
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 116 heartbroken

After calling Huo tingshen and returning to the office tenderly, I browsed the web page for half an afternoon, but I really didn't see any news about her.

In the afternoon, I returned to Huo's house after get off work. During dinner, I asked tenderly, "what have you done? How could Zhou Ziyu, such an extreme person, do nothing? "

"It's very simple, heart disease still needs heart medicine, I found Luo Chengshu."

"What are you doing with brother Chengshu? Now, Zhou Ziyu will definitely take advantage of the situation to threaten brother Chengshu."

"It is only natural that he will solve the trouble he caused you."

Squinting him tenderly, "Zhou Ziyu will definitely take advantage of the situation to blackmail brother Chengshu."

"That's the problem between them. As long as he doesn't solve Zhou Ziyu's problem clearly, he will always be burdened by this relationship from now on. I'm giving him a chance to get rid of Zhou Ziyu completely. "

Warm and nuzui: "you are the only one who is crooked."

"It's not a fallacy, it's the truth, learn it, this is the right way to deal with the problem."

She smiled tenderly and gave her a thumbs up: "OK, the capitalist is mighty, that's all right."

"I've accepted the compliment, but I'll be more careful next time. When complimenting someone, I can also give you a kiss."

Looking at him with tender eyes, he smiled lightly: "well I often praise people. It seems that I will buy an extra lip balm in the future."

Huo Ting stared at her deeply: "you dare."

She smirked: "Didn't you teach me this?"

Huo Ting turned to his side, and regardless of whether she had something in her mouth, he pressed the back of her head and kissed it.

She ducked her head tenderly and wiped the corner of her mouth: "oh, dirty, I still have rice in my mouth."

"I don't dislike it, you can swallow it and do it again."

Hearing what he said, without saying a word about warmth, he stuffed two more mouthfuls of rice into his mouth and stared at him with a smile, "I dislike it."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply and said with a doting smile: "remember, the way I teach you to praise people is only suitable for me, sir."

Warm and speechless, he's so funny, so when she really compliments others, she goes to her relatives, doesn't that become a lunatic?

Near noon the next day, she received a call from Luo Chengshu.

Luo Chengshu said: "Xiaoqing, my mother made some food to replenish her body and let me bring it to you. She doesn't know that you were threatened by Ziyu, and I can't tell her, so I am now at the gate of your school."

He smiled tenderly and said, "Auntie is really interested. Thank you so much. I'll go get it now."

"No, Xiaoqing, don't come out in person, find a male colleague of yours to help you get it."

Listening to Luo Chengshu's words, I know tenderly that brother Chengshu is for her good, and he doesn't want to cause trouble for her anymore.

"Brother Chengshu, wait a moment."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, I called Yin Dacheng tenderly. As a result, Yin Dacheng took a student to the hospital half an hour ago.

"Okay, you can do it first, and I'll find someone else to help you."

Just as he was saying this, Mr. Huang pushed the door and came in.

Seeing that Wen Qing put down her mobile phone, she asked, "what should I do to find someone to help?"

"Help me pick up food at the door, my brother is here to bring me food."

"I'll help you."

"Don't," said tenderly, "you have to find a male colleague."

"Is it gender-specific even after taking a meal?"

Warm and speechless: "his ex-girlfriend is very paranoid. When he saw me sitting in the car chatting with him that day, he secretly took a photo and used it to threaten me. My brother asked me to find a male colleague, mainly because he was afraid of hurting us. "

"Ex-girlfriend? Such a woman is in need of treatment. Leave it alone, I'll get it."

Huang Ya put the document bag on the table, "it's at the front door."

"It is..."

"It's okay," Huang Ya patted her shoulder when she walked over to her: "what's your brother's name?"

"Luo Chengshu."

"Okay, wait for me."

After Huang Ya left, she specially called Luo Chengshu and told him that it was the female teacher.

Luo Chengshu said with a bit of guilt: "Xiaoqing, I'm really sorry for making you worry because of me."

"What a big deal, brother Chengshu, don't worry about it, you can just be fine," she said with a warm smile.

"Do not worry."

Huang Ya came to the school gate and looked around for a while. Seeing this, Luo Chengshu got off the car with the insulation box.

Huang Ya immediately saw Luo Chengshu in a gray suit.

Looking at Luo Chengshu's face, Huang Ya's eyes became a little straight.

Luo Chengshu approached her and said gently, "are you Mr. Huang?"

