
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 117 Investigating Bai

She pursed her lips and smiled: "it's okay."

She looked up at him. It turned out that the rescuer Tingren said was Huo tingshen.

When she first knew that he appeared, she was still a little worried.

But now, she has accepted it, and the reporters have asked so many questions. Not only did he not answer a single question, but he also acted as an example, making those reporters leave in despair.

Capitalists are capitalists and have the means.

On Saturday morning, Huo Tingren invited Huo tingshen and Wenqing to visit his newly renovated bar.

It can be seen that Tingren put a lot of effort into this bar.

This decoration style is also quite artistic.

After a round of warmth, I came to the bar, and said to Tingren in the bar: "the decoration in the bar is generally quite wild. You are so artistic here, and you are not afraid that no one will come?"

"Yo, third sister-in-law, I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable."

Aside, Huo Ting said calmly: "your third sister-in-law thinks she was a working queen back then."

"Working queen?" Huo Tingren looked at Wen Qing: "sister-in-law three, have you worked in a bar?"

She shrugged tenderly and smiled: "yes."

"Wow, I didn't see it. You're not too timid. You're not afraid of being wiped out when you grow up like this."

"In the bar, your third sister-in-law's character is gay," Huo tingshen sat down on the seat in front of the bar.

Huo Tingren chuckled: "sister-in-law three, you can set up a good character. You are very handsome."

The brothers gave the two brothers a warm look, "you two are not disgusting, can't you live? I'm really too lazy to care about you."

She turned sideways with a smile, and her eyes fell to the photo column on the side of the bar.

I thought that there would be a lot of star photos hanging there, but I didn't think so, there is not a single star photo here, but a lot of old photos are hung upside down.

These photos are of the same person.

The person in the photo, she looked, actually felt a little familiar.

Seeing the people in the photo shaking with warmth, Tingren in the bar said, "sister-in-law three, how is it? The handsome guy in the photo is handsome enough."

Looking at him tenderly, he smiled and said, "it's quite handsome. Who is this?"

"My second uncle was a man of influence in Beicheng back then, and his appearance was very durable."

Huo Ting asked deeply, "you say, is my second uncle handsome, or am I handsome?"

Warm nuzui: "the second uncle is handsome."

Huo Ting understood her deeply: "it's said that Xi Shi is only in the eyes of lovers, so I'll give you another chance."

Huo Tingren said with a bad smile: "in this situation, should I avoid it?"

Huo Ting slanted him deeply: "you know, why don't you hurry up?"

"Okay, can you two stop making trouble?" she said with a warm and speechless smile.

Several people were amused and laughed.

Warmth set her eyes on the photo again, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

She was really funny, how could she feel that the second uncle of the Huo family was familiar.

They are not from the same world, okay?

This familiarity probably comes from Huo tingshen. After all, they are uncles and nephews, and they still look alike.

On Sunday morning, Huo tingshen went to the company temporarily because of something in the company.

Warmth has to be learned. He went to the company, but she felt cleaner.

When Huo tingshen finished dealing with the company's affairs and was about to leave, Lin Shaokang knocked on the door and walked in.

"Third Master, I have found the information about Bai Yu's illegitimate child that you asked me to investigate earlier."

He stepped forward and put a document on Huo tingshen's desk.

Huo tingshen picked it up, flipped through it, and listened to Lin Shaokang: "you should be surprised when you see it."

Huo Ting opened the file deeply. He didn't eat too much, but just smiled coldly.

He closed the document and looked at Lin Shaokang: "In addition to you and me, I don't want a third person to know about this."

"Third master, please rest assured, I will be tight-lipped."

Huo Ting waved his hand deeply: "it's nothing, you can get off work first."


Huo tingshen came home just in time for lunch.

Butler Tong went upstairs and invited him down.

Seeing Huo tingshen coming back, she walked to the table with ease, and said in surprise, "when did you come back?"

"It's less than two minutes before I entered the room, sit down and eat first."

The two sat down at the table, took two bites tenderly, and put down their chopsticks.

Huo Ting asked deeply, "why don't you eat it?"

She shrugged tenderly: "I ate too much fruit just now, and I have no appetite now."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply: "like a child, I don't eat in moderation. I won't eat snacks and fruits before meals in the future."

