
Doctor Who - Season 17

The Fourteenth Doctor and Kathy face their last days together, new faces join alongside a new Doctor, and a deadly mystery spreads around the universe.

Thomas016 · TV
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22 Chs

Special Episode 1 - Creation of The Robots

Cameras flash as a man stands on a stage in front of hundreds of people.

A poster with the man on is behind the man on stage, and the name 'Martin' is on the poster.

Martin stands there and says "hello, my name is Martin Mecha, for over two hundred years, our planet has faced some dire circumstances, whether it's from pollution, global warming, or viruses. But today! I unveil something that Mecha Industries have been building for over twenty years!".

Everyone in the audience starts to clap.

Martin smiles "we've built the future, robots that can colonise planets! No more does humanity have to fear, because they're now here, to save humanity".

Martin steps back and looks over at a woman and says "Theresa, do it".

Theresa smiles and walks over a massive object that is on stage but is covered by a cloth.

Theresa then pulls off the cloth.

Martin then says "we greet to the world...The Mechanoids".

A Mechanoid sits on the stage, a large spherical robot.

Martin then says "let's make a Mecha world".

(Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

The Tardis starts to materialise in the middle of a park.

The Tardis' denim blue colour shines through as it lands.

The Doctor steps out of the Tardis and says "perfect!".

Kathy walks out behind him and says "what is?".

The Doctor says "twenty-three forty-six, over three hundred years in your future".

Kathy says "this is amazing, what are we doing here then?".

The Doctor says "for a change, I just wanted a nice day out, no distress calls, nothing. Just a nice day out".

Kathy looks at him and says "that sounds good to me, especially after the day we had yesterday".

The Doctor sighs "oh come on, we only have to fight off seven-foot sharks with knives, what's wrong with that?".

Kathy stares at him.

The Doctor smiles "yeah I suppose we needed it".

Walking through the park together, Kathy says "things don't look too different from how Earth looks now".

The Doctor says "yeah, it's not all flying cars and robots, everything is practically the same".

Kathy says "anything fun to suggest for us to do?".

The Doctor starts to slow his walking down and he says "um, yeah-".

Kathy looks at a poster on a tree and says "what's wrong?".

The Doctor reads the poster and says "let's make a Mecha world".

Kathy turns her head looking at The Doctor and says "what's wrong? I know that face".

The Doctor says "Mecha, that name rings a bell".

A man then says "yeah, Mechanoids?".

The Doctor turns around and says "what did you say?".

Kathy stares in shock at the man "Alex?".

The Doctor looks at the man.

The man smiles "Alex? I'm Cole".

Kathy says "no, you look like-".

The Doctor says "Kathy? What's wrong?".

Kathy says "he looks like Alex".

The Doctor says "we're in the future, it's not him, maybe an ancestor?".

Kathy looks at Cole with tears in her eyes.

The Doctor says "anyway, you said Mechanoids?".

Cole nods "yeah, created by Mecha Industries, they're the future, so they say".

The Doctor says "don't suppose you could take me to this Mecha Industries?".

Cole nods "sure, come with me".

Kathy looks at Cole.

Inside Mecha Industries, Martin sits in his office smiling at a computer screen.

Theresa walks in and says "Martin? We've won over the States, they approve, and we have the go-ahead to start colonising".

Martin smiles at her "we did it, we've achieved everything we planned".

Theresa says "well, we start with Mars, then spread along other planets, preparing them for humanity".

Martin stands up and says "prepare everyone, tomorrow The Mechanoids are welcomed into space!".

Outside Mecha Industries, The Doctor says "well, thank you, Cole, we, uh we can take it from here".

Cole nods at him "yeah, no worries, see you".

Kathy stares at him "bye".

Kathy watches Cole walk away.

The Doctor says "right Kathy, come on".

The Doctor and Kathy enter Mecha Industries and they see a massive lobby room.

The Doctor walks over to the man sitting at the desk in the lobby.

The Doctor pulls his Psychic Paper out and says "John Smith and Kathy Yates, health and safety, can we talk to Martin please?".

The man stares at both The Doctor and Kathy, and the man then nods.

Martin sits in his office as The Doctor and Kathy enter the office.

Martin says "I wasn't told about any health and safety visits today, any reason that might be?".

The Doctor smiles "well if we didn't do surprise visits, then we wouldn't be able to catch you out, would we?".

Martin stares at The Doctor.

The Doctor then laughs "I'm only joking".

Martin smiles at The Doctor "listen, John Smith...I'm a busy man, I don't know if you've been watching the news, but I've made history today, I've created machines that can colonise other planets, The Mecha-".

The Doctor nods "Mechanoids? Yeah! I am very aware!".

Martin nods "well then, good day!".

The Doctor shakes his head "health and safety, I want to see these Mechanoids!".

Martin stares at The Doctor angrily and says "fine, Theresa will take you".

An elevator opens down in the basement, the basement is a huge warehouse.

The Doctor stares in shock as he steps inside the warehouse.

Kathy looks at over a hundred Mechanoids.

A Mechanoid turns around, looking at The Doctor, Kathy, and Theresa.

The Mechanoid says "how may I be of assistance?".

The Doctor stares at The Mechanoid and says "what?".

The Mechanoids says "how may I be of assi-".

The Doctor shouts "I know what you said! But I know what you are!"

Another Mechanoid says "we are The Mechanoids".

Kathy looks at The Doctor "are you okay?".

The Doctor glares at The Mechanoids.

Theresa stands in the corner of the room and says "right, you've seen them, you ready to go?".

The Doctor looks at Theresa and says "yeah".

