal and a tiger and a leopard, could he swallow her?

Does she want to play the trick of refusing and welcoming?

good very good.

He called the secretary's number: "check the current location of Wenqing."

Half an hour later, Bai Nancheng sent her to the gate of the community of Dachengjiayuan.

She got out of the car and said to Bai Nancheng in the driver's seat, "brother, thank you for letting me see such beautiful fireworks tonight. Be careful on the way back."

"Really don't invite me to sit where you live?"

"Well, no please, or you will come often in the future."

"You girl."

She smiled: "I'll go back first, I really want to go back to get my thesis."

"Okay, call me if you have anything."

She nodded and waved to him.

Warmly strolled back to the community.

Walking downstairs to Building 3, she saw a familiar car parked at the door.

But she didn't think much, just walked past the car and wanted to go back to the building.

Just as he was about to open the door with the key at the door of the building, the car door behind him suddenly opened.

Huo tingshen got out of the car, hugged her arms, and stared at her back.

"Is this what you mean by living on campus?"

Hearing this familiar voice, the warmth was really startled.

She looked back and looked at each other with surprise: "Mr. Huo? Why are you here."

"It seems that every time I appear within your line of sight, it is a big fright to you."

This time, it was really scary.

After all, she just moved in today and hasn't told anyone about living here.

He walked up to her: "this is Beicheng, even if you live in a mouse hole, I can still find you."

"Are you looking for me? Is there something wrong?"

Her words made Huo Ting stunned for a while.

What's the matter? of course not.

"I called you, why didn't you answer."

"Did you call me?" She looked innocent.

He sneered: "Oh, do you want to pretend you don't know?"

"I really don't know, I just went to work and the phone is on silent mode."

Huo tingshen took out his mobile phone and called again, but there was no sound.

She took the phone out of her bag and glanced at it. There were nine missed calls, five of them were called by him, and the other four were called by Tong Hao.

"When I'm in class and at work, my mobile phone is occasionally turned to mute," he said. He found Tong Hao's phone and called back: "Okay, you're looking for me."

Tong Hao was quickly connected. She said in a loud voice, "girl, are you all right? Why don't you answer the phone?"

"I just went to work, what's the matter, are you in such a hurry to find me?"

Hearing that she said the same to her roommate, Huo tingshen found out that this woman was not playing hard-to-find, and she didn't plan to capture him at all.

She really didn't care about him at all.

Inexplicably, after having this kind of awareness, he felt very unhappy in his heart.

According to the secretary's investigation, she and Gao Muran were a campus couple before.

But later, Gao Muran cheated on her and slept with her roommate, and there was a gap between them.

Maybe that's why she got drunk that night.

He wondered why she could look at a second-generation ancestor like Gao Muran in the first place.

Could it be that in her eyes, the president of the dignified Dihui Group is not as good as a mere Gao Muran?

On the other end of the phone, Tong Hao howled: "God, hurry up and find a place to hide. Let me ask you, have you offended anyone?"

I thought about it tenderly: "no, what's the matter?"

"Just now when I was in the dormitory and was about to catch a drama, someone knocked on the door, and as soon as I opened the door, three people with the appearance of a big sister rushed in, and said aggressively that they wanted to find you. I said that you no longer live in the dormitory. They asked me, where do you live, and I said I don't know, you didn't tell us, and they just left."

"Big sister?"

"Yeah, girl, think about it, you really didn't offend anyone?"

Biting her lips tenderly: "no, I don't usually interact with people very much."

"Oh, it can't be that bitch Song Ruo, didn't she find someone to bully you last time?"

Warm nuzui: "it should be fine, I'll be careful, don't worry."

"Anyway, don't hang around for too long. The phone can always set 110 as the No. 1 key."

"Okay, I'm not that easy to be bullied, so don't worry."

After hanging up, she looked at Huo tingshen.

Now, it's his big trouble left.

"Mr. Huo, if you have nothing important, I'll go upstairs."

"What did you just say, eldest sister?"

She shook her head: "I don't know, my roommate said that several women in the dormitory rushed in to find me."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, "it seems that you have offended people."

"do not know."

"Open the door." He pointed to the door.

She opened the door at will, and just as she was about to say, "Mr. Huo walk slowly", Huo tingshen had already walked into the building first.

She was stunned for a moment, what was he doing in there?