Warm smile: "if you become a father in the future, you will be able to read your children very well."

"What's wrong with that? I must have read it for their own good."

"How can children know if you are good for them?"

Huo Ting grinned deeply: "anyway, there is always a black and white face in a family. Then I'll do the black face. Wouldn't it be better for you to be the white face?"

She blushed tenderly: "who is going to have a baby with you."


"I do not want it."

Huo Ting looked at her blushing face deeply and said with a smile, "by the way, let me ask you a question."

"Well, what's the problem."

"You always say that Bai Nancheng is very good to you. Since when did your relationship with him get better? Has it been good since the beginning?"

After thinking about it tenderly, he shook his head: "no."

"Then he bullied you?"

"It can't be considered bullying. My mother rarely takes me to contact the Bai family, so I have very little contact with my brother. When I was a child, it was mainly Bai Xue who always came to my mother to vent her anger. What is said in the news now? , I never dared to read the news about the beating of the third child in the street, because at that time, my mother was always bullied by Bai Xue like this.

I still remember that my mother happened to be working in a coffee shop at that time. Once, when I came back from school early, I went to the coffee shop to find my mother. On that day, Bai Xue took my brother and Bai Yue to go shopping together.

Through the glass, Bai Yue saw me sitting on the table doing homework, and pointed at me. As a result, Bai Xue saw my mother. She rushed into the coffee shop and scolded my mother by pulling my mother's hair, "shameless." , is the third child', many guests were watching.

After I squeezed into the crowd, Bai Xue pushed me into my mother's arms and told everyone that my mother was a third child and I was a wild breed, and beat our mother and son very fiercely. That day, my brother was beside me, just like Bai Yue, watching a play. When I was young, in my memory, there were no good people in the Bai family. "

Every time he heard the warm mention of her and the Lu family, Huo Ting was so angry that he wanted to kill.

He really didn't know how the warmth and her mother had survived in the past years.

It just doesn't take them seriously.

"Then in your impression, when did your relationship with Bai Nancheng get better?"

Warm eyebrows: "after my brother went abroad to study, he came back from vacation one year, bought a lot of things secretly, and came to my house to visit me and my mother. At that time, he also gave my mother a card and asked my mother Be sure to take good care of your body, protect me, and let my mother not get angry because of his mother's arrogance and domineering, and apologized to my mother on behalf of his mother. Since then, he has been in contact with us from time to time. "

"Why are you so curious about my brother today?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "because..."

"I hate him." Looking at the warm and curious look, Huo tingshen decided not to tell her some things first.

"I haven't hated anyone in this world, and Bai Nancheng is one of them."

He smiled tenderly and silently: "you are too boring. It's the Bai family who offended you, not my brother."

"But he hooked up with you, I'm not happy."

She disdain: "what hooking up, that's my brother."

"Then I don't care," said Huo tingshen, putting down his chopsticks and looking at her.

What if one day she knew that Bai Nancheng was not actually her brother? Will you like him? After all, she trusts Bai Nancheng very much.

He said solemnly, "Xiaoqing."

Warm pouting: "what are you doing?"

"The Huo family has a grudge against the Bai family. You know about this. There is some grudge. I will avenge it sooner or later, you understand."

Nodding tenderly: "you don't need to tell me, I'm not from the Bai family."

"But I think the Bai family still has someone you care about, so I have a reason to tell you. This is also respect for you."

"I don't care what the Bai family will become. My brother is a capable person. Even without the Bai family, he can still shine."

Hearing what she said, Huo tingshen didn't refute her, but just looked at her with burning eyes.

"Next, there may be a lot of things you don't expect, but I hope you don't think too much, this is just part of my revenge, eh?"

After a moment of tender silence, he said, "OK"

Huo tingshen raised the water glass beside him: "wish me success."

Warmly picked up the water glass and touched it with him.

But for some reason, she was always a little uneasy.

On Saturday, the Luo family's aunt called her and invited her and Huo tingshen to the Luo family for dinner.

The warmth is not easy to refuse, so I agree.

But when I got home in the evening, I found out that Huo tingshen was going to go to Singapore on a business trip on Friday afternoon for three days.

So on Saturday, she could only come to Luo's house alone.

