
Doctor Who - Season 16

The Doctor fights to save his past from being eaten.

Thomas016 · TV
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46 Chs

Episode 7 - The Auton Plot

Whooshing is head coming from within the console room.

The Doctor watches the time rotor moving up and down.

Kathy walks over to The Doctor and says "so? Where are we headed?" The Doctor then says "well, I thought I'd treat you, the last few days have been a little crazy, we can't go back to present Earth, but how about the Victorian times? Eighteen-hundreds?" Kathy then smiles "sounds awesome!" The Doctor smiles at her.

The Tardis starts to land in England.

The Doctor and Kathy walk outside and The Doctor smiles and sniffs the air "I did pretty well actually, it's Eighteen-eighty seven" Kathy smiles "wow, it's amazing-".

Someone then bumps into Kathy, knocking her to the ground.

The Doctor looks at the person and says "hey, watch where you're walking".

As Kathy stands up, the person turns around, and the person wears a black cloak over their head.

The Doctor then says "who are you?".

The person pulls off the cloak, revealing Vastra, The Doctor then smiles "Vastra!" Vastra then says "well, isn't it a pleasure to see you again, old friend" The Doctor smiles at her.

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

The Doctor and Kathy walk into Vastra's home.

Kathy then watches Jenny and Strax walk over to them.

Jenny smiles "Doctor!" The Doctor nods at her "hey Jenny".

Strax then nods "hello again sir!".

The Doctor smiles "hey Strax".

Vastra walks into a room.

Kathy then looks at The Doctor and says "isn't he a Sontaran?" The Doctor nods at her "don't worry, he's a good one" Strax sighs "sir, I honor the Sontaran race, by standing by your side".

Vastra then walks back out holding a newspaper and she says "I spotted it yesterday, in fact, I was going to start investigating today" The Doctor then looks at the newspaper and he reads 'man attacked by shop work dummy'.

The Doctor stares at the newspaper and says "well, I already think I know what this is".

Walking outside together, The Doctor walks with Vastra.

Vastra then says "may I say, I'm pleased you've found someone" The Doctor then says "me and Kathy knew each other before, we bumped back into each other a little while ago, she's helping me with something, can I say, I'm glad you still remember me" Vastra stares at him "and why's that?" The Doctor then says "something's happening to my past, don't know what it is yet".

Arriving outside the shop, The Doctor looks up at a smashed window.

Kathy then steps over and she sees some policemen surrounding the area.

A Policeman then says "sorry ma'am, no civilians around here please".

Kathy then pulls her badge out and she says "Detective Kathy Yates".

The Policeman then nods "oh, my apologies".

Vastra turns to The Doctor and she says "your friend seems very useful" The Doctor smiles.

Walking inside the shop together, The Doctor looks around at wooden mannequins.

Kathy then turns around and she looks at The Doctor and says "you're telling me the mannequins can come to life? How the hell is that possible?" The Doctor then says "first off, stop calling them mannequins, they're called Autons...they're controlled by a being called the Nestene Consciousness, it can control them, use them as soldiers, or whatever it wants".

Jenny walks up to a mannequin and she stares at it "these don't seem like they're moving".

The Doctor then says "maybe these ones are duds" Vastra then says "is that possible?" The Doctor smirks "anything is possible nowadays" Strax looks at The Doctor and says "Doctor, would you like me to bomb the shop, I have plenty of grenades" The Doctor stares at Strax "no, I don't want you to bomb the shop Strax" Kathy then says "so, what're we looking for?" The Doctor looks at her and he says "right, a plan...we need one or this will take forever, Kathy you go with Strax to try and see if you can find the Nestene Consciousness, it uses buildings to set off signals, last time it used the London Eye, but it's not even been built yet, so have a look around, see if you can find anything" Kathy then nods "alright, come on Strax".

Vastra looks at The Doctor "what about us?" The Doctor then says "I wanna check a few more shops out, check to see if any of them could be Auton's".