Huang Ya recovered and nodded: "I'm Huang Ya, are you Mr. Luo?"

"Yes," he handed the heat preservation box to Huang Ya: "this is for Xiaoqing. It contains dumplings made by my mother. If you don't dislike it, you can eat it with Xiaoqing. Today's noon, I'm really bothering you. already."

Huang Ya blushed slightly and shook her head: "you're welcome."

"Then I'll go first."

Huang Ya nodded: "Mr. Luo, goodbye."

After Luo Chengshu nodded to her, he turned and left.

Huang Ya took a breath and turned to go to the school.

Going all the way out, she stood still and patted her face lightly: "Huang Ya, don't be a nympho."

Back at the office, she put the cooler on her desk.

He said tenderly, "Mr. Huang, thank you very much."

She opened the lunch box and saw that there were a lot of dumplings in it. She got up, walked to a small cabinet beside her, found two pairs of chopsticks, and gave one pair to Teacher Huang: "Eat together, we won't go to the cafeteria today at noon."

Huang Ya took the chopsticks and asked, "your brother... broke up with his girlfriend? "

"Yeah, it was just divided some time ago."

"His girlfriend is quite extreme."

Nodding tenderly: "it's a little too extreme. Brother Chengshu is obviously a very responsible person, but she always looks at him worriedly. As long as there are women around brother Chengshu, no matter how pure the relationship is with brother Chengshu. , She is not at ease. You think, she even suspects me, who has a boyfriend. They both broke up, and she also sent someone to monitor brother Chengshu. I think this is actually too much. "

"Then Mr. Luo is quite pitiful," Huang Ya said, and asked again, "how old is he?"

After watching her tenderly for a moment, she suddenly laughed.

Huang Ya blushed: "what are you laughing at?"

"Brother Chengshu is 29 years old this year. He is currently the manager of Guangcheng Commercial Building in Beicheng. He used to live abroad. Because of his girlfriend's suspicion, he couldn't live abroad, so the two returned to China to develop. But Now, they broke up."

After finishing his warm words, he said, "Mr. Huang, when the relationship between brother Chengshu and his ex-girlfriend is completely smooth, let me introduce you to each other."

Huang Ya laughed: "As expected, I should say hypocritically, no need, but The thought in my heart is, I'm very willing. "

"I know, this is the first time I found out that Mr. Huang also has the opposite sex that he is interested in," he said with a warm smile.

"Okay, Mr. Wen, stop laughing at me."

Mr. Huang is such a dutiful person, kind and kind, and his three views are very positive.

In my heart, I felt that Mr. Huang should be introduced to brother Chengshu.

Oh, I am really happy to think about it.

At noon on Friday, Wen Qing fell asleep on a reclining chair in the office.

When it was time for work, she was still awake.

Huang Ya gently pushed her: "Mr. Wen?"

He opened his eyes tenderly and in a trance.

Huang Ya said, "get up, why did you sleep so soundly at noon these days?"

After lying tenderly for a few seconds, he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyebrows.

"It's probably not a big deal recently, so I think it's a lot," she got off the recliner, rolled up the blanket, and folded the recliner.

"When did Teacher Li and Teacher Yin leave?"

"Mr. Yin just left, and Mr. Li has been gone for more than half an hour."

Yawning tenderly, he sat down at the desk.

It's strange, why is he still so sleepy when he just woke up.

At three o'clock, she went downstairs with Teacher Huang to the basketball court.

But the door of the basketball court today is different from the past.

The two were far apart, and they saw a lot of people surrounding the entrance of the basketball court.

They looked at each other and Huang Ya said, "Why are there so many people over there today?"

Pulling her wrist tenderly, she said, "go and have a look."

The two approached, and a student shouted, "Mr. Wen is here."

Then, someone ran towards them.

Feeling stunned, what's the situation.

A man ran to her first and said solemnly, "Miss Wen, I'm a real reporter, and I want to interview you a few questions."

reporter? Drumming in a warm heart.

"Sorry, I'm just a mortal and don't give interviews to reporters," she said with a calm face.

Huang Ya also said: "several reporters, this is the school. You break in like this and interview the staff of our school without the consent of the school. This is against the rules."

"We just asked a few simple questions. Just now, many students reported that Mr. Huo's real daughter is not the eldest lady of the Bai family, but is called Wenqing in this school. Excuse me, you are what they said. A real goddess?"

Warmly guessed that he would be chased by reporters, which may be related to Huo tingshen.

