
1-Unlucky Souls

Bored out of his wit, Leo had come out of his college dorm to roam and check out girls or anything to take his mind off his unaccomplished life. it was not that he was dumb just his effort doesn't seem to change the outcome even after his hard work, also he was lazy.

Now it might seem like a lazy boy complaining but it was just how everybody is.

just as he crossed an antique shop he lost consciousness.

As he woke up all around him was mixed rainbow color shimmering and just like him, many people were standing. They were not able to move also the were not able to speak anything.

as soon as he realized this he becomes alert and checked his own body. He realized that it was not like every day all the pain and misalignment vanished also his body felt like a complete whole, not as hands, feet, torso, head but complete one being he came to the realization that this was his soul, not his body then he suddenly took this chance to feel his soul and tried to hide his thought and shield himself. Doing this he realized that the situation was not good so he doubled his effort he was cautious by nature so he felt danger and followed his instinct and continued.

He could see the panic on the faces of others and he knew that this was not a good situation and felt a little scared as he was a normal kid with many dreams. as this went on for a long time more people began to appear by now there were thousands of people or souls this increaser the urgency to get complete control over his soul after a long time new souls addition stoped and it became still for a very long time.

As a soul, they were incapable of judging the time it was a single moment or eons gone it did not matter, but in this interval of time, Leo made progress as his control over his soul enhanced.so he did the most important thing he tried to shield his soul from outer influence in doing so he created a core of soul and didn't even realize it so his soul became protected though it was still weak.

Then suddenly a voice came to there mind, it gave a holy feeling to it but Leo became wary as his instinct gave him a warning."I'm a god in need of your help my 5 sons souls are injured so to heal them I summoned 500,000 souls so you can help them heal. to compensate you for your help with this matter,I will grant you a wish and a blessing so after the souls of my sons are headed I will grant them but I can only give you things from the world you want to go but I can't return you to your world but any other world is fine."

Then suddenly all souls were connected by some lines gathered at a point and started absorbing something from them and giving to the five golden orbs in the distant as Leo saw this he observed them and found that as the substance was absorbed from souls it was given to the five golden souls. While this happens the golden layer some time parted and a blood-colored soul was flashed

as soon as he saw this he looked around him to see if they have seen it or not but all of them seem to be dazed look in their eyes noticing this he strengthed his soul defense and found that he could use the lines to strengthen his soul and it was done by taking strength from other which was meant for thee 5 orbs that the god said were his 'sons'.

Of course, he was not going to belive that god, so he started to use what he can absorb to strength hid defence his core became more solid and his outer appearance hide his core and as he was doing this he found that he could enhance his instinct so he also started sharpening them by using the energy suddenly he sensed that if he only absorbed and does not give he will seem suspicious so

he started giving some of his soul energy too but what different was that as he has good control he gave his lazy habits and his laziness away so it seems as though he was giving his energy but he was taking this opportunity as getting rid of his lazy attitude and benefitting as this was happening he did not stop strengthening his soul defense and as he did this he also strength his comprehension and mostly his instinct.

Then it suddenly seems to stop as the five orbs vanished and souls seem to be more blurred than before so Leo also controlled his soul to look more blurred like others and also hide his soul-core. Now that it was done the said God started sending souls to their wishes. Now that they were only able to say their wishes some said them out loud and immediately vanished as soon as he heard the wishes his instinct flared and he knew that material wishes were ok but enhancement was harmful fatally so he now he also thinking of his wishes as he could not be last to avoid extra attention from the said 'God'.

He knew that he was not the only person to come to this conclusion so others also may have come to it, as this was his own decision.

Though from this encounter he gained some perks that nobody else gained on their own:

1-High Intelligence - not extremely high but much more than an average person.

2-High Comprehension.

3-Extreme Instinct - at first it only allowed him to sense danger now it also gave him the ability to know to get a fortune or good opportunity also increase his chances of survivability and roughly ability to sense or judge the person in his front.

4-Extreme soul duality - this gave him his soul core, it not only gave him soul defense also gave his soul a dual property to have automatically giving him an understanding of the thing opposite he has comprehended.

This was his gain but he was only aware of his soul defense and sharp instinct.

Thus all other souls were the unlucky souls to not gain anything from the soul formation done by the god.

just started writing,

don't be too harsh,

I hope you like it.

this is my first fanfiction,

and also the first time showing off my work.

BrainDeadPandacreators' thoughts