Kathy and Strax walk together and Kathy says "so, you've all known The Doctor for a while then?" Strax looks at Kathy and says "a very long time, we've met many of his faces" Kathy stares at him "faces?" Strax smiles "you have much to learn my boy" Kathy says "I'm a girl" Strax then turns around and he says "oh, so you are" Kathy sighs and she says "what could be used in London at this point in time as a signal, there's not really a lot around here" Strax then says "I'm sure we'll find it my boy" Kathy then stares at him.

Ahead of Kathy and Strax, Big Ben stands up tall.

Walking into another shop, The Doctor starts to look around.

An older man behind the counter walks over to them and he says "may I help?" Vastra looks at the man and says "just browsing".

The Doctor looks at one of the mannequins and he says "how long have you had these for?" the man says "a little while, they're wearing out a bit, actually I got a brand new batch this morning" The Doctor turns around and he says "where are they?" the man points to behind Jenny. The man says "behind the girl, I've already put them out, I have a couple left outback".

Jenny looks at the mannequins behind her.

Kathy and Strax continue to walk the streets of London together.

Kathy says "where could it possibly be!" Strax says "boy, we're missing something big".

Kathy looks up at the sky and she says "maybe a spaceship?" Kathy starts to look down, where she then catches something with her eyes and says "oh".

Strax looks at Kathy "what is it, boy?" Kathy looks at Strax and says "the biggest building in London, and the most famous building in London?" Strax stares at Kathy until she then points over at Big Ben and says "BIG BEN! It's basically a massive beacon" Strax then smiles.

Inside the shop, the man stands watching The Doctor as he looks at one of the mannequins.

Vastra says "what usually triggers them?" The Doctor says "they can start moving whenever they want too" Jenny looks at the man and she says "have any of them moved?" the man stares at her "what? Of course not!".

Running into Big Ben, Kathy looks at some stairs and she starts to run up them with Strax.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Kathy then lays her eyes on a massive yellow creature.

Kathy stares in shock "oh my god".

The Nestene Consciousness then screeches.

Inside the shop, The Doctor then watches as the Auton's hand starts to twitch.

The Doctor steps back and he says "BACK!".

Vastra pulls her sword out and she says "they're waking up, how?" The Doctor shakes his head "I don't know" Jenny turns around seeing more of the Auton's inside the shop starting to move.

Kathy looks up and she sees an electrical pulse pushing up, and being set off at the top of Big Ben.

Kathy looks at Strax "we have to stop this thing, it's setting those creatures off, we stop this thing, we save the planet" Strax looks at her "what should we do boy?" Kathy stares at him.

Inside the shop, the man walks over to The Doctor, stepping in front of him and he says "either buy something or get out of my shop!" The Doctor says "move out of the way!".

The man turns around, he watches as The Auton looks up at, The Auton then points its hand, The man smiles "what are you going to do with that?" The Auton's hand then pushes a small gun out, The man then says "oh-". The Auton shoots the man.

The man falls to the floor, The Doctor then shouts "EVERYONE OUT!".

Two Auton's walk over to Kathy and Strax.

Kathy shouts "NO!".

Kathy and Strax are held by the two Autons.

The Nestene Consciousness then snarls "you smell of Arton Energy! You are a friend of The Doctor's!" Kathy nods at it and she says "yeah, I am!".

Running outside, The Doctor watches as The Autons smash out of the shops.

The Autons start to shoot people in the streets.

Vastra looks around and she swings her sword, cutting off one of the Auton's heads.

Jenny then swings her sword.

The Doctor looks over at Big Ben and he sees an electrical pulse emerging from it.

The Doctor says "over there! VASTRA! JENNY COME ON!".

