
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 113 Are you sure about your relationship?

Warm heart is depressed, the phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was actually Bai Nancheng calling.

She got up and said to the two of them, "You guys talk, I'll go out and answer the phone."

She walked out of the private room, and then picked up the phone: "Brother."

"Xiaoqing, where are you?"

"I was out."

"What I said, I rang your doorbell here in Dachengjiayuan, and no one listened to me."

Warm and surprised: "you're back."

"Yes, I just came back yesterday, and I came to see you after I dealt with the company's affairs."

Bai Nancheng turns around and prepares to go downstairs: "where are you, I'll pick you up."

"It's okay brother, you're busy first, you don't have to look at me."

"No, I'm not at ease if I don't look at you."

After thinking about it tenderly, it is very close to Qianshan shopping mall, so I said, "I am in Qianshan shopping mall."

Bai Nancheng nodded: "Okay, wait for me there. It's a little far from Qianshan. It may take me twenty minutes to get there. I'll try my best to hurry up."

"Don't worry too much, just come over slowly."

After hanging up the phone, she went back to the private room.

The two men are still chatting.

She went back to pick up her bag and said to Huo tingshen, "Huo tingshen, talk to Commander Fu first. I have an appointment with someone and I'm going out to meet."

"Male or female?" Huo Ting looked at her deeply.

Warm nuzui: "my brother."

Huo Ting was deeply upset: "isn't he on a business trip?"

"I'm back."

It seems that he did not stumble enough, and he came back in less than two months.

After the tender words, he said to Fu Jingchen, "Fu battalion commander, it's a pleasure to meet you today. You can talk first, and I'll go first."

Before Fu Jingchen could say anything, Huo tingshen got up and said, "I'll take you there."

"No, the place we made an appointment is very close, it's in the Qianshan shopping mall."

"It's better to give it soon," Huo tingshen said to Fu Jingchen, "you drink it yourself first."

Fu Jingchen shrugged: "go, don't rush back."

I feel tenderly that this is not good. After all, Yingchang Fu only came back once for a long time.

But since Huo Ting insisted deeply, she didn't say much, and it seemed too hypocritical to say too much.

The two left the clubhouse together. Huo tingshen drove the car in person and delivered the warmth to the door of Qianshan Shopping Mall, which is only three kilometers away from the clubhouse.

After the car stopped, he looked around, but did not find Bai Nancheng.

"What about the others?"

"He's driving from his home in Ayutthaya and will be farther than me."

As she spoke, she had already unbuckled her seat belt to get out of the car.

He pulled her and said displeasedly, "Do you have to see him?"

Looking at him tenderly: "do I see any problem with him?"

"You know, I hate her."

She shrugged tenderly: "but he's my brother, the only one in the Bai family who helped me when I was bullied."

That's what he said, but he doesn't know why. Every time he sees Bai Nancheng's warm eyes, he feels terrified.

It may be natural for a brother to love his sister.

But he has seen Bai Nancheng and Bai Yue on the same stage, and Bai Nancheng's care for Bai Yue is like brother and sister.

He is affectionate...

He frowned, did he think too much?

"I'll wait for you at the club, call me when you go back, and I'll pick you up."

"Maybe my brother will send me back," she pursed her lips. "You and Commander Fu should catch up with each other, haven't you seen each other for a long time?"

She opened the door and got out of the car: "Go back quickly, don't make Commander Fu wait."

Seeing her closing the door and walking away, Huo tingshen started the car and turned around in front.

When the car drove back to the front of Qianshan shopping mall, he stepped on the brakes and turned to look at the warmth standing at the door of the shopping mall not far away.

Warmly stood at the entrance of the mall for three or four minutes.

After looking left and right for a while, he turned around and walked into the mall.

Huo Ting waited for a few minutes. Seeing that she hadn't come out yet and was about to leave first, she came out with a candied haws in her hand.

While eating leisurely, she sat down on the stone railing beside the parking lot at the entrance of the mall.

It was the first time he knew that the cylindrical stone fence could even seat people.

She took a bite, and the second hawthorn fell to the ground.

She stared at Hawthorn on the ground for two seconds, her face full of annoyance.

After a while, she got up and stomped her feet, picked up Hawthorn, walked to the trash can more than ten meters away, threw Hawthorn in, and walked back again.

Seeing her naive look, Huo tingshen in the car couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that warmth also has such a lovely side.

