
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 110 Support you

Entering the basketball court, Huo tingshen began to lecture.

Li Beibei stood beside Wen Qing and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Did I read it wrong? The third master smiled at you just now."

Warm and embarrassed smile: "you read it wrong."


"Shh," the tender hand measured it gently on his lips, "if you have something to say, go back to the office and say it later."

Li Beibei nodded hurriedly.

Looking at Huo tingshen's back tenderly, his eyes are full of tenderness.

At the end of a class, the students in the audience were still not satisfied.

Huo Ting turned around and looked at Wen Qing, holding the microphone in his hand, pretending to be casual and saying, "Xiao Qing, come to the principal's office with me later."

She froze tenderly and looked at him.

What the hell happened to him today?

There were instant discussions under the stage.

Huang Ya stretched out her hand and poked the stunned warmth: "Mr. Wen."

Returning to God with warmth, look at Huo tingshen.

He handed the microphone to Yin Dacheng not far away, beckoned to her, then walked over and put his hand on her shoulder naturally: "Let's go."

He took her all the way out of the basketball court, and the basketball court exploded in an instant.

Li Beibei came to Huang Ya and stammered: "Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang, what was the situation just now, the third master called Mr. Wen Xiaoqing, I heard it right, the third master left with Xiaoqing's shoulders, I left. Are you dreaming?"

She pinched her arm: "It hurts, it's not a dream, my God, I feel like I missed the big news of 100 million."

Huang Ya didn't say anything, just looked around.

She was also a little confused. Originally, it was Mr. Wen's eventful time. The third master's purpose in doing this... She really couldn't understand.

In this way, wouldn't there be more people talking about Mr. Wen?

Huo Ting walked out of the basketball court with deep warmth, and the warmth flashed out of his arms and looked at him.

"Mr. Huo tingshen, can you explain to me what you are doing now?"

Huo Ting said calmly, "take you to your principal."

"I'm asking you, didn't we agree? In school, you want to be treated as a stranger. What are you doing now? It won't take half an hour. It is estimated that all teachers and students in the school know that I have an ambiguous relationship with you."

He looked calm, "I just want them to know, otherwise, why would I take you away in public."


"Why, let me support you."

Staring at him tenderly, support?

"I want to let these ignorant little brats know that I'm covering your warmth. In the future, if anyone dares to say anything about you and other men, I can only be vicious and talkative. Whoever will be cleaned up."

"I like to talk about other people's affairs and follow others' opinions behind my back. This is a common problem for people who love gossip. You can clean up one or two. What if most people are talking about me?"

"Then pick a typical example and kill the chickens to warn the monkeys," he rubbed her head. "And, in this way, I will never have to keep a distance from you when I come to school in the future, which I think is very good."

Looking at him tenderly, full of helplessness.

He felt good, but she really felt...very bad.

Now she's going to be a celebrity again.

Huo Ting put his arms around her waist deeply. When he appeared in the principal's office, the principal looked at his hand around her waist and was stunned for three seconds. Then he stammered: "third master, why are you here at this time?"


"This..." The principal thought for a while and said, "Third Master, I don't quite understand what you mean, please clarify."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "you don't understand what I mean when you see me coming here with Wenqing? Principal Peng, it seems that your brain is really not very bright. I entrust warmth to you to take care of it. It seems that I I really mistrusted you."

Principal Peng took a tender look, and there was endless embarrassment in his expression.

Warmth pulled Laho tingshen.

But Huo tingshen seemed to be okay. He just clapped her hand calmly, raised his eyebrows and said to Peng Aiguo, "what, I still don't understand why I came here?"

Peng Aiguo looks at Wenqing. Now, no matter how stupid he is, he can guess something.

He just couldn't understand, isn't Wenqing the man of the fourth master? Why... he came together with the third master again.

Did he get it wrong?

Peng Aiguo looked at Wen Qing, and said after a moment, "Mr. Wen, I didn't know the truth, so I asked you to take the responsibility. I'm really sorry that you were wronged."

Looking at him tenderly, she is not an unkind person. All she asks is an apology.

After the accident to the present, the police have come out to clarify, but Peng Aiguo has not acted.

