
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 12 Jealous of me being beautiful?

When he came to class in the afternoon, Tong Hao ran to her excitedly: "I tell you, big news, that scumbag Gao Muran beat Song Ruo at noon today."

"Hit?" She was surprised, she didn't believe that Gao Muran would hit someone.

"Many people have seen that Song Ruo went to Gao Muran and was pushed to the grass by Gao Muran. I feel relieved for you. You don't know, how do I think she is awkward in the dormitory these days."

She smiled: "this is a matter between me and her. You can get along with each other how you want to get along."

"No, who knows if she will pry our boyfriends in the future. But to be honest, she is just over her head, and the demon principal doesn't even look down on a girl like you, who is excellent in both character and study. Her kind of flirtatious?"

He smiled tenderly and silently: "what the principal doesn't like is my family background."

"It's as if the eighteenth generations of their ancestors were rich people. It's okay girl, I support you."

Gently bumped her gently with her elbow: "thank you."

Five minutes before class, Song Ruo came in a hurry.

She stood at the door and looked around the classroom before she found warmth in the crowd.

She came over angrily, her eyes were red and swollen, and she threw the photo in her hand to the warm table: "you are cruel enough, tender, do you think I can't find your handle? Let's see."

After she finished speaking, she snorted and turned to leave.

Tong Hao took a look at the photo and wondered, "what is this?"

He picked up the photo tenderly, tore it to pieces, and smiled: "it's nothing, let's go to class."

"The witch treats you like this, you are not angry."

"The dog bit you, will you bite back?"

"Hey," Tong Hao is speechless, "if you are scolding people, I will obey you."

She smiled, feeling instantly better.

After class, she left school and went to Huo's house.

There is still a long way to get off from the bus stop and walk to his house.

But she was lucky today. She didn't go far before she met Huo tingshen's ride.

After getting in the car, she smiled deeply to Huo Ting: "Mr. Huo, you are back so early."

"There are college students at home, so of course we have to go back early."

"Oh." She was speechless, as if he had done something.

When she was tutoring, she really didn't see him caring for high school students.

After a short silence, the car arrived home.

The two got out of the car and said tenderly, "I'll go to Tingren's place for tuition first."

"Wait a minute," he walked up to her: "I went to see your principal today."

She looked at him and was startled: "You know her?"

"Well, let's talk about something."


"Aren't you curious what we said?"

Her expression was light: "I'm not curious."

"I think you are afraid that the other party will say something bad about you."

"She doesn't like me, and she should speak ill of me."

"That's weird, what reason does she have for not liking such an excellent student as you?"

He raised his eyebrows, as if waiting for her to answer.

"Who knows, it's probably because she's old and fading, so she envys me for being young? Or... envy me for being beautiful?"

Huo Ting slanted her deeply, this woman...

She pursed her lips and smiled: "Mr. Huo, I'll go to make-up lessons first. After all, my make-up fees are calculated by the hour."

She walked to Huo Tingren's residence, but behind him came his unhurried voice: "why did you choose to stay in school to teach?"

She stood still.

"With your grades and abilities, you can definitely enter the top 100 companies and find a good job, but you chose to stay in school to teach, why?"

"Does this even need a reason?" She looked at him.

"Everyone does everything for a reason."

"Then... I may be because I have no ambitions," she raised her eyebrows: "I am a person with no ambitions, so I just want to live an ordinary life quietly."

He looked at her, what kind of fallacy was this: "Could it be that the life of working in a big company is not ordinary?"

"Yes, I don't like intrigue."

"Who told you that big companies are bound to intrigue?"

She laughed: "TV drama."

"Then you should watch less TV series in the future."

In fact, the TV series she watched, she could count the fingers of one hand.

"Okay, I will accept Mr. Huo's proposal, then can I go to make-up classes?"

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked forward.

He raised his eyebrows, his eyes were malicious, and his warmth set a high line of defense against him.

But in his opinion, the reason why she stayed at the school to teach should have something to do with Gao Muran.

Thinking of this, he felt uneasy for a while.

The next day, the two set off in a car.

On the way, he asked her, "Do you have any plans for tonight?"

She looked at him: "work."

"Cancel, I have a wine party tonight. You accompany me there. It will be counted as my reward for helping you clear the siege at the bar last time."

"Didn't I already thank you last time?"

"In my opinion, it's not thank you, it's a torture, to make the other party feel comfortable, that's thank you."

She pouted, do capitalists count like this?

"I declare in advance that I don't drink alcohol or provide you with seduction services."

He looked at her coldly: "Stop giving yourself money, you are not qualified enough."

She frowned, this stinky man, is she saying she is ugly?

Wow, it's unusual for capitalists to scold people.

Seeing that she was angry, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you know why you are not qualified?"

She looked at him, not knowing why.

He whispered in her ear and said in a volume that only the two of them could hear: "Your work in bed is not very good."

She blushed, pushed him, and squinted at him.

This man... shameless.

He smiled sideways and looked out the car window.

The driver saw this scene in the rearview mirror and thought silently in his heart, he is really doing his job, and he can see everything.

His big boss laughed because of a woman.

After class in the afternoon, she just came out of school when she was picked up by the secretary arranged by Lao Chen and Huo tingshen.

The secretary took her to buy a dress, put on makeup, and made a hairstyle. Standing in front of the mirror, she couldn't even recognize herself.

Although the face was still the same, the clothes made her feel awkward.

She had never worn such a short dress with a strapless top.

The dress is the kind of gauze dress made of wedding dress, and the light yellow flowers embellished on the white background make her fair complexion look pink and tender, and the whole person is gentle, delicate and sexy.

The fluffy ball head and the dazzling broken hair on the forehead are also just right.

The eight-centimeter golden high-heeled shoes under her feet made her slender and slender.

She looked back at the female secretary, and covered her chest with one hand worried: "Is this dress a little awkward?"

The secretary smiled: "Miss Wen, please rest assured, you will definitely be the focus of the audience tonight, I promise."

She exhaled, but... she wanted to say, she just wanted to hide in the corner quietly and have a meal.

She doesn't want to be the center of attention at all, okay?