After another ten minutes, Bai Nancheng trotted from the right side of the parking lot to Wenqing.

At that time, the warmth was flipping through the mobile phone.

She didn't realize Bai Nancheng was here at all.

When he saw a figure in front of him and wanted to look up, Bai Nancheng had already bent over and hugged her tightly.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ting's teeth were itchy.

In his eyes, Bai Nancheng is not a humane person who will hug and hug his relatives.

Look at his seriousness in front of Bai Chengtai, and his coldness in front of Bai Yue, and then think of his enthusiasm for warmth.

Huo Ting took out his mobile phone in annoyance and made a warm call.

The warmth is held by Bai Nancheng in a daze.

She got up and patted his arm: "Brother, you are going to strangle me."

"I haven't seen you for so many days, Xiaoqing, brother really misses you."

At this moment, the warm mobile phone rang.

"I'm on the phone."

Only then did Bai Nancheng let go of her.

She took out her mobile phone from her bag tenderly. Seeing that it was Huo tingshen's call, she glanced at Bai Nancheng.

Bai Nancheng is also looking at her mobile phone.

Fortunately, her remarks are special, only she knows who is who.

She turned around, walked away three or four steps, and picked up the phone: "Hello."

"I forgot to tell you not to hug that Bai Nancheng. Qianshan shopping mall is also under surveillance. If you let me know that he took advantage of you, you will not see him alone in the future, do you hear?"

He frowned tenderly, looked at the surveillance direction at the entrance of Qianshan shopping mall, frowned and said softly, "Aren't you free?"

"I'm just idle. Who asked the other party to be Bai Nancheng?"

With tender lips, even if it's another man, isn't he still worried?

Really suspicious man.

She whispered, "it's okay for others, Bai Nancheng is my brother."

"Do you know where the word came from? It was developed between relatives."

"Your thinking is too dirty, I don't have that kind of thinking."

"If you don't want to, I can go back and pick you up now."

"Forget I'm afraid of you, can't I listen to you?"

Thinking tenderly that if he comes back, the two men will face each other again, and she can't help shivering. She doesn't want to see such a picture anymore.

After hanging up the phone, he returned to Bai Nancheng tenderly and smiled at him.

Bai Nancheng frowned at her for a moment, then hesitantly said, "is it from Huo tingshen?"

She shrugged tenderly and didn't want to lie. After all, Huo tingshen was not shameful: "well."

"Is he looking for you?"

"It's nothing, just give me a call," she said with tender lips.

"You...are you sure you're in a relationship?"

With a slightly red face, she shook her head: "not yet."

"For the time being? Are you going to... stay with him?"

Nuzui tenderly, thought for a while and said, "I think... He is a very reliable man."

"Xiaoqing, you can't just look at people's appearance. A man can pretend in front of you for three months and five months, but he can't pretend for a lifetime. Huo tingshen's essence is not in the same world with you. You are too kind and too It's easy to trust others. Huo Ting knows how to calculate. He just sees through who you are, so he can hold you so accurately. "

"Brother, I'm already an adult, and I have the ability to distinguish good from bad," said warmly and calmly.

"But you have to know that girls are easily confused emotionally. As your brother, I really can't let you go the wrong way. How can you be sure that Huo tingshen is not because he hates the Bai family, but also knows that you are The Bai family, that's why they used you? Xiaoqing, anyone in the Bai family can be hurt, but you can't, you haven't done anything wrong, I can't watch you get hurt, do you understand? "

Hearing Bai Nancheng say this, she is very grateful in her heart, but besides her gratitude There are some things that she feels helpless now.

Once you're in love, it's so easy to get out of it.

That's why she didn't dare to let her heart get close to Huo tingshen in the past.

She is not afraid that Huo tingshen will use her to deal with the Bai family. After all, the life and death of the Bai family has nothing to do with her. However, she was afraid that she was sincere, and in exchange for the other party was just playing.

After all, she can't afford to play.

After getting along for so long, she really felt that it was possible to exchange hearts between people.

Because Huo Ting treats her well, she will be slowly moved and try to give her own feelings.

Although she can't say, she really can't leave Huo tingshen.

But before Huo tingshen does anything to hurt her, she may really have no way to just listen to other people's words and give up this budding relationship.

After all, she thought from the bottom of her heart that Huo tingshen would not hurt her.