Outside Mecha Industries, The Doctor looks at Kathy.

Kathy says "what now then?".

The Doctor shakes his head "I don't know, they aren't...they aren't what they were".

Kathy says "you've met them before?".

The Doctor nods at her "a long time ago, they're dangerous, they can beat the Daleks, and they are a bigger enemy to the Daleks than me".

Back upstairs, Martin sits in his office and looks at Theresa "do a check on them two people who came in earlier...check they are who they say they are".

Theresa nods at him.

The Doctor and Kathy sit in the park eating ice cream together.

Cole then walks past them and says "oh hey, did you find what you were looking for?".

The Doctor shakes his head "no, wasn't really anything we could do".

Kathy looks at Cole.

Cole's phone then chimes.

Cole checks his phone and says "oh wow".

Kathy says "what?".

Cole says "Mecha Industries! They've sent out some invitations to the first planet they're colonising, they want volunteers to go with The Mechanoids".

The Doctor looks at Kathy.

Kathy says "let's go then".

Cole says "you two are going?".

The Doctor says "we are".

Cole looks at them "I'll go with you".

Kathy says "why?".

Cole smiles "I have nothing here, no family, so why not".

Kathy nods at him.

Inside Mecha Industries, The Doctor stands with Cole and Kathy.

Martin looks at the three of them and says "John Smith? From health and safety, I'm surprised to see you here".

The Doctor nods "yeah, well...I wanted a change of jobs".

Martin nods at him "hmm".

Martin stands in front of the three of them and says "you three have been chosen, chosen to help prepare the future of humanity. You three will go with the Mechanoids to start colonising a new planet".

The Doctor says "what planet?".

Martin looks at him "a planet I call Mechanus, named after the Mechanoids of course!".

Martin says "let's get you to the ship that's going to take you there".

Outside, The Doctor looks over at the spaceship.

Kathy looks at The Doctor "what about the Tardis? If we're stuck on another planet how are we going to get back?".

The Doctor smiles "don't worry about that".

Inside the spaceship, The Doctor, Kathy, and Cole sit in chairs.

The Doctor sees Martin enter the spaceship and he says "you three are doing some great for the planet, witnessing the beginning of a whole new world, it's just a shame you won't be a part of the new world".

The Doctor says "excuse me?".

Martin smiles "my apologies John Smith, or should I say The Doctor!".

The Doctor stares in shock "how did you?".

Martin says "Theresa, she found your records from the UNIT archive, you should really do your research Doctor, I bought UNIT when it was up for sale a few years ago, I lead UNIT, how do you think I managed to commission a spaceship to another planet?".

The Doctor stares in shock.

Martin says "and good luck, we've powered a couple of the Mechanoids to...let's say...finish you off if you survive the trip to Mechanus".

Kathy says "you can't do this!".

Martin says "I can do anything I like Miss Yates! You know, you're not the first friend The Doctor's had, and you will not be the last".

The Doctor says "let us out, now!".

Martin says "I'm afraid not, off you go, enjoy the trip, Doctor".

The Doctor watches Martin leave the spaceship.

Suddenly, the spaceship begins to ascend into the sky.

Kathy looks around nervously.,

Cole says "I can't believe him! What are we going to do? Are we going to die?".

The Doctor says "we won't die! I'll get us out!".

In the sky, the spaceship flies higher and higher.

Inside the spaceship, gas starts to pour out from a small hole.

Kathy says "Doctor?".

The Doctor sniffs the air and says "oh, don't panic, it's just a little sleep toxin, they do it nowadays, because...the trip is so...long".

The Doctor looks around weakly and sees both Cole and Kathy knocked out from the gas.

The Doctor's eyes then close.

Coughing is heard coming from within the spaceship.

Cole opens his eyes and sees Kathy slowly waking up.

Kathy says "what happened?".

Cole says "no idea, your friend hasn't woken up yet".

Kathy looks at The Doctor and she shakes him.

The Doctor opens his eyes and says "oh, that gas, I always hate it".

Kathy says "you okay?".

The Doctor nods at her "I think so, have we landed?".

Kathy nods at him "yeah".

The Doctor opens a door, unleashing sunlight into the room.

The Doctor then steps outside, and he sees a huge field of flowers and trees.

Cole smiles "wow, it looks-".

Kathy says "neat".

The Doctor steps out of the shop and helps Kathy and Cole down.

Kathy says "how does it look so good?".

The Doctor shakes his head "not sure, maybe...it's been looked after".

Cole says "who by?".

The Doctor then turns around a corner, where he sees hundreds of Mechanoids, and they're building a city.

Kathy stares in shock "how have they built all of this?".

The Doctor says "there's more than one Martin said there'd be, unless-".

Cole says "he's sent Mechanoids into space before you know, but he said-".

The Doctor looks at Cole "what?".

Cole says "he said they fly into space in the ship, and they explode, if they've gone wrong, he sends them to be destroyed, because they fight back if you try and turn them off. But maybe-".

The Doctor looks at The Mechanoids "he sent them here to build a city".

A thud is heard from the sky.

The Doctor, Kathy, and Cole look up at the sky.

A golden sphere ship appears descending.

The Doctor shakes his head "no!".

A Dalek emerges from the ship and says "Exterminate! Exterminate, Exterminate!".

Also Starring:

Hugh Grant - Martin Mecha

Modupe Adeyeye - Theresa

Steven Cree - Cole

Next Time - War of The Mechanoids - As months have gone by, The Daleks have taken control of the Mechanoid city. The Doctor and his friends stand with The Mechanoids to try and save their planet. But as a war breaks out, The Doctor has to try and stop it from furthering.