
Do You see us?

“Why don’t you just…obey.” The man asked, his voice sharp even with his accent. Malou paused and looked up at the man with his usual glare. “Because you aren’t worth obeying.”

EssentialMinds · Ação
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1 Chs

Beginning -1

"Do you see the target?" A voice asked through the buzzing earpiece that was gifted with the ability to hide. The question was simple but seemed to just piss off the already exhausted workers. Of course, they saw the target. They've been staring at the man for seven fucking hours as he paced back and forth trying to create an allusion of anxiousness.

A quiet laugh left the blonde man's mouth showing how dumb he found the question to be. There wasn't much you could expect from someone named Carl but he always seemed to surprise his coworkers. In an "I wish you would die" kinda way. The looks he would be receiving right now if he wasn't behind the computer were venomous enough to cause anyone to shiver. "Of course we see the man, Carl. Do you not understand that our whole mission was to watch him? Or are you too busy watching grandma porn on your work laptop to notice that?" Kai suddenly asked, his tone almost tricking Carl into thinking he found him somewhat favorable.

The line went quiet for a minute as Carl tried to understand what Kai had even said, due to his accent. He wasn't the brightest outside of computers and Kai wasn't the brightest in anything so he didn't feel the need to explain. "…Sooooo…does that mean you can see him?" He asked hesitantly really not understanding.

This dumbass was known to be a dumbass but it was still expected for Kai to lose his shit, resulting in him bursting out laughing. He already had women watching him from the beginning due to his cheeriness and handsome face. So when he began laughing loudly it caused a huge chunk of them to turn to him and stare.

That's when Malou had to intervene, they didn't need anyone else looking at them. So as any smart man would do he brought his hand up and slapped the shit out of the back of Kai's head making the dramatic man fall to the floor in "surrender ".

"We see the fucking target. And his acquaintance…we'll follow them back to the room, kidnap them, and leave them to the boss." Malou stated and grabbed the back of Kai's collar shaking him some.

"…Got it," Carl whispered, probably going back to his porn.