
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 100 not Resist Doing It With Him

Huo Ting was seen by her deeply, and his heart was itching for a while.

The hand that was going to hold the chopsticks was slowly put down.

He looked at her and said coldly: "Do you think that I can quench the fire?"

"Well... I also know that you may be very angry right now, and a meal can't make you feel relieved, but I always have to do my little bit to make up for my 'mistakes'."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, raised his right hand, and hooked his fingers to her.

Wondering warmly, what does this mean.

"Sit next to me and I'll tell you why I'm so angry today."

She was obedient, got up seriously, walked to the chair beside him, and sat down.

Huo tingshen hooked his fingers again: "come with ears."

She wondered, there was no one else in the room, why did she have to listen to her?

But forget it, he is angry now, he is the uncle.

She turned her face to the side and pressed her ear.

Huo Ting deeply hooked her lips. Sure enough, when she made a mistake, she was really obedient.

He leaned closer to her ear, but before he spoke, he turned her face and kissed her lips.

She leaned back, but he got up naturally, pressed her head against the top of the chair back, and kissed her tightly.

He hugged her horizontally and stopped the kiss.

In order not to fall, the warmth had to hurriedly wrap around his neck.

Seeing his burning eyes, she blushed.

Seeing that he was going upstairs, he said warmly and hurriedly: "Huo tingshen, I..."

"What did you call me?"

She hurriedly said, "Brother Huo, we..."

"Stop, I'm not listening."

After entering the room, he kicked the door shut.

He walked to the big bed and put her in the bed.

She looked at him nervously, and he leaned over again and kissed her.

The warmth was a little dull at first, lying there mechanically, not knowing what to do.

But as his kiss deepened, she slowly raised her hand and wrapped it around his neck.

His hands messed up on her.

She released her hand around him and pushed his shoulder a little resisting, but he was like a statue, motionless.

He removed her hand from his shoulder, and instead reached out and started to unbutton her clothes.

She was nervous and squeezed the sheets tightly with her hands.

In fact... she really didn't really resist doing this to him anymore in her heart.

But when she thought of that picture, she was still very shy.

When the two of them really 'frankly look at each other', their warm face blushed like a monkey's butt.

He smiled and squeezed her cheek.

The shy appearance of her little daughter is really unstoppable.

Just as he was about to take the last step, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Huo Ting was furious for a while, turned his head and shouted, "who?"

Butler Tong's voice sounded at the door: "third master, it's me."

He shouted sharply: "Go down, no one is allowed to come up without my order."

"Third master, second young grandma is back."

Startled by warmth, ye wanluo...

She has come back?

Inexplicably, when she heard this title, her eyes that had been avoiding his gaze fell on his face.

She saw his brow furrowed for a moment, and then she suddenly realized, what is she doing with him?

Knowing that he will always have that white moonlight in his heart, she still... She is probably really crazy.

But she didn't know at all. At this moment, Huo Ting frowned deeply, but what she thought was: Ye wanluo is so annoying, why should you come back at this time to disturb the sweetness of our little couple.

Huo Ting said coldly: "let them go to Tingren first. I have something to do here and I don't have time to see them."

He said, intending to continue.

But the warmth is to arch up quickly, pull up the quilt on the side, and cover him.

At the door, Butler Tong said bravely, "the second master didn't come back, the second lady came back by herself."

Warmly and effortlessly restrained his emotions, he said in a 'cloud and wind' light, "you'd better go down and have a look first."

Huo Ting was deeply depressed, "if you don't go, finish it first."

"No, go downstairs and see first," she looked at him with a little stubbornness on her face.

Today, if it wasn't for ye wanluo's sudden arrival, she would indeed finish this matter with him.

But now, she can't do it, because ye wanluo, who has been forgotten by her, appears.

She knew in her heart that Huo Ting had loved that woman deeply and couldn't even let her go completely now, so how could she do such an irresponsible thing to herself.


Huo Ting sighed deeply and cursed in his heart again.

He lowered his head, tore off her quilt, and kissed in front of her before sitting up and getting dressed.