He took a few steps to the elevator door, and seeing that she hadn't caught up with her, he looked back at her: "Aren't you coming in?"

"Mr. Huo, are you... are you going to come in with me now?"

He didn't make a sound.

She thought about it and said, "I didn't plan to invite the opposite sex to my house."

"No one is going to be a guest at your house. I'm just going to help you make sure that there is no danger upstairs."

She looked at him as if to stop him from going upstairs: "It's safe upstairs."

He disdain: "Where do you get your confidence."

"It's my first day here today, and no one knows I live here."

"You mean, I'm not human?" Huo Ting looked at her with sharper eyes.

She was embarrassed: "You are omnipotent."

"Then how can you guarantee that those who go to your dormitory to find you are not omnipotent?"

Huo Ting holds his arms deeply and stares at her.

These people looking for her are indeed omnipotent, he is very sure.

Because of her address, that group of people focused their energy and within 20 minutes, tracked the video of her whereabouts in groups and found them together.

"Go upstairs."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the elevator.

Looking at his back tenderly, he was a little speechless.

Will she be in danger and what does it have to do with him?

But, she couldn't just stand here all night in order to prevent him from going upstairs. After all, she still had things to do.

She walked over, got into the elevator, and pressed the 9th floor.

Huo Ting held his arms deeply, "I thought you were very capable."

She looked at him, not knowing what he was talking about.

Seeing her bewildered look on his face, he shook his head as if he hated iron for not being made of steel: "My boyfriend was robbed, why was he kicked out of the dormitory, not a third party, but you?"

She frowned: "Did you investigate me?"

"I'm not that free."

"Then how do you know about me?"

He looked at her calmly: "I guessed when you jumped into my car when it rained heavily."

"Then how do you know that woman is my roommate? I never said anything about it."

She glared at him, he had better not say anything, or else...

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips, "your principal said that Gao Muran has no vision. There are so many women in the world. Why does he like all of your dorms?"

It was the principal who said it.

She withdrew her wary eyes, the elevator door opened, and she walked out.

He looked at her back, raised his eyebrows and smiled, is this woman really so fooled? I actually believed it.

"You haven't answered my question yet? Why did you get kicked out in the end?"

"I wasn't kicked out, I left voluntarily. She said she wouldn't leave, and I didn't want to be in the same room with someone like that, so there's nothing wrong with letting me leave."

"In my opinion, you were kicked out."

"That's what you think. Leaving will benefit me more, and although I was robbed of my boyfriend, I don't think I lost. On the contrary, I think I won."

Huo Ting deeply disdain: "you will really comfort yourself, what have you won?"

She stopped and looked at him: "It's better to win freedom and self than to be betrayed, lose everything, and exit sadly after marrying him in the future."

She turned around and opened the door of Room 909.

Huo Ting listened to her words deeply and curled the corners of his lips.

This woman's ideas sometimes make him feel very fresh.

Seeing the man cheating with her own eyes, she didn't make any noise or trouble, not only broke up peacefully with the man, but also took the initiative to withdraw from their life.

No wonder Gao Muran pestered her endlessly after they broke up.

Such a girl is indeed quite personal.

I just don't know whether these actions are intentional or unintentional.

If she did it on purpose, then her scheming is indeed terrifying.

He followed the room.

This is a one-bedroom, one-bedroom apartment.

It's so small that the entire house is not as big as his bedroom.

He looked around the house, "How can people live in such a place."

She rolled his eyes at him: "Not everyone in this world is a capitalist. In my opinion, it's already very good here."

"Where is it?" He walked to the window, the environment was normal, the lighting was normal, and the space was small.

How depressing it must be to live here.

"For me, what suits me is the best."

"Everything is for you, you never thought that living in Huo's house temporarily, the conditions are much better than here, will it be more suitable for you?"

"Staying at your house temporarily? Me? Why?" She walked to the only main table in the small living room and put down her schoolbag.

"The house I live in is rented with money from my own labor, and I live in peace of mind."

"In my home, you can also feel at ease, because you are Tingren's tutor."

"It's not anymore, Mr. Huo, as you can see, it's very safe here, thank you for your concern just now, I'm now

Write a dissertation as soon as possible. "

This woman gave him an expulsion order again.

In the month since he knew her, he has eaten more behind closed doors with this woman than in the past twenty years or so combined.

But doesn't this woman know that there is a saying, it's easy to ask God, but difficult to send God?