Inside Big Ben, Kathy looks at Strax "you said you had grenades earlier?" Strax nods at her "yes?" Kathy nods at him "throw them, then run" Strax says "boy? That sounds dangerous!" Kathy stares at him "I thought Sontaran's liked to die in battle?" Strax sighs "I can't kill you, you're the Doctor's friend" Kathy smiles "how sweet, but shut up and throw them!".

Five Autons then step out onto the street, stopping The Doctor, Vastra, and Jenny.

The Doctor stares in shock.

Vastra turns around where more Autons surround them.

The Doctor watches as the guns come out of their hands.

The Doctor sighs "I didn't want to go like this".

Kathy looks at Strax "you ready?" Strax nods at her "yes boy...NOW!".

Kathy kicks her Auton towards the Nestene Consciousness, as does Strax.

Strax then pulls three grenades out and he throws them over to the Nestene Consciousness.

The Nestene Consciousness then screeches "NO!".

In the middle of the street, a massive explosion then goes off, causing the face of Big Ben to explode.

The Doctor watches the Autons around them then fall to the floor.

Vastra looks around the street and says "it's happening to all of them".

The Doctor looks up at Big Ben and he says "Kathy...KATHY!".

Jenny then holds Vastra's hand "Strax too".

Vastra then sighs "oh, Strax".

The Doctor stands looking up at Big Ben with tears in his eyes.

Vastra and Jenny stand looking up at it too.

Kathy and Strax then step out onto the street.

The Doctor then looks over and says "Kathy?" Kathy smiles "saveD you".

The Doctor runs over to Kathy and he hugs her "don't ever do that again!".

Strax walks over to Vastra and Jenny and says "sorry ma'am, I used my grenades" Vastra smiles at him "well, you are never having any ever again" Jenny smiles at Strax.

Kathy looks around at all the Autons on the floor twitching.

Kathy says "so, they're dead?" The Doctor nods at her "yeah, they're dead".

Kathy smiles "I saved the day" The Doctor hugs Kathy again "yes you did".

Walking together down the street, Vastra looks over at the Tardis and says "it's nice to see you've cleaned it up a bit" The Doctor nods "yeah, I did" Vastra smiles at The Doctor.

The Doctor then says "well, like always, until next time" Vastra nods at him "if there's a next time" The Doctor nods "of course there will be" Vastra says "Doctor, not everyone's time lasts forever" The Doctor stares at her "yeah, I know" Vastra nods at him.

The Doctor walks into the Tardis, Vastra then taps Kathy on the shoulder.

Kathy turns around and she says "yeah?" Vastra then says "listen to me, I don't know how this relationship started, but just be careful, I'm glad The Doctor has a friend now, but don't get lost" Kathy nods at Vastra "I'm only staying until we fix the planet" Vatsra nods at her "give him hell" Kathy smiles at her "already am" Vastra smiles at her "goodbye Kathy".

Kathy then walks into the Tardis.

Vastra, Jenny, and Strax stand watching the Tardis dematerialising.

Also Starring:

Neve McIntosh - Madame Vastra

Catrin Stewart - Jenny Flint

Dan Starkey - Commander Strax

Next Time:

Kathy stands outside Northdale Police Station.

Kathy then smiles "sorry Doctor, but I'm doing one quick case before I come back".

Kathy pulls out the Sonic Screwdriver and sonics the door open.

Kathy arrives at Harlow Block, a massive apartment building.

Kathy says "detective Yates, I'm here to check up on the disappearance of Martin Bail?".

Richard nods at her "well, Kathy Yates...you're not welcome anywhere near my place".

Kathy stares at Richard, but she then says "how do you know my name? I havent-".

Richard starts to laugh at her.

Richard starts to unzip his forehead, and a blue light flashes out, as his green head starts to emerge out, revealing a Slitheen.

Next Time - The Disappearance of Martin Bail - Back on Earth, Kathy Yates follows a case, one that seems very suspicious, she arrives at an apartment building where inhabitants are going missing, and as she stays the night, she soon discovers that some people are not who they seem.