
Does every thing stay the same ?

Ava is an average height girl,she has long curly brunette hair ; She recently moved to California .She had a perfect life , good grades , loyal friends and the best school , Until she changed her location and met new people. Will her life still be perfect..........

babyale_09 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Ava's POV:

The gentle warmth of the morning sun caressed my face, coaxing me out of a dream-filled slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I reluctantly abandoned the cozy embrace of my bed. With a sigh, I wandered into the bathroom, where the mirror revealed a disheveled version of myself, a semblance of someone who had spent years in the heart of a forest. "Oh my stars, I look like a witch!" I exclaimed in dismay. It seemed my unruly hair had a nightly rendezvous with chaos.

Determined to shake off the woodland aesthetic, I surrendered to the comforting cascade of the shower. The warm water danced across my skin, chasing away the last traces of sleep. After a thorough scrub and a meticulous teeth-brushing session, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel, ready to confront the challenge of choosing an outfit.

"Now, let the quest for the perfect outfit begin," I muttered under my breath, casting my eyes over the contents of my closet. After what felt like an eternity, I emerged victorious, triumphant with a sense of accomplishment. "Finally!" I celebrated with an excited tone.

Adorning myself in ripped mom jeans, a chic black long-sleeve crop top, and crisp white sneakers, I marveled at the transformation in the mirror. A touch of makeup, delicately enhancing my features, completed the metamorphosis. Satisfied, I descended the stairs, a radiant smile adorning my face.

As I approached the kitchen, a delightful aroma greeted me. To my surprise, Josh was busy orchestrating a symphony of sizzling pans and savory scents. "What?" he inquired, still focused on his culinary masterpiece. "Nothing, just pleasantly surprised to find you in the kitchen. You're evolving from a douchebag to a gentleman, it seems," I teased.

"Oh, really?" he chuckled, the corners of his lips curling into a playful smile.

A few minutes later, after relishing the delectable breakfast prepared by my brother, I reminded Josh of our impending tardiness. We hastily made our way to school, and as we reached Josh's red Toyota Prius, he gallantly opened the car door for me. "Does the gentleman character switch on and off?" I quizzed.

"Maybe, I don't know," he responded with a shrug, and with that, we embarked on our journey to school.

During the drive, my phone buzzed, and Madi's name illuminated the screen. Answering with a smile, I assured her I was en route. She couldn't resist a playful jab at Jake's gentlemanly aspirations, to which I defended his potential transformation. As we exchanged affectionate goodbyes, the anticipation of the day ahead bubbled within me.

**At School**

As I stepped out of Josh's car, the vibrant atmosphere of the school courtyard embraced me. Maddi, with her infectious energy, sprinted towards me, arms wide open, enveloping me in a teddy bear hug. "I missed you so much," she declared, to which I couldn't help but chuckle, "But we saw each other yesterday, and you just called me today."

"I know," she responded with a playful smile, and together, we entered the school . The hallways buzzed with chatter as we made our way to class, my mind occupied with what the day might hold for me.

However, fate had other plans. In an unfortunate turn of events, I tripped, and as Maddi looked back, her eyes widened with surprise. Of all the people in the world, it had to be Amber, the queen of drama. I motioned to Maddi to keep moving, relieved that this time she agreed without a fight.

Just as we were about to escape, Amber couldn't resist throwing a parting shot. "Are you blind or something?" she jeered, igniting the fire in Maddi's eyes.

"If you hit her, we'll get detention, so please don't hit her. Let's just mock her and go," I pleaded, giving Maddi my best puppy-dog eyes. Falling for the charm, she smirked and retorted, "Why? Can't you see if she's blind or not?"

Amber stammered, caught off guard, and Maddi seized the moment with a snappy comeback, "Well, what cat got your tongue?" We left her speechless and continued our journey to class, late but victorious.

As we walked, I couldn't help but ask Maddi about her newfound verbal prowess. "Where did you learn that from?" I inquired. With a nonchalant shrug, she replied, "I don't know; it was the first thing that came out of my mouth." Lost in my thoughts, I followed her as if we were strolling down a red carpet, completely unaware of when we arrived at our classroom.

For the first time, Maddi had chosen words over brawls, and I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, today would turn out to be a great day after all.