Coincidentally, Luo Chengshu happened to be at home because he had nothing to do in the mall.

Uncle and aunt did not know that their tenderness was threatened by Zhou Ziyu before, and they entertained them with joy.

On the contrary, Luo Chengshu looked worried.

While her parents were busy in the kitchen, she said to Wenqing, "Xiaoqing, in order not to cause you trouble, I will tell my parents that there is something in the company in a while. I will go first. You mustn't mind."

"Brother Chengshu, I'm so sorry, because of me, you can't even have a meal at home on your rest day," she said with embarrassment.

"Don't say that, I don't know how happy you are to come."

Nodding tenderly: "by the way, brother Chengshu, um If I have time, I'd like to introduce a sister to you. "

Luo Chengshu hissed: "it's not about letting me go on a blind date."

With a warm and playful smile: "that's what it really means."

"What should I do, I really have no plans for this recently."

"But I think starting a new relationship is the best way to say goodbye to the past completely."

Luo Chengshu said with a headache: "I'm worried that my new relationship will bring disaster to the other party."

The warmth instantly understood Luo Chengshu's meaning.

She smiled: "When you completely end this relationship, can't I introduce it to you again?"

Luo Chengshu smiled: "let's talk about it when the time comes, I don't have the idea of ​​starting a new relationship right now."

As he spoke, he walked to the door of the kitchen and told his parents that he was going to the company.

Aunt Luo kept complaining about him. Xiaoqing finally came once, and you couldn't accompany him well.

After Luo Chengshu left, he had a good meal with Luo's parents.

The warmth at the long-lost dining table makes the warmth feel very comfortable.

In the afternoon, after leaving Luo's house, she returned to Huo's villa.

She has to study whenever she has time.

In the evening, Huo tingshen called her and reported that she was safe.

After a few chats between the two, Huo tingshen went to the meeting.

Without Huo Ting sleeping by his side, he slept tenderly all night.

Early the next morning, Wen Qing was still asleep when she was awakened by a phone call.

Tong Hao called.

Warmly put the mobile phone to his ear, full of sleeping sounds: "Hello."

"Girl, I said you haven't gotten up yet."

"I read a little bit more last night, I wanted to sleep in."

"I said, you're not a person who can sleep until eight o'clock. Oh, no, no, I want to tell you something serious. You didn't watch the news."

Hearing the word news, tender eyes opened: "what news?"

"Has third master Huo gone to Singapore?"

"How did you know?"

"Of course I also know what most of the people in China know," Tong Hao said silently, "I said girl, can you also pay attention to the news if you have nothing to do?"

"What's the matter? What happened? Your idol has a girlfriend?"

"What, that Bai Yue from Bai's family, and Mr. Huo from your family, arrived in Singapore on the same flight. The picture of the two of them walking out of the airport was photographed by reporters. It was said on the Internet that they went on a secret trip."

With a warm and speechless smile, this Bai Yue really can do everything.

"Girl, are you still smiling?"

"Huo tingshen went to a meeting. We called last night. I know his personality and he won't mess around. It must be directed and acted by Bai Yue."

"Then do you know there's a saying that people are terrifying?"

Tong Hao thinks that warmth is good everywhere, smart, beautiful, and has a good figure, but he doesn't like to be defensive.

After a moment of tenderness, he said, "do you think this is serious?"

"The Internet is all messed up. Everyone is waiting for reporters to expose the real hammer. You say it's serious or not."

He said tenderly, "but if Huo tingshen didn't do anything, wouldn't they have any real hammers to expose?"

"I always think that a young lady raised by a big family will not stop there. You should remind Huo tingshen to be careful. After all, are you careful to sail for ten thousand years?"

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone.

Holding the mobile phone tenderly, he hesitated.

If she calls Huo tingshen now, will Huo tingshen think she is jealous?

He said he would not marry him, but he was worried about whether he went out with other women...

This is also too tongue-in-cheek.

And... Will Huo tingshen think she doesn't trust her?

Breathe warmly, this feeling of timidity is really not good at all.

She turned on her mobile phone, and before the phone was called, a push entertainment news popped up.

Huo tingshen, president of Dihui Group, went to Singapore together with the daughter of Bai's Group, Baiyue, and stayed in the same hotel, suspected of having a vacation together.