
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 15 I Hate You

"This... I'm afraid I can't promise you for the time being," she looked at him: "Mr. Huo's younger brother will take the college entrance examination in less than a month. Now let him change his tutor. The newcomer is not easy to run in with him. I have already received money from others."

"I'll pay you for the money. As for what kind of new tutoring Huo tingshen's younger brother will get along with, it's not something you should consider. People like Huo tingshen are not something you can provoke. Xiaoqing, he eats people and doesn't spit out bones. The wolf, with someone like him, you won't get anything but a moment of happiness, and while you're not too deep, cut off with him immediately."

What's the happiest moment? He wouldn't think she had that kind of relationship with Huo tingshen.

Warm heart is a little uncomfortable: "brother, who do you take me for?"

"Xiaoqing, I understand your personality. If you don't want to, he won't be able to have an affair with you in front of me tonight. The reason why you don't resist is because you are attracted to him? Don't you say that in this life Never repeat the mistakes of Aunt Wen, then you should stay away from him, I do this for your own good, you have to be obedient, you know?"

She made her fist tenderly. She just did it for the sake of not wanting Huo Ting to target him deeply, so it didn't happen, but he actually...

She turned to leave.

Bai Nancheng grabbed her wrist: "Xiaoqing."

"Enough," looked at him tenderly, with complaints in his eyes: "since you don't believe me, why do you stand here and talk to me about what's good for me? Your surname is Bai, my surname is Wen, and there will be no one in this life. You know, I have nothing to do with you, so you don't need to think that I have lost the face of your Bai family."

She shook his hand and pushed open the door out of the stairwell.

Seeing her reaction, Bai Nancheng realized that his words just hurt her.

He quickly chased out, but she had already entered the elevator.

Ben wanted to chase after him to explain, but an acquaintance just came out of the banquet hall to greet him.

After he glanced in the direction of the elevator, he walked towards an acquaintance.

When she got out of the elevator, her foot was sprained, she was in pain, and she knelt on the ground and rubbed her ankle.

The damn shoes.

She took off her shoes and limped to the door of the hotel.

Huo tingshen's car was parked at the door, but after taking a look at the car, she walked around the car in the opposite direction.

Huo tingshen in the car saw her limping away with bare feet and shoes, frowning.

He pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, she endured the pain and ran.

When she ran to the green belt on the right side of the hotel, she was caught up by him.

Huo Ting grabbed her arm deeply and looked at her with a hazy look on her face full of anger.

"What are you running, what's wrong with your feet?"

He threw the shoe in his hand to his feet tenderly, and shouted angrily: "Huo tingshen, how on earth did I offend you, why did you do this to me, why did you kiss me, do you think that because you have money, so Women all over the world have to revolve around you, and let you do whatever you want? I tell you, you are less arrogant, I hate you, especially hate you, I hope you can get away from me in the future, how far away ."

After she finished speaking, she pulled his clothes off her shoulders, threw it on him, turned and left.

Huo Ting's face turned black, he picked her up, turned around and walked to the car.

Warm struggle: "what are you doing, let me down."

Huo Ting ignored her deeply, threw her directly into the car, and closed the door.

After successfully angering him, still want him to let go of her? dream.

I thought that people who were barefoot were not afraid to wear shoes.

But when he controlled her into the car, she finally realized that Huo tingshen was the one with bare feet.

He pressed her firmly in the back row, ignoring the embarrassment of the driver in front.

"You dare to move again, I don't mind performing a live erotic palace with you here."


"Old Chen, drive and go home."

"Yes...Yes, third master."

Gritting his teeth tenderly: "Huo tingshen, get up and go."

The driver's hand on the steering wheel trembled again.

He has been with Huo's family for so long, and it is taboo to call Mr. Huo by his name. Miss Wen is the first.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "Huo tingshen?"

Really long-lost three words.

"Old Chen, pull over and park."

Lao Chen hurriedly parked his car on the side of the road.

Huo Ting said: "you're off work."

"Yes, third master." Lao Chen pushed open the door, got out of the car and left in a hurry.

There are only two people left in the car, and the warmth is suddenly a little cowardly.

"You...what are you going to do?"

He can't really do anything to her here.

"Fuck... you." After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and began to kiss her lips.

She was controlled by her head and kissed for three minutes before she finally struggled away.

She roared: "let me go, Huo tingshen, you bastard."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply and pinched her chin: "call me again, and I'll let you go."

"Am I your cat or dog? You can call me when you ask me."

"So, you refused? Then I'll take it as you are inviting me to go deeper."

"Meow." A good girl does not suffer from immediate losses.

Although I don't know what he wants to learn by himself, let's call it first.

After she called, Huo Ting on her body looked at her deeply for three seconds before he laughed out loud.

"You... what are you laughing at? You asked me to call. I have already called. You can go down now."

"I never keep a cat. What I asked you to call is my name."

She froze for a moment, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Huo tingshen is still laughing.

She felt so embarrassed. Seeing him smiling like this, she shouted, "Huo tingshen, you are really enough."

Huo Ting stopped smiling deeply and pinched her chin lightly: "very good. When there are no outsiders in the future, I will allow you to call me by my first name. This is your privilege."

She was dumbfounded again, this privilege, what is the use of her coming?

But at this time, Huo tingshen has come down from her.

Sitting upright tenderly, he took care of what was being pressed by him, almost exposing most of the dress in front of him.

Inexplicably, she has a feeling of the rest of her life.

And this also indirectly confirms what Bai Nancheng said just now.

He is a wolf who eats people without spitting out bones.

When Tingren finishes her college entrance examination, she must never have anything to do with him again.

There are 24 days left, be patient.

Huo Ting opened the car door and got out of the car, and got into the passenger seat.

He looked back at her: "Come here, drive home."

Go home... These two words hurt her heart again inexplicably.

She likes the word home, but she has no home.

Seeing that she didn't move, Huo Ting said again: "what are you still doing? I didn't enjoy enough just now. Do you want me to do it again? "

She looked at him with a look of grievance: "I can't drive the car."

Huo Ting thought of something deeply, took out his mobile phone and called Lao Chen.

"You turn back."

After hanging up the phone, he returned to the back row, pulled her foot up, and placed it on his lap to check.

Looking at his profile, she felt a feeling she had never experienced before inexplicably in her heart.