
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

Chapter 1 Not for Sale

"Well..." The pain under her body made Wen Qing open her eyes from her coma.

It was dark in the room and I couldn't see my fingers.

She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he caused her.

She pushed the opponent hard, but it was useless as if her fist hit the cotton.

She couldn't cry out, she could only pray in her heart and stop now.

The man's action made her faint again.

When I woke up again, it was already dawn outside.

She opened her eyes tenderly, looked at the unfamiliar room, and the charming picture from last night appeared in her mind.

She sat up suddenly, only to feel a sharp pain under her body.

Getting out of bed, she clenched her fists when she saw the little red flower on the sheet.

not a dream...

The bathroom door opens.

A man came out of the bathroom.

When she saw the other person's face clearly, she fell down on the bed, looking terrified, how could it be him.

The man only had a bath towel wrapped around his lower body, glanced at him, and said naturally and lazily, "Awake?"

He swallowed tenderly, nervously, and stood up laboriously: "Huo Mr. Huo."

The man wiped the water droplets on his hair naturally: "If you have something to say, I'll talk about it later, and go wash it first."

Warm drooping eyes: "no need, I I have something to do. I have to go first. "

"Mr. Wen, don't you need to explain what happened last night?"

Warm face flushed, what else do I need to explain about this kind of thing?

Could it be that she made a report to him that she drank too much and didn't know what happened?

He breathed tenderly, raised his head, and looked at Huo tingshen: "Mr. Huo, I'm very clean, and I don't have that kind of disease, and I don't think there was anything wrong with Mr. Huo last night, so can this matter be treated as such? Didn't it happen?"

In fact, she seemed to be righteous, but the last sentence was very cowardly.

"I know you're clean, after all, I've tested it myself."

The warm face is slightly red. I don't need to say it if I know it. It's embarrassing.

"The explanation I said was just to ask you, what do you need me to do for you, I don't think you would want me to send you a check."

"I don't need anything. I just hope that Mr. Huo can keep this matter a secret."

"That's all?"

"Well," replied warmly and earnestly.

Huo Ting raised his beautiful eyebrows, looked at the slender girl in front of him, and finally nodded expressionlessly.

Warmly grabbed clothes and bags, and quickly left the hotel room.

The corners of Huo Ting's deep lips are raised evilly.

This woman is... interesting.

There is only one thought in the tender heart, and immediately leave Huo tingshen's side.

In Beicheng, the 27-year-old president of Emperor Hui Group, Huo tingshen, represents power, wealth and... danger.

Legend has it that in order to take the position of the president of the God Emblem Group, he did not hesitate to kill his eldest brother and maim his second brother, and finally succeeded in ascending the throne.

If it is said that there is a person, he must not dare to think about it with warmth, and he will never dare to covet.

That person must be the third master Huo in front of him.

Because the Emperor Hui Group is the nemesis of the Bai Group.

And she, in this life, doesn't want to have any intersection with Bai anymore.

After leaving the hotel, she slapped herself.

"You're crazy, two-legged toads are easier to find than Huo Ting, why are you..."

If someone from the Bai family knew about this, she shook her head, she really didn't want to think about the consequences.

The phone rang at this time.

She took it out and took a look. It was Huo tingshen who called.

She twitched her fingers twice, and this was the first time his number had appeared on her phone screen.

Why is he calling himself?

Do you feel guilty if you don't answer the phone?

When the phone ringing was about to end, she picked up the phone: "Mr. Huo."

"As compensation for taking away your first night, I promise you a condition that at any time, you can ask me to do one thing for you, except to make me fall in love with you."

I was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly, "Mr. Huo, I think you misunderstood. I didn't sell it."

Huo Ting frowned deeply.

He said warmly: "so I don't need to exchange my first night for any conditions. In addition, I am officially resigning to you. From today, I will be busy with my graduation thesis, and I may not be able to make up for your brother. We will not meet again in the future, so I am here to wish you a prosperous business and a happy life in the future. Goodbye."

After she finished speaking to herself, she hung up the phone directly.

On the other end of the phone, Huo Ting raised the corner of his mouth.

no goodbye?

Is this woman despising him?

Oh, when will it be her turn to have the final say?

He moved the phone away from his ear and stared at the screen with the busy tone inside.

Dare to hang up my phone, tender, you are the first.

Warmly stretched her legs and wanted to run away from this villa area that was incompatible with her.

But after just one step, she almost fell.

Damn it, what way did Huo tingshen torture her last night?

It's... too painful.

In the afternoon, she received a call from the principal.

After that, she came to the principal's office with a heavy face.

The principal wore a decent lady's dress and looked at the slender warmth.

"Wenqing, I know you are a talented girl and very smart, but our Gao family will not accept an orphan as a daughter-in-law, so I will ask you one last time, whether to choose our family silently and lose your job. Or give up Silent, stay at school."

There were no waves in the warm eyes, and almost at the same time as the principal's voice fell, he said, "I'm not an orphan."

"But for us, it makes no difference."

She clenched her fists. Anyway, her mother was gone. Being an orphan is better than being the illegitimate daughter of the Bai family, isn't it?

Without any thought, she said, "I choose to stay in school."

Lin Youle was very surprised at the warm answer this time.

This is different from her previous answer three times.

"You don't regret getting a job, do you."

"If Principal Lin is afraid that I will go back on it, I can write you an agreement now, and I will break up with Gao Muran."

"Okay, very good. In the past two years, I have given you enough face, and I have never come forward to break up you and Muran, but now that you are graduating, Muran also has its own way to go, so from now on, I hope You can remember your own words."

"I will."

When I came out of the office building tenderly, I found out that it had been raining heavily outside.

She rushed into the rain curtain and ran wildly all the way.

She still has to rush to do tutoring, her boyfriend is gone, and the Huo family's job is gone, she can't lose another opportunity now.

When I ran to the school gate, a familiar car stopped in front of me.

The door opened, and a couple of 'lovers' stepped out.

A man holds an umbrella for a woman...

Warm footsteps stagnate.

She was going to turn around and dodge, but the girl suddenly called out to her.


The girl ran to her from under the umbrella, stepped forward and held her hand tightly.

"Tenderness, I'm sorry, it's my fault. Hit me and scold me."

Behind him, the man stepped forward quickly and propped the umbrella over the heads of the two girls.

He looked at Wen Qing with guilt on his face: "warm, I really don't know what happened yesterday, I..."

Looking at the two people in front of them tenderly, they couldn't help crying and laughing.

This storyline is really old-fashioned.

She thought it would only appear in dog blood novels.

One of them is her boyfriend and the other is a friend of her dorm room.

The tragic result was that they carried her behind their backs, rolled the sheets together, and was caught raped on the bed by her, so she would get drunk.

The warmth ignored the girl, but looked at Gao Muran with a cold face: "Gao Muran, do you know why I chose you as my boyfriend from among the many suitors?"

To be continued...