Originally, she was really angry in her heart, and felt that this person dared to act.

But now...because of Huo tingshen's strength, she is balanced.

"The principal also has his own difficulties. After all, you are in this position, and I can understand your position at that time. The reason why I asked the principal to apologize to me was simply because the principal said that I didn't know how to love myself.

The principal has been guided by the news just like those children who like to gossip. You identified me as the kind of person mentioned in the news, which made me feel aggrieved as a subordinate, and that's why my attitude was so bad that day. I also apologized to the principal for my attitude problem that day. "

"Don't, don't, it's mainly my fault. I'm in a hurry to quell the incident, so please don't apologize to Mr. Wen."

With a warm breath, thinking of his previous promise: "as for the resignation, does the principal need me to fulfill my promise now?"

"No, no, if Mr. Wen resigns now, that means he won't forgive my fault, Mr. Wen, let's just turn the page over what happened that day?"

Warm lips: "principal, I will work hard in the future, please rest assured."

Huo Ting patted the warm shoulder deeply: "go back to the office. I'll wait for you at the school gate in a while, and we'll go back together."

Warm face is slightly red, this... Isn't it telling the principal that they live together.

In front of the principal, she never spoke of him.

She bowed politely to the principal and turned to go out.

As soon as he left, Huo tingshen turned around and went to the sofa to sit down.

Peng Aiguo said respectfully, "Third Master, I really didn't know that Miss Wen was yours before, I thought..."

"I know, you thought she was the fourth child."


"So," Huo Ting looked at her with a bit of sharpness in his eyes: "she is the fourth child, so you can bully her?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. That day, I was in a hurry, and it was all my fault. Don't worry, third master. From now on, as long as it's about Mr. Wen in this school, I will do everything I can to do it. I will wrong Teacher Wen half a point."

Huo Ting stared at him deeply, with Xuanhan in his eyes: "the reason why I brought Wen Xiaoqing here today has two purposes. Listen carefully."

"Third Master, please speak."

"First, don't sell your daughter to me in the future. You don't want it. I will continue to attack your daughter with vicious language."

Huo tingshen has always spoken straight, but some words don't sound so nice after all.

After all, in Peng Aiguo's eyes, Peng Nanshu is definitely the best girl in the world, and she deserves any good man.

However, when Mr. Huo spoke, he couldn't refute it, so he nodded: "I see."

"Secondly, since you can't shut up these 'ignorant' adults in the school, then I'll do it. Listen to me every day in school, and if anyone dares to talk about warmth casually, catch one Give me a typical example, and I want to kill the chickens and show the monkeys."

Peng Aiguo responded: "I will catch a typical one for the third master as soon as possible."

Huo Ting got up and left without saying anything to him.

Peng Aiguo took a breath and went out to send Huo tingshen downstairs.

Seeing that Huo tingshen went out and got into the car to leave, he turned and went upstairs.

Sitting in his office chair, he felt sweaty on his back.

Who would have thought that warmth would be with the third master...

He shook his head. Warmth has a good face, but in his opinion, she has a sharp personality, a bit outspoken, unreasonable, and persistent. When she talks, it is easy to offend people, and she is not suitable at all. Be a wealthy young grandma.

How could a proud man like the third master keep such a girl by his side?

He really can't understand it.

Went to the door of the office tenderly, hesitated for a while, should I go in?

Once inside, I'm afraid I'll face the bombardment of Teacher Li's curiosity again.

But since she didn't plan to leave the school, she couldn't see Teacher Li forever.

After thinking about it, she pushed the door open and walked in.

The man hasn't stood firm yet, but Mr. Li has already run over and grabbed his warm arm tightly.

"Mr. Wen, tell me, why did the third master take you away so intimately? What's the relationship between the two of you? In my opinion, it's not a lover, because you said before that you and Huo Tingren are teachers and students. , the relationship is good, but he is not a lover, and Huo Tingren is the only one who is close to you among the opposite sex in the whole school. From his interaction with you, there is only one possibility, that is, you are his brother's daughter friend."

Hearing Li Beibei's repeated self-talk and analysis, she felt a little overwhelmed.