Seeing her shaking, Bai Nancheng held her shoulders with both hands: "Xiaoqing, don't you think I will harm you?"

"Brother, I didn't think so, I just thought that this is my own emotional problem, and I can solve it myself."

"This is related to the Bai family and the Huo family."

Warm nuzui: "but aren't you all trying to stuff Bai Yue to Huo tingshen?"

"You are different from Bai Yue."

"I know we are different. Bai Yue is your eldest lady of the Bai family. What about me? I am nothing."

"Xiaoqing, you know, that's not what I meant. Bai Yue has been spoiled since she was a child. Her character determines that if she marries Huo tingshen, she will not care too much about Huo tingshen's fancy behavior in the future. After all, this It's a common occurrence in the circle she lives in. Besides, I don't agree with Bai Yue's marriage to Huo tingshen, it's her own will.

But you are different. Once Huo tingshen betrays you, the blow to you will definitely be fatal. Are you Aren't you afraid of being hurt? You are not afraid, I am afraid, how can my precious sister be hurt by the Huo family. "

Warm eyebrows, do not know what to say.

"Xiaoqing, I'm really doing it for your own good. In this world, I believe that no one can love you more than me except for Aunt Wen who has passed away. You promise me, don't agree to his courtship easily, even if you really You have already decided to date him, so think about it carefully, and don't agree to him lightly, okay?"

After a moment of tender silence, he nodded.

There are certain things that she and her brother must not be able to say clearly.

It is said that ordinary brothers feel that no man is worthy of their sister, which is normal.

Then promise him first. Whether or not she agrees is one thing, but whether she can control herself is another.

Seeing her nodding, Bai Nancheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

But he also knew in his heart that he had to make a decision as soon as possible for some things. After all... Xiaoqing's affairs, he couldn't wait any longer.

Back in the clubhouse, Huo tingshen was a little unhappy as soon as he entered the private room.

Looking at his expression, Fu Jingchen couldn't help but say, "what's the matter, have you made trouble with your little beauty?"

Huo Ting gave him a deep look: "do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

"I heard that a man who is in love, no matter how old, is no different from a three-year-old child."

Huo tingshen pushed the wine glass in front of him. He poured a glass of wine and asked, "it's only a few kilometers away. Why did she go so long? She made trouble with you because I talked with you for too long?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "she is not so ignorant."

"What's that for?"

"Why for what?"

"Boy, are you still going to pretend to be in front of me? You have the words 'Grandpa unhappy' written on your face."

Huo Ting was deeply upset, raised his glass and looked at him: "you say, is it normal for a man to hug his sister?"

Fu Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "it depends on how to hug."

"It's... the kind of cheap." Thinking of what he had just seen, he was about to explode with anger.

Seeing his expression, Fu Jingchen couldn't help laughing.

Huo Ting gave him a deep look: "what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you being crazy. These days, there are many people whose elder brother loves his younger sister more than their parents. Even if you love to be jealous, you don't need to be jealous of Miss Wen's brother. It's boring."

He said, putting down the wine glass: "My grandfather knew that I was with you and asked me to take you home for dinner. How about it, I can't make it through?"

Huo Ting said in a deep voice for a moment: "Grandpa has an invitation, can I not go? Go, let's go."

"Don't wait for your little beauty? Aren't you afraid of her messing around?"

Huo Ting gave him a deep look: "she's not that kind of person, but his brother is not very detailed."

Fu Jingchen shook his head speechlessly. Are all men in love so suspicious?

I've seen jealous people, but I've never seen them, even the lover's brother's jealousy.

The two of them took their own cars and came to the old man's villa.

Even the old man's body is as tough as ever.

Seeing Huo tingshen coming, he was busy greeting his servants to prepare Huo tingshen's favorite meals.

Three people sit together.

The old man said: "tingshen, just right, while you are here, you can help me witness that today, as an old chief, I have to make a rule for this stinky boy Fu Jingchen. He is 29 years old and has no girlfriend yet. , the next time he comes back, if I haven't been able to bring back a woman, I will come forward to introduce him."

Fu Jingchen frowned: "Grandpa, why do you say this again?"

Fu Jingchen looked helpless.

Huo tingshen said with a smile: "OK, grandpa, I'll be a witness to you about this. When the time comes, I'll help you find a good girl for him and let him marry him honestly."

Fu Jingchen gave Huo Ting a deep look. This stinky boy fell into trouble here.

It's really good.