"Sorry, as I said, I don't give interviews to reporters. I won't answer all the questions you ask. Please leave here immediately."

After the warm and righteous words were finished, several reporters around had no plans to leave.

They continued to ask questions about her and Huo tingshen.

For example, when did they meet, how did they meet, and when did they develop into lovers.

Some reporters simply asked her if she was Huo tingshen's lover and whether it was true that Huo tingshen and Bai Yue were going to get married.

Hearing these questions that made her head big, Huang Ya took a worried look at the warmth and said to the reporter, "if you continue to ask questions, then I can only come to the security guard."

Outside the circle of reporters, some students shouted, "Mr. Wen, why don't you dare to admit that you and the third master are a couple? Didn't you show your affection publicly on campus a few days ago? ."

Warm eyebrows, there are students here to coax, it is the most headache for her.

The reporters did not leave, and the three parties were deadlocked.

At this moment, the students of the basketball team in the school squeezed into the crowd.

A dozen people surrounded Wen Qing and Huang Ya, and turned to face the reporter.

They were tall and tall, completely blocking the two women.

Among them, the captain of the basketball team walked up to Wen Qing and said with a smile, "Mr. Wen, Tingren let me tell you that your rescuers are already on the way. Let you hold on for a few more minutes."

"Rescue workers? Who? Tingren? What problems can he solve? "

The basketball team members surrounded them tightly, and Huang Ya whispered, "These children make people feel very safe."

She smiled tenderly at her, who said no.

A few minutes later, there was a commotion outside the crowd.

Of course, the two women inside are completely invisible.

Huang Ya wondered, "what's the matter."

He shook his head tenderly: "I don't know."

At this moment, a reporter said, "Third Master, may I ask, is your girlfriend really in this school?"

Listening to the reporter's question, Huang Ya was a little surprised: "the third master is here."

He listened to the answers outside with warm ears.

At this moment, it is very quiet outside.

Huo Ting's deep voice sounded lukewarm: "what's your business?"

The reporter was stunned for a moment, "Third Master, I am a reporter, and I have an obligation to answer questions for the public."

"That's your business."

"However, this answer needs to be given by the third master."

Huo Ting sneered deeply: "why should I give it to you?"

"Third Master, as a well-known person..."

"Well-known or unknown, I don't know, but I'm sure of one thing," Huo Ting said with a cold look in his eyes: "I'm not a public figure, I'm willing to say my privacy, that's my business, I don't want to say it, and Have a relationship of half a cent with you? A small reporter also wants to turn the river into the sea in front of me? Why, do you think you are Nezha?"

There was a roar of laughter all around.

The reporter's face also turned blue and red, "Third Master, you are tacitly saying this. Is your privacy here?"

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply and took a step forward.

After the reporter finished speaking, he instantly regretted it.

Because of Huo Ting's deep aura, he was afraid.

Huo tingshen stretched out his hand, and the reporter hurriedly turned his head to avoid, but Huo tingshen just turned around the reporter's badge, glanced at it, and said to the staff who followed him.

"Call Lin Shaokang, I will only give him an hour to make Huatian Daily disappear from the media circle in Beicheng, and, if a ban is issued in the national media circle, no unit can recruit this Wu Youquan as a reporter. , otherwise, whoever accepts him, I will pacify whose company."

"Yes, third master."

On the opposite side, Wu Youquan's face was ashen: "Third Master, I just want to report the facts, I don't want to be your enemy."

"You dare to entangle me like this. Who knows if you will go out and use your identity as a reporter to bully innocent people? You are just a reporter, not a god holding the sword of Shang Fang, don't take yourself too seriously. thing.

If you are so professional and love your job so much, then there are many innocent people at the bottom who need your camera to record the truth and help them.

Now, you dare to come and entertain me, just because my lace news allows you to get more income and make you more famous, but this reporter Wu, you really found the wrong person. Today, I will clean up You, you can be regarded as a disaster for the reporter circle. "

He said, his eyes swept around the circle of reporters around him: "If anyone still wants to follow the old way of the Huatian Newspaper, then you can just provoke me, and I warn you, if anyone dares to let me see it in the media, Any news about me, about the staff or students of Beijing Normal University, I will make you, in this circle, never turn over again."

After the surrounding reporters looked at each other in dismay, they left one by one.

Surrounding Wen Qing and several students of Huang Ya's basketball team made way, Huo Ting came over towards Wen Qing deeply.

"Are you scared?"