Huang Ya couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Li, has been doing Sherlock Holmes for almost 20 minutes."

Yin Dacheng smiled and said, "It's Conan, she said, there is only one truth."

Looking at the two of them with a wry smile, Li Beibei was very anxious: "Mr. Wen, can you tell us? It's all about this. Do you still need to hide it?"

She scratched her eyebrows tenderly: "I taught Tingren as a tutor, so I knew the third master a long time ago, because I did well when I taught Tingren, and the third master has always been very good to me. As for the lover relationship , not yet."

"Why not," she stretched out her hand and patted her tender shoulder: "I see that the third master has made it clear that he has a good opinion of you, so take him down quickly. This is something that many women dream of, do you know?"

Looking at this woman who used to cry wholeheartedly to throw down Huo tingshen, she couldn't help laughing tenderly.

"This kind of thing depends on fate. When fate arrives, it will come naturally. If fate doesn't, it's good to be friends."

As she was talking, the phone rang. Seeing that it was Huo Tingren calling, she was overjoyed and found a good opportunity to run away.

Tingren, a boy, is very good at timing when making calls.

She went to pick up the bag and said to the three: "After get off work, go home quickly, I wish you a happy weekend."

He picked up the phone and said, "Hello."

She opened the door and went out.

Huo Tingren's voice came from the other end of the phone: "sister-in-law three, I just heard about the sensational deeds of my third brother. How is it?"

"How about what?"

"Are you moved?" Huo Tingren laughed badly.

"What's so touching?" She was scared to death, okay.

"Wow, third sister-in-law, you don't have such a thing. My third brother moved you from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. This is to tell the world that your warmth is his woman, and if you offend you in the future, you will offend him. , he is protecting you."

Rolling her eyes tenderly, she understands, but... She is still a little bit unbearable in her heart now, okay?

She came out of the office building, and the people she saw along the way were whispering behind her back.

Passing by them, you can always hear the word "Third Master".

"Okay, I'm looking at you, it's just to anger me, stop talking to me, go to your bar, I'm going to run away from right and wrong."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and walked quickly to the school gate.

Not long after walking, Huo tingshen's car chased him from behind.

The driver honked the car horn and looked back tenderly. Seeing that it was Huo tingshen's car, she quickly got back into the car.

As soon as she got into the car, she felt saved.

Huo Ting looked at her and smiled.

He gave him a tender look: "you still laugh. I've become a mouse crossing the street now. It's all your fault."

"I think you're worrying too much."

"It's not that I'm worried. People are really talking about my relationship with you. I heard it with my own ears."

"Let's talk about it. Let them turn their attention from you and other men to you and me. I feel very happy. I can finally, in the mouths of others, be open and honest, and connect with you."

Nuzui looked at him tenderly: "Mr. capitalist, do you want to be so optimistic?"

Huo tingshen grabbed her hand and said, "optimism is not a bad thing. As I said, I will stand by your side and protect you from now on. How can I stand by your side if you don't let others know about my relationship with you? "

Looking at him tenderly: "but have you ever thought that if one day we have no results, it will be a bigger disaster for me."

"There won't be such a day," he reached out and poked her in the head: "Have some confidence in me."

"I don't have confidence in myself," how could she be able to make him like her for the rest of her life?

Huo Ting smiled helplessly: "it seems that only when we get married can you have confidence. How about it, will you marry?"

Her warm face was slightly red, and she seemed to be in a hurry to get married: "don't marry."

As soon as she finished speaking, the two smiled at each other.

Now, when he proposes to her casually, she casually refuses, which seems to have long since become commonplace.

If one day she suddenly said that she would marry, he would think that something was wrong with her.

He rubbed her head dotingly: "Don't take other people's comments to heart, what other people say is not important, your own mood is more important. They live a lifetime, and we live a lifetime, why should we talk about them for a while? Quick, a momentary gossip to pay for it?"

Warm and nuzui, with a touch of obedience in his eyes: "is this your experience?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips, "what do you think?"

"Whether it is or not, I think what Mr. Capitalist just said is really reasonable, and I agree."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply and tapped the tip of her nose: "Wen Xiaoqing, you have learned to flatter."