
Dominating The Underworld With My Criminal System

Nathan De Zara is a child that was born into a mafia family. His father was the Boss of a major criminal organization and lived a luxurious life. Nathan inspired by his father decided to study diligently and follow his father in hopes of taking over the position and living his life luxuriously. However his dreams end up shattering when the rival 5 organizations decide to ally and eliminate the forever rising Zara family. Nathan gets betrayed by his own family and eventually dies. However this isn't the end for him. Suddenly he gets reincarnated with a criminal system! Watch how Nathan takes over the underworld and dominates the world! ----- 1-2 chapters everyday depending on how busy I am. Every 20 Power Stones = 1+ Chapter!

VanTan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Preparing and gathering information

The next day Nathan woke up with the feeling of a frail body not being able to do a physical activity.

Today was important for him as he would organize all of his thoughts and start a training routine to prepare himself for the future. If he wanted to create a well-known organization the hierarchy could not be broken no matter what.

In his former life, he studied a lot about fitness and nutrition as a hobby and he finally had the chance to implement it. His father Michael thought of training as a waste of time since a bullet can end a human's life no matter what. But it's different now since the awakened have appeared.

From the information Nathan gathered on the internet, a large population of young teenagers would get more fitness classes to start training in order to prepare themselves for the first awakening.

A weak body would not be able to tolerate all of the Mana inside of it and you'd be a running potato in the dungeons.

He decided to do a simple Upper body and lower body training split to get more rest in the week. He would primarily do push-ups, dips, and pull-ups for the upper body. And for the lower some squats and runs.

Nathan progressed faster than normal humans since his systems gave him daily quests.


[Daily Quest!]

Complete your training session!

1 Strength, 1 Agility, 1 Stamina, 1 Endurance.


Nathan still needed to experiment more with the system and its mechanics however that would be for the future. By gaining 1 stat point of every stat he progressed quite quickly and soon found himself healthy.


"Alright Mom, I'll go for a run now!" He shouted as he put his shoes on.

"Okay, be safe baby!" She replied.

The last few weeks proved well for Nathan. He managed to get every stat up to 25 points and finally looked like a normal human being. With his past self looking like a literal skeleton it was quite the difference. Nathan also noticed that he was quite handsome. He had well-defined cheekbones, plump lips, a nose with a sort of high arch, and thick eyebrows.

10 days later...

Nathan was doing his average routine and completed the daily quest with ease. It had been 30 days now and he finally got a notification from the system.


[Completed 30 daily quests (tutorial)]

Initializing system update...


The system has been updated, please check out the new features!


Nathan was almost giving up on his system after not hearing a word from it, aside from daily quests it had no other features other than showing his stats.



Unlocked Lv.1 Summoning and Shop!


Nathan stared at the notification with excitement. Finally, he could his his system to help him. However he first of all had to check out the new features!

"Let's check out the summoning skill first, please tell me I can summon something helpful.." He thought and opened the new section in his interface called "Skills".

"There it is.. let's read the description" He murmured to himself and pressed on the skill.


[Level 1 Summoning]

Description: 90% chance to summon a henchman.

10% Chance: Unknown

Requirement: 5 F- Mana stones

Summons: 0


- Locked

- Locked

- Locked

- Locked


"Fucking hell... this might be the best ability ever! I can summon people? That's crazy.." Nathan exclaimed in his room after seeing the ability.

Now he didn't need to prove himself to gain subordinates. Also he wouldn't need to gain favor and risk possible conflicts. This was the best ability a startup criminal organization could ask for.

But.. there was a problem, he needed 5 Mana stones to summon one and he had no way to get one.

Mana stones are obtained by killing monsters and are a 50% drop chance. They also vary in rarity like common to rare and so on.

However Nathan wasn't finished yet, he stil had the shop to check out. And he did.




Level 1 Gun: Kel-Tec P11 (3 F- Mana stones)

Level 2 Gun: Locked.

Level 3 Gun: Locked

Rifles: Locked..

Armor/Accessories: Locked...

Vehicles: Locked....


"...." Nathan was so speechless he had no words. The shop is by far one of the best things in his system.

Nathan now did not have to worry about smuggling firearms or simply buying them from the darkweb. Sure he lived in America but the gun laws have turned stricter and the border to Mexico has been heavily fortified.

A big headache Nathan had has been removed this early. Now he could avoid leaving evidence with other organizations and not risk losing weapons in the smuggling process. He could also be self sustainable as long as he had Mana stones.

"What a great day!" Nathan said and started laughing with joy. He had big plans for the future and now he could finally begin.

"Nathan come to the kitchen!" Angelica shouted while dusting the shelves.

He closed the system and quickly went to her.

"Nathan, you will be starting high school in August so get ready! It's a private one called Rosewood High School" She said to her son and continued dusting the surrounding area.

"Alright, I'll check on it" He replied and went back to his room.

"Highschool huh, should be fun I guess" Nathan thought and didn't care much.

He was home schooled in his past life due to the conflicts of his family and how his identity was so public. He looked at high school as a simple educational facility but would be very wrong.

Most mafias aren't really fond of 100% privacy therefore leaking the bosses identities. Also mafias are families so they are majorly different to the criminal organization Nathan is seeking for.

Chapter might have been a bit confusing but hopefully you guys enjoyed

VanTancreators' thoughts