
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 2 get on the bus

Gao Muran lowered his eyes and said nothing, with a look of guilt.

The warmth is a smile: "because you said, I am very warm."

The girl stepped forward and blocked the warm sight of Gao Muran: "warm, it's my fault, it's me who seduced Muran, it's me I'm shameless, he's a good boy, don't blame him, okay? "

Wen Qing tried her best to stay calm, squinted the girl, and said to Gao Muran: "They all said that everyone has to pay a price for their youth, and you are probably the most painful price I paid for my youth. Gao Muran, I have to thank you for teaching me that men are not as reliable as they seem, thank you for teaching me to grow."

"I'm sorry, tenderness." Gao Muran still just apologized.

He sighed tenderly, then shook his head and smiled: "Gao Muran, you don't need to feel sorry for me, now we are even. Because of you, I got the job I want, and you don't owe me anything. And you Song Ruo , you remember, from the moment you jumped on Gao Muran's bed, we were not friends.

I gave him to you, but I also have a request for you, that is, don't pretend to be familiar with me in the future, because I won't waste my friendship and goodwill on you again. I have to rush to my homeschool class, so I won't accompany the two of you to play romance in the heavy rain, goodbye. "

After she finished speaking, she took a step back, bypassed the two and ran to the side of the road.

Because her mind was too messy, she didn't notice the black Bentley that was about to turn into the school beside her.

By the time she reacted, it was too late, and the whole person hit the car.

She staggered back two steps and fell to the ground.

Behind him, Gao Muran exclaimed, "warmth."

Just as he was about to run forward, he saw the warmth with his back turned to him, and stood up with his support in front of the car.

Without saying a word, she limped quickly to the side of the car, opened the door and got in the car.

There are people in the car.

She didn't take a close look, but looked at Gao Muran who was about to come out of the car window, and shouted to the driver, "send me to Qingxue Road, or I'll have to touch porcelain."

The driver was a little worried and looked back at the man in the car.

The man's voice is beautiful: "Do as this lady says."

The driver backed up and left the school.

Going out a long way, I stared out of the car window with warm eyes, and my eyes were full of confusion.

Thinking of Gao Muran, her heart is really sad.

Gao Muran will never know what the hell she did last night because of him.

She really regrets it now, regretting that she shouldn't be impulsive.

It's good now that she has lost Gao Muran, her friends, and her first virginity.

Thinking about it carefully, does she want to define yesterday as... the most unfortunate anniversary?

On the side, the man handed over a white towel: "It's all soaking wet, let's wipe it."

He returned to his senses tenderly and took the towel: "I'm sorry for soiling your Mr. Huo?"

Seeing the man sitting beside him, it turned out to be Huo tingshen, who he had just said this morning and would never see him again.

I was surprised that I couldn't speak.

"What, are you surprised to see me?"

"This..." Wen Qing stammered for a moment: "Why are you here?"

"Mr. Wen, do I have to remind you that this is my car."

She quickly responded with warmth. By the way, she was the one who forced her to get on the bus.

"Oh, sorry, I stained your car, and I'll wash it for you when the rain stops."

The car stopped at Qingxue Road, and opened the door tenderly to get off.

Huo tingshen said to the driver, "get an umbrella for Mr. Wen."

The driver took an umbrella for Wen Qing and gave it to her.

Warmly opened the umbrella, got out of the car, turned to Huo tingshen and said, "Mr. Huo, thank you today."

"Thank you, it's not for saying, it's for doing." Huo Ting had a deep and cold expression.

Although this is reasonable, I feel that there is something wrong with it.

"You walk slowly." She took a step back, then turned around, and limped to the community not far ahead.

In the car, Huo tingshen said to the driver who had just driven, "stop."

After the car stopped, he opened another umbrella and got out of the car, caught up with Wen Qing, and held her.

Looking back at him tenderly, I was surprised: "Mr. Huo?"



"You are injured, you have to go to the hospital." This woman, it doesn't matter how much she takes her own body, and she doesn't even know that she is injured?

He looked down at his legs tenderly: "I'm fine, just wait for two days."

"Are you a doctor? Can you still give yourself a prescription? Get in the car." After he finished speaking, he shoved his umbrella into her hands, picked her up, and walked to the car.

With a warm exclamation, the umbrella in the left hand fell to the ground.

Huo tingshen ignored the umbrella and stuffed her into the car.

Warm and anxious: "no, I can't go to the hospital, I have to do tutoring."

"Tutor? So, what you quit was Huo Tingren's tutoring job? "

"I..." The warmth choked for a while.

Because that's what it is.

Huo Ting snorted coldly, got into the car, and said to the driver in a cold voice, "go to the hospital."

Looking at the nearby community tenderly, my eyes are anxious, but I can't say anything. After all, I have a guilty conscience.

When she got to the hospital, he took her to the orthopaedic department.

The doctor asked her where the pain was, and she blushed: "Where... it doesn't hurt anywhere."

The doctor took a deep look at Huo Ting in embarrassment and said, "Miss, you have to cooperate with the doctor when you come to the hospital for an examination."

Huo Ting held his arms deeply and said coldly, "do a full set of examinations for her."

"No, no, no need, how much will it cost, I don't do it," said warmly and hurriedly.

"You have to do it, and I will pay for it. The purpose is to prevent you from coming to me to touch porcelain in the future, saying that your discomfort is the sequelae of today's car accident."

Looking at him with a touch of anger on his warm face, "I wouldn't do this."

"People are unpredictable. In order not to teach my younger brother, some people say that they are busy with graduation thesis, but they are treated differently, so they lied. People who can lie can't be seen from their faces. Everyone can do it. Humans and animals are harmless."

Warm and anxious: "I..."

Isn't she not embarrassed in the future?

The doctor opened the list and asked the nurse to do the examination with warmth.

Going out tenderly, I secretly asked the nurse, "how much does this test cost?"

The nurse glanced at it: "More than six thousand."

The warmth immediately grabbed the list from the nurse, turned around and limped to Huo tingshen.

"I want to say a few words to you alone."


Biting her lips tenderly: "I really don't need to check. My legs are fine. It's not my legs that hurt, it's..."

She lowered her eyes and blushed.

Huo Ting frowned deeply: "what is it?"

She raised her eyes angrily and glared at him: "It hurts under me!"