Realizing I was late for class, I decided to sneak in, hoping to avoid any commotion. But just as I was about to settle into my seat, time seemed to freeze when the teacher, Miss Rose, turned back to address the tardy arrival.

"Ha, Miss Ava, late to class again. What happened this time?" she queried, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"My brother took a lot of time to get ready. I'm sorry for being late," I explained, hoping for mercy.

"Take a seat, then," Miss Rose gestured, allowing me to blend into the routine of the classroom. The class unfolded, a mix of questions, a surprise quiz, and the satisfaction of a commendable 98%. The bell rang, signaling the transition to the next class.

As I navigated the hallway, engrossed in my phone, I collided with Blake. Books scattered, and as I bent down to pick them up, Blake extended a helping hand. Grateful, I uttered a nervous "Thank you," only to find myself mesmerized by his presence. Clear as the oceans, a perfect jawline, and lips so smooth – in that moment, I couldn't deny the flutter in my heart. Perhaps love at first sight wasn't just a tale from Wattpad; perhaps it was happening to me. "Your welcome. What's your name?" he asked, and suddenly, the Blake had taken an interest in knowing mine.

"Um, my name is Ava," I replied to his question, a flutter of nerves dancing in my stomach.

"Wait, are you Josh's sister? He's mentioned you twice, but he never showed you to us," he said, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Well, maybe he's too protective," I murmured under my breath, hoping he wouldn't catch it.

"What was that?" he asked, leaning in.

"Oh, nothing," I said, brushing it off with a casual smile.

"So... well, maybe do you want to go with me to this party tonight?" he asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. However, conflicting priorities stood in the way of my immediate agreement.

"Sorry, I can't go with you. I have something to do," I answered with a regretful tone, witnessing a sudden shift in his expression.

"Okay, well, bye then," he said, a tinge of disappointment evident as he walked away.

"Bye," I mumbled under my breath, watching a potential friendship with Blake slip through my fingers.

During lunch, my goal was to join Maddi, but a subtle signal from Josh suggested otherwise. Defying my brother's unspoken warning, I sat with Maddi and a guy named Luke, introduced as Maddi's nephew.

"Hi Ava, this is my nephew Luke. He came to visit, and it's his first time here," Maddi said, initiating the introductions. We exchanged greetings, waves, and smiles, though I had an inkling that my smile might have unintended consequences.

Suddenly, the scent of my brother's cologne invaded the air, and there he was, sitting beside me. I shot him a look that screamed, "What the hell?" Maddi echoed my confusion.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Maddi whispered to me.

"Don't you get it? He's being the overprotective brother," I whispered back, rolling my eyes.

Jake, with his "gentleman" demeanor, crashed into our table, dampening the mood. "Thanks for killing the fun," I scolded him, shooting a death glare.

"That's my job. Gentlemen don't like fun," he retorted, disrupting the laughter.

Josh interrupted, demanding an explanation from Luke. I was about to clarify when Josh cut me off, expressing his distrust in Maddi and me.

"My name is Luke, and I'm Maddi's nephew. I just moved here," Luke explained, skillfully avoiding any complications. Josh, despite his skepticism, got interrupted by a call, revealing the unpredictability of his "gentleman" behavior.

Three minutes later, Josh returned, announcing the need to leave. Confused, I complied, waving goodbye to Maddi and Luke, wondering what had prompted this abrupt departure.

Riding in Josh's car, the speedometer breaking the limits, I couldn't help but voice my concern. "You think we will crash?" Jake teased, and I responded with a skeptical duh.

Josh scolded me, claiming I was distracting him, and I chose life over banter. Arriving home, I noticed my parents' cars, lifting my spirits.

Jumping out of the car, I accidentally slammed the door, earning a protest from Jake. Ignoring him, I entered the house, shouting, "MUM, DAD!" Their surprised faces turned toward me, and I enveloped them in a massive hug.

"We missed you so much, darling," my mum said, and I reciprocated the sentiment.

Amidst the joy, Josh entered, expecting to spoil the moment, but instead, he looked genuinely sad. Claiming we didn't miss him, I approached and hugged him, affirming, "I will always love you because you're my brother."

"Aww, thank you," he replied, revealing a rare, tender moment in the midst of sibling banter.