Seeing that she didn't get up, he just completely covered himself with the quilt. He looked at her, raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't you want to go down? Can't you get up and get dressed?"

She said dully: "I won't go, you can go by yourself."

Huo Ting approached her deeply: "this is what you proposed to go down."

Warm eyes lowered, "Since Miss Ye came by herself, she must have come to find you. What should I do?"

He leaned closer to her, smiled dotingly, and went to pull her: "Don't steal the jealousy, get up quickly."

She ducked to the side and said impatiently, "Don't always say that I'm jealous, I'm not jealous, and it's not that I don't know. You and Miss Ye met first, so why should I be jealous? I'm not, no."

Why is she jealous, she won't be jealous.

Huo Ting saw that she was a little angry, but he took off the clothes on her body, jumped on the bed again, and was about to get into her bed.

She quickly put her hands on her sides, covered the quilt and exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

"If you don't go, then I won't go either. Let's continue and let her wait downstairs."

Warm eyebrows; "can you stop being so boring, you know she's here to find you, what should I do with you? Anyway, I have to avoid it when I go, can't I choose not to go? "

"No, because you are my woman now, and there are guests at home. As the hostess, is it appropriate for you to hide on the bed and not show your face?"

She paused and looked at him, mistress?

"Also, if you don't want to avoid it, just say it directly. Lord is your person, so it's not you who has the final say?" He said calmly: "Choose, shall we continue lingering, or go together? I want to choose. former."

Warm and speechless, he gave him a white look: "the latter, get up and get dressed."

She sat up and picked up her clothes.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and got up.

The two came downstairs together. Ye wanluo was sitting on the sofa, staring at the financial channel that Huo tingshen opened before.

Hearing footsteps, she looked back.

Seeing Wenqing coming downstairs with Huo tingshen, her face was condensed, and then she showed a faint smile: "Miss Wen, you are here too."

"Well, I came back early today," pursed her lips tenderly.

Huo tingshen walked to the sofa with warmth and sat down.

Auntie brought some pastries and fruits.

None of the three moved, Ye wanluo said: "I just went to the company to find you, and Shaokang said that you had other activities in the afternoon and left early. He called and asked the driver, the driver said you were at home, so I came here. Well, just now... I didn't affect you."

"No, no, we just came back," said warmly and hurriedly.

Huo Ting knew very well what ye wanluo was trying to do, and he was too lazy to cover up, so he said, "it's not the right time."

He raised Erlang's legs and said, "Why did you come here alone? Where is my second brother?"

Ye wanluo lowered his eyes, with a hint of resentment in his tone: "can't I come here alone?"

"My second brother is inconvenient to move. You come out alone and leave him at home. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for him."

Ye wanluo bit his lip: "I'm not his nanny. Besides, there are so many people at home, why do I have to stay at home."

Seeing that ye wanluo was a little excited, he gave Huo Ting a deep look and said, "Miss Ye, have you had dinner?"

Ye wanluo looked at the warmth, and spoke a lot softer: "not yet."

"That's right, we didn't eat it either," she said, pointing to the dining table. "I just cooked myself and made a few side dishes. If you don't dislike it, you can have a light meal with us."

Ye wanluo smiled at Wen Qing and nodded: "OK, I've heard for a long time that Miss Wen is very good at cooking. The last time we had barbecue together, you said that it was not a cooking skill. This time, I was finally lucky enough to taste it."

The two women walked to the dining table together. Huo Ting looked at them deeply and was unhappy.

He got up and came to the table.

Because of the lingering upstairs just now, he has almost forgotten about the jumping incident that happened in the school this afternoon.

As a result, seeing these four dishes, Huo tingshen gave him another tender glance.

Seeing his eyes, he said to ye wanluo tenderly, "maybe it's a little cold, or let me warm it up."

Huo tingshen sat down on the side of warmth: "don't need to be hot or cold, just eat it like this."

Ye wanluo looked at the dishes on the table, pursed his lips and said, "this dish is so light, it's like it was prepared for me."

He grabbed: "This is what she prepared for me."

Ye wanluo was embarrassed: "how can you be like a child? I'll just say that, no one will rob you."

Huo Ting was calm and raised his eyebrows: "what's wrong with my second brother?"

Wondering warmly, how did he know that ye wanluo must be having trouble with the second master?

Ye wanluo bit her lip and said nothing. She just looked at Wen Qing and said, "Miss Wen, recently I don't really want to go home and live. Can I stay with you for a few days. "

It's tender and embarrassing. Why do you ask her? This home is not hers.

Huo Ting said: "no, she can't control this."

She squinted at him tenderly, although in her heart, this house is indeed not hers, but just upstairs, who said she was the hostess of this house.

This hypocritical Huo tingshen has one set face to face and one set behind his back.

Is he in such a hurry to clear his relationship with her in front of ye wanluo?

Ye wanluo raised her eyes: "why can't Miss Wen be the master? Isn't she your girlfriend? You live together, why can't she be the master? "

Warmth also turned to look at him.

She wanted to see how he planned to round up his words.

Huo Ting's deep face was as calm as usual: "it's good that she is my woman. We live together. She has a say in everything in our small family. But she can't control your affairs because she is not your guardian. , You have to ask my second brother about this, if my second brother agrees, I will let Butler Tong arrange someone to help you clean up your apartment."

Warm and confused, it turns out that this is what he meant.

She looked away and continued to eat.

If the answer is good, she doesn't need to tell ye wanluo if she wants to take her in.

It is said that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Although she is not the hostess of this family, but after living here for a long time, there will be another same-sex in the family. This same-sex is the sweetheart that Huo Ting has longed for day and night. The warmth will really feel awkward.

Of course, if she lives in her own villa, she doesn't care. After all, she is not under one roof, so there will be no pressure.

Ye wanluo is a little disappointed: "I can make decisions about my own affairs, and I don't need him to decide for me."

"It doesn't matter if you say it, I don't want to annoy my second brother because of this."

Ye wanluo bit her lips and lowered her eyes: "in short, I won't go back. If you don't take me in, then I'll go to the hotel."

Huo Ting looked at her deeply, "how did my second brother offend you?"

"Don't ask, you know, I'm not a person who likes to make trouble without reason. I'm in a bad mood right now, and I really need to calm down."

Huo Ting looked at Butler Tong deeply: "send someone to the second master to clean up the bedrooms of the second master and the second lady."

"Okay, third master, I'll make arrangements now."

Ye wanluo is a little unhappy: "I don't want to live in such an empty place alone."

I took a bite of the dish tenderly without making a sound.

She understands what ye wanluo means, but it is impossible for Huo tingshen not to understand.

"Then ask Tingren if it is inconvenient to lend you a room. If he can't do it there, you can only live by yourself or go home. You will feel embarrassed living with me.

After all, you know all the things between men and women. I don't want to go back to my in-law's house because you and my second brother quarreled. Just because of your emotions, you have to be careful when making out with your girlfriend at night. "

With a warm face, he reached out and patted his arm, staring at him: "what are you talking about."

"I'm analyzing the facts, and I'm saying this so that she can reasonably avoid embarrassment."

After listening to the two of them, ye wanluo said, "tingshen, you misunderstood me. I want to say... can you lend me Miss Wen for a few days and let her accompany me there. "

"No, I'm used to someone sleeping beside me. If you take her away, I won't get used to it," Huo tingshen said, picking up chopsticks to eat.

Ye wanluo bit the corner of his lips and lowered his eyes, feeling even worse.

Ting Shen has really changed.

In the past, in order to anger her, Tingshen also brought women to appear in front of her, and spoke ambiguous love and dirty words to those women in a high-profile manner.

But at that time, in his eyes, there was no feeling for those women at all.

She knows him, so she can understand.

But now, he looks at his warm eyes, as if they will glow.

This is what scares her the most.

Ting Shen is no longer the man who tortured himself in order to make her feel at ease and happy.

She... really lost him, why does my